Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Takefumi Kurose Last modified date:2023.06.28

Professor / Environmental Engineering, Planning and Design Section / Department of Architecture and Urban Design / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. 7593 Technique and consideration of scenery-making to continue farm village scenery : Case-Study on the Planning making we of the Identtiy is the community in OHNO-village, Part 2.
2. 7590 Practical research on MATIDUKURI harnessed local resources in KITAKATA Part 5.
3. 7589 Practical reseach on MATIDUKURI harnessed local resources in Kitakata : Part 4, Practice of the drifting lab system.
4. 7005 A report of student team's Machizukuri activity in Kitakata City.
5. 米国の地方都市におけるブラウンフィールド再生戦略―ニューイングランド地方の三都市を事例として―.
6. 7101 Introduction to Brownfield Redevelopment Process Models in North America.
7. 7100 Strategy for Brownfield Redevelopment on Local Cities in the U.S. : Case studies of cities in New England.
8. 黒瀬武史, Brownfields in Japan from the planning point of view, Anglo-Japan Symposium on Brownfield Regeneration 2010, 2010.12.
9. 途上国における地域開発と文化遺産の保全に関する研究―ネパールのルンビニ開発計画を事例として―.
10. 黒瀬武史, Public Space and urban regeneration in Tokyo, International workshop - Public Space and Citizen Participation in Urban Regeneration Process, Leaning from Bogota, Berlin, Barcelona and Tokyo -, 2011.01.
11. 黒瀬武史, Public Open Space and Urban Regeneration in Tokyo, International Symposium on Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Development, 2011.07.
12. 7333 Study on the regional development and the cultural heritage conservation in the developing countries : Case study of Lumbini Development Project, Nepal.
13. 清水港における港湾成立の歴史と歴史的資産に関する研究.
14. 岩手県大槌町における記憶再生プロジェクトの試み~大槌町の風景再生に向けた文化資源調査 その2~.
15. 大槌町の都市形成史にみる市街地と海の関係の変化―大槌町の風景再生に向けた文化資源調査 その1.
16. 回遊性向上を目指した社会実験「アーバンステーションカゴシマ」に対する評価と今後の展望.
17. 清水港日の出地区とその後背地域の戦後における変遷.
18. 東日本大震災時における岩手県大槌町赤浜地区住民の避難行動調査.
19. 地域再生を意図した米国ブラウンフィールド政策の新たな展開.
20. 傅 舒蘭, 黒瀬 武史, 7566 四大仏教遺跡の保全実態と管理に関する研究, 学術講演梗概集, 2013.08.
21. Tomoko MORI, Takefumi KUROSE, Yukio NISHIMURA, The Planning Theory of Kenzo Tange’s Master Plan in Lumbini through the Study on its Planning Process, International Buddhist Conference on “Promotion, Protection & Preservation of Buddhist Culture and Heritage”, 2014.11.
22. Tomoko MORI, Takefumi KUROSE, Re-understanding of the Lumbini project from the regional scale, focusing on the preliminary stage before Kenzo Tange’s Master Plan, 5th International Academic Consortium for Sustainable Cities Symposium, 2014.09.
23. 9369 Current conditions and prospects of the world cultural heritage conservation in Lumibini, Nepal : Study on the cultural heritage conservation in the developing countries in Asia.
24. 7174 Chronological change of role and structure of traditional country town (Zaigo-machi), Togo in Fukui plain.
25. 6071 Current conditions and issues of the cultural heritage sites and their surroundings in Greater Lumibini, Nepal : study on the cultural heritage conservation in the developing countries in Asia, part 2.
26. Sustainable Brownfield regeneration in the United States.
27. 歴史的町並み保存の視点から見たコカナの非伝統的建造物の被災状況と課題 2015年ネパール地震後の世界遺産暫定リスト・コカナにおける被災状況調査報告 その3.
28. 歴史的町並み保存の視点から見たコカナの伝統的建造物の被災状況と課題 ―2015年ネパール地震後の世界遺産暫定リスト・コカナにおける被災状況調査報告 その2.
29. 国内の閉園した遊園地・レジャー施設の跡地利用に関する研究―既存施設を再活用した事例の閉園前後のプロセスと利用者の変化の比較検証―.
30. 台湾台南市中心部の街区における空間構造の形成過程に関する研究.
31. 中心市街地における小規模個人商店の立地傾向に関する研究 神奈川県小田原市におけるケーススタディ.
32. 黒瀬武史, Incremental revitalization of harbor cities by private and third sector in Japan, 29th Open Busan Urban Construction Forum - Regeneration of the other side of waterfront area, 2016.10.
33. Tomoko Miyagawa, Noriko Otsuka, Takefumi Kurose, Hirokazu Abe, GREENING BROWNFIELDS WITH OPEN SPACE STRATEGIES IN SAKAI CITY, JAPAN, ECLAS Annual Conference, 2016.09.
34. 荒廃した低未利用地に対応する包括的空間戦略に関する研究 米国ミシガン州フリント市のBlight Elimination Frameworkを事例として.
35. 福岡市天神二丁目中心部に位置する公共空間の利用実態に関する研究.
36. 画地の変更に着目した高密度な計画的市街地の更新に関する研究―北九州市若松区を対象として―.
37. Study on industrializatipn and urban expansion on a former riverbed Case of Takahashi river in Kurashiki.
38. 廃川地が都市の工業化と市街地の拡大に及ぼした影響に関する研究―高梁川廃川地と倉敷市を事例として―.
39. 周南地域開発構想が徳山の都市形成に与えた影響に関する研究 周南団地計画との関係性に注目して.
40. デトロイトにおける空き地利用転換支援の実態と課題 住民向けツールキットとオズボーン地区の戦略に着目して.
41. アートの導入による観光開発が住民に及ぼす影響とその要因 香川県直島の本村集落を事例として.
42. Masayoshi Nagano, Tomoko Mori, Takefumi Kurose, Yukio Nishimura, Urban Design Approaches Collaborating with Archaeologists in Heritage Sites : Cases of Lumbini and Tilaurakot in Nepal, 14th International congress of Annual Conference of Asian Planning School Association, 2017.10.
43. Population Trends and Reorganization of the Local Governments Caused by Establishment of the Naval Arsenal : Study on the Process of Urbanization in Hikari City, Yamaguchi Prefecture(Part 1).
44. Implementation and influence of New industrial city planning on current urban structure of Hikari City : Study on the process of urbanization in Hikari City, Yamaguchi Prefecture(Part 2).
45. 黒瀬武史, 人口減少時代の都市計画 計画的な都市縮小は可能か?, 大韓建築学会釜山・蔚山・慶南支会総会, 2018.11.
46. Urban Planning for depopulation society.
47. 黒瀬武史, Smart shrinkage? - Urban planning for depopulating cities in Japan and the US -, ReVision: Strategies for Renewing Apartment Buildings & Neighbourhoods, 2019.11.
48. Daichi Yogo, Takefumi Kurose, Evaluation of Visual Connectivity between Buildings and River – Case of the Lower Reaches of Nakagawa river, Fukuoka City-, the 12th International Symposium on City Planning and Environmental Management in Asian countries(AURG 2019), 2019.11.
49. KUROSE, Takefumi, Community on the outskirt of "Compact city designation”, Shrinking Cities Revisited Japan-Germany International Seminar, 2019.10.
50. MORITA Kentaro, KUROSE Takefumi, Changes in Spatial Structure of Fishing Villages Caused by Coastline Change: A Case Study of Katsumoto District, Iki city, Nagasaki Prefecture, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IASUR, 2019.03.
51. IKEDA Shintaro, KUROSE Takefumi, Actual Living Condition Surrounding Street Dwellers in Downtown Focusing on Sleeping Place and Support, Case Study in Fukuoka, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IASUR, 2019.03.
52. Factories entering the former site of Salt field and Changes in Urban areas in Hofu City : Formation of Social Infrastructure on the site of MITAZIRI Salt field.
53. Study on the change of urban area formation due to land use conversion of Nihon Steelmaking & Engineering Co.,Ltd. residential complex in Fukuyama.