Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Yamamoto Kentaro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Akira Sarodo, Kentaro Yamamoto, Katsumi Watanabe, The role of perceptual processing in the oddball effect revealed by the Thatcher illusion, Vision Research,, 220, 108399, 2024.04.
2. Akira Sarodo, Kentaro Yamamoto, Katsumi Watanabe, Face adaptation induces duration distortion of subsequent face stimuli in a face category-specific manner, Journal of Vision,, 24, 2:7, 1-14, 2024.02.
3. Yuka Ohtake, Kanji Tanaka, Kentaro Yamamoto, How many categories are there in crossmodal correspondences? A study based on exploratory factor analysis, PLOS ONE,, 18, 11, e0294141, 2023.11.
4. Kentaro Yamamoto, Huidi Xiu, Action and outcome types independently influence intentional binding., The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science,, 42, 1, 3-10, 2023.09.
5. Akira Sarodo, Kentaro Yamamoto, Katsumi Watanabe, Changes in face category induce stronger duration distortion in the temporal oddball paradigm., Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2022.108116, 200, 108116, 2022.09, 繰り返し刺激の系列中に埋め込まれた新しい刺激は,しばしば持続時間が長いと知覚される。この持続時間の歪みには反復抑制が関与していることが研究で示されているが,どの処理段階が重要であるかは依然として不明である。本研究では顔刺激を用い,高レベルの視覚カテゴリー処理が,新奇な刺激の時間の歪みに寄与しているかどうかを調べた。4つの実験の結果から,高次の視覚的カテゴリー処理が,新奇な刺激の持続時間の歪みに重要な役割を果たしていることが示唆された。.
6. Kentaro Yamamoto, Cue integration as a common mechanism for action and outcome bindings, Cognition, 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104423, 205, 104423, 2020.12, When a voluntary action is followed by a sensory outcome, their timings are perceived to shift toward each other compared to when they were generated independently. Recent studies have tried to explain this temporal binding effect based on the cue integration theory, in which the timing of action and outcome are estimated as a precision-weighted average of their individual estimates, although distinct results were obtained between the binding of action and outcome. This study demonstrates that cue integration underlies both action and outcome bindings, using visual changes as action outcomes. Participants viewed a moving clock presented on a screen to report the onset time of their action or the feature changes of visual objects that were relevant or irrelevant to the clock movement. The results revealed that the precision of outcome timing judgment was different based on the object that underwent a feature change. Moreover, consistent with the theory's prediction, the perceptual shifts of action and outcome timings were larger and smaller, respectively, when the precision of outcome timing judgments was higher. These results suggest that cue integration serves as a common mechanism in action and outcome bindings..
7. Hiroshi Ueda, Kentaro Yamamoto, Katsumi Watanabe, Contribution of global and local biological motion information to speed perception and discrimination, Journal of Vision, 10.1167/18.3.2, 18, 3:2, 1-11, 2018.03.
8. Yamamoto, K., Miura, K., Effect of motion coherence on time perception relates to perceived speed, Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2015.11.004, 123, 56-62, 2016.06.
9. Yamamoto, K., Sasaki, K., Watanabe, K., The number-time interaction depends on relative magnitude in the suprasecond range, Cognitive Processing, 10.1007/s10339-015-0744-3, 17, 1, 59-65, 2016.02.
10. Kanji Tanaka, Kentaro Yamamoto, Chien Sung-En, Katsumi Watanabe, Memory distortion of depth of a visual stimulus for perception and action, 2016 8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology, KST 2016, 10.1109/KST.2016.7440511, 281-286, 2016.03, It has been known remembered locations of visual stimuli are systematically distorted in a two-dimensional (i.e., retinal) coordinate, which includes the foveal bias, memory averaging, and landmark effect. The present study aimed at examining how the remembered depth position of a visual target would be distorted. Also, we examined whether depth distortion would differ for perceptual and motor-related tasks. In the experiments, a visual target was presented for one second at various distances from the observers by using a 3D projector. The fixation distance was also varied. After the disappearance of the target, observers performed either perceptual judgment (the method of constant to estimate the point of psychological subjective equality) or motor response (by using a 3D mouse) for the remembered target distance. The results showed that the remembered depth of the target was compressed toward the averaged depth of the possible depth range for both perceptual and motor responses. In addition, however, the perceptual responses tended to overestimate the depth when the fixation depth was closer than or the same as the nearest possible depth of the target. No bias was observed when the fixation depth was farther than the nearest possible depth. For the motor responses, there was a general underestimation irrespective of fixation depth. These results suggest that spatial memory of depth for visual stimuli may be qualitatively different between perceptual and motor responses..
11. Kentaro Yamamoto, Ricky K.C. Au, Katsumi Watanabe, Depth cue combinations for density judgment in three-dimensional display, 2015 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2015, 10.1109/APSIPA.2015.7415463, 1198-1202, 2016.02, The present study examined whether different depth cues would interact with the judgment of density differently. Using a 3D projector, we presented random-dot stimuli on fronto-parallel square planes at different depths (-30, -15, 0, +15, or +30 cm from the projection plane) and measured the perceived density of the dots in each depth plane using the method of constant stimuli. The depth of the plane was manipulated with three types of depth cues (binocular disparity, stimulus area, and dot size), which were used separately or all together. The results showed that the averaged PSEs depended on the depth plane when the depth cue was stimulus area, whereas the influences of size and disparity cues on the PSE were relatively weak. However, when the cues were combined, the influence of the area cue on density judgment was largely attenuated. These findings imply that the combination of the depth cues can provide more precise depth perception of the dots and helping interpretations of "3D-valid density"..
12. Kentaro Yamamoto, Kanji Tanaka, Katsumi Watanabe, The role of global configuration in detection of mirror and translational symmetries, 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology, KST 2015, 10.1109/KST.2015.7051479, 165-168, 2015.01, Mirror symmetry is known as a special case of symmetric patterns because of its superior detectability. This study examined whether the perceptual advantage of mirror symmetry is maintained despite the absence of perfect symmetry. We manipulated the alignment of symmetric patterns by adding a vertical offset between left and right halves of them. We found that regularity of mirror symmetry was better detectable than that of translational symmetry in the aligned display. However, the advantage of mirror symmetry disappeared even with the smallest misalignment used in the present study. These results suggest that global configuration of pattern elements plays an important role in mirror symmetry detection..
13. Sasaki, K., Yamamoto, K., Miura, K., The difference in speed sequence influences perceived duration, Perception, 10.1068/p7241, 42, 2, 198-207, 2013.02.
14. Yamamoto, K., Miura, K., Time dilation caused by static images with implied motion, Experimental Brain Research, 10.1007/s00221-012-3259-5, 223, 2, 311-319, 2012.11.
15. Yamamoto, K., Miura, K., Perceived duration of plaid motion increases with pattern speed rather than component speed, Journal of Vision, 10.1167/12.4.1, 12, 4:1, 1-13, 2012.04.
16. Kentaro Yamamoto, Fuminori Ono, Yuki Yamada, Kyoshiro Sasaki, Keiko Ihaya, Katsumi Watanabe, Extrinsic motivation underlies precise temporal production, 2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering, ICBAKE 2011 Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering, ICBAKE 2011, 10.1109/ICBAKE.2011.40, 91-94, 2011.10, The present study examined the effect of extrinsic motivation on temporal interval production. Observers were asked to produce the duration of 2.5 sec as accurately as possible, and gained or lost a certain amount of score after each trial. The amount of provided scores varied with the color of target: red or green circle was assigned to high or low scores. We found that the higher amount of expected gain and loss decreased the absolute error of temporal production. However, no effect of motivation was found on the constant error and variable error. These results suggest that extrinsic motivation improved the precision of temporal production. We propose that the striatal dopamine system may mediate motivational influences on time perception..
17. Yamamoto, K., Tanaka, S., Kobayashi, H., Kozima, H., Hashiya, K., A Non-Humanoid Robot in the "Uncanny Valley": Experimental Analysis of the Reaction to Behavioral Contingency in 2-3 Year Old Children., PLoS ONE, 4, e6974, 2009.09.