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HASWELL CHRISTOPHER GARETH(はずうえる くりすとふあー がれす) データ更新日:2024.06.06


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Investigating the State of Globalized English Teaching Approaches in English Research Articles through Critical Discourse Analysis
Creating an online accessible database of high-frequency phrases including collocations and chunks with their CEFR levels
Improving on-campus intercultural communication in English
2020.04~2023.03, JSPS (Japan)
All Top Global University Project participants set at least one of their stated goals as increasing the number of international students and faculty members on their campuses (TGU Website, 2015). What was not an explicitly stated aim was to address the issue of intercultural communication on campus. Repeated investigation of this issue has found biases related to accented English and non-native English varieties (Garret. 2009; Haswell, 2014; Haswell & Hahn, 2016). The lack of coherent strategies to deal with this issue is a gap in cross-cultural communicative ability.
This project has two stages:
- The first stage deals with attitudes of students and faculty regarding the use of English as an on-campus lingua franca and medium of instruction.
- The second stage will address the findings of the first stage and aims to build a repository of learning materials to assist international students and faculty to improve their intercultural communication abilities.
An investigation of the learning mechanics in an English listening and reading app. The influence of affect factors: engagement, novelty and boredom on the measurement of instructional efficiency
Investigating the employment of international students as teaching assistants for the purposes of university internationalization
1. JONATHAN SCHACTER, CHRISTOPHER GARETH HASWELL, Exploring ways of accommodating silent Japanese language learners in the classroom: Insights from scholars in the field, Journal of Silence Studies in Education, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 70-81, 2022.06.
2. CHRISTOPHER GARETH HASWELL, Reinvestigating the experiences of teachers and their teaching assistants at internationalized Japanese universities, 九州大学言文論究, 44, 2020.03, This paper reports the findings of a follow-up project to a study investigating university programs in Japan which utilize international students as teaching assistants (TAs). It included both the TAs and teachers from these programs. The previous study upon which this project was based concluded that while there were both professional and personal benefits to undertaking the role of TA, programs utilizing international students as TAs had yet to attain all the potential advantages of these students’ employment. By informing the participants of this project of the earlier findings, the intent was to clarify and elucidate the original conclusions. Interviews with 31 international student TAs from Kyushu University and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) and 17 teachers from APU were transcribed and analyzed for similarities in the comments. The results suggest the programs at the two universities are providing important personal and professional experience for the TAs, but the program could be further expanded to assist the goals of both the university and the TAs themselves..
3. CHRISTOPHER GARETH HASWELL, Global model of English, Asia Pacific World, 2013.11.
AARON HAHN, ELF Communication website, 2020.07, [URL], ELF is the function of English as a lingua franca. While not the first global lingua franca, the use of English online and in various media has accelerated its spread around the world. Where English is used to facilitate communication between people who do not share a first language, this is ELF communication.

The guiding principle of this website is to curate and create examples of ELF language usage to assist users all over the world in becoming more confident to use English as a medium of interaction without reference to so-called 'native speaker' norms.

Our primary focus is university level language students. However, the materials will be of benefit to anyone interested in using the English language for their personal, academic, or professional benefit..
2. CHRISTOPHER GARETH HASWELL; JONATHAN SHACTER, Lost in Citations website, 2020.07, [URL].
2022年度~2027年度, 特別推進研究, 分担, Creating an online accessible database of high-frequency phrases including collocations and chunks with their CEFR levels
2021年度~2025年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, Investigating the State of Globalized English Teaching Approaches in English Research Articles through Critical Discourse Analysis.
2018年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, An investigation of the learning mechanics in an English listening and reading app. The influence of affect factors: engagement, novelty and boredom on the measurement of instructional efficiency.
2018年度~2022年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 大規模コーパスに基づく発信型和英連語辞書の構築に向けて.

