Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
QIAN Kun Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Research Promotion / Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies

1. Qian, K., Mentality and behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: based on a longitudinal survey in Japan. , The International Psychology Symposium of China Psychological Society 2023, 2023.10.
2. Qian, K. , Insect food in northern China: tradition and acceptance, The 1st Asian Symposium on Entomophagy, 2022.11.
3. Qian, K. , Individual mentality and behavior change due to the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey in Japan, 10th FASU Games (All Africa University Games) Pre-games International Symposium, 2022.07.
4. Kun Qian, Yukyong Jeong, Michikazu Hiramatsu, A comparative study on college students’ consciousness of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes in Japan, 2019 Annual Conference of the Korean Psychological Association, 2019.08.
5. Kun Qian, Yukyong Jeong, Michikazu Hiramatsu, A Comparative Psychological Survey on 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes, The 9th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, 2019.03.
6. Yukyong Jeong, Kun Qian, Michikazu Hiramatsu, Remembering Disaster: Lessons from Storytelling Activities of Disaster’s Memory by University Students, The 9th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, 2019.03.
7. Kun Qian, Kayo Miura, The roles of color lightness and saturation in inducing the perception of miniature faking., The Conference on knowledge and smart technology 2019, 2019.01.
8. 身体化された情動の文化化を探る~中国雲南省少数民族の身体的心性.
9. 顔と身体表現の多文化比較フィールド実験研究.
10. 世界中の現場で感性を楽しむ~フィールドにおける心理学調査.
11. Kun Qian, Consumer attitudes to sanitary paper products: A pilot survey for a large-scale psychological investigation in China, The 2nd International Symposium on Decision Science for Future Earth, 2017.12.
12. 続・顔と身体表現の多文化比較フィールド実験研究.
13. 自然風景画像からの地域推定における色情報の効果.
14. Kun Qian, Hiroyuki Mitsudo, The eggs illusion: inducing factors of an illusory shape deformation., The 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 2017.08.
15. 格子による圧縮変形錯視.
16. Lihua Huang, Kun Qian, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Received social support influences international students’ ethnical identity, acculturation, and perceived discrimination, The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2011.07.
17. ギャップに負けないきらめき錯視.
18. きらめき格子錯視の生起メカニズムの検討~方位情報と両眼情報統合に着目して.
19. 在日中国人留学生の文化アイデンティティについての考察~ソーシャルサポートと偏見・差別との関係に着目して.
20. Kun Qian, Takahiro Kawabe, Yuki Yamada, Kayo Miura, The effect of binocular integration on Scintillating bar illusion., The 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception, 2010.08.
21. Kun Qian, Takahiro Kawabe, Yuki Yamada, Kayo Miura, Scintillating bar illusion, The 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, 2010.07.
22. Kun Qian, Takahiro Kawabe, Jaggy diamonds illusion., The Demo Night of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2010.05.
23. 写真のミニチュア効果と視覚因.
24. Kun Qian, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Kayo Miura, Why are objects in tilt-shift photographs perceived as like miniatures?, The 3rd International Workshop on Kansei, 2010.02.
25. Kun Qian, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Kayo Miura, Grid illusions require continuous grids., The NIPS International Workshop for Scientific Study of Consciousness, 2009.09.
26. 格子型錯視の空間的特性~方位の要因の検討を通して.
27. Kun Qian, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Kayo Miura, The spatial and temporal property of scintillating grid illusion., The 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 2008.06.
28. きらめき格子錯視~方位に着目して.
29. Kun Qian, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Kayo Miura, The shape of luminance increments at the intersection alters the magnitude of the scintillating grid illusion., The 24th Meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics, 2007.10.