Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Inagaki Shio Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Physics / Faculty of Sciences

1. 江端宏之、稲垣紫緒, Self-replicating segregation patterns in horizontally vibrated binary mixture of granules, Scientific Reports,, 14, 5329, 2024.03, Fluidized granular mixtures of various particle sizes exhibit intriguing patterns as different species segregate and condense. However, understanding the segregation dynamics is hindered by the inability to directly observe the time evolution of the internal structure. We discover self-replicating bands within a quasi-2D container subjected to horizontal agitation, resulting in steady surface waves. Through direct observation of surface flow and evolving internal structures, we reveal the crucial role of coupling among segregation, surface flow, and hysteresis in granular fluidity. We develop Bonhoeffer-van der Pol type equations grounded in experimental observations, reproducing complex band dynamics, such as replication, oscillation, and breathing. It suggests the similarity between pattern formation in granular segregation and that in reaction–diffusion systems..
2. 米田翔一、江端宏之、稲垣紫緒, Convection of monodisperse particles in a highly filled rotating cylinder, Physical Review E ,, 109, L022901, 2024.02, We investigate the occurrence of spontaneous convection in a coaxial cylinder highly filled with monodisperse spheres. To analyze the flow field noninvasively, initial pulses consisting of colored particles are placed at equal intervals. By analyzing the spatiotemporal distribution of these pulses, we obtained axial velocity profiles for both the surface and subsurface regions. Our advection-diffusion equations with steady advection terms incorporate experimentally obtained axial velocity profiles in the surface layer, while the rest of the components are estimated using azimuthal symmetry and volume conservation. The validity of our model is confirmed by comparing experimental data with numerical solutions for both the spatiotemporal distribution and cross-sectional profile of the colored particles..
3. 近堂くるみ、江端宏之、稲垣紫緒, Segregation patterns in rotating cylinders determined by the size difference, density ratio, and cylinder diameter, Scientific Reports,, 13, 13495, 2023.08, Granular materials often segregate under mechanical agitation, which differs from the expectation of mixing. It is well known that a bidisperse mixture of granular materials in a partially filled rotating cylinder exhibits alternating bands depending on the combination of the two species. The dynamic angle of repose, which is the angle that a steady avalanche makes with the horizontal, has been considered the dominant parameter that determines the segregated state. However, the previously known angle of repose condition was not always satisfied in different experimental cases. To clarify the experimental conditions, we conducted an exhaustive parameter search with three dimensionless parameters: the particle size difference normalized by the average particle size, the specific density ratio, and the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the average particle size. Additional experiments were conducted to explore the effect of the rotational speed of the cylinder. This systematic approach enabled us to predict the segregated state. Moreover, we discovered that the band width can be effectively scaled by combining these three parameters..
4. Ryuichi Yoshizaki, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Shio Inagaki, Eiji Inoue, Takashi Okayasu, Relationships between Mass and Porosity of Rough Rice Piled in a Combine Grain Tank, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), 2018.05.
5. 稲垣 紫緒, 江端宏之, 吉川研一, Steadily oscillating axial bands of binary granules in a nearly filled coaxial cylinder, Physical Review E, 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.010201, 91, 010201(R)/1-5, 2015.01.
6. 久保善嗣, 稲垣 紫緒, 市川正敏, 吉川研一, Mode bifurcation of a bouncing dumbbell with chirality, Physical Review E , 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.052905, 91, 052905/1-9, 2015.05.