九州大学 研究者情報
松尾 龍(まつお りゅう) データ更新日:2023.12.07

教授 /  医学研究院 基礎医学部門 医療経営・管理学講座

1. 松尾 龍, Fukuoka Stroke Registry研究からみえる脳梗塞診療の現状, 第12回 BHIC Fukuoka, 2020.08.
2. 松尾 龍, FSR研究の過去・現在・未来, 第36回「認知機能障害と脳循環研究会」, 2020.10.
3. 松尾 龍, 鴨打正浩, 中村晋之, 脇坂義信, 吾郷哲朗, 北園孝成, 慢性腎臓病合併脳梗塞患者の臨床転帰, 第46回日本脳卒中学会学術総会, 2021.03.
4. Ryu Matsuo, Update on Japan Real World Evidence of DOAC efficacy and safety in secondary stroke prevention in NVAF patients, United Christian Hospital Neurology Team Webinar, 2021.12.
5. 松尾 龍, Fukuoka Stroke Registry研究からみえる脳梗塞診療の現状, 第5回 蒼天翔る鶴の会 in FUKUOKA, 2021.02.
6. 松尾 龍, 脇坂義信, 吾郷哲朗, 鴨打正浩, 北園孝成, 「脳卒中レジストリー・医療情報の現状と展望」福岡脳卒中データベース研究., 第48回日本脳卒中学会学術総会, 2023.03.
7. Mezuki S, Matsuo R, Osaki M, Shono Y, Sugimori H Arakawa S, Wakisaka Y, Ago T, Kamouchi M, Kitazono T, Impact of body temperature during the acute stage of stroke on clinical outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke, 5th European Stroke Organisation Conference 2019 (ESOC2019), 2019.05.
8. Matsuo R, Ago T, Kiyuna, F, Sato, N, Nakamura, K, Wakisaka Y, Kamouchi M, Kitazono T., Smoking status and functional outcomes after acute ischemic stroke, 5th European Stroke Organisation Conference 2019 (ESOC2019), 2019.05.
9. Matuso R; Michikawa T; Ago T; Ueda K; Yamazaki S; Nitta H; Takami A; Kamouchi M; Kitazono T, Short-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and risk of ischemic stroke in Japan, 11th World Stroke Congress 2018, 2018.10.
10. Matsuo R, Ago T, Hata J, Wakisaka Y, Kuroda J, Kitazono T, Kamouchi M, Insulin resistance and clinical outcomes after acute ischemic stroke, 4th European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2018.05.
11. Kimura S, Osaki M, Sakai S, Hidaka M, Arakawa S, Matsuo R, Kamouchi M, Ago T, Kitazono T, Secondary prevention and prognosis in ischemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillation and atherothrombotic disease:Fukuoka Stroke Registry, XXVII European Stroke Conference,, 2018.04.
12. Michikawa T, Matsuo R, Ueda K, Ago T, Nitta H, Kitazono T, Kamouchi M, Short-term exposure to fine particulate matter increased hospital admissions for ischaemic stroke in Japan., Annual Scientific Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology 2017, 2017.09.
13. Matsuo R, Yamaguchi Y, Matsushita T, Fukuda K, Kiyuna F, Wakisaka Y, Kuroda J, Ago T, Kamouchi M, Kitazono T, Impact of onset-to-door time on clinical outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke: the Fukuoka Stroke Registry., The 3rd European Stroke Organisation Conference 2017, 2017.05.
14. Matsuo R, Yamaguchi Y, Kamouchi M, Sugimori H, Shono Y, Ago T, Kitazono T., Association between neurological symptoms at stroke onset and use of ambulance– the Fukuoka Stroke Registry., Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2016, 2016.07.
15. Noichi Y, Matsuo R, Kamouchi M, Furukawa S, Kitamura T, Ito Y, Murao K, Arakawa S, Ago T, Kitazono T, Informed consent in a multicenter stroke registry: Fukuoka Stroke Registry., Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2016, 2016.07.
16. Kiyuna F, Matsuo R, Wakisaka Y, Kuroda J, Ago T, Kamouchi M, Kitazono T, Association between high-sensitivity CRP at stroke onset and clinical outcomes in patients with small vessel occlusion., 2nd. European Stroke Organisation Conference 2016, 2016.05.
17. Matsuo R, Kamouchi M, Kiyuna F, Ago T, Kitazono T;, Cardiovascular outcomes in patients with minor ischaemic stroke or high-risk transient ischaemic attack in Japan: the Fukuoka Stroke Registry., 2nd. European Stroke Organisation Conference 2016, 2016.05.
18. Matsuo R, Kamouchi M, Hata J, Wakisaka Y, Kuroda J, Ago T, Kitazono T, Pioglitazone treatment and long-term post-stroke prognosis in diabetic patients with acute ischemic stroke: the Fukuoka Stroke Registry., Asia Pacific Stroke Conference 2015, 2015.10.
19. Matsuo R, Kamouchi M, Hata J, Wakisaka Y, Kuroda J, Ago T, Kitazono T, Association of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein at stroke onset with short-term clinical outcomes after ischemic stroke: the Fukuoka Stroke Registry, 1st . European Stroke Organisation Conference 2015, 2015.04.
20. Ishikawa H, Wakisaka Y, Makihara N, Ago T, Kuroda J, Matsuo R, Hata J, Nakane H, Kamouchi M, Kitazono T., Statin pretreatment is associated with initial stroke severity in non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke patients with dyslipidemia: The Fukuoka Stroke Registry., 1st . European Stroke Organisation Conference 2015, 2015.04.

