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瀬平劉 アントン(せびらりゆうあんとん) データ更新日:2024.06.03

1. Sueki Fumihiko Riggs, Lynne E. (trans.) Takechi Manabu (trans.) Sevilla, Anton Luis (sub-trans.), Philosophy Live: A Perspective from Japan, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2018.03, [URL].
2. 西平 直, 中川 吉晴, 坂井 祐円, SEVILLA Anton, ケアの根源を求めて, 晃洋書房, 2017.09, 本当にケアしているのは「私」なのか。その問いから議論は始まった。どうやらケアの主体は「私」ではないらしい。しかしその先の理解はそれぞれ異なっていた。互いのズレの中で見えてきた驚き、疑問、違和感、共感・・・ズレの中でこそあらわれる洞察。いまケアの根源へと降りてゆく。.
3. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Watsuji Tetsurô’s Global Ethics of Emptiness: A Contemporary Look at a Modern Japanese Philosopher, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.09, This book is a rethinking of ethics and socio-political life through the ideas of Watsuji Tetsurô. Can we build a systematic philosophy of morality, society, and politics, not on the basis of identity and ego, but rather on the basis of selflessness? This book explores such an attempt by the leading ethicist of modern Japan. Using concrete examples and contemporary comparisons, and with careful reference to both English and Japanese sources, it guides the reader through Watsuji’s ideas. It engages three contemporary issues in depth: First, how do we approach the moral agent, as an autonomous being or as a fundamentally relational being? Second, is it the individual or the community that is the starting point for politics? And finally, is ethics something that is globally shared or something fundamentally local? This book aims to be an informative and inspiring resource for researchers, students, and laypersons interested in Buddhist thought..
4. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Religion and Ethics at Odds: A Buddhist Counter-Position (written by Sueki Fumihiko), Nagoya, Chisokudo Publications, 2016.12, [URL].
1. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, "The theoretical basis of a functional-descriptive approach to qualitative research in CBS: With a focus on narrative analysis and practice", Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2023.11.001, 30, 210-216, 2023.11, [URL], This conceptual-methodological article examines how qualitative research, particularly the recent developments in narrative analysis, can be used in a manner consistent with Contextual Behavioral Science. Qualitative research is ordinarily a form of “descriptive contextualism” that can be used for understanding the narratives of the client, the therapy process, and its results. Narrative analysis contributes to the idiographic understanding of a particular experience by carefully examining narrative elements like plot, motives, and characters. The use of such analysis is now supported by attempts to use behaviorism and Relational Frame Theory to understand narratives. However, in response to the criticism that qualitative research is merely descriptive rather than functional, new developments in narrative analysis that go beyond description of stories toward the scope, effects, and boundaries of stories are examined. This makes possible a narrative analysis that is functional-descriptive, where understanding and prediction-and-influence are combined..
2. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, "Non-Theistic Ethics.", Encyclopedia of Religious Ethics, ed. William Schweiker, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118499528.ch5, 2022.10, [URL], What is the meaning of “non-theistic ethics?” The first part of this entry builds on Franklin Gamwell's distinction between non-religious and religious approaches to ethics. However, for Gamwell religious ethics is often associated with theism. The second part examines how it is possible to have a non-theistic religious ethics. Three strategies that are found in the “philosophy of nothingness” of Japan are explored: the first is transforming subjectivity, a strategy employed in Nishitani Keiji's (1982) interpretation of Zen Buddhism. Second is ethics as absolute mediation, which is exemplified by Tanabe Hajime (1986) in his philosophy of Pure Land Buddhism. Finally, there is communitarian religiosity, as demonstrated in Watsuji Tetsurô's Confucian-inspired ethics. The third part of the entry ends with a caveat – non-theistic religions can lead to ethics, but as Sueki Fumihiko points out, religion is also fundamentally in tension with ethics. The history of religious ethics is also a history of the “trans-ethical” manifestations of religion..
3. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, "Understanding Self-Compassion within Narrative Identity: The Struggles of Japanese Students with Measuring Up.", The Qualitative Report, https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2022.5602, 27, 10, 2230-2250, 2022.10, [URL].
4. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, "ACT and the Kyoto School of Philosophy: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Personhood, Ethics, and Becoming.", Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2022.09.008, 26, 173-180, 2022.09, [URL], This paper examines the connections between Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Kyoto School Philosopher Mori Akira (1915–1976), in order to see how ACT and functional contextualism can engage other subfields in academic philosophy like philosophy of the human person, ethics, and philosophy of human becoming, and other areas such as eastern and continental philosophy. It first examines Mori's model of the layers of human existence (organic, conscious, reflective, and self-aware) and how it connects to ACT's views of the human person (workability, languaging, self-processes), presenting how these potentially critique modern ideas of the human being as a merely rational animal. It then proceeds to ACT and Mori's ethics of freely-chosen values and how these can critique utilitarian and deontological ethics. Finally, it proceeds to the philosophy of human becoming and how ACT and Mori can contribute to a contextual-existential view of the path of human development..
5. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Narrative Practice: A Practically Grounded Examination of Theories and Worldviews.", Journal of Systemic Therapies, https://doi.org/10.1521/jsyt.2022.41.2.17, 41, 2, 17-39, 2022.09, [URL].
6. Anton Sevilla-Liu, "From Mori Akira to Narrative Education: Weaving the Tapestry of Narrative Philosophy, Analysis, Therapy, Pedagogy, and Research", Human Arenas, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42087-021-00202-5, 2021.03, [URL], The narrative approach has developed in various directions—philosophy, qualitative analysis, therapy, pedagogy, research methodology—but these various directions are often isolated from each other. This article weaves together these five threads of narrative in order to suggest a novel way for how narrative can be used in the classroom. This is done through narratively expressed action research (Jean Clandinin) on the experiences of the author, a university teacher in Japan, and his attempts to incorporate narrative elements into career education classes. This article begins with its theoretical foundations, the narrative philosophy of education of Mori Akira, and how it was applied to pedagogically support the growth of self-awareness S1 (social identity) in a university orientation class. It then explores the design principles of this class, drawing from Dan P. McAdams’s narrative analysis and modified using narrative therapy (Michael White & David Epston). Next, it narrates the teacher’s experience of reading and responding to students’ narratives in two parts: the first five sessions where students write autobiographical exercises (looking at the “authored self”), and the last two sessions where students reflect on the texts they have written (highlighting the “authoring self”). I conclude with several design principles that seek to weave together narrative pedagogy, analysis, and therapy..
7. Anton Sevilla-Liu, "Mori Akira's Education for Self-Awareness: Lessons from the Kyoto School for Mindful Education", Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2021.02, What does it mean to educate for self-awareness? This is a key question for the mindful education (or contemplative pedagogy) movement. In order to address this question, this article examines the philosophy of education of Mori Akira (1915-1976). It closely analyses his philosophy of self-awareness (jikaku), while drawing comparisons to the other Kyoto School philosophers. In order to fully understand Mori’s particular conception of self-awareness, it traces how this idea developed throughout his entire career: From his first book, The Philosophical Quest for Educational Ideals (1948), which focuses on the questing self-awareness of the teacher, to the early-middle period (particularly The Practicality and Inwardness of Education, 1955 and Philosophical Anthropology of Education 1961), which develops a systematic view of the self-awareness of students, to his final book, The Fundamental Principles of Human Formation (1977), which re-examines generativity in light of uncertainty and death. What this narrative shows is a view of education centred on self-awareness and dynamically wrestling with key educational paradoxes, potentially deepening the philosophical grounding of mindful education..
8. Sevilla-Liu Anton, Honda Teruhiko, Mizokami Atsuko, Nakayama Hiroaki, "Experiences of Mindful Education: Phenomenological Analysis of MBCT Exercises in a Graduate Class Context", The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 7, 1, 195-221, 2021.01.
9. Anton Sevilla-Liu, "Japanese Philosophy of Moral Education: From Watsuji Tetsuro to Mori Akira", Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, 23, 3, 95-142, 2020.07.
10. セビリア・アントン, 「教育におけるマインドフルネスと無心」, 『無心のケア』, 105-146, 坂井 祐円 (編集), 西平 直 (編集)、晃洋書房, 2020.07.
11. Sueki Fumihiko, Sevilla Anton Luis (trans.), "The Philosophy of Myoken: The Ethics of the Dead and Bodhisattvas", International Journal of Asian Studies, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1479591420000145, 17, 57-73, 2020.04.
12. Sevilla, Anton Luis, "Aida (Inter-) als Narrativ: Eine Relektüre der Aidagara-Ethik von Watsuji Tetsurô", Polylog, 41, 57-78, 2019.08, [URL].
13. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "Mindful Education and the Kyoto School: Contemplative Pedagogy, Enactivism, and the Philosophy of Nothingness", Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (VI), ed. José M. Delgado-García et al, 2018.07.
14. Sevilla, Anton Luis, “Seito Shidô (Guidance) as a Space for Philosophy in Translation.”, Tetsugaku, 2, 294-310, 2018.04.
15. Sevilla, Anton Luis, “Cultural-Moral Difference in Global Education: Rethinking Theory and Praxis via Watsuji Tetsurô”, Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook, 12, 23-34, 2018.03.
16. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "Educational Ideals in Pre and Post-War Japan: From Imperial Subject to Deweyan Democratic Citizen", Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, 21, 2, 75-119, 2017.11, [URL].
17. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "The Buddhist Roots of Watsuji Tetsuro’s Ethics of Emptiness", Journal of Religious Ethics, 44, 4, 606-635, 2016.06.
18. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "Education and Empty Relationality: Thoughts on Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy", Journal of Philosophy of Education, 50, 4, 639-654, 2016.11.
19. SEVILLA ANTON LUIS, 「空の倫理学における倫理と超倫理―末木文美士の和辻批判を超えて―」, 『西田哲学会年報』, 13, 101-115, 2016.07.
20. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "The Ethics of Engaged Pedagogy: A Comparative Study of Watsuji Tetsurô and bell hooks", Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy, 10, 1, 124-145, 2016.06, This article is a comparative study of bell hooks’s “engaged pedagogy” with Watsuji Tetsurô’s systematic ethics. The purpose of this comparison is twofold: First is to examine the relational view of ethics that underlies hooks’s thought, in order to explore her deliberately “un-academic” work in a philosophically rigorous way. Second is to examine the fundamental connections of Watsuji’s ethics of human existence to an education for human becoming. This comparison will be carried out in two stages. First, I will examine the connections of hooks and Watsuji on the level of society and relational structures. Second, I will delve deeper into the existential/spiritual level, in the ethics/education of emptiness..
21. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Catherine JAO, "Buddhist Ethics and Counseling: Nishitani Keiji and Kawai Hayao", Record of Clinical-Philosophical Pedagogy (臨床教育人間学), 13, 61-76, 2015.04.
22. SEVILLA ANTON LUIS, 「和辻哲郎のグローバル倫理学における倫理的な普遍性と特殊性」, 『比較思想研究』, 42, 81-89, 2016.03.
23. SEVILLA ANTON LUIS, 「和辻の「空の倫理学」と比較思想的仏教論」, 『比較思想から見た日本仏教』,末木文美士(編者), 350-363, 2015.12.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 瀬平劉アントン, 教育におけるCBSとProSocialとプラグマティズム:デューイとミードとの対話, The Japanese Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, 2024.03.
2. 瀬平劉アントン、瀬平劉キャサリン、本田陽彦、植田嘉好子, 観察と介入の二分法を超えて-文脈的行動科学と質的心理学の対話-, 質的心理学会, 2023.11.
3. Sevilla-Liu, Anton, The Behavioral Effects of Qualitative Research: Reconciling Contextual Behavioral Science and Qualitative Research, International Human Science Research Conference, 2023.08.
4. 瀬平劉アントン(個人発表)、シンポジスト:瀬平劉アントン、本田陽彦、火ノ口史野。, 「CBS、ナラティヴ研究、機能的-記述的文脈主義」、またシンポジウム企画「質的心理学と文脈的行動科学」, The Japanese Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, 2023.03.
5. Anton Sevilla-Liu, ACT and the Kyoto School of Philosophy: Mori Akira and the Four Layers of Personality, Association of Contextual Behavioral Science World Conference, 2021.06.
6. セビリア・アントン, 自覚のための教育―ライフ・ストーリー面談とナラティヴ・セラピー面談の比較研究, 心の科学の基礎論研究会, 2019.07.
7. Sevilla, Anton Luis, "Why Do We Need Self-Awareness? Mori Akira’s Struggle with Dewey", American Philosophy Forum, 2019.06.
8. セビリア・アントン, 教育におけるマインドフルネスと無心, 「無」の思想に基づくケア理論の構築とその臨床教育学的位置づけ, 2019.03.
9. Anton Luis SEVILLA,  Human Becoming and the Democratic Subject:A "Developmental" Approach to Political Education in Mori Akira, Séminaire CNRS JSPS sur l'éducation à la démocratie, 2018.12.
10. セビリア・アントン, ナラティブ教育の教育人間学的位置づけ・理論・応用―森昭、マクアダムス、エプストン&ホワイト―, 九州教育学会, 2018.11.
11. Anton Luis SEVILLA, Mori Akira's Philosophy of Moral Education: Focusing on Its Connections to the Kyoto School, World Congress of Philosophy, 2018.08.
12. セビリア・アントン, 和辻哲郎におけるナラティブ思想の受容と可能性, 実存思想協会, 2018.03.
13. Anton Luis Capistrano SEVILLA, "Individuality and Communality in a Life Story: A Narrative Approach to Watsuji Tetsurô", International Society for Theoretical Psychology, 2017.08.
14. Anton Luis Capistrano SEVILLA, "Mindful Education and the Kyoto School: Contemplative Pedagogy, Enactivism, and the Philosophy of Nothingness", International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2017.08.
15. Anton Luis Capistrano SEVILLA, "Empty Stories: A Narrative Approach to the Philosophy of Emptiness", International Association for Japanese Studies, 2017.07.
16. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "Unifying No-Mind and Caring Education via Watsuji Tetsurô", Views of Watsuji Tetsurô from Around the World, 2016.06.
17. Anton Luis SEVILLA, "Educational Ideals in Pre and Post-War Japan: The Shift from Imperialism to Deweyan Democracy", Asian Association of Christian Philosophers, 2015.11.
18. Anton Luis Capistrano SEVILLA, "The Educational Possibilities of the Kyoto School of Philosophy: With a Cross-Reading of Watsuji and Bollnow", American Philosophical Association, 2016.01.
19. SEVILLA ANTON LUIS, 「京都学派から見た「観照的・マインドフル教育学」――学び・スピリチュアリティ・社会の葛藤――」, 教育哲学会, 2015.10.
International Association for Japanese Philosophy
Forum for Japanese and Comparative Philosophy
2017.12, Human Arenas: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning, 国際, Scientific Board.
2016.10, Journal of Japanese Studies, 国際, 編集委員.
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Smith College, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2015.08~2015.08.
比較思想学会第29回研究奨励賞受賞, 比較思想学会, 2017.06.
2021年度~2025年度, 特別推進研究, 代表, The Kyoto School of Education's Global Contribution to Education for Self-Awareness.
2018年度~2023年度, 国際共同研究強化(B), 分担, 他なるものとの共存に向けた政治教育:日本先導によるアメリカ実践哲学の国際対話研究.
2016年度~2018年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 「無」の思想に基づくケア理論の構築とその臨床教育学的位置づけ.
2017年度~2020年度, 若手研究(B), 代表, Rethinking and Reconstructing Ethics of Education and Moral Education Using Watsuji Tetsuro's Ethics.
2015年度~2016年度, 若手研究(スタートアップ), 代表, An Analysis of the Kyoto School of Philosophy’s Theory of Human Relationships and its Applications.

