九州大学 研究者情報
山西 陽子(やまにし ようこ) データ更新日:2024.02.12

教授 /  工学研究院 機械工学部門 流体医工学

1. Wenjing Huang, Yibo Ma, Naotomo Tottori, Yoko Yamanishi, Enhancing suspended cell transfection by inducing localized distribution of the membrane actin cortex before exposure to electromechanical stimulation , Biotechnology Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s10529-023-03382-y, 2023.09.
2. Wenjing Huang, Shinya Sakuma, Naotomo Tottori, Shigeo S. Sugano and Yoko Yamanishi, Viscosity-aided electromechanical poration of cells for transfecting molecules, Lab on a chip, https://doi.org/10.1039/d2lc00628f, No.22,Vol.22, pp.4259-4458, Lab on a chip, 2022, 2022.10, 本論文は電界により誘起される気泡を制御して、細胞に力学刺激を与えることで、効率的に細胞膜に穿孔し、数メガダルトンの分子を細胞へ導入することに成功したことを記載している。細胞膜穿孔技術は、細胞内で発現した生体分子の活性を可視化するだけでなく、遺伝子操作を可能にする技術でもあります。しかしながら、巨大なゲノム情報を持ちうる大きな分子を細胞へ導入することは困難です。本研究では、この技術を見直すことで、誘電体材料で覆われた微細電極からなるコアシェル構造のマイクロバブルインジェクターを用いて、エレクトロメカニカルポレーションで細胞に穿孔をつくり、巨大なゲノム情報を持つ大きな分子を細胞へ導入できることを示しました。電極にパルス電圧を印加することで、電極の先端にマイクロバブルが発生し、細胞に電気と機械的刺激を同時に与えることができるようになりました。このような独創的な手法を用いることで、一般に分子の導入が困難とされている骨芽細胞やクラミドモナスにも、数メガダルトンの分子を導入することを可能にしました。特に、細胞懸濁液の粘度を高めることで導入効率が向上することを見いだし、これは電界誘起気泡の繰り返しの膨張・収縮(振動波)によって達成されたと推定されます。さまざまな種類の細胞への適用が可能であることから、新たな遺伝子工学への応用が数多く期待されます。.
3. Yu Yamashita, Shinya Sakuma, Yoko Yamanishi, On-Demand Metallization System Using Micro-Plasma Bubbles, Micromachines, https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13081312, 13, 8, 13(8), 1321, 2022.08.
4. Tasuku Sato, Shinya Sakuma, Masato Hijikuro, Shingo Maeda, Masayuki Anyoji, Yoko Yamanishi,, Design of Electrohydrodynamic Devices with Consideration of Electrostatic Energy, Cyborg and Bionic Systems, Article ID 5158282,8 pages, 2021.01, Along with the progresses on soft robotics, importance of actuators which are able to be integrated with flexible robot structures and mechanisms have increased in recent years. In particular, electrohydrodynamic (EHD) actuators have received much attention in the field of soft robotics, which has the expandable integrability to adapt the flexible motion of soft robots. Although studies have deepened the understanding of steady states of EHD phenomena, non-steady states are not well understood. Herein we observe the development process of fluid in a microchannel utilizing a Schlieren technique with the aid of a high-speed camera. In addition, we analyse the behavior of fluid flow in the microchannel which is designed to have pairs of parallel plate electrodes by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. These results indicate that it is important to consider flow generated by the electrostatic energy which tends to be ignored to construct and evaluate the EHD devices as well as by body force due to the ion-drag force. By considering these effects, we succeed in estimating the development process of EHD flow, and confirm that it is important to consider the generation of vortices and their interactions inside the microchannel during the development process of EHD devices..
5. Kazusa Beppu, Ziane Izri, Tasuku Sato, Yoko Yamanishi, Yutaka Sumino and Yusuke T. Maeda,, Edge Current and Pairing Order Transition in Chiral Bacterial Vortex, PNAS, 10.1073/pnas.2107461118, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2107461118 (2021), 2021.09, 後日入力.
6. Kevin Theodric Uning, Keita Ichikawa, Akiho Hirao, Taiga Michimoto, Tasuku Sato, Hiroaki Kume, Takumi Nishida, Shota Iwakawa, Yoko Yamanishi, Simultaneous Loading and Injection Chip to Automate Single-cell Injections for Bovine Oocytes, Sensors and Materials, 32, 12, 4151-4167, 2020.12.
7. Kyosuke Yoshimura, Yuji Otsuka, Zebing Mao, Vito Cacucciolo, Takashi Okutaki, Hideto Yamagishi, Shinji Hashimura, Naoki Hosoya, Tasuku Sato, Yoko Yamanishi, Shingo Maeda, Autonomous oil flow generated by self-oscillating polymer gels, Scientific reports, 10.1038/s41598-020-69804-3, 10, 1, Article number: 12834 , 7 pages, 2020.07, [URL], The previously reported gel and polymer actuators require external inputs, such as batteries, circuits, electronic circuits, etc., compared with autonomous motions produced by the living organisms. To realize the spontaneous motions, here, we propose to integrate a power supply, actuators, and control into a single-component self-oscillating hydrogel. We demonstrate self-actuating gel pumps driven by the oscillatory Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction without electronic components. We have developed the volume oscillation of gels synchronized with the BZ reaction (BZ gel). Since the self-actuating gel pumps are driven by chemo-mechanical energy from BZ gels, the self-actuating gel pumps don’t require complex wiring designs, energy supply, and assembling. The mechanical work generated by BZ gels is extremely small. We formulated the thermodynamic cycle of BZ gels and maximized mechanical work. We found that pre-stretched BZ gel shows larger mechanical works. We physically separated the BZ gels and working fluid to create practical pumps. By using optimizing mechanical generated by BZ gels, we demonstrated the self-actuating gel pumps that transfer mechanical work through a stretchable elastomer membrane..
8. Kohei Oguma, Tasuku Sato, Tomohiro Kawahara, Yoshikazu Haramoto, Yoko Yamanishi, Identification of aquatic organisms using a magneto-optical element, Sensors (Switzerland), 10.3390/s19153254, 19, 15, 2019.08, [URL], In recent advanced information society, it is important to individually identify products or living organisms automatically and quickly. However, with the current identifying technology such as RFID tag or biometrics, it is difficult to apply to amphibians such as frogs or newts because of its size, stability, weakness under a wet environment and so on. Thus, this research aims to establish a system that can trace small amphibians easily even in a wet environment and keep stable sensing for a long time. The magnetism was employed for identification because it was less influenced by water for a long time. Here, a novel magnetization-free micro-magnetic tag is proposed and fabricated with low cost for installation to a living target sensed by Magneto-Optical sensor for high throughput sensing. The sensing ability of the proposed method, which was evaluated by image analysis, indicated that it was less than half of the target value (1 mm) both in the water and air. The FEM analysis showed that it is approximately twice the actual identification ability under ideal conditions, which suggests that the actual sensing ability can be extended by further improvement of the sensing system. The developed magnetization-free micro-magnetic tag can contribute to keep up the increasing demand to identify a number of samples under a wet environment especially with the development of gene technology..
9. Keita Ichikawa, Natsumi Basaki, Yu Yamashita, Yoko Yamanishi, Plasma-induced bubble microjet metallization of elastomer, Micromachines, 10.3390/mi10060389, 10, 6, 2019.06, [URL], As the development of flexible materials and advanced materials progresses, innovative wiring methods for these materials are attracting attention. In this study, we investigated a new wiring technology using plasma-induced microbubbles for elastomer without any surface treatment. Our technology includes three main points. (1) Unlike electroless plating and other conventional methods, it does not require complicated pre-surface treatment processes before wiring. (2) A wiring resolution of 500 micro meter can be reached quickly and economically. (3) Robust metallic adhesion on a wide range of materials can be successfully carried out with precise positioning. Here, by applying our method, we adhered nickel nanoparticles to a latex rubber substrate and demonstrated the electrical conductivity of the created line. The result suggests that our method has potential as an innovative wiring technology to precisely, robustly, and simply fabricate an electric circuit without any complicated procedures or pre-treatment. Our method can contribute to microfabrication technologies..
10. 市川啓太,山西陽子, 電界誘起気泡の放電現象を用いた衝撃波及び膨張波の生成と収束機構の開発, 日本電気学会論文誌E, Vol.139, No.6, 122-127, 日本電気学会論文誌E,Vol.139, No.6, p.122-127, 2019, 2019.05.
11. Koji Matsuura, Yoko Yamanishi, Chao Guan and Shinichiro Yanase, Control of hydrogen bubble plume during electrolysis of water, Journal of Physics Communications 3, 10.1088/2399-6528/ab0c30, 3, 035012, Journal of Physics Communications 3, 035012, (2019). Doi: 10.1088/2399-6528/ab0c30, 2019.03.
12. 三輪佳子,松村大輔,住本芽衣,川原知洋,森泉康裕,王英奏,山西陽子, 網膜静脈血管閉塞症の治療用デバイス開発を目指した血栓モデルの開発, 日本血栓止血学会誌, doi.org/10.2491/jjsth.30.544, 30, 3, 544-553, Vol.30(3),p.544-553,(2019) , 2019.03.
13. Keita Ichikawa, Yoko Yamanishi, Development of a switching and focusing mechanism of shock wave and expansion wave using the discharge phenomena of electrically induced microbubbles, Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 10.1002/eej.23238, 208, 3-4, 64-70, 2019.01, [URL], A novel needle-free injection system by electrically induced microbubbles has been developed. First of all, we evaluated the depth of injected reagent for evaluating injection performance. Then, the cavitation-induced shock wave has been focused to magnify the injection performance by semispherical reflector. We successfully visualized the shock wave by the schlieren method and succeeded in measuring the pressure of focused shock wave and expansion wave by hydrophone..
14. Keita Ichikawa, Yoko Yamanishi, 電界誘起気泡の放電現象を用いた衝撃波及び膨張波の生成と収束機構の開発, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 10.1541/ieejsmas.139.122, 139, 6, 122-127, 2019.01, [URL], A novel needle-free injection system by electrically induced microbubbles has been developed. First of all, we evaluated the depth of injected reagent for evaluating injection performance. Then, the cavitation-induced shock wave has been focused to magnify the injection performance by semi-spherical reflector. We successfully visualized the shock wave by Shlieren method and succeeded in measuring the pressure of focused shock wave and expansion wave by hydrophone..
15. Keita Ichikawa, Shingo Maeda, Yoko Yamanishi, Evaluation of Invasiveness by Breakdown Phenomena of Electrically Induced Bubbles for a Needle-Free Injector, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 10.1109/JMEMS.2018.2793314, 27, 2, 305-311, 2018.03, [URL], This paper evaluates a needle-free injector using electrically induced bubbles. For a minimally invasive injector, the configuration of the bubble reservoir, which is at the tip space of the bubble injector, must be optimized because the invasiveness depends on the breakdown distance of the electrically induced bubble..
16. Tasuku Sato, Yoko Yamanishi, Vito Cacucciolo, Yu Kuwajima, Hiroki Shigemune, Matteo Cianchetti, Cecilia Laschi, Shingo Maeda, Electrohydrodynamic conduction pump with asymmetrical electrode structures in the microchannels, Chemistry Letters, 10.1246/cl.170217, 46, 7, 950-952, 2017, [URL], In this study, we have developed a microfluidic pump that utilizes the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) conduction of a working fluid. Ring-shaped pumps have been used in previous studies on EHD conduction, but these require a three-dimensional arrangement of electrode pairs, which makes it difficult to downsize the apparatus. Here, we propose a mechanism to achieve one-way fluid flow in the microchannels by arranging non-parallel electrodes in a plane to generate an asymmetric electric field. One advantage of this design is that it can be easily and precisely fabricated using microelectromechanical system (MEMS) processing techniques: This has allowed us to integrate a micropump and a microchannel into a single device. Moreover, the pressure generated by the pump is induced solely by electrochemical reactions; since mechanical components such as gears are not required, this helps reduce the noise generated by the device..
17. Naoyuki Kurake, Hiromasa Tanaka, Kenji Ishikawa, Kae Nakamura, Hiroaki Kajiyama, Fumitaka Kikkawa, Masaaki Mizuno, Yoko Yamanishi, Masaru Hori, Synthesis of calcium oxalate crystals in culture medium irradiated with non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma, Applied Physics Express, 10.7567/APEX.9.096201, 9, 9, 2016.09, [URL], Octahedral particulates several tens of microns in size were synthesized in a culture medium irradiated through contact with a plume of nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma (NEAPP). The particulates were identified in the crystalline phase as calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD). The original medium contained constituents such as NaCl, D-glucose, CaCl2, and NaHCO3 but not oxalate or oxalic acid. The oxalate was clearly synthesized and crystallized in the medium as thermodynamically unstable COD crystals after the NEAPP irradiation..
18. Naoyuki Kurake, Hiromasa Tanaka, Kenji Ishikawa, Kae Nakamura, Hiroaki Kajiyama, Fumitaka Kikkawa, Masaaki Mizuno, Yoko Yamanishi, Masaru Hori, Synthesis of calcium oxalate crystals in culture medium irradiated with non-equilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasma, Applied Physics Express 9, 096201 (2016), 9, 096201, 2016.07.

