Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Kan Hironobu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Basic Structure of Human Societies / Department of Environmental Changes / Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

1. 菅 浩伸, 気候変動と地域:危機にさらされる太平洋・インド洋の環礁国や日本周辺の海, 国際シンポジウム 気候変動とZ世代へつなぐ人類の未来, 2024.01.
2. Althaf, D. P., Kan, H., Sano, W., Importance of tidal flat and seagrass zone to coral reefs:The distribution of terrestrial sediments in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island using loss-on-ignition methodology, 2024年日本地理学会春季学術大会, 2024.03.
3. Althaf, D.P., Kan. H., Sano, W., Loss-on-Ignition Methodology for Assessing Carbonate Content and Terrigenous Material Sediment Samples from Tidal Flat and its Importance for Coral Reefs of Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, CREST2023 Young Researchers Interaction Session, 2023.11.
4. Althaf, D.P., Kan, H., Sano, W., The Importance of Tidal Flat for Terrestrial Run-off to coral reef of Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island:Loss-on-ignition Method of sediment samples, Asia Week 2023, 2023.11.
5. Kanki, T., Sano, W., Sannoh, M., Kan, H., Habitat mapping of macroalgal vegetation by photogrammetry: A case of the artificial boulders reef in Genkai Sea, Japan. , Marine Geological and Ecological Habitat Mapping 2024, 2024.05.
6. Sitorus, E.D.S, Sinniger, F., Kumagai, N., Prasetia, R., Kan, H., Harii, S., Comparison of depth distribution of coral over the years in Nagura bay, Ishigaki., Japanese Coral Reef Society 26th Meeting, 2023.11.
7. Hirabayashi, S., Aze, T., Miyairi, Y., Kan, H., Yokoyama , Y. , Radiocarbon and uranium profiles in marine gastropods around the Japanese archipelago, JPGU2023 , 2023.05.
8. Sannoh, M., Ohara, K., Yamafune, K., Ichikawa, Y., Uetaki, R., Kimura, H., Katagiri, M., Kitsuda, T., Nishio, T., Ohara, T., Kan, H., Development of methods for underwater cultural heritage exploration ―The case of the destroyer Warabi, which sank in the Mihonoseki Incident ―, APCONF2023 Canference, 2023.11.
9. Kan, H., Onishi, S., Seamless marine and terrestrial topographic mapping from the seafloor to the intertidal zone and mountain slopes, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, 2023.07.
10. Kimura, H., Ichikawa, Y., Kan, H., Risk assessment of land subsidence above sea cliff in Yonaguni Island, Japan, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, 2023.07.
11. Kan, H., Kimura, H., Sano, W., Sannoh, M., Submarine geomorphology of abrasion platforms off basalt sea cliff: based on multibeam bathymetry and SCUBA diving observations, 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, 2022.09.
12. Hirabayashi, S., Aze, T., Miyairi, Y., Kan, H., Yokoyama, Y., Radiocarbon and Uranium variability in the Calcified Opercula of Gastropods and bivalve, AMS-15 (第15回国際加速器質量分析学会), 2021.11.
13. Minamidate, K., Goto, K., Kan, H., Numerical method for constraining maximum local size of paleotsunamis using storm boulder deposits, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020.07.
14. 平林頌子, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, 宮入陽介, 阿瀬貴博, Siringan Fernando, 前田保夫, 菅 浩伸, Insight to Western Pacific circulation from coral skeletal radiocarbon, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020.07.
15. Benedict Yamamura, 木村颯,佐野 亘,平林頌子,今井志彦,Kyotak Ishiguro,菅 浩伸, Mapping and comparing the geomorphological environments of designated conservation area and urban city in Majuro using drone data, 沿岸域の環境科学ワークショップ, 2020.01.
16. Minamidate, K., Goto, K., Watanabe, M., Roeber, V., Toguchi, K., Sannoh, M., Nakashima, Y., Kan, H., Estimation of past typhoon and tsunami magnitudes along the Ryukyu Islands using information from coastal boulders, 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, 2019.12.
17. Minamidate, K., Goto, K., Watanabe, M., Roeber, V., Toguchi, K., Sannoh, M., Nakashima, Y., Kan, H., Importance of high-resolution 3D topography for wave simulation, The 2019 International Conference on Climate Change, Disaster Management and Environmental Sustainability, 2019.09.
18. Minamidate, K., Goto, K., Watanabe, M., Roeber, V., Toguchi, K. Sannoh, M., Nakashima, Y., Kan, H., Numerical modeling of wave propagation on the coral reef based on high resolution 3D topography, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019.05.
19. Yamamura, B., Fujita, K., White, M., Ishiguro, K., Kan, H., Distribution of large benthic foraminifers in one of Majuro’s Conservation Areas –Drenmeo Island, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019.05.
20. Sano, W., Hirabayashi, S., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Fujita, K., Toth, T., Aronson, R.B., Kan, H., Reconstructing sedimentation process of lagoon sediment in the Eastern Kume island, Ryukyus, 日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 2019.05.
21. Nakanishi, Y., Kan, H., Katagiri, C., Yoshizaki, S., Nagao, M., Ono, R., Assessment and significance of a World War II battle site: recording the USS Emmons using a high-resolution DEM combining multibeam bathymetry and SfM photogrammetry , International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Webinar Series, No.1: The Archaeology of World War Battleships, 2019.01.
22. Yamafune, K., Kan, H., New survey visualization: merging photogrammetric textures into a multi-beam bathymetry 3D map, Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, 2019.01.
23. Kan, H., New survey visualization: merging photogrammetric 3D model with a multibeam bathymetry, International Interdisciplinary Field Workshop of Maritime Robotics and Applications – Breaking The Surface (BTS), 2018.10.
24. Tanaka, M., Najima, Y., Toguchi, K., Hori, N., Kimura, H., Imai, Y., Nakashima, Y. and Kan, H., Seafloor topography of fishing ground in Amami Sumiyo bay by multibeam echo-sounder survey, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2018, 2018.09.
25. Sano, W., Hirabayashi, S., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Fujita, K., Toth, L. T., Aronson, R. B. and Kan, H., Study on development of seagrass bed in coral reefs using sediment cores obtained from Kume island, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2018, 2018.09.
26. Hama, A., Tanaka, K., Kan, H. and Hasegawa, H., Use of Multi-platform, Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Data for Sand Cays Monitoring, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2018, 2018.09.
27. Hasegawa, H., Tanaka, K., Hama, A. and Kan, H., Hatenohama Sand Cay Maps: Using Drones to Create Orthorectified Maps, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2018, 2018.09.
28. Tanaka, K., Hama, A., Kan, H., and Hasegawa, H., Reconstruction of topography on shallow seafloor around Hatenohama Sand Cay using aerial photographs, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2018, 2018.09.
29. Kan, H., Yamafune, K. and JSPS 16H06309 Co-researchers, Novel Mapping of Coral Reef Seafloor: merging Photogrammetric 3D Model with a Multibeam Bathymetry, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Symposium 2018, 2018.09.
30. Yokoyama, Y., Webster, J., Fujita, K., Kan, H. and Exp 325 Scientists, The Great Barrier Reef Environmental Change during the last 30,000 years, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Symposium 2018, 2018.09.
31. Kan, H., Katagiri, C., Nakanishi, Y., Yoshizaki, S., Nagao, M,, Ono, R., High-resolution seafloor DEM of World War II wreck site by combining multibeam bathymetry and SfM photogrammetry, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 2018.05.
32. Kan, H., Fujita, K., Hasegawa, H., Nagao, M., Nakashima, Y., Hori, N., Multibeam Bathymetric Mapping of Reef Geomorphology, eastern Kume Island, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Workshop 2017, 2017.09.
33. Kan, H., High-resolution Bathymetric Mapping Project for coral reef geomorphology and related sciences in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Symposium 2017, 2017.09.
34. Toguchi, K., Fujita, Y., Nakai, T., Hasegawa, H., Takahashi, S., Kan, H., Bio-geomorphological evaluation of the depression “Katama” located in the reef edge as a fishery ground, Japan-Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (JASAG) Symposium 2017, 2017.09.
35. Ana Vila-Concejo , Stephanie Duce, Masayuki Nagao , Yosuke Nakashima , Mayuko Ito , Kazuhiko Fujita and Hironobu Kan, Typhoon waves on coral reefs, Coastal Dynamics 2017, 2017.06.
36. Sinniger, F., Prasetia, R., Kan, H., Harii, S., Are deep reefs really refuges during massive bleaching events?, 日本サンゴ礁学会19回大会, 2016.12.
37. Kan, H., Katagiri, C., Ono, R., Nagao, M., Nakanishi, Y., Yoshizaki, Y., 3D visualization of USS Emmons (WWII wreck) off Okinawa Island using multibeam bathymetry and PhotoScan SfM software, The Sixth International Congress on Underwater Archaeology, 2016.11.
38. Kan, H., Fujita, K., Yokoyama Y., Suzuki, A., Miyairi, Y., Webster, J.M., Carbonate cement as an indicator of sea level during the last glacial period: IODP Exp. 325, Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes, Goldschmidt 2016, 2016.06.
39. Kan, H., Fujita, K., Hasegawa, H., Nagao, M., Nakashima, Y., Hori, N., High-energy window in modern reefs: an example from multibeam bathymetric mapping of reef geomorphology around the Ryukyu Islands, 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 2016.06.
40. Fujita, K., Yagioka, N., Nakada, C., Kan, H., Yokoyama, Y., Webster, J., Back-reef developments during MIS2 sea-level falls: IODP Expedition 325, Great Barrier Reef, 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 2016.06.
41. Webster, J.M., Braga, J.C., Humblet, M., Pottd. D.C., Iryu, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Fujita, K., Bourillot, R., Esat, T., Fallon, S., Thompson, W.G., Thomas, A.L., Kan, H., McGregor, H.V., Hinestrosa, G., The evolution of the Great Barrier Reef over thepast 30 ka – new insights from IODP Expedition 325, 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 2016.06.
42. Kan, H., Nagao, M, Fujita, K., Hasegawa, H., Nakashima, Y., Hori, N., High-resolution multibeam bathymetric mapping of barrier reef geomorphology of eastern Kume Island, the Ryukyus, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, H-GM01 Geomorphology(国際セッション), 2016.05.
43. Kan, H., Fujita, K., Yokoyama, Y., Suzuki, A., Miyairi, Y., Webster, J., Shallow-water submarine cement observed from the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef, XIX INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) 2015, 2015.07.
44. Fujita, K., Yagioka, N., Nakada, N., Miyairi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Kan, H., Webster, J., Sea-level fluctuations from late MIS3 to MIS2, inferred from large benthic foraminiferal assemblages: IODP Exp. 325, Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes, XIX INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) 2015, 2015.07.
45. Yokoyama, Y., Esat, T.M., Thompson, W.G., Thomas, A.L., Webster, J., Miyairi, Y., Sawada, C., Aze, T., Matsuzaki, H., Okuno, J., Fallon, S., Braga, J.C., Humblet, M., Iryu, Y., Potts, D.C., Fujita, K., Suzuki, A., Kan, H., Sea level record obtained from submerged the Great Barrier Reef coral reefs for the last 30 ka, XIX INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) 2015, 2015.07.
46. Webster, J., Braga, J.C., Humblet, M., Potts, D.C., Iryu, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Fujita, K., Bourillot, R, Esat, T.M., Fallon, S., Thompson, W.G., Thomas, A.L., Kan, H., McGregor, H.V., Hinestrosa, G., Response of the Great Barrier Reef to sea level and environmental changes over the past 30 ka, XIX INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) 2015, 2015.07.
47. Miklavič, B., Urata, K., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Kano, A., Kan, H., Phreatic cave deposits on Minami Daito – high precision indicators of Holocene sea-level change in the Northern Philippine Sea, XIX INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) 2015, 2015.07.
48. Kan, H., Nagao, M., Toguchi, K., Hori, N., Urata, K., Fujita, K., Yokoyama, Y., Nakashima, Y., Hasegawa, H., Nakai, T., Goto, K., Katagiri, C., Ono, R., Sinniger, F., Prasetia, R., Harii, S., Iguchi, A., Suzuki, A., High-resolution multibeam bathymetric survey for coastal seafloor geomorphology and related sciences, 日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, 2015.05, The geomorphology of shallow coastal regions has been modulated by repeated subaerial and submarine processes during glacio-eustatic sea-level change. However, in contrast to the vast knowledge that has been accumulated regarding terrestrial landforms, few previous studies have dealt with shallow seafloor landforms, which represent former terrestrial landscapes modified by present marine processes, from a geomorphological perspective.A broadband multibeam echosounder (Sonic 2022, R2 Sonic, LLC) and its accessory system were introduced to H. Kan’s laboratory in 2010 using JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A. We have carried out our bathymetric survey in Kume, Ishigaki, Kikai Islands and the southeastern and northwestern coasts of Okinawa Island in the Ryukyus, southwestern Japan since 2010.The Sonic 2022 has a variable ultrasonic frequency of 200 to 400 kHz, 256 ultrasonic beams and selectable swath coverage of 10 to 160 degrees. The typical ultrasonic beam widths parallel and orthogonal to the direction of travel are within one degree of each other when an ultrasonic frequency of 400 kHz is selected. We used a VS111 GPS compass system with A20 and A30 antennas (Hemisphere Inc.) combined with a dynamic motion sensor (DMS-10, Teledyne TSS Ltd.), a sea surface sound velocity sensor (miniSVS, Valeport Ltd.), a sound velocity profiler (MicroSVP, AML Oceanographic Ltd.). Overlap of at least ~20% (typically ~50%) was implemented throughout the bathymetric survey to ensure 100% coverage of the surveyed area. The minimum and maximum depth was 1m and 400m, respectively. The HYPACK2010 software was used for both hydrographic survey and data processing. IVS3D Fledermaus was used for three-dimensional visualization. We conducted geomorphological studies of the coastal seafloor in the coral reef areas of the Ryukyu Islands based on our high-resolution bathymetric map with a grid size of 1 m combined with SCUBA diving observations. For example, the submerged tropical karst features were discovered in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island (Kan et al. 2015). This is the first description of submerged humid tropical karst using multibeam bathymetry. Along with the geomorphological studies, we have also started biological and archeological studies in our bathymetric areas to promote interdisciplinary researches which link natural and human sciences..
49. Kovalik, C.M., Aronson, R.B., Kan, H., Toth, L., Was the Eastern-Pacific hiatus in coral growth a trans-Pacific phenomenon?, The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2015 Annual Meeting, 2015.01.
50. Kan, H., Urata, K., Nagao, M., Hori, N., Fujita, K., Yokoyama, Y., Nakashima, Y., Ohashi, T., Goto, K., Suzuki, A., Submerged humid tropical karst landforms observed by high-resolution multibeam survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, southwestern Japan, American Geophysical Union 2014 Fall Meeting, 2014.12, Submerged tropical karst features were discovered in Nagura Bay on Ishigaki Island in the South Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This is the first description of submerged humid tropical karst using multibeam bathymetry. We conducted a broadband multibeam survey in the central area of Nagura Bay (1.85 × 2.7 km) and visualized the high-resolution bathymetric results with a grid size of 1 m over a depth range of 1.6–58.5 m. Various types of humid tropical karst landforms were found to coexist within the bay, including fluviokarst, doline karst, cockpit karst, polygonal karst, uvalas, and mega-dolines.
We assume that Nagura Bay was a large karst basin in which older limestone remained submerged, thus preventing corrosion and the accumulation of reef sediments during periods of submersion, whereas the limestone outcropping on land was corroded during multiple interglacial and glacial periods. Based on our bathymetric result together with aerial photographs of the coastal area, we conclude that the submerged karst landscape has likely developed throughout the whole of Nagura Bay, covering an area of ~6 × 5 km. Accordingly, this area hosts the largest submerged karst in Japan.
We also observed abundant coral communities during our SCUBA observations. The present marine conditions of Nagura Bay are characterized by low energy (calm sea) and low irradiance owing to the terrestrial influence. Such conditions have been emphasized by the presence of large undulating landforms, which cause decreases in wave intensity and irradiance with depth. These characteristics have acted to establish unique conditions compared to other coral reef areas in the Ryukyu Islands. It may play an important role in supporting the regional coral reef ecosystem.
51. Ono, R., Kan, H., Sakagami, N., Nagao, M., Katagiri, C., First Discovery and Mapping of Early Modern Grapnel Anchors in Ishigaki Island and Cultural Resource Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Okinawa, 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 2014.05, [URL], Yarabuoki site, which contains iron grapnel anchors and early modern Okinawa ceramic jars in 12 to 32 m depth off the western Coast of Ishigaki Island, was discovered by a local diver and reported to Okinawa Prefectural Archaeological Center. In 2010, the Center conducted a distributional survey to confirm the site and its location. Although the survey found and pictured seven numbers of grapnel anchors that were first findings of this type in Okinawa area, the previous study did not record each position and the accurate depth of these artifacts and the site character such as shipwreck site or discarded shipping loads site is yet unclear. With such background and tasks, our team has conducted underwater archaeological research to record each location of grapnel anchors and ceramic jars using GPS. Furthermore, Kan and Nagao conducted a broadband multibeam survey around the Yarabuoki site and visualized the bathymetric results at a lateral grid resolution of 1m. This will enable us to create a three- dimensional site map to plot the artifacts, while Sakagami (Tokai University) developed a low-cost and human-portable underwater robot to explore and record high resolution video of underwater sites, and the robot successfully worked during our surveys. Our paper reports the results and outcomes of the research at Yarabuoki site and other underwater sites in Ishigaki and the Yaeyama Islands and discusses the early modern marine transportations in Okinawa or the Ryukyu Islands. We also discuss the future possibility for cultural resource management of underwater cultural heritages in the Yaeyama and Okinawa..
52. Miklavič, B., 浦田健作, 菅 浩伸, Occurrence of Flank Margin Caves in the Ryukyu Islands, 日本洞窟学会第40回大会, 2014.09.