Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Mita Toshiharu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Agricultural Bioresource Sciences / Department of Bioresource Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

1. Yu Hisasue, Thai-Hong Pham, Toshiharu Mita, Taxonomic revision of the genus Loboscelidia Westwood, 1874 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Loboscelidiinae) from Vietnam, European Journal of Taxonomy, 10.5852/ejt.2023.877.2203, 887, 1-68, 2023.08, The taxonomy of Loboscelidiinae in Vietnam is revised, with 16 new species being described: Loboscelidia bachmaensis sp. nov., L. barbata sp. nov., L. cilia sp. nov., L. convexa sp. nov., L. cucphuongensis sp. nov., L. cuneata sp. nov., L. do sp. nov., L. flavipes sp. nov., L. glabra sp. nov., L. komedai sp. nov., L. mediata sp. nov., L. parallela sp. nov., L. piriformis sp. nov., L. squamosa sp. nov., L. vang sp. nov. and L. vietnamensis sp. nov. In total, 24 species of Loboscelidia are recognized in the fauna of Vietnam. Keys to Indo-Chinese male and world female of Loboscelidia are provided. A brief observation of the foraging behavior of L. squamosa sp. nov. is also reported. Host-carriage and subsequent host egg burying are considered primary nesting behaviors of solitary wasps..
2. TOSHIHARU MITA, Taxonomy of Perissosega Krombein (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae, Amiseginae), with description of a new species from Japan, Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.5169.3.4, 5169, 3, 279-285, 2022.07, Perissosega sulcata sp. nov. is newly described on the basis of the two females collected from Iriomote Island, the Ryukyus, Japan. A new combination is proposed for Calosega flavipes (Kimsey, 1995), comb. nov. from Perissosega Krombein, 1983. The diagnostic characters of Calosega Terayama, 1999 and Perissosega are revised..
3. Yoto Komeda, Toshiharu Mita, New Distributional Records of Habroteleia Kieffer, 1905 (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) and Phoenoteleia Kieffer, 1916 from Japan, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 28, 1, 30-34, 2022.06.
4. RYUDAI ITO, NORIHIDE TOKUSHIGE, TOSHIHARU MITA, Discovery of the genus Muellerella Saussure, 1892 (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Epyrinae) in Japan, Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 10.12976/jib/2022.34.2.3, 34, 2, 42-44, 2022.08, Muellerella indicus (Muesebeck, 1934) of the bethylid subfamily Epyrinae, previously known from India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, was newly recorded from Japan in a sandy beach landscape..
5. TARA GARIEPY, MASSIMO OLMI, ADALGISA GUGLIELMINO, TOSHIHARU MITA, DNA barcoding of Sclerogibbidae and confirmation of the opposite sexes of Sclerogibba berlandi Benoit (Hymenoptera: Sclerogibbidae), Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.5138.1.7, 5138, 1, 75-82, 2022.05, The female and male of Sclerogibba berlandi Benoit, 1963 (Hymenoptera: Sclerogibbidae), collected in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and characterized by a pronounced sexual dimorphism, were associated for the first time by mitochondrial COI sequences. A comparison with COI sequences of S. crassifemorata Riggio & De Stefani-Perez, 1888 and S. talpiformis Benoit, 1950 from Abu Dhabi proved the diversity of S. berlandi. The COI sequence of a female of S. rossi Olmi, 2005 from Japan, Okinawa-jima, was analyzed for the first time and compared with the other sequences..
6. TOSHIHARU MITA, VILLU SOON, Chrysis tripotini Soon, 2010, new to Japan, with description of the male (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 10.12976/jib/2022.34.1.1, 34, 1, 1-4, 2022.07, Chrysis tripotini Soon, 2010 is reported from Honshu Island, Japan and the male is described for the first time. Among the chrysidid fauna of Japan, the male is most closely related to C. solida Haupt, 1956, but it can be distinguished by the combination of following characters: bidentate mandible; punctation on the metasomal tergite II..
7. Kazushige Uemori, Toshiharu Mita, Takuo Hishi, Changes in species, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of Aculeata communities along elevational gradients in the Kyushu Central Mountains of the Japanese archipelago, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 10.1111/1440-1703.12242, 36, 5, 778-787, 2021.09, Climate change can degrade a community of Aculeata bees and wasps with important ecosystem roles, such as pollination and predation. In this study, we evaluated patterns in the species, functional, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) of Aculeata communities along elevational gradients in Miyazaki Prefecture, south of the Japanese archipelago. We used yellow pan traps to collect Aculeata at 200-1600 m above sea level for three seasons. We tested five functional traits (body size, trophic level, feeding guild, flight duration, and elevational range) and horizontal distribution of the species. The species diversity (SD) increased with increasing elevation. Body size, trophic level, and distribution diversity increased with increasing elevation. The community-weighted mean trophic level and flight duration decreased with increasing elevation. PD increased with increasing elevation. The number of northern species increased with increasing elevation. Trophic structure and high seasonal segregation by shortening flight duration should promote high SD at high elevation. The results of PD suggest that geographical barriers preventing the southern species migration decreased SD at low elevations. Community degradation in the lowlands can occur with geographical barriers that limit north-south migration. We show that evaluations of functional traits and phylogeny can reveal the mechanisms underlying community assembly at our sites, where both environmental and geographical conditions affect community assembly..
8. Massimo Olmi, Toshiharu Mita, Adalgisa Guglielmino, Massimo Vollaro, Gabor Vari, Application of DNA barcoding confirms the female, male, larva and host of Bocchus scobiolae Nagy (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4969.3.8, 4969, 3, 563-572, 2021.05, Bocchus scobiolae Nagy (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae, Bocchinae) was reared in Szeged, Hungary. The female, male and immature larva were associated by mitochondrial COI sequences. B. scobiolae, previously known only from Romania, is recorded for the first time from Hungary, Moldova, and Turkey. Caliscelis wallengreni (Stal) (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae) is mentioned for the first time as host of B. scobiolae. B. vernieri Olmi is indicated for the first time from Hungary. Helegonatopus rasnitzyni (Trjapitzin, 1963) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), recorded for the first time from Hungary, was.
9. Shoji Sonoda, Kiyohiko Kagawa, Yuki Furui, Ken Nakada, Mitsuko Koyama, Seishi Toda, Naoyuki Sugiura, Shoko Nakamura, Masahiro Sueyoshi, Toshiharu Mita, Masatoshi Toyama, Mutual complementarity among diverse pollinators as a mechanism underlying open insect pollination in Japanese pear orchards, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY, 10.1111/jen.12967, 146, 5, 498-510, 2022.06, Cultivated Japanese pear varieties, mostly showing self-incompatibility, require pollen transfer from other varieties. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of open Japanese pear insect pollination, we first collected flower-visiting insects using plastic vials and sticky traps in orchards located at different regions in Japan. Results showed that insects assigned to the families Andrenidae (Hymenoptera), Apidae (Hymenoptera), Halictidae (Hymenoptera), Syrphidae (Diptera) and Empididae (Diptera) are abundant in the orchards. Second, we restricted the flower-visiting insects to access Japanese pear flowers using bags with mesh sizes of 0, 2 and 3.5 mm. Results indicated that insects which allowed to pass through bags with 3.5-mm mesh size but not through bags with 2-mm mesh size contribute primarily to pollination, represented as the fruit-set ratio and seed number. Third, we measured head and thorax widths of the flower-visiting insects and counted pollen grains on their body surfaces to estimate their pollination potential. Results indicated that insects assigned to the families Andrenidae, Halictidae, Syrphidae, Bibionidae (Diptera) and Muscidae (Diptera), including species with both widths smaller than 3.5 mm, harbour large quantities of Pyrus pollen grains, in addition to Apis mellifera (Apidae) with both widths greater than 3.5 mm. Consequently, the families Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae and Syrphidae might be the most important insect families for Japanese pear pollination. However, species identification of the flower-visiting insects showed no common key species that contribute remarkably to pollination services other than A. mellifera. Consecutive insect collection using plastic vials and sticky traps demonstrated that compositions of the flower-visiting insects are fluctuating continuously in the orchards. Nevertheless, year-to-year fluctuation of the fruit-set ratio was less pronounced in open-pollinated orchards than in hand-pollinated orchards. These results suggest that mutual complementation among diverse pollinator species might be the mechanism underlying open Japanese pear insect pollination..
10. Komeda, Y, Mita, T, Hirose, Y, Yamagishi, K, Taxonomic revision of charon-, floridanum- and muscaeforme-groups of Gryon Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) from Japan, with descriptions of two new species and host information, Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 80, 99-135, 2020.12.
11. Hisasue, Y, Mita, T, Rhadinoscelidia lixa sp. nov.(Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Loboscelidiinae) found on an ant nest in Thailand, ZooKeys, 975, 1-9, 2020.10.
12. RYUDAI ITO, TOSHIHARU MITA, A new species of Odontepyris (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Bethylinae) from East Asia, Journal of Insect Biodiversity, 023, 009-016., 2021.03.
13. Toshiharu Mita, Taxonomic study of Baeosega and its allies, with description of a new species of Nipponosega (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Amiseginae), ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.1041.66267, 1041, 1-25, 2021.05, Three related genera of Asian Amiseginae, Baeosega Krombein, Nipponosega Kurzenko & Lelej, and Okinawasega Terayama are revised. The male of N. yamanei Kurzenko & Lelej and the female of O. eguchii Terayama are newly described. The following new synonymies are proposed: Baeosega humida Krombein, 1984 = B. laticeps Krombein, 1984, syn. nov.; Nipponosega yamanei Kurzenko & Lelej, 1994 = N. kantoensis Nagase, 1995, syn. nov. A new species of Nipponosega, N. lineata sp. nov. is described based on a female from Thailand. A key to genera and species of Baeosega, Nipponosega and Okinawasega is given..
14. Keisuke Narita, Toshiharu Mita, A review of the subfamily Methochinae from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) with description of a new species and redescription of the known species, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4964.2.4, 4964, 2, 303-329, 2021.04, Eleven species of Methocha Latreille from Taiwan are revised. Methocha cirrhocrus Narita & Mita, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The previously unknown male of M. maai Lin, 1966 is described. Methocha taoi Lin, 1966 is newly synonymized under Methocha areolata Lin, 1966. The genus Karlissa Krombein, 1979 is newly recorded from Taiwan, and a new combination is proposed for Methoca (sic!) tricha Strand, 1913, which is transferred to the genus Karlissa Krombein. A key to the species based on males and females is given.The genus Methocha Latreille, 1804 is an ectoparasitoid of tiger beetle larvae (Carabidae, Cicindelinae). Currently, 54 species are known from the Oriental region (Krombein, 1982; Tsuneki, 1986; Agnoli, 2011; Terayama & Mita, 2015; Narita & Mita, 2018). Although species diversity has been poorly surveyed, Taiwan is the most diverse area in the Oriental region with 12 known species (Strand, 1913; Williams, 1919; Lin, 1966; Tsuneki, 1986). However, diagnostic characters among Taiwanese species are variable (i.e., the angle of the clypeal process) and the surface sculpture of propodeum, the most important diagnostic characters in males, is unclear. Therefore, it is necessary to reevaluate and redescribe the known species. As with other Aculeata Hymenoptera showing great sexual dimorphism like Bethylidae and Dryinidae (Azevedo, et al. 2016; Mita et al. 2017), the sex association of Methocha species is almost impossible without data from.
15. MITA Toshiharu, OHARA Naomichi, YAGI Sadahisa, Type materials of Dryinidae described by Teiso Esaki & Shiro Hashimoto (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), 九州大学総合研究博物館研究報告, 10.15017/4377888, 18, 75-85, 2021.03, 近年見つかったプレパラート標本を含め、江崎悌三と橋本士郎によって記載されたカマバチ科のタイプ標本の検討を行った。Apterodryinus tambiniae Esaki & Hashimoto, 1935, Echthrodelphax bicolor Esaki & Hashimoto, 1931,Pachygonatopus andoi Esaki & Hashimoto, 1935, Pseudogonatopus flavifemur Esaki & Hashimoto, 1932のレクトタイプを指定した。再発見されたタイプに基づき再記載を行った。また、Tetrodontochelys lucens( = Gonatopus lucens)をP. andoi の新参異名とみなした。.
16. Hirota Tetsuya, Mita Toshiharu, Role of host vibration and cuticular hydrocarbons in host location and recognition by Haplogonatopus oratorius (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), Applied entomology and zoology, 56, 1, 107-113, 2021.02, クロハラカマバチによる宿主の位置と認識を評価するために、ヒメトビウンカが放出する揮発性物質,振動信号,およびクチクラ表面の炭化水素(CHC)に対する雌のスズメバチの行動反応を調べた。クロハラカマバチは、宿主や植物の揮発性物質には反応を示さなかったが、ウンカが雌雄のコミュニケーションに用いる寄主を介した振動と宿主のCHCには強く誘引された。これらの結果から、クロハラカマバチにとって,寄主のCHCと振動信号は、適切な資源を識別するための重要な手掛かりであることを示唆していると考えられる。.
17. Evgeny E. Perkovsky, Kateryna Martynova, Toshiharu Mita, Massimo Olmi, Yan Zheng, Patrick Mueller, Qi Zhang, Flavie Gantier, Vincent Perrichot, A golden age for ectoparasitoids of Embiodea: Cretaceous Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Kachin (Myanmar), Charentes (France) and Choshi (Japan) ambers, GONDWANA RESEARCH, 10.1016/, 87, 1-22, 2020.11, Sclerogibbid wasps are obligate parasitoids of webspinners (Embiodea). Both groups have a particularly scarce geological record and arc known since the Cretaceous: them am only four species of webspinners known from Burmese amber, and only two sclerogibbids were described from Barremian Lebanese and Cenomanian Burmese ambers. Here we report transferred genus from Aptian Choshi (Japan) amber and new sclerogibbids from Cenomanian Burmese and Charentese (France) ambers. The taxa described from Burmese amber are: Burrnascterogibba apt era gen. el sp. nov., Cretoscterogibba gen. nov. (with C. antennalis sp. nov., C. contractocollis sp. nov., C. neli sp. nov. and C. rasnitsyni sp. nov.) and Edrossia vetusta gen. et sp. nov. The first European fossil sclerogibbid Gallosclerogibba alnensis gen. et sp. nov. is described from Charentese amber. The holotype of Chosia yamadai Fujiyama, from Choshi amber, is re-described; it appears to be the oldest Laurasian sclerogibbid. The significant abundance and variety of Burmese sclerogibbid wasps (60% of fossil species known worldwide), as proxy of their hosts, were probably caused by the protection granted to them by the silk webs and possibly by the limited predation from omithuromorph birds or crown-group ants. While all three extant sclerogibbid genera have apterous females, genera with winged females (Creto.sclerogibba and Edrossia) dominated in Burmese amber. Small silk galleries from hosts may have favored the preservation of wings in females of Cretaceous sclerogibbids. Most new species described in the present paper, in addition to C. yamadai, are characterized by a very slender neck and a very long frontal process concealing the antennal toruli. These characters disappeared in extant species. We suggest that this loss was caused by a change in the fauna of predators, penalizing species with long neck and rostrum. (C) 2020 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved..
18. Toshiharu Mita, Scott Richard Shaw, A taxonomic study of Dinapsis Waterson, 1922 from Madagascar (Hymenoptera: Megalyridae, Dinapsini): crested wasps of the hirtipes species-group, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4858.1.4, 4858, 1, 71-84, 2020.09, Five new species, Dinapsis albicauda, n. sp., D. cresta, n. sp., D. luteus, n. sp., D. planifrons, n. sp., and D. scriptus, n. sp. are described from the island of Madagascar. The Dinapsis hirtipes species-group is proposed based on D. hirtipes Hedqvist, 1967 and the five newly described species. A key to species of the D. hirtipes species-group is provided..
19. Yuma Sugawara, Toshiharu Mita, Jun Tabata, Takatoshi Ueno, Genetic and morphological approach to reappraising species validity in two different Anagyrus wasps (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) attracted by cyclolavandulyl butyrate, ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.1111/ens.12409, 23, 2, 152-164, 2020.06, Members of the genusAnagyrusare primary endoparasitoids of mealybugs and thus include potentially important biological control agents of mealybug pests. We have previously discovered that an analogous compound of a mealybug pheromone, cyclolavandulyl butyrate (CLB), strongly attractsAnagyrus sawadaiIshii and can enhance the foraging activity of this wasp in CLB-treated orchards. In the present study, we found two groups ofAnagyrusparasitoids that differed in color were attracted to CLB. One wasA. sawadaiand the other type was morphologically identified asA.subalbipesIshii, which had been considered to be synonymous withA. sawadai. We suspected these two color populations ofAnagyrusmust be independent species because of their different emergence patterns in the field. Our morphological and molecular analyses supported this idea. We confirmed morphologically diagnostic features to distinguish the two species. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analysis based onCOIsequences revealed thatA. sawadaiandA.subalbipeswere placed in entirely different clusters. These findings not only offered new insight into the taxonomy and phylogeny ofAnagyrusspp. but also provided critical knowledge for the use of these indigenous natural enemies for biological control of mealybugs in agricultural fields..
20. Fauna of Aculeata in Shiiba research forest and Kashiba National forest
種の分布情報は,将来の気候や環境の変動による生物相の変化を把握するために重要である。しかし,九州における有剣ハチ類の分布記録は極めて乏しく,特に高標高域での記録は欠落している。本調査では,分布記録の少ない高標高域を含む九州大学農学部附属宮崎演習林および樫葉国有林において,有剣ハチ類の種記載とその分布情報を記録した。異なる季節にイエローパントラップを用いて有剣ハチ類を採集したところ,1169 個体135 種が採集され,その内12 種が九州初記録種であった。パントラップで採集される主な種については記録できたと考えられるが,有剣ハチ類相全体の解明には他の採集方法も試す必要がある。
Information of species distribution is important for understanding changes in fauna due to future climate and environmental changes. However, the distribution record of Aculeata in Kyushu is extremely poor, especially in the high altitude. In this survey, we recorded distribution of Aculeata in Shiiba research forest, Kyushu Univ. and Kashiba National forest including high altitude area. We collected Aculeata wasps by yellow pan trap in different seasons. A total of 135 species and 1169 individuals were collected, and 12 of which were the first recorded species in Kyushu. It is assumed that the yellow pan trap method was efficient in collecting the major Aculeata species in the area. However, other methods of collection must be tried to elucidate the entire fauna..
21. Paolo Rosa, Pham Hong Thai, Toshiharu Mita, Rediscovery of Lustrina Kurian (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), with redescription of L. assamensis Kurian, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4718.2.10, 4718, 2, 285-291, 2020.01, The genus Lustrina Kurian, 1955 is discussed and Lustrina assamensis Kurian, 1955 is redescribed based on the examination of type specimen as well as a specimen recently collected..
22. Diversity of Chrysidoidea
An overview of the families of Chrysidoidea distributed in Japan is given. As a common problem for each family, it is difficult to match males and females because of their sexual dimorphism and often their rareness. Due to changes in our lifestyle and land use, the abundance of some taxa has reduced compared to the past. On the other hand, several taxa previously seldom reported, like Embolemus, have been found one after another. The knowledge of the fauna of Japan was greatly improved especially for major groups such as Bethylidae in recent years..
23. Toshiharu Mita, Paolo Rosa, Redescription of Chrysidea pumiloides Zimmermann, 1956, and description of three new species of Chrysidea from Madagascar (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TAXONOMY, 10.5852/ejt.2019.564, 564, 564, 1-20, 2019.10, Chrysidea pumiloides Zimmermann, 1956 and its Malagasy allies are taxonomically revised. As a result, C. pumiloides and C. phoebe Zimmermann, 1956 are redescribed; two new species, C. vazimba sp. nov. and C. merina sp. nov., are described from museum collections, and another new species, C. rioae sp. nov., is described based on a male recently collected in Southern Madagascar, at Berenty Reserve. The habitus of the holotypes and the male genitalia are illustrated and the key to Malagasy Chrysidea Bischoff, 1913 is updated..
24. Kenji Suetsugu, Toshiharu Mita, First report that the wasp Gronotoma guamensis (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Eucoilinae) parasitizes the orchid-feeding fly Japanagromyza tokunagai in Japan, ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.1111/ens.12355, 22, 2, 194-197, 2019.06, Compared with mycorrhizal relationships, the relationships between mycoheterotrophic plants and insects have rarely been studied. Here we report a previously unknown tripartite interaction among an endangered mycoheterotrophic orchid, an orchid-feeding fly, and a parasitoid wasp. The flowers and stems of Eulophia zollingeri were heavily attacked by Japanagromyza tokunagai (Sasakawa) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), and the parasitoid wasp Gronotoma guamensis (Yoshimoto) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) was reared from these J. tokunagai individuals. Considering the high infestation rate of J. tokunagai, G. guamensis could be important in suppressing the J. tokunagai population, and positively affect the reproductive success of E. zollingeri..
25. Kenji Suetsugu, Toshiharu Mita, Pediobius metallicus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae): First record of a parasitoid wasp of the agromyzid fly Japanagromyza tokunagai, a serious pest of orchids, JOURNAL OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY, 10.1016/j.aspen.2018.10.003, 21, 4, 1289-1291, 2018.12, Agromyzid flies, also known as leafminer flies, are one of the most serious insect pests that infest various plants. An agromyzid fly Japanagromyza tokunagai lays eggs in the ovaries of various Japanese orchids during or shortly after anthesis. Consequently, seed predation by J. tokunagai has the potential to severely limit the reproduction of many endangered orchids in Japan. While agromyzid populations tend to be suppressed by rich communities of natural parasitoids, such parasitoids have yet to be reported. Here we report Pediobius metallicus as the first record of a parasitoid of J. tokunagai. It is highly unusual to find parasitoids infesting J. tokunagai, possibly because the fly is protected by the thick wall and three-dimensional structure of orchid capsule. Pediobius metallicus may play an important role in suppressing J. tokunagai population at least in our study site..
26. Toshiharu Mita, Massimo Olmi, Taxonomic additions of Embolemidae and Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Japan, with description of a new species of Trogloembolemus, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4497.4.8, 4497, 4, 586-592, 2018.10, Ampulicomorpha thauma Rasnitsyn & Matveev (Hymenoptera: Embolemidae) and Sclerogibba rossi Olmi (Hymenoptera: Sclerogibbidae) were newly recorded from Japan. Females of Embolemus walkeri Westwood were found in the soil together with nymphs of Cixiidae. Trogloembolemus okanoi sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The holotype female was collected in the soil at a depth of one meter. A key to species of Japanese Embolemidae was updated..
27. Keisuke Narita, Toshiharu Mita, Two new species of the genus Methocha from Laos (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae), ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.775.24945, 775, 775, 59-68, 2018.07, Two new species of Methocha, M. cariniventris and M. granulosa are described from Laos..
28. Yoto Komeda, Toshiharu Mita, Kenzo Yamagishi, Three new brachypterous species of Trimorus Förster (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) from Japan., Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 10.3897/jhr.63.23671, 63, 15-32, 2018.04, [URL].
29. Toshiharu Mita, Hiroshi Nagano, Massimo Olmi, Dryinidae and Embolemidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Anijima, Ogasawara Islands, Japan, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4323.2.7, 4323, 2, 239-249, 2017.09, The fauna of Dryinidae and Embolemidae from Anijima in Ogasawara Islands, Japan is surveyed. Five species of Dryinidae and one of Embolemidae. Gonatopus adelphos Mita & Olmi, sp. nov. and Ampulicomorpha viator Mita & Olmi, sp. nov. are described and illustrated. Gonatopus tambiniae (Esaki & Hashimoto) is recorded for the first time from Anijima. Anteon achterbergi Olmi, Gonatopus nigricans (R. Perkins) are recorded for the first time from Ogasawara Islands. The male of Dryinus sinicus Olmi is described for the first time. Gonatopus hagoromo Terayama & Ohbayashi is considered junior synonymous of Gonatopus tambiniae (Esaki & Hashimoto)..
30. Mita T, Handa H, Japoshvili G, First report of Cheiloneurus exitiosus (Perkins, 1906) and Helegonatopus dimorphus (Hoffer, 1954) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Japan, with remarks on their abundance in rice paddies., Biodiversity Data Journal, 10.3897/BDJ.4.e9230, 4, 1-14, 2016.08.
31. Komeda Y, Mita T, Yamagishi K, A new species of Ceratoteleas Kozlov (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) from Japan, with a description of the male of Ceratoteleas., Zookeys, 10.3897/zookeys.609.8852, 609, 1-9, 2016.08.
32. Linn S. Kimsey, Toshiharu Mita, Hong Thai Pham, New species of the genus Mahinda Krombein, 1983 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Amiseginae), ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.551.6168, 551, 145-154, 2016.01.
33. フォーラム 国際膜翅目学会第8回国際会議 "International Society of Hymenopterists (ISH) 8th International Congress, 2014"参加報告.
34. 寺山守, 三田 敏治, New Species of the Genera Methocha Latreille and Hylomesa Krombein from Japan (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 21, 2, 373-380, 2015.11.
35. Toshiharu Mita, Kyohei Watanabe, Kishimoto Toshiro, Occurrence of Chrysis boninensis Tsuneki (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) in Anijima Island, the Ogasawara Islands, with description of the male., Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 21, 2, 191-194, 2015.11.
36. Tsujii, Kentaro, Toshiharu Mita, Terayama, Mamoru, Hong Thai Pham, Okajima, Shuji, Discovery of the genus Formosiepyris Terayama, (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) in Vietnam, with a description of a new species, ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.507.9773, 507, 25-30, 2015.04.
37. Toshiharu Mita, Nishimoto, Hiroyuki, Shimizu, Nobutaka, Mizutani, Nobuo, Occurrence of Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae), an egg parasitoid of Nezara viridula (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), in Japan, APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY, 10.1007/s13355-014-0298-3, 50, 1, 27-31, 2015.02.
38. Toshiharu Mita, Hiroyuki Nishimoto, Nobutaka Shimizu, Nobuo Mizutani, Occurrence of Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae), an egg parasitoid of Nezara viridula (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), in Japan, APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY, 10.1007/s13355-014-0298-3, 50, 1, 27-31, 2015.02, Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston), a cosmopolitan egg parasitoid of Nezara viridula (Linnaeus), was newly discovered in Central Honshu and Kyushu, Japan. The morphological characteristics useful to identify Tr. basalis from other species of Trissolcus occurring in Japan were indicated. Partial mitochondrial COI gene sequences of samples obtained from Aichi to Fukuoka Prefectures almost completely correspond to those obtained from overseas retrieved from the DDBJ/Genbank database. The sequence of Tr. basalis was different by 13-17 % from Trissolcus species compared and Telenomus turesis (Dalman). Further field research is needed to clarify the impact of Tr. basalis on local parasitoid guilds..
39. Sawada, Hikaru, Terayama, Mamoru, Toshiharu Mita, New species of Neoapenesia (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) from Japan, with special remarks on female morphology and bionomics, ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.1111/ens.12061, 17, 3, 324-329, 2014.07.
40. Hikaru Sawada, Mamoru Terayama, Toshiharu Mita, New species of Neoapenesia (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) from Japan, with special remarks on female morphology and bionomics, ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.1111/ens.12061, 17, 3, 324-329, 2014.07, A bethylid wasp is described as Neoapenesia makiharai n. sp. based on adults obtained from dead wood collected from the Ryukyus, Japan. The male is distinguishable from N. leytensis Terayama, the monotypic species of the genus, on the basis of the following characteristics: presence of short 2Rs vein, rounded propodeum, absence of sculpture on propodeum, widened subgenital plate, and apically rounded aedeagus. The female of Neoapenesia is described for the first time. Its morphological characteristics closely resemble those of Apenesia, but sex association was confirmed by the following facts: partial mitochondrial COI gene sequences (582 bp) of males and females were identical, and mating behavior was often observed. The female is easily distinguishable from females of Apenesia on the basis of the following characteristics: distinctly short antenna (not reaching posterior margin of head) and a disproportionately large head (head width about twice the dorsal pronotal width). Although females were active at night, males were active in the daytime and copulation was observed during this period. Since the female is larger than the male, phoretic copulation may not occur. Dead wood was collected and kept in plastic bags, from which a total of 16 species of coleopteran wood-borers and two predators were obtained together with N. makiharai n. sp. Many individuals of N. makiharai n. sp. were reared from dead wood severely affected by Cerecium longicorne and it was the most common species obtained from our wood samples. Therefore, the cerambycid species is considered a potential host species..
41. Massimo Olmi, Toshiharu Mita, Adalgisa Guglielmino, Revision of the Embolemidae of Japan (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), with description of a new genus and two new species, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.3793.4.2, 3793, 4, 423-440, 2014.05, Seven species of Embolemidae are recognized in Japan. They belong to two genera: Embolemus Westwood 1833 and Trogloembolemus Olmi, Mita et Guglielmino, gen. nov. (type species T. fujiei Olmi, Mita et Guglielmino, sp. nov.) Embolemus honshuensis Olmi, Mita et Guglielmino, sp. nov. (Japan, Honshu) and Trogloembolemus fujiei Olmi, Mita & Guglielmino, sp. nov. (Japan, Honshu) are described and figured. A key to the genera and species of Japan is presented. Trogloembolemus fujiei sp. nov., collected in the soil at a depth of two metres and almost blind, is the first species of Embolemidae with troglobitic habitus..
42. Chrysidoid wasps from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo.
43. Mita Toshiharu, Sanada-Morimura Sachiyo, Matsumura Masaya, Genetic variation of two apterous wasps Haplogonatopus apicalis and H. oratorius (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) in East Asia, Applied entomology and zoology, 10.1007/s13355-012-0160-4, 48, 2, 119-124, 2013.05.
44. Mita Toshiharu, Redescription of Neodryinus japonicus Uchida (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae: Gonatopodinae), ESAKIA, 53, 9-11, 2013.03, Neodryinus japonicus Uchida is redescribed based on the holotype which was currently rediscovered and female specimens collected in Honshu and Kyushu..
45. Toshiharu Mita, Konishi, Kazuhiko, Phylogeny and biogeography of Carminator (Hymenoptera: Megalyridae), SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY, 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2010.00548.x, 36, 1, 104-114, 2011.01.
46. Mita Toshiharu, First Description of the Males of Gonatopus lucens (Olmi) and G. asiaticus (Olmi), with Host Records from Japan (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae: Gonatopodinae), ESAKIA, 49, 117-120, 2009.12, Two species of Gonatopus Ljungh are newly recorded from Palaearctic Asia as follows: G. lucens (Olmi) from Korea and Japan, G. asiaticus (Olmi) from Japan, and the males are described for the first time. New host information is as follows: G. lucens parasitizes Doratulina producta (Matsumura) and G. asiaticus is thought to parasitize Hosunka sp..
47. Toshiharu Mita, Konishi, Kazuhiko, Terayama, Mamoru, Yamane, Seiki, Two new species of the genus Carminator Shaw from Japan, the northernmost record of extant Megalyridae (Hymenoptera), ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.1111/j.1479-8298.2007.00213.x, 10, 2, 201-208, 2007.06.
48. MITA Toshiharu, KONISHI Kazuhiko, TERAYAMA Mamoru, YAMANE Seiki, Two new species of the genus Carminator Shaw from Japan, the northernmost record of extant Megalyridae (Hymenoptera), Entomological science, 10.1111/j.1479-8298.2007.00213.x, 10, 2, 201-208, 2007.06.