九州大学 研究者情報
磯田 拓郎(いそだ たくろう) データ更新日:2024.06.27

講師 /  九州大学病院 放射線部 臨床放射線科学分野

1. 磯田拓郎, 北村宜之, 楠正興, 三道幹大, 馬場眞吾, 石神康生, Deep Learningを用いた再構成法に影響する患者要因の検討
, 日本核医学会, 2023.11.
2. Takuro Isoda, Shingo Baba, Yasuhiro Maruoka, Yoshiyuki Kitamura, Masayuki Sasaki, Kosei Ishigami, Impacts of clinical and imaging factors on the outcomes of radioiodine therapy for the patients with bone metastasis from thyroid cancer, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2023.06.
3. 磯田拓郎、馬場眞吾、丸岡保博、北村宜之、佐々木雅之、石神康生, 甲状腺癌肺転移に対する放射性ヨウ素内用療法:治療効果が良好な症例の特徴, 日本核医学会学術総会, 2021.11.
4. Takuro Isoda, Shingo Baba, Yasuhiro Maruoka, Yoshiyuki Kitamura, Masayuki Sasaki, Kousei Ishigami, 131I/18FDG Flip-Flop Phenomenon in the Bone Metastasis from Differentiated Thyroid Cancer, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2020 Annual Meeting, 2020.07.
5. 磯田拓郎、馬場眞吾、丸岡保博、北村宜之、眞鍋裕介、佐々木雅之、西江昭弘, 99mTc-macroaggregated albumin (MAA)を用いた肺血流シンチグラフィにて椎体に高集積を示した上大静脈症候群の1例, 日本核医学会九州地方会, 2020.02.
6. Takuro Isoda, Shingo Baba, Yoshiyuki Kitamura, Ryo Somehara, Masayuki Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, Interval change in the degree of iodine uptake in lung metastasis from thyroid cancer between first and second radioiodine therapy; pulmonary uptake first emerges at the second radioiodine therapy in some patients, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019 Annual Meeting , 2019.06.
7. 磯田拓郎、馬場眞吾、北村宜之、真鍋裕介、佐々木雅之、西江昭弘, ヨウ素の唾液腺集積と放射性ヨウ素内用療法の前処置の関係, 日本核医学会総会, 2019.11.
8. 磯田拓郎、馬場眞吾、北村宜之、染原 涼、田原圭一郎、佐々木雅之、本田 浩, Occurrence rate of pulmonary uptake which first emerges in the second radioiodine therapy, 日本核医学会総会, 2018.11.
9. Takuro Isoda, Shingo Baba, Yoshiyuki Kitamura, Ryo Somehara, Keiichiro Tahara, Masayuki Sasaki, Hiroshi Honda, FDG-PET of drive line infection and non-pathological uptake in or around a ventricular assist device, SNMMI2018, 2018.06.
10. 磯田拓郎、馬場眞吾、北村宜之、染原 涼、田原圭一郎、佐々木雅之、本田 浩, FDGの肝・縦隔の集積と年齢の関係
, 日本核医学会総会, 2017.10, 悪性リンパ腫のFDG—PET評価でDeauville 5-point score (5-PS)が広く用いられている。小児では肝集積が低いため、この判定法をそのまま当てはめることは難しい。本研究では肝集積と年齢の関係を解析し、Deauville 5-PSへの影響を検証した。【方法】55名の肝のSUVmaxを測定し、11群(0-3、4-6、7-9、10-12、13-15、16-18、19-21、22-24、25-29、30-34、35-39歳)の間で比較した。【結果】肝のSUVmaxの平均値は0-4歳:0.96、4-6歳:1.2、7-19歳:1.6、10-12歳:2.1、13-15歳:2.5、16-18歳:2.9、19-21歳:3.2、22-24歳:3.2、25-29歳:3.3、30-34歳:3.2、35-39歳:3.2であった。【結論】肝のFDG集積は18歳以下の群で低く、Deauville 5-PSでは、治療の対象となるスコア4以上に過大評価される可能性がある。.
11. Takuro Isoda, Shingo Baba, Yasuhiro Maruoka, Yoshiyuki Kitamura, Masayuki Sasaki, Masasmitsu Hatakenaka, Hiroshi Honda, Prediction of salivary gland disorder after radioiodine therapy with the evaluation of iodine uptake in salivary glands on iodine scintigraphy, SNMMI2016, 2016.06, Objectives: The impairment of salivary glands is one of the major complications after radioiodine therapy (RIT) for thyroid cancer. In this study, we investigated whether the disorder of salivary glands after RIT can be predicted with iodine uptake in salivary glands at RIT.
Methods: Forty patients who received the first radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer from Jan. 2013 to Aug. 2014 and had the salivary gland scintigraphy before one year after the RIT were included (Age: 25–73 y.o., Median: 56.5 y.o., M : F = 14 : 26). All patients had total thyroidectomy. Nine patients received rhTSH injections before RIT and 31 patients had 4 weeks of thyroid hormone cessation. All patients had 2 weeks of iodine-free diet. The salivary gland scintigraphy with 99mTc- was performed just before and one year after the first RIT. The impairment of salivary gland was analyzed by comparing the salivary gland scintigraphy before and one year after RIT. Uptake of iodine-131 in salivary glands was evaluated with iodine scintigraphy performed 5 or 6 days after iodine-131 administration. The ratio of patients who showed the decreased uptake or the diminished response to stimulation of secretion on the salivary gland scintigraphy was compared between the patients with and without iodine uptake in the salivary glands. χ square test was used for statistical analysis. p Results: In total, 22 out of 40 patients (55.0%) who received the RIT showed the impairment of salivary glands. Ten out of the 15 patients (66.7%) with iodine uptake in salivary gland showed the impairment of salivary glands one year after the RIT, while 8 out of 25 patients (32.0%) without iodine uptake in salivary glands did (p = 0.033).
Conclusions: The patients who showed iodine uptake on iodine scintigraphy at RIT had salivary glands disorder more frequently compared to those who did not..
12. 磯田 拓郎, Impact of the patient age on flip-flop phenomenon in lung metastasis from thyroid cancer, Europian Congress of Radiology, 2015.03, FDG avid thyroid cancer lesions accumulate radioiodine with lower frequency, which is so called flip-flop phenomenon. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of patient age to flip-flop phenomenon in the metastasized pulmonary lesions.
Methods: The cases of 75 patients who had radioiodine therapy for lung metastasis were studied retrospectively (age 17–73 yrs, median: 60 yrs; males : females, 22 : 53). We analyzed the relationship between the absence of iodine uptake and FDG avidity in the metastasized pulmonary lesions and compared the result between the two groups (age ≧ 60 yrs vs. age Results: In younger patients (Conclusions: Our results show that the influence of FDG avidity to iodine uptake in the lung metastasis is varied depending on the patient age and younger patients with FDG avid lung metastasis still have the chance for a successful radioiodine therapy. Therefore, it is suggested that radioiodine therapy should be performed for the young patients even when their pulmonary lesions show FDG uptake.
13. 磯田 拓郎, 甲状腺癌骨転移病変への放射性ヨウ素集積;FDG集積との関係

, 日本核医学会総会, 2014.11, 甲状腺癌病変にFDG集積を認める場合に放射性ヨウ素が集積し難いことは、いわゆるflip-flop 現象として知られている。これまでリンパ節や肺病変でこの現象を確認した。本研究では骨病変で解析した。【方法】甲状腺癌骨転移に対し放射性ヨウ素内用療法を施行し、同時期にFDG-PETを撮影した患者10名(男:女=4:6、29-70歳、中央値;56.5歳)、77病変を対象とした。ヨウ素集積の有無とFDG集積程度を比較した。【結果】8例で骨転移巣にヨウ素の集積を認めた。ヨウ素集積を認めた病変でも比較的高いFDG集積を示した(SUVmax中央値;4.68)。高いFDG集積(SUVmax>5)を示す病変も26病変(43.2%)認めた。ヨウ素集積の無い病変(SUVmax中央値;9.30)は、ヨウ素集積のあった病変に比し、有意に高いFDG異常集積を示した(p<0.00001)。【結論】骨転移においてもヨウ素集積を認めない病変が認める病変に比し高いFDG集積を示すが、高いFDG集積を認めても、骨転移では比較的高い頻度でヨウ素集積を認める。.
14. 磯田 拓郎, Evaluation of Diagnostic Performance of a Computer-Aided Diagnostic System, BONENAVI, on bone scintigraphy images, Annual Meeting 2015 of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2014.06, Objectives: BONENAVI is a computer aided diagnostic system on bone scintigraphies, which provides quantitative parameters such as artificial neural networks (ANN) and bone scan index (BSI); ANN and BSI are parameters related to the possibility and amount of bone metastases, respectively. In this study, we assessed the diagnostic performance of BONENAVI by comparing the accuracy in diagnosing bone metastases among segmented regions such as spine and ribs, and also analyzed the influence from the type of bone metastasis (osteolytic or osteoblastic) on the ANN value.
Methods: Fifty-three patients who undergone bone scintigraphy and were diagnosed with bone metastases were includes (Age: 33–87 y.o., Median: 69 y.o., M : F = 33 : 20). Bone metastases were diagnosed clinically using the following modalities; bone scintigraphy, CT, FDG-PET and MRI. Diagnostic performance of BONENAVI was evaluated on the basis of each segmented region such as skull, spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbar), clavicle, scapula, rib, sternum, humerus, pelvic bone, sacrum and femur by comparing ANN value and clinical diagnosis. The lesions of bone metastases were classified into 3 groups depending on the ratio of osteolytic and osteoblastic areas; osteolytic, osteoblastic and intermediate type, then ANN value of the lesions was compared among the 3 groups using Mann-Whitney U test for statistical analysis.
Results; Diagnostic performance of BONENAVI was high in thoracic spine, humerus, rib and femur but low in skull, cervical spine, scapula and sternum when comparing the accuracy. Osteoblastic lesions showed significantly higher ANN value than osteolytic lesions (Median; 0.703 vs. 0.974, p = 0.029) and 3 out of 15 osteolytic lesions were misdiagnosed.
Conclusion: Diagnostic performance of BONENAVI varied depending on the regions where bone metastases occurred. Osteolytic lesions were sometimes misdiagnosed. We need to take account of these tendencies when diagnosing bone metastases with BONENAVI.

