九州大学 研究者情報
岩元 真明(いわもと まさあき) データ更新日:2023.12.06

助教 /  芸術工学研究院 環境設計部門

1. 岩元明敏, 岩元真明, 荒木美香, 不均一な剛性分布をもつ膜構造物モデル:花発生における形態最適化を参照して, 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, オーガナイズドセッション, 793-796, 2021.09.
2. Scott Hawken, Masaaki Iwamoto, The Pioneering Computational Architecture of Shoei Yoh: A Study of the Avant Garde Timber Space Frame Structures of Oguni, Kumamoto, 16th Docomomo International Conference Proceedings, pp.622-631, 2021.09.
3. Masaaki Iwamoto, Material of Vann Molyvann: From Post-Colonial Perspective, 16th Docomomo International Conference Proceedings, pp.534-539, 2021.09.
4. 岩田裕里, 香月弥樹, 田中華乃, 森永魁, 荒木美香, 氏岡啓威, 岩元真明, 岩元明敏, オーゼティックを応用した不均一な剛性分布をもつ金属薄板構造物:花発生の形態最適化を参照して, 2022年度日本建築学会大会(北海道)学術講演梗概集, オーガナイズドセッション, pp.873-876, 2022.09.
5. Nicole Gardner, Hank Haeusler, Jack Barton, Kate Dunn, Tracy Huang, Masaaki Iwamoto, Tomo Inoue, Developing a workflow for a browser-based 3Dmodel environment to create an immersive digital archive, CAADRIA 2022, pp.687-696, 2022.04.
6. Hirotaka Ujioka, Mika Araki, Kai Morinaga, Masaaki Iwamoto, Yuri Iwata, Akitoshi Iwamoto, Miki Katsuki, Hanano Tanaka, Morphogenesis method for thin metal plate with non-uniform stiffness distribution by applying auxetic mechanism, IASS 2023 proceeding,, pp.802-813 , 2023.07.
7. Masaaki Iwamoto, Tomo Inoue, Shoichi Nakamoto, Nicole Gardner, Hank Haeusler, Naiju Community Center by Shoei Yoh: Pioneering Computational Architecture Applying Origami Geometry and Bamboo Formwork, IASS 2023 proceeding, pp.1095-1104, 2023.07.
8. 岩元真明, カンボジアの建築家ヴァン・モリヴァン(1926~2017)に関する建築史的研究:国家揺籃期における建築家の課題, 博士論文(東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻), 2020.03.
9. 岩元真明, 大量情報時代の参照行為について, 建築雑誌 Vol.135 No.1734, 2020.03.
10. Masaaki Iwamoto, On the Rigid Compositional Disciplines, a+u, No.567, No.567, 2017.12.
11. Masaaki Iwamoto, Vann Molyvann in Paris: Or, How a Mediator between Modern and Tradition was born, a+u, No.567, 567, 2017.12.
12. 岩元 真明, ヴァン・モリヴァンの建築作品における屋根の造形に関する研究---伝統と近代の間での葛藤とその統合, 日本建築学会論文集計画系論文集, 734, 1079, 2017.04, This paper investigates the roof design in the projects by Vann Molyvann, a representative Cambodian modern architect in the Sangkum Reastr Niyum era of 1950s and 1960s. The research consists in following 4 parts: Chapter 2 explicates his thought on Tradition and Modern and Chapter 3 describes his educational background behind the thought. From chapter 4 to 6, the roof designs in his works are analyzed chronologically. Its transition are explained as the result of the conflict and integration of three archetypes; 'steeple', 'gable', and 'flat roof', which originate from Angkor temples, Stupas, Khmer timber houses, and Modern Movement..
13. Masaaki Iwamoto, The Roles of Foreign Experts in the Cambodian Modern Movement of 1950-60s: Focusing on the works of Vann Molyvann, ISAIA (international symposium on architectural interchanges in asia), 2016.09.
14. 岩元 真明, 大林組が所蔵するヴァン・モリヴァンの建築資料について, 日本建築学会技術報告集, Vol.22, No.51, 801-806, 2016.06.

