九州大学 研究者情報
瀬平劉 アントン(せびらりゆう あんとん) データ更新日:2023.11.28

准教授 /  基幹教育院 人文社会科学部門

1. Sueki Fumihiko Riggs, Lynne E. (trans.) Takechi Manabu (trans.) Sevilla, Anton Luis (sub-trans.), Philosophy Live: A Perspective from Japan, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2018.03, [URL].
2. 西平 直, 中川 吉晴, 坂井 祐円, SEVILLA Anton, ケアの根源を求めて, 晃洋書房, 2017.09, 本当にケアしているのは「私」なのか。その問いから議論は始まった。どうやらケアの主体は「私」ではないらしい。しかしその先の理解はそれぞれ異なっていた。互いのズレの中で見えてきた驚き、疑問、違和感、共感・・・ズレの中でこそあらわれる洞察。いまケアの根源へと降りてゆく。.
3. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Watsuji Tetsurô’s Global Ethics of Emptiness: A Contemporary Look at a Modern Japanese Philosopher, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.09, This book is a rethinking of ethics and socio-political life through the ideas of Watsuji Tetsurô. Can we build a systematic philosophy of morality, society, and politics, not on the basis of identity and ego, but rather on the basis of selflessness? This book explores such an attempt by the leading ethicist of modern Japan. Using concrete examples and contemporary comparisons, and with careful reference to both English and Japanese sources, it guides the reader through Watsuji’s ideas. It engages three contemporary issues in depth: First, how do we approach the moral agent, as an autonomous being or as a fundamentally relational being? Second, is it the individual or the community that is the starting point for politics? And finally, is ethics something that is globally shared or something fundamentally local? This book aims to be an informative and inspiring resource for researchers, students, and laypersons interested in Buddhist thought..
4. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Religion and Ethics at Odds: A Buddhist Counter-Position (written by Sueki Fumihiko), Nagoya, Chisokudo Publications, 2016.12, [URL].

