Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
IWATA Takayuki Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Department of Fundamental Organic Chemistry / Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering

1. Mitsuru Shindo  ∗ , Takayuki Iwata , Cycloaddition Initiated by Ynolates: High-Energy Dianion Equivalents as a Molecular Glue, Synlett 2022; 33(06): 531-545, 2021.11.
2. Takayuki Iwata, Mitsuru Shindo, Synthesis of 1,8,13-substituted triptycenes, Chem. Lett. 50, 39 (2021)., 2021.06.
3. Takayuki Iwata and Mitsuru Shindo, Synthesis, Stereochemical Stability, and Biological Activity of Stemonamine and Its Related Stemona Alkaloids, Heterocycles, 10.3987/REV-19-902, 2019.03, More than 140 Stemona alkaloids have been isolated from Stemona plants (of the Stemonaceae species). These alkaloids represent a unique pyrrolo[1,2-a]azepine nucleus, and can be classified into eight groups on the basis of their chemical aspects. This study is focused on the synthesis of stemonamine group alkaloids, in addition to their chemical stability and biological activity..