九州大学 研究者情報
NI NI WIN(にー にー ういん) データ更新日:2023.11.27

助教 /  理学研究院 生物科学部門

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Ni-Ni-Win and 川井 浩史, 日本産ウミウチワ属の分類の再検討, 藻類 The Japanese Journal of Phycology (Sourui), 2021.11, The brown algal genus Padina Adanson is widely distributed from warm temperate to tropical seas worldwide, occurring in the intertidal to subtidal zones up to 30 - 40 m depth. It is the second most species-rich genus in the order Dictyotales after Dictyota. So far, 53 species have been recognized worldwide in the genus Padina according to the global algal database (AlgaeBase, as of April 2021). Currently, 24 species have been recorded in Japan including P. boryana and P. stipitata, for which genetic information is not yet available from Japan. In this paper, the results of molecular phylogenetic analyses using the chloroplast rbcL and mitochondrial cox3 gene sequences for 22 species found in Japan are presented. Distinctive morphological features of each species are described and an identification key for Padina species found in Japan is proposed. Several morphological characters, such as number of cell layers composing the thallus, presence or absence and degree of calcification, presence or absence of small groups of rhizoid-like hairs on the inferior thallus surface, presence or absence of a Vaughaniella-stage, structure, position and arrangement of hairlines and reproductive sori, reproductive system of gametophytes (monoecious or dioecious), and presence or absence of indusium covering reproductive sori, are considered as important morphological characters for species delineation..

