九州大学 研究者情報
冬野 美晴(ふゆの みはる) データ更新日:2024.04.15

准教授 /  芸術工学研究院 メディアデザイン部門 メディアデザインコース 文化・社会デザイン講座

1. 笠松真弓, 冬野美晴, 中学理科の実験を体験しながら学ぶ自習用シミュレーション教材の開発, 日本教育メディア学会研究会論集第56号, 44-50, 2024.03.
2. 中村勇輝,冬野美晴, ゲーミフィケーションを用いた習慣化支援アプリケーションの開発と検証, 第28回情報処理学会シンポジウムインタラクション2024, 621-626, 2024.03.
3. 王爽爽,冬野美晴,峯松信明, 日本語学習者が終助詞の適切な用法とイントネーションを学べるデジタル教材の開発と検証, 第28回情報処理学会シンポジウムインタラクション2024, 1465-1469, 2024.03.
4. 山下藍香, 佐藤克成, 冬野美晴, Hsin-Ni Ho, 遠隔ビデオ通話における振動フィードバックの共同作業感への影響, 第28回情報処理学会シンポジウムインタラクション2024, 1393-1396, 2024.03.
5. 王爽爽, 冬野美晴 , テレビドラマ台詞データベース構築による日本語の終助詞の考察-役割語と日本語教育の視点から-, 日本音声学会第37回全国大会予稿集, 184-189, 2023.09.
6. Fuyuno, M. & Blanco, L. M. C., AIによる英語スピーキングの即時評価システムを用いたCLIL科目の実践と学生からの評価, 外国語教育メディア学会第60回全国研究大会要項集, 116-117, 2023.08.
7. 藤村太樹, 吉村理一, @冬野美晴, 機械翻訳の精度向上を目的とした機械学習による日本語否定疑問文の命題認識の型分類, 第36回日本音声学会全国大会予稿集, 31-36, 2022.09.
8. Keiko Tsuchiya, Frank Coffey, Kyota Nakamura, Andrew Mackenzie, Sarah Atkins, Małgorzata Chałupnik, Alison Whitfield, Takuma Sakai, Stephen Timmons, Takeru Abe, Takeshi Saitoh, Akira Taneichi, Mike Vernon, David Crundall, Miharu Fuyuno, Action request episodes in trauma team interactions in Japan and the UK - A multimodal analysis of joint actions in medical simulation, Journal of Pragmatics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2022.04.009, 194, 101-118, 2022.05, Grounding is a fundamental human practice for cooperation and collaboration in a joint activity, when more than two people interact. Emergency care is one such interactive situation, and whether a trauma team can efficiently establish and increment their common ground at an appropriate timing during the complex and fluid activity of emergency medical treatment is key to maximise collective competence to best perform as a trauma team. This article investigates recurrent patterns in the grounding process between the trauma team leader and the members, comparing the practices between Japan and the UK, using an eye-tracking device. The embodied practice of grounding was multimodally described, applying both quantitative multimodal corpus analytic and qualitative interactional linguistic approaches. The analysis has shown that five grounding episodes reoccurred, most of which were more ego-centric and one of them ba-centric interactions, drawing on intersubjectivity and the theory of ba in Western and Eastern philosophy respectively..
9. Fuyuno, M., Development of 3D Computer Graphics Avatars for VR Communication Education System based on Gesture Unit Analysis, Proceedings of International Conference for Media in Education 2021, 303-308, 2021.08.
10. Blanco, L. M. C., Fuyuno, M., & Tomotari, M., Immersive 360-degree video as a medium for teacher-led VR material development, Proceedings of The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET) 60th Annual National Conference, 176-177, 2021.08.
11. 森部想水, 吉村理一, 冬野美晴, 自発的な英語学習におけるチャットボットの有効性:開発と検証実験, 外国語教育メディア学会第60回全国研究大会要項集, 116-117, 2021.08.
12. 大野幸久, 冬野美晴, 英語プレゼンテーション視聴時の学習者の視線解析:客観的指標の抽出, 外国語教育メディア学会第60回全国研究大会要項集, 96-97, 2021.08.
13. Naoya Kuwamura, Miharu Fuyuno, Riichi Yoshimura, Application of Gamification to Online Survey Forms: Development of Digital Template System “Bingo Survey” and Evaluation, NICOINT 2021, 10.1109/NICOINT52941.2021.00019, 62-69, 2021.07.
14. 光安 莉穂, 冬野 美晴, 吉村 理一, 文字のフォントと配置の組み合わせによる画像の主観評価に関する研究, 芸術科学会NICOGRAPH2020, NICOGRAPH2020, 感性とデザイン, 102-105, 2020.11.
15. Kaito Yamamoto, Kyosuke Hamasaki, Laura Maria Cortes Blanco, Miharu Fuyuno, Examination of Two Types of Visual Information Emphasis Methods: Towards Effective Presentation, Proceedings of International Conference for Media in Education 2020, 156-158, 2020.08.
16. Laura Maria Cortes Blanco, Miharu Fuyuno, Immersive video materials for standardized English-speaking tests: Development and ongoing application, Proceedings of International Conference for Media in Education 2020, 213-220, 2020.08.
17. Miharu Fuyuno, Development and Evaluation of 360-degree VR Training System for English Public Speaking: Cross-analysis with Participants' Proficiency, Proceedings of International Conference for Media in Education 2020, 179-186, 2020.08.
18. 冬野美晴, グループチャットツールとウェブ会議システムを組み合わせた遠隔指導の実践と考察, 日本教育メディア学会研究会論集, 49, 1-6, 2020.07.
19. Fuyuno, M., Saitoh, T., Yamashita, Y., & Yokomori, D. , Gaze-Point Analysis of EFL Learners while Watching English Presentations: Toward Effective Teaching, International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, 14, 1, 1-12, 2020.06.
20. 冬野美晴, 山下友子, 360度没入体感型バーチャルリアリティ技術を用いた英語パブリックスピーキング練習用システムの開発, LET-KO Bulletin, 20, 11-25, Vol. 20, pp.11-25, 2020.03.
21. 冬野美晴, 山下友子, 齊藤剛史, 横森大輔, 英語プレゼンテーション動画視聴時の日本人英語学習者の注視点解析, 日本教育メディア学会年次大会発表集録, 127-128, pp. 127-128, 2019.11.
22. Laura Maria Cortes Blanco, Miharu Fuyuno,, El proceso de diseño y desarrollo de materiales interactivos para la enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE): Estudio desde la perspectiva del docente, Cuadernos CANELA, 30, 99-120, 2019.09, [URL].
23. 伊藤新, 冬野美晴, 女性アニメキャラクターにおける顔のパーツの形状・配置の差異が印象に及ぼす影響, 芸術科学会NICOGRAPH2018, NICOGRAPH2018, 感性(Full paper), 1-8, 2018.11.
24. 冬野美晴, 遠隔教育におけるテレプレゼンスツールの比較実験:英語授業でのテレプレゼンスロボット使用検証, 言語科学, 53, 47-53, 2018.03.
25. Fuyuno, M., Komiya, R., and Saitoh, T., Multimodal analysis of public speaking performance by EFL learners: Applying deep learning to understanding how successful speakers use facial movement, The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4, 3, 2018.03, Although multimodal corpus analysis has been widely practiced in the field of applied linguistics, few studies have investigated performance of English public speaking by EFL learners. Needs for effective public speaking are fundamental in the globalizing society; however, performing public speaking in English is challenging for EFL learners, and objective analysis on factors of eye contact and speech pauses still remain few though such information is crucial in efficient teaching. This study analyses public speaking performance by EFL learners based on data from a multimodal corpus. Data were collected in an annual speech contest at a Japanese high school. Speakers presented English speeches to an audience and judges. The data consist of video and digital audio recordings of performance, as well as speech scripts and evaluation scores by contest judges. Characteristics of speakers’ facial movement patterns in regard to spoken contents and the correlation between facial movements and eye movements were examined. Facial and eye movements were detected with motion tracking and the deep learning method. The results indicated that facial direction changes were not synchronized with speech pauses among highly evaluated speakers. Furthermore, the facial direction changes tended to be synchronized with content words in the spoken utterance rather than function words..
26. Fuyuno, M., Yamashita, Y., Nakajima, Y., The effect of virtual eyes on psychological nervousness of public speakers, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics 128-131, 128-131, 2017.11.
27. 小宮凛子, ワラポン・チンサティ, 齊藤剛史, 冬野美晴, スピーチ指導のための映像情報を用いた話者の顔解析, DIA2017, 195-200, 2017.03.
28. Fuyuno, M., An Investigation into the Influence of Domestic and Foreign Cosmetics Advertisements in Thailand: Evaluation of Subjective Impression by SD Method, Linguistic Science, 52, 47-59, 2017.03.
29. 冬野美晴, 山下友子, 英語パブリックスピーキングにおける音声ポーズパターンとアイコンタクト動作パターンがパフォーマンスの総合評価へ及ぼす影響に関する統計的考察, マルチモーダルコーパスデータに基づくパブリックスピーチの統計的解析, 1-15, 2017.03.
30. Liu, S., Nakajima, Y., Yamashita, Y., Fuyuno, M., Quantitative Analysis of English Public Speaking Presented by Japanese EFL Learners, Statistical Analysis of Public Speech Behavior and Acoustic Features: Multimodal Corpus Based Approach, 17-36, 2017.03.
31. 山下友子, 冬野美晴, 横森大輔, 中島祥好, 英語プレゼンテーションにおける発話時間長とポーズ時間長の定量的分析, マルチモーダルコーパスデータに基づくパブリックスピーチの統計的解析, 37-60, 2017.03.
32. Komiya, R., Saitoh, T., Fuyuno, M., Yamashita, Y., Nakajima, Y., Head pose estimation and motion analysis of public speaking videos, International Journal of Software Innovation, 5, 1, 57-71, 2017.01.
33. Fuyuno, M., Yamashita, Y., Saitoh, T., Nakajima, Y., Semantic Structure, Speech Units and Facial Movements: Multimodal Corpus Analysis of English Public Speaking, EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics, 1, 447, 2016.11.
34. 冬野美晴, 山田祐樹, スピーチ訓練のためのバーチャルオーディエンスの開発と検証, 日本教育メディア学会, 30-31, 2016.11.
35. Blanco, L. M. C., Fuyuno, M., Development of an Interactive Multimedia Spanish Learning Application with a Focus on Authentic Material, Proc. of SAI Joint International Conference, 2016.09.
36. Komiya, R., Saitoh, T., Fuyuno, M., Yamashita, Y., Nakajima, Y., Head pose estimation and movement analysis for speech scene, Proc. of 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, 409-413, 2016.07.
37. Miharu Fuyuno, Comparative analyses of Japanese learners' self-evaluation and judges' evaluation of English public speaking : Identifying primary targets for practical teaching of multimodal speaking skills (招待採録), Collected articles on the English language, 48, 2016.04.
38. Miharu Fuyuno, Rote Learning in English Education for Japanese Students : towards more Context-Oriented Multimedia Material (招待採録), Collected articles on the English language, 48, 2016.04.
39. 冬野美晴, タイにおける日本企業による化粧品広告の語彙特徴:コーパス・アプローチから見える頻度と分布を中心に, 言語科学, 51, 2016.03.
40. 山下友子, 冬野美晴, 芸術系ESP教育 : 映画を用いたパブリック・スピーキング指導, 基幹教育紀要, 2, 131-136, 2016.03.
41. Yamashita Yuko, Miharu Fuyuno, Three Aspects of Public Speeches with Competent Speakers: Speech Pauses, Head Movements, and Lexical Choices, International STEM Journal, 5, 215-231, 2015.12.
42. 冬野 美晴, アジア圏グローバルビジネスパーソンを対象とした英語スキルのニーズ分析:グローバル人材育成教育に向けた考察, Studies in English Teaching and Learning in East Asia, 5, 13-27, 2015.12.
43. Yamashita Yuko, Miharu Fuyuno, アメリカの大学の卒業式における著名人による祝辞スピーチの録画映像の分析:音声の無音区間と顔上げ動作, ATEM Journal, 20, 33-44, 2015.03.
44. 冬野 美晴, 研究ノート:タイにおける外国企業の化粧品広告に現れる女性像, 言語科学, 50, 59-63, 2015.03.
45. Yamashita Yuko, Miharu Fuyuno, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA, Influence of pauses and speech rate on the efficiency of English public speaking, Prceedings of Auditory Res. Meeting, The Acoustical Society of Japan, 561-564, 2014.12.
46. Miharu Fuyuno, Hiroki Shimokawara, I-Ting Chuang, Pei-ru Lin, Washback Effects on Language Learning Motivation: A Comparison between Taiwanese and Jaanese Learners, Selected Papers from the International Symposium on English Teaching, 23, 223-241, 2014.11.
47. Miharu Fuyuno, Yamashita Yuko, Yoshikiyo Kawase, Yoshitaka NAKAJIMA, Analyzing Speech Pauses and Facial Movement Patterns in Multimodal Public-Speaking Data of EFL Learners, Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World, 2, XX-XX, (13 pages), 2014.05.
48. Miharu Fuyuno, Negative Washback Effects of Japanese Standardized University Entrance Examination: Reflections for Effective First-year Education (in print), Quest : studies in English linguistics and literature, 20, 1-21, 2014.03.
49. Miharu Fuyuno, Rote Learning in English Education for Japanese Students: towards more Context-Oriented Multimedia Material , The Journal of Design, 20, 1-8, 2014.03.
50. Miharu Fuyuno, Nanae Hama, Joseph Myall, Naomi Yukimaru, Effects of English recitation for Japanese EFL learners: towards multi-modal English speaking skills education, Annual Review of Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 2014.03.
51. Miharu Fuyuno, Comparative analyses of Japanese learners’ self-evaluation and judges’ evaluation on English public speaking: towards practical teaching of multimodal speaking skills, Linguistic Science, 49, 37-46, 2014.03.
52. 冬野 美晴, 英語構文における疑似目的語の出現(招待再掲), 英語学論説資料, 45, 3, 388-395, 2013.11.
53. Miharu Fuyuno, The Usage of Psychological Passives in Spoken and Written English: A Corpus-based Analysis and Implications for English Language Teaching, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 95, 184-194, 2013.11.
54. 冬野 美晴, 川瀬 義清, 心理動詞受動文における前置詞の使い分けに関するコーパス調査―英語母語話者の用法から見えてくるもの―, 外国語教育メディア学会九州沖縄紀要, 13, 2013.03.
55. 冬野 美晴, リスニング中心の大学英語科目における英語発音評価ソフトウェアの使用と学生による評価, 西南学院大学言語教育センター紀要 , 3, 2013.03.
56. 冬野 美晴, 学習者からの評価が高いオンラインCALL教材の要素―テキストデータに対する統計的アプローチ―, 外国語教育メディア学会九州沖縄支部紀要, 12, 17-28, 2012.03.
57. Miharu Fuyuno, English passives with psychological verbs: Application of corpora in ELT
, 日本人英語学習者の概念構造に関する統計的研究, 39-53, 2012.02.
58. Miharu Fuyuno, Use of passives with psychological verbs: Comparison between native speakers of English and Japanese EFL learners, the 44th annual meeting of BAAL, 44, 37-37, 2011.09.
59. 冬野 美晴, 内発的動機づけを促進する映画教材選択のための指標―テキスト型データマイニングによる分析―, 九州英語教育学会紀要, 39, 13-22, 2011.07.
60. 冬野 美晴, 英語の前置詞つき受動文―transitivityの拡張と概念構造を中心に―, 日本認知言語学会論文集, 11, 470-476, 2011.06.
61. 冬野 美晴, BNCにおける心理動詞受動文の用法―コーパスと認知言語学―, 日本人英語学習者と母語話者の意味構造の違いに関する統計的研究—認知言語学の観点から—, 29-43, 2011.03.
62. 冬野 美晴, 英語構文における疑似目的語の出現, 西南学院大学文学研究科論集, 30, 43-57, 2011.01.

