九州大学 研究者情報
能登 裕子(のと ひろこ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

講師 /  医学研究院 保健学部門 統合基礎看護学講座

1. 能登裕子、藤田香奈恵、橋口暢子、戸上英憲、佐藤幸志郎、野呂影勇, 体位変換時の接触圧力推移の評価と計測システムの有効性, 人間工学, 59, 2, 78-84, 2023.04.
2. Kohei Kajiwara , Jun Kako J, Makoto Yamanaka, Hiroko Noto, Palliative Care among Informal Caregivers on Persons with Dementia: A Systematic Review, Japanese journal of international nursing care research, 21, 1, 91-99, 2022.04.
3. 能登裕子,梶原弘平,山中真, 加齢に伴う身体感覚の変化・運動機能と転倒経験, インターナショナルNursing Care Research, 20, 3, 19-28, 2021.10.
4. Kajiwara K, Noto H, Mantani A, Iwasaki Y, Nutaba S, Kako J, Miyashita M, Association Between Subjective Caregiver Burden and Heart Rate Identified Using Wearable Sensors Among Informal Caregivers of People with Dementia, Japanese journal of international nursing care research, 20, 2, 51-60, 2021.05.
5. 高木雄作,能登裕子, 小規模介護施設職員の離職要因に関する研究~職務満足度尺度調査を用いた検討~, 作業療法佐賀, 10, 1, 9-16, 2021.03.
6. Kohei Kajiwara, Jun Kako, Hiroko Noto, Yasufumi Oosono, Masamitsu Kobayashi, Letter in response to "Impacts of a multicomponent intervention programme on neuropsychiatric symptoms in people with dementia and psychological health of caregivers: a feasibility pilot study"., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 35, 1, 138-138, 2020.01.
7. 黒川 雄平, 廣瀬 仁美, 立石 礼望, 東 八千代, 能登 裕子, 橋口 暢子, 若年健康成人男女における清拭時の乾拭の有無が及ぼす生理的・主観的反応, 日本生理人類学会誌, 25, 4, 79-88, 2020.11.
8. Kishida F, Egashira Y, Motoi M, Okusa K, Noto H, Fuji T, Ogata Y, Watanuki S, Relationship between Personality Traits and Constituent Factors in Impression of Public Service: Impression of City Office Staff as a Case Study, Psychology, 11, 1, 1-12, 2020.01.
9. 能登 裕子, 村木 里志, 車いすティッピングレバーの形状と位置が介助者の踏み込み操作に及ぼす影響, 日本看護技術学会誌, https://doi.org/10.18892/jsnas.18.0_97, 18, 97-107, 2019.12.
10. 岸田文, 江頭優佳, 本井碧, 大草孝介, 能登裕子, 藤智亮, 尾方義人, 綿貫茂喜, 避難所に対するネガティブな先入観と性格特性との関連, 地区防災計画学会誌, 16, 55-63, 2019.11.
11. Kajiwara, Kohei, Kako, Jun, Noto, Hiroko, Oosono, Yasufumi, Kobayashi, Masamitsu, Response to “Factors associated with long-term impact on informal caregivers during Alzheimer's disease dementia progression: 36-month results from GERAS”, International Psychogeriatrics, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610219001042, 2019.08.
12. @福元清剛,@石内愛美,@中島弘貴,@能登裕子,@佐土原道人,@福田修,@村木里志, 日本人男女の下肢筋横断面積の加齢変化, 日本生理人類学会誌, 23, 3, 87-95, 2018.08.
13. 山中真,梶原弘平,能登裕子, 転倒時における予防動作から見た転倒防御姿勢分類, インターナショナルNursing Care Research, 16, 1, 1-8, 2017.04.
14. Kajiwara K, Noto H, Yamanaka M, Changes in caregiving appraisal among family caregivers of persons with dementia: A longitudinal study over 12 months, Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society, 18, 6, 460-467, 2018.11.
15. Kajiwara K, Mantani A, Noto H, Miyashita M, The relationship between caregiver burden and caregiver pulse rate measured using a wristwatch-type pulsimeter with accelerometer in home-based family caregivers for persons with dementia, Pilot study、Psychogeriatrics, 10.1111/psyg.12364, 2018.08.
16. Kajiwara K, Noto H, Yamanaka M, Positive Appraisal Reduces Caregiver Burden Among In-Home Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia in Japan, Japanese Journal of International Nursing Care Research, 17, 2, 61-67, 2018.05.
17. 平川善大, 大池美也子, 能登裕子, 看護基礎教育におけるウェブディスカッションの有効性, 日本看護日本看護教育学会誌, 27, 2, 1-14, 2017.11.
18. 能登 裕子, 村木 里志, 介助負担と乗り心地を考慮した車いす段差乗り上げ介助操作の姿勢指標, 日本看護技術学会誌, 15, 2, 135-145, 2016.08.
19. 坂 美奈子, 大池 美也子, 原田 博子, 能登 裕子, 道面(山本) 千惠子, 看護専門学校の看護教員の授業設計における思考様式-看護概論担当の看護職員を対象に-, 日本看護教育学会誌, 26, 2, 57-68, 2016.11.
20. Hiroko Noto, Satoshi Muraki, Effect of rear-wheel operation of a manual wheelchair on user’s riding comfort and helper’s physical strain while navigating steps, International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences
, 19, 1, 17-22, 2014.05, Steps are one of the main factors that affect the physical strain of wheelchair helpers and the safety and comfort of wheelchair users. In this study, we examined the effect of the movement of the rear wheels of the wheelchair while navigating steps on the physical strain of helpers and the riding comfort of users. Although the maximum height that the rear wheels were lifted was controlled according to the step height, the distance driven during lifting of the rear wheels was not related to the step height. The helper’s physical strain increased with the distance driven while the rear wheels were lifted. The correlation coefficients among indexes for the rear-wheel locomotion revealed that the distance between the rear wheels and step just before lifting significantly, positively correlated with the distance driven while the rear wheels were lifted. These findings suggest that the distance between the rear wheels and step just before lifting can be used as an operation index in the development of suitable techniques for lifting the rear wheels and thereby relieving the physical strain of helpers..
21. Makoto Yamanaka, Masahiro Nakano, Hiroko Noto, Ayako Ogata, Rieko Kawamoto, Basic Research on the Assessment of Fractures Caused by the Impact Force of Falling Ver.1, インターナショナル Nursing Care Research, 11, 3, 1-10, 2012.10.
22. Hiroko Noto, Satoshi Muraki, Standards for Step Height and Font Wheel Operation Indexes for Wheelchair Helpers Navigating Steps, ICIC Express Letters , An International Journal of Research and Survey, ICIC International, 6, 11, 2901-2907, 2012.11.
23. Makoto Yamanaka, Masahiro Nakano, Matsuura, Tamagawa, Yukimasa, Hiroko Noto, Masami Kubota, Evaluation of Fall Injury in the Medical Field, ICIC Express Letters , An International Journal of Research and Survey, ICIC Express Letters , An International Journal of Research and Survey, ICIC International, 6, 11, 2873-2880, 2012.11.
24. Satoshi Muraki, Koji Kuroda, Hiroko Noto, Mitsuru Okura, Seiji Saito, Effects of various knee-raising postures in a supine position on swelling in the lower legs and feet in elderly women. , Journal of Human Ergology , 40, 109-117, 2011.12.
25. 能登 裕子, 村木 里志, スロープ勾配と車いす昇降介助操作方法が乗車者の姿勢と生理応答に及ぼす影響, バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会, 13, 2, 89-95, 2011.11.
26. 能登 裕子, 村木 里志, 乗り心地および介助負担を考慮した凹凸段差車いす介助通過方法に関する研究, 福祉のまちづくり研究, 13, 2, 14-25, 2011.07.
27. 能登 裕子, 齋藤 誠二, 村木 里志, 歩幅を用いた車いす発進・停止操作方法の有用性について, 日本看護技術学会誌, 10, 2, 40-46, 2011.08.
28. 能登 裕子, 村木 里志, 乗車者および介助者を考慮したスロープ勾配と車いす昇降介助操作方法に関する検討-車いす走行動態と介助負担および主観的乗り心地について-, 日本看護技術学会誌, 9, 2, 55-62, 2010.08.
29. 能登 裕子, 塩満春彦, 齋藤誠二, 村木 里志, 乗車者の乗り心地を考慮した車いす発進・停止操作方法の検討, 日本看護技術学会誌, 9, 1, 83-93, 2010.04.
30. 能登 裕子, 齋藤 誠二, 村木 里志, 介助による車いす推進速度が乗り心地および介助負担に及ぼす影響, 日本看護技術学会誌, 37-45, 2009.06.
31. 能登 裕子, 齋藤 誠二, 村木 里志, 乗り心地に関連した看護師の車いす推進操作の実態調査, 日本看護学会論文集 看護管理, 38, 148-150, 2008.04.
32. 山尾玲子, 戸田美紀子, 松園美貴, 中山博子, 能登 裕子, 上園 慶子, 永野 純, 馬場園 明, ウエルカムホームベース型健康支援プログラムの開発とその評価, Campus Health, 44, 2, 115-120, 2007.04.
33. 丸山 徹, 能登 裕子, 戸田美紀子, 松園美貴, 上園 慶子, 九州大学学生の顕性WPW症候群に関する実態調査, CAMPUS HEALTH , 42, 2, 105-110, 2005.04.

