九州大学 研究者情報
佐藤 利昭(さとう としあき) データ更新日:2024.04.10

准教授 /  人間環境学研究院 都市・建築学部門 構造防災系講座

1. 島津 由貴, 佐藤 利昭, 新熊 将史 Yoshitaka Shimazu, Toshiaki Sato, Masashi Niikuma, 木造住宅を対象とした免震システムの開発 −基礎実験に基づく応答計算手法の検証−
Development of new isolation system for wooden house - verification of seismic response analysis method based on basis experiments -, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.28.191, 28, 68, 191-196, 2022.02, [URL], In recent years, wooden houses may be required higher seismic performance than before. Installing isolation system can be considered as one of the solution, whereas its cost prevents the promotion. This study presents a new isolation system without steel framed foundation by using continued columns and steels shaped like a dish; formed in a recess shape at the center which generates the force putting the structure back to there. This paper describes findings from both numerical simulation and basic experiments, and the behavior of new system can be explained..
2. 田上 誠, 佐藤 利昭, 蜷川 利彦 Makoto Tanoue, Toshiaki Sato, Toshihiko Ninakawa, 接着重ね材の曲げ強度を評価するための寸法効果に関する検討
Study on size effect for evaluating bending strength of glued build-up members, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.28.179, 28, 68, 179-184, 2022.02, [URL], Glued build-up members (GBM) are structural building members that are developed as an application to effectively utilize box-heart timbers. The purpose of this study is to establish a method for evaluating the bending performance of a GBM. In this paper, we analyze the effect of stress distribution and dimensions (Size effect) on the bending strength of GBM. As a result, in the evaluation of the bending strength of GBM, the tensile strength and bending strength of the bottom timber are reduced according to the dimensions, and the combined stress method is appropriate..
3. 明瀬航, 佐藤利昭, 久保田萌々 Wataru Myose, Toshiaki Sato, Momo Kubota, フーリエ変換に基づく緩和スペクトルの数値計算手法の構築:木材の粘弾性に関する研究
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.85.933, 85, 773, 933-943, 2020.07, The range of use of timber has expanded rapidly in recent years, and it is expected that the timber structures will become larger and taller in the future. As the scale increases, it is possible to apply a composite or hybrid structures which combines other material such as steel. It is difficult to accurately predict the burden stress of changing wood from moment to moment, and the evaluation of viscoelasticity of wood is indispensable. Based on these backgrounds, we have studied the purpose of clearly positioning viscoelasticity of wood in the rheology field.</p><p> </p><p> In this paper, we examined a method for obtaining the relaxation spectrum from static test conditions, which are a common problem in the rheology field. The method studied is not based on the current approximate solution, but based on the Fourier transform. To adopt this method, it is necessary to solve the ill-posed problem in numerical computation. We showed that it can be solved by adding three ideas; noise rejection, ensuring continuity and adding calculation assistance. These ideas are due to numerical problems associated with the discrete Fourier transform, and the optimal method for calculating the relaxation spectrum is shown in this paper. The study began with a numerical experiment using a simple Gaussian function, and then verified the applicability to a complex relaxation spectrum combining multiple Gaussian functions.</p><p> </p><p> In addition, we assumed that there is significant data only in a limited calculation range of about 3 months as experimental data that can be actually obtained, and we also examined the calculation method. It was confirmed that the required calculation accuracy was ensured by numerical tests that assumed experimental data contained measurement noise. In the case of limited data containing such noise, the conventional approximate solution method significantly decreases the calculation accuracy. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the calculation method based on the Fourier transform shown in this paper can obtain appropriate calculation results regardless of the presence or absence of noise..
4. 田上誠, 佐藤利昭, 田口紅音, 蜷川利彦, 製材内の成熟材と未成熟材の力学的な性質の相違が接着重ね材の曲げ耐力に及ぼす影響, 日本学術会議・構造工学論文集B, 66, 2020.03, Glued build-up members (GBM) are structural building members that are developed as an application to effectively utilize Japanese domestic box-heart timber. The purpose of this study is to establish a method for evaluating the bending performance of GBM. In this paper, we construct a simple model that is composed of two elements of mature wood and juvenile wood about the timbers that constitutes GBM. Cross-sectional analysis is performed to examine the effect of the difference in mechanical properties between mature and juvenile materials on the bending strength of GBM..
5. 山川僚太, 佐藤利昭 Ryota Yamakawa, Toshiaki Sato, 接触面圧で変化する表面性状を考慮した木材と鋼材の摩擦特性 木材表面の摩擦に関する研究
Friction Characteristics between Wood and Steel in Consideration with Surface Condition Varied Pressure of Contacted Surface Study on friction of wood surface, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.84.1433, 84, 765, 1433-1442, 2019.11, [URL], Based on the theory of adhesion, friction between wood and steel can be deal with sum of adhesion force, which is shear force in proportion to contact area between steel and wood, and the effect digging up the wood surface by steel. This paper discusses the relationship between surface condition of wood and friction characteristics focusing on the adhesion force. It is note that the contact area between wood and steel affects friction characteristics, and the area is varied by pressure of contacted surface and before and after sliding..
6. 田上誠, 佐藤利昭, 田口紅音, 蜷川利彦, 心持ち製材を積層した接着重ね材の構造力学的考察, 日本学術会議・構造工学論文集B, 65, 2019.03, Glued build-up members (GBM) are structural building members that are developed as an application to effectively utilize Japanese domestic box-heart timber. The purpose of this study is to establish a method to evaluate the bending performance of a GBM. In this study, we compare structural differences between GBM and other wooden members. We use two structural models; one is a GBM simple structure model based on former research and the other is GBM detailed structural model considered with inhomogeneity. Bending strength and bending stiffness are obtained using both models, and factors which determine the bending performance of GBM will be studied..
7. 角田 功太郎, 五十田 博, 井上 涼, 森 拓郎, 田中 圭, 佐藤 利昭, 2016年熊本地震から2年経過した益城町市街地の被災建物の現況調査, 日本地震工学会論文集, 10.5610/jaee.19.1_21, 19, 1, 1_21-1_33, 2019.02, [URL], The survey was carried out again two years later on buildings that were completely surveyed just after the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. The purpose of the survey is to quantify the relationship between damage level, construction year, structure type, etc. and the usage of the buildings after two years. This study revealed that about half of the buildings surveyed areas in Mashiki town do not exist. In addition, it was found that the continuous use rate of buildings is higher as the construction year of the affected building is newer, or the damage level is lower. Also, 37% of the continuously used buildings have been repaired, and some of buildings judged to be no damage by the exterior survey have also been repaired. 84% of newly constructed buildings were wooden structure and 71% were single story..
8. 田上 誠, 佐藤 利昭, 田口 紅音, 蜷川 利彦, 製材内の未成熟材の存在が接着重ね材の曲げ耐力に及ぼす影響, 都市・建築学研究, 九州大学人間環境学研究院紀要, 37, 1-10, 2020.01.
9. 田上誠, 佐藤利昭, 田口紅音, 蜷川利彦 Makoto Tanoue, Toshiaki Sato, Akane Taguchi, Toshihiko Ninakawa, スギ製材を2~5段積層した接着重ね材の実大曲げ実験 心持ち製材を積層した接着重ね材の曲げ性能 その1
Full scale bending tests of 2 ∼ 5 layers glued build-up member made of cedar timber
Bending performance of glued build-up member made of box heart timber part 1, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.83.1821, 83, 754, 1821-1831, 2018.12, [URL], The purpose of this research is to evaluate the bending performance of Glued Build-up Member (GBM), developed for the purpose of effectively utilizing box heart timber. In this paper we will discuss the evaluation of bending performance based on the results of full scale tests. Based on results, we examine whether the estimated value obtained by considering the GBM as a uniform elastic body and the estimated value obtained by referring to the evaluation method of glulam can evaluate the experimental value. In addition, we will examine the influence of the difference in dimension on bending performance..
10. 相生 陽平, 佐藤 利昭, 長期的な荷重継続を受けた木材のクリープ変形に関する一考察 実架構の現況調査と常時微動測定による剛性評価, 都市・建築学研究, 九州大学人間環境学研究院紀要, 33, 47-52, 2018.01, This paper describes the results of structural survey and analysis of wooden truss in building which is constructed nearly 100 years ago. Unlike experimental research, the initial condition that is elastic stiffness, state of joint cannot be confirmed in the survey targeting actual framework. We tried to evaluate the stiffness of the frame by identifying eigenvalues and vibration mode based on the results of microtremor measurements. After that, we calculated the deflection of beam in the truss from the evaluated stiffness and structure of the frame, and considered about the difference from actual deformation..
11. 田上 誠, 佐藤 利昭, 田口 紅音, 蜷川 利彦, スギ接着重ね材の曲げ性能に関する実験的研究, 都市・建築学研究, 九州大学人間環境学研究院紀要, 33, 37-46, 2018.01, In recent years, effective utilization of domestically produced timber has become an issue. Due to these background, Glued Build-up Member (GBM) has been developed in order to be used as structural members. We carried out full-scale bending tests for Glued Build-up Member (GBM), and evaluate the bending performance as bending strength and stiffness, by using structural model in this paper.We conclude that the bending stress and bending stiffness are close to the estimated values, on the occasion of evaluating the bending elastic modulus for each timber..
12. 田上 誠, 佐藤 利昭, 田口 紅音, 蜷川 利彦 Makoto Tanoue, Toshiaki Sato, Akane Taguchi, Toshihiko Ninakawa, 心持ち製材を積層した接着重ね材の組み合わせ応力による曲げ耐力の評価手法
Evaluation Method of Bending Strength by Combined Stress for Glued Build-Up Members Made of Box Heart Timbers, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.25.1121, 25, 61, 1121-1125, 2019.10, [URL], Glued build-up members (GBM) are structural building members that are developed as an application to effectively utilize Japanese domestic box-heart timbers. The purpose of this study is to establish a method to evaluate the bending performance of a GBM. In this study, a structural model is construct when vertical stress at the lower timber edges of the GBM subjected to bending is regarded as combined stress of bending component and tensile component. In addition, using the experimental results of the full scale GBM specimens, we evaluate it as a combination stress and verify the applicability of the evaluation method..
13. 山内 豊英, 北村 春幸, 永野 正行, 佐藤 利昭, 鈴木 賢人, 飛田 喜則 Toyohide Yamauchi, Haruyuki Kitamura, Masayuki Nagano, Toshiaki Sato, Kento Suzuki, Yoriyuki Matsuda, Yoshinori Tobita, 杭頭免震建物の杭基礎に対する応答変位法の適用に関する研究
Study on application of seismic deformation method for pile top seismic isolation buildings, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.83.69, 83, 743, 69-79, 2018.01, [URL], This paper proposes an application method of the seismic deformation method for pile top seismic isolation buildings. In this paper, the bending moments of the piles are compared with earthquake response analyses and the conventional seismic deformation method, and some problems are revealed in the conventional method. As a result of examining the causes of problems, we propose the static analytical models and an application method of the seismic deformation method for pile top seismic isolation buildings. In addition, the validity of the proposed application method is clarified by comparison with earthquake response analyses..
14. 安藤 佳奈, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸, 松田 頼征, 戸根 弘希, 小笠原 和也, 大島 猛志 Kana Ando, Toshiaki Sato, Haruyuki Kitamura, Yoriyuki Matsuda, Takeshi Ooshima, Kazuya Ogasawara, パレットの応答加速度評価を目的とした高揚程型立体駐車場の簡易モデルの構築
Simple model for evaluating acceleration response of elevator-type high-rise mechanical parking system, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.24.559, 24, 57, 559-563, 2018.06, [URL], This paper describes a simple model for analyzing the acceleration response of an elevator-type high-rise mechanical parking system in a high-rise building. It is based on a previously proposed 3D model, and involves both Voigt model representing the rubber dampers, and bending-shear elements representing two types of columns. The validity of this model is verified by comparing the acceleration response obtained using the previously proposed 3D model, which is an important factor when considering the business continuity plan for such parking systems..
15. 植木 卓也, 北村 春幸, 佐藤 利昭, 佐藤 大樹, 宮川 和明, 村上 行夫 Takuya Ueki, Haruyuki Kitamura, Toshiaki Sato, Daiki Sato, Kazuaki Miyagawa, Yukio Murakami, 十字型軸材を溶接組立箱形断面材で補剛した座屈拘束ブレースのひずみ振幅の入力順序による損傷度影響評価
Damage evaluation considering input order of strain amplitude for buckling restrained braces with cross-shaped core and welded box-section member, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.82.1275, 82, 738, 1275-1285, 2017.08, [URL], In recent years, buildings in Japan have been required to have high earthquake resistance that can be used continuously after the large-scale earthquakes occurred. In order to achieve this, the damage control design that allows to prevent the damage of main structure by absorbing the seismic energy in damping devices is effective. In addition, it is important to judge appropriately the damage state of the damping devices after the earthquake occurs. The Miner's rule has been widely used as the damage evaluation for the random waveform, including the plastic region. On the other hand, the damage evaluation method using the quantity of total energy absorption is considered to be a simple method in comparison with the Miner's rule. Therefore, the authors proposed the average amplitude method as one of the energy evaluation method that can evaluate equivalent to Miner's rule. In this method, the random waveform is replaced by a constant average amplitude waveform so that the total energy absorption becomes equal. However, it was confirmed that there was some difference compared with the damage degree calculated by the Miner's rule. In this paper, it aims to clarify the influence on the damage degree by the input order of the magnitude of strain amplitude and the difference in the calculation method of the average strain amplitude. The buckling restrained brace (BRB) to be evaluated is composed of a cross-shaped axial member using a low yield strength steel and restraint member of the welded box-section. First, the basic model specimens which exclude the influence of the buckling restraining capacity by shortening the length of the plasticized region of the axial member and by increasing plate thickness of the restraint member is prepared. Then, the multistage amplitude loading tests in which the input order is switched and the dynamic loading tests by the response waveform in which only time axis is reversed are carried out. Next, using the real-size specimens, the continuous two-stage amplitude loading tests in which large and small strain amplitude are alternately repeated and the dynamic loading tests in which the input order of magnitude of strain amplitude is exchanged are conducted. Furthermore, it is evaluated that the influence on the strain behavior of the BRB by the input order of large and small amplitudes using FEM analysis. The main results in this paper are summarized as follows: 1) The ratio of the damage degree obtained by the energy evaluation method (average amplitude method using logarithmic average strain amplitude) to the damage degree obtained by Miner's law is decreased by about 15% more when receiving the large amplitude first. 2) The order of the input amplitude including both the increase and the decrease like a seismic wave has little influence on the above damage degree ratio. 3) The damage degree by the average amplitude method using the cumulative average strain amplitude is calculated to be smaller than the damage degree calculated using the logarithmic mean strain amplitude. 4) As a result of FEM analysis, it is considered that the local strain concentration by small amplitude input and the residual deformation by large amplitude input influence the change of the restoring force characteristic after that..
16. 飛田 喜則, 永野 正行, 北村 春幸, 佐藤 利昭, 鈴木 賢人, 松田 頼征, 山内 豊英 Yoshinori Tobita, Masayuki Nagano, Haruyuki Kitamura, Toshiaki Sato, Kento Suzuki, Yoriyuki Matsuda, Toyohide Yamauchi, 強震記録に基づく傾斜基盤上に建つ免震建物の捩れ応答の分析
Study on torsional response of seismically isolated building on soil with inclined bedrock using strong motion records, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.23.409, 23, 54, 409-414, 2017.06, [URL], This report examined torsional response of a seismically isolated building on inclined bedrock using strong motion records. Ground motions increases the amplitude and produces time lag to propagate in according to a layer thickness of the surface ground. We also evaluate the torsional response using ratio of it. In result, torsional response of floor on seismically isolated layer is reduced to half by effect of it in comparison with basement..
17. 小川 晋平, 岩崎 雄一, 石井 正人, 佐々木 和彦, 佐藤 大樹, 北村 春幸, 佐藤 利昭, 松田 頼征, 吉江 慶祐, 変形増幅機構を有する制振フレーム試験体の動的加振試験, 日本学術会議・構造工学論文集B, 63, 285-293, 2017.03, In our previous study, we proposed the new structural system which amplifies effective damper deformation, and showed the amplification of damper deformation and the high damping effect by the analysis for high-rise building. However this study has yet to show the amplification effect of the effective deformation in the experiment. In this paper, the amplification of damper deformation in the proposed system are confirmed by the dynamic vibration tests. In addition, to investigate the influence of damper location, tests are conducted on 2 types of specimens varying in damper location..
18. 有間 雄太, 脇田 直弥, 山口 路夫, 綿貫 雄太, 佐藤 利昭, 佐藤 大樹, 北村 春幸, 低剛性の梁端部を有する中低層制振構造建物の耐震性能評価, 日本学術会議・構造工学論文集B, 63, 189-194, 2017.03, In recent years, high response performance is required from viewpoint of the BCP. A vibration control structure of a medium-low-rise building is increasing, not only a high-rise building. Therefore, The development of the vibration control structure building system suitable for a medium-low-rise buildings is desired. In this paper, the response performance is planned to improve by changing the beam-end to low-rigidity for extending the displacement of the elastic limit. Also, it was showed that it can reduce the shear force and damage to main the structure, through the time history response analysis with the stiffness of beam-end and amount of damper as parameters..
19. 細谷 佳雅, 佐藤 大樹, 石井 正人, 北村 春幸, 佐々木 和彦, 岩崎 雄一, 佐藤 利昭, 松田 頼征, 吉江 慶祐, 変形増幅機構に耐震ブレースを併用した制振構造の性能評価, 日本学術会議・構造工学論文集B, 63, 265-273, 2017.03, Performance degradation of the response control device is caused by bending deformation. Therefore, the authors proposed amplification mechanism that functions to bending deformation. In order to improve this amplification mechanism, this paper proposes new response control system which is used in combination with the amplification mechanism and seismic brace. The usefulness of this system evaluate from time history analysis results and static analysis results. Evaluation of the response control performance is using the frame parameters obtained from two-types of static analysis results. Frame parameters can estimate the ratio of the effective damper deformation as evaluation index of performance. The validity of this evaluation method is demonstrated by comparing with the dynamic response analysis results..
20. 山形 有紀, 佐藤 利昭, 永野 正行, 北村 春幸 Yuki Yamagata, Toshiaki Sato, Masayuki Nagano, Haruyuki Kitamura, 擁壁衝突時に励起される積層ゴムの上下応答と諸要因の影響評価
Assessment of various factors affecting vertical response of laminated rubbers in case of collision with retaining wall, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.82.371, 82, 733, 371-381, 2017.03, [URL], This paper presents a study on the vertical response of laminated rubbers in case of collision with retaining wall and assessment various factors affecting these. Various factors are nonlinearity of superstructure and laminated rubbers in case of large deformation and soil-structure interaction. Considering these, we do simulation analysis in case of collision with retaining wall As a result, the following conclusion are obtained, l) Considering the non-linearily of laminated rubbers, the vertical response of laminated rubbers is increased, the influence is greater at the tension side as compared with the compression side. 2) The horizontal response of superstructure and the vertical response of laminated rubbers are reduced by soil-structure-interaction, especially poor ground. 3) Considering the non-linearily of superstructure, the vertical response of laminated rubbers is decreased. This effects is greatest among the three factors we studied, but if strength of superstructure is high, it is necessary to perform appropriate modeling for the effect of soil-structure interaction..
21. 安川真知子, 高木政美, 北村 春幸, 佐藤 大樹, 佐藤 利昭 Machiko Yasukawa, Masayoshi Takaki, Haruyuki Kitamura, Daiki Sato, Toshiaki Sato, 自動ラック倉庫における多段載荷のすべり落下挙動に関する一考察
A study on slip and fall of stacked cargoes in automated warehouse, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.82.183, 82, 732, 183-192, 2017.02, [URL], An automated warehouse is a system which automatically controls the storing and shipping of a large number of cargoes in small floor spaces. In the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, many automated warehouses shut down because of the fall of stacked cargoes, and the recovery needs a long time. The importance of the seismic countermeasure preventing the fall of cargoes is noticed from the business continuity planning. The authors developed two countermeasures; one is the vibration control system and the other is the base isolation system. For developing these countermeasures, it is important to clarify the falling behaviors of cargoes. Shaking table tests were conducted for evaluating them. This paper describes the experimental results focusing on the dynamic characteristics of cargoes..
22. 付 慧鑫, 宮川 和明, 佐藤 大樹, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸, 植木 卓也, 村上 行夫 Huixin Fu, Kazuaki Miyagawa, Daiki Sato, Toshiaki Sato, Haruyuki Kitamura, Takuya Ueki, Yukio Murakami, 中低層鋼構造制振建物を対象とした高強度鋼の有効性と耐震性能の評価
Considerations on the current story shear coefficient distributions using base-isolated steel warehouses with an inhomogeneous mass and stiffness, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.23.59, 23, 53, 59-64, 2017.02, [URL], With the development of internet marketing, logistics bases have been increasing recently. Under the influence of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, base-isolated steel warehouses are on the increase. As the roofs of most warehouses are made of steel plates and with small loads, the rooftops of most warehouses are light. However, the current story shear coefficient distributions of base-isolated buildings are based on the buildings with a homogeneous mass and stiffness. So, this report shows a verification on the story shear coefficient distributions of base-isolated steel warehouses with an inhomogeneous mass and stiffness..
23. 渡邊 藤一郎, 佐藤 利昭, 中島 裕貴, 鈴木 賢人, 永野 正行 Toichiro Watanabe, Toshiaki Sato, Hiroki Nakashima, Kento Suzuki, Masayuki Nagano, 木材の粘弾性の簡易試験法と 3 要素モデルによる特性化
Simple test method for evaluating viscoelasticity of wood and characterization as three element model, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.22.947, 22, 52, 947-952, 2016.10, [URL], This paper focuses on the viscoelasticity evaluation of the wood, based on simple relaxation test of Japanese cedar in its L, R directions. The viscoelastic parameters for these specimens were extracted based on regression analysis using results of compression test on several stroke rate. Adaptability of these parameters were verified by simulating the result of simple relaxation test. The characteristics of these woods depend on stroke rate. Using these parameters, it is possible to evaluate the stress relaxation of short term..
24. 渡辺 泰成, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸, 佐藤 大樹, 宮川 和明, 植木 卓也, 村上 行夫 Yasunari Watanabe, Toshiaki Sato, Haruyuki Kitamura, Daiki Sato, Kazuaki Miyagawa, Takuya Ueki, Yukio Murakami, 中低層鋼構造制振建物を対象とした高強度鋼の有効性と耐震性能の評価
Evaluation of effectivity of high-strength steels and seismic performance for low- and medium-rise passive control steel structures, 日本建築学会技術報告集
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
, 10.3130/aijt.22.909, 22, 52, 909-914, 2016.10, [URL], This report shows the advantage of using high-strength steels and hysteretic dampers for low- and medium-rise buildings. In this paper, the structural members are decided by the long term stress. Seismic loads are burdened with hysteretic dampers. There are two methods to increase the yield stress of columns; one is using high-strength steels, and the other is adopting larger members. Through the investigation of time history response analysis, a method using high-strength steels has high performance not only decreasing damage of frame but also increasing the equivalent damping factor than another method..
25. 山内 豊英, 北村 春幸, 永野 正行, 佐藤 利昭, 鈴木 賢人, 飛田 喜則, 地震応答解析による杭頭免震建物の動的特性に関する研究 動的挙動を考慮した積層ゴムの力学特性の評価, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 81, 730, 2025-2036, 2016.12, This paper describes the seismic behaviors of laminated rubber bearing in pile top seismic isolation buildings through numerical experiments considering the nonlinearity of the laminated rubber bearing and the dynamic soil–structure interaction. It also describes the problems of current structural design method. The horizontal stiffness and movement of the inflection point of the laminated rubber bearing in a pile top seismic isolation building are studied through a parametric analytical study. A quantitative evaluation of the dynamic characteristics of the laminated rubber bearing is conducted, and it is found that the dynamic characteristics of the laminated rubber bearing can be predicted using simple indicators.
26. 佐藤 大樹, 池上 昌志, 平井 宏幸, 吉江 慶祐, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸 Daiki Sato, Masashi Ikegami, Hiroyuki Hirai, Keisuke Yoshie, Toshiaki Sato, Haruyuki Kitamura, 履歴型ダンパーを有する超高層制振建物の風応答時における累積損傷分布予測
Cumulative damage prediction for passive controlled high-rise building with hysteretic dampers on wind-induced response, 日本建築学会構造系論文集
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering
, 10.3130/aijs.81.1635, 81, 728, 1635-1645, 2016.10, [URL], An energy balance-based design method for earthquake-induced response of a building has been proposed by Dr. Akiyama; it is very useful for the evaluation of the cumulative damage. However, an energy balance-based design method for the wind-induced response of buildings has not been established yet. In this study, we establish a prediction method based on energy balance for estimating the cumulative damage to hysteretic dampers installed in a high-rise building on wind-induced response. We propose a new optimum yield shear force coefficient distribution and damage concentration factor for prediction of damage caused by wind-induced response. The validity of this prediction method is confirmed by comparing the results with time history analysis results..
27. 小川 諒, 吉江 慶祐, 佐藤 大樹, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸 Ryo Ogawa, Keisuke Yoshie, Daiki Sato, Toshiaki Sato, Haruyuki Kitamura, 変動風力を受ける超高層免震建物の準静的成分の応答予測法
Prediction method for quasi-static component response of high-rise seismic isolated building under fluctuating wind force, 日本風工学会誌
Journal of Wind Engineering
, 10.5359/jwe.41.41, 41, 2, 41-47, 2016.01, [URL], Recently, response evaluation of a high-rise seismic isolated building against the wind external force within elasto-plastic range has been requested. In the elasto-plastic response case, shifts of center displacement which are showing change in very long period like a step-function are caused. The response time history is separated to resonance component and quasi-static component and examined. From the time history analysis results, we could verify that the shift of the change center displacement is caused by the resonance component. This paper proposes a prediction method for quasi-static component response caused by the shifts of center displacement of a high-rise seismic isolated building under the fluctuation wind force. Its accuracy is demonstrated through comparison with time history analysis results..
28. 佐藤 大樹, 池上 昌志, 平井 宏幸, 吉江 慶祐, 佐藤 利昭, 北村 春幸, 履歴型ダンパーを有する超高層制振建物の風応答時における累積損傷分布予測, 日本建築学会, 81, 728, 1635-1645, 2016.10, An energy balance-based design method for earthquake-induced response of a building has been proposed by Dr. Akiyama; it is very useful for the evaluation of the cumulative damage. However, an energy balance-based design method for the wind-induced response of buildings has not been established yet. In this study, we establish a prediction method for estimating the cumulative damage of hysteretic dampers installed in a high-rise building on wind-induced response based on energy balance. We propose a new optimum yield shear force coefficient distribution and damage concentration factor for prediction of damage caused by wind-induced response. The validity of this prediction method is confirmed by comparing the results with time history analysis results..

