九州大学 研究者情報
平井 剛(ひらい ごう) データ更新日:2024.04.02

教授 /  薬学研究院 創薬科学部門

1. Go Hirai, Glycolipids, Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB, volume 2613), Sialidase-Resistant Ganglioside GM3 Analogues: Evaluation of Biological Activity, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 10.1007/978-1-0716-2910-9_7, 2023.01, Glycolipids play important biological roles mainly in biological membranes, but their functions at the molecular level remain to be fully established. A chemical biology approach using exogenously added glycolipid probes would be promising, but the possibility of cleavage by cellular glycohydrolases complicates the interpretation of results. Thus, there is a need for non-hydolyzable analogues. In the present study, we designed and synthesized GM3 analogues resistant to GM3-degrading sialidase by replacing the O-sialoside linkage with a C-sialoside linkage. The bioactivity of the analogues was also investigated..
2. Go Hirai, Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Special Volume in Memory of Hidetoshi Yamada Part 2, Chapter Three - Pseudo-glycoconjugates with a C-glycoside linkage, ELSEVIER, 10.1016/bs.accb.2022.10.002, 2022.12, Work by the author and colleagues has been focused on the development of pseudo-glycans (pseudo-glycoconjugates), in which the O-glycosidic linkage of the natural-type glycan structure is replaced by a C-glycosidic linkage. These analogues are not degraded by cellular glycoside hydrolases, and are thus expected to be useful molecular tools that may maintain the original biological activity for a long period in the cell. However, their biological potential is not yet well understood because only a few pseudo-glycans have so far been synthesized. This article aims to provide a bird's-eye view of our recent studies on the creation of C-glycoside analogues of ganglioside GM3 based on the CHF-sialoside linkage, and summarizes the chemical insights acquired during our stereoselective synthesis of the C-sialoside bond, ultimately leading to pseudo-GM3. Conformational analysis of the synthesized CHF-sialoside disaccharides confirmed that the anticipated conformational control by F-atom introduction was successful, and furthermore, enhanced the biological activity. In order to improve access to C-glycoside analogues based on pseudo-GM3, it is still important to streamline the synthesis process. With this in mind, we designed and developed a direct C-glycosylation method using atom-transfer radical coupling, and employed it in syntheses of pseudo-isomaltose and pseudo-KRN7000..
3. 平井剛, 日本化学会 編:生体分子反応を制御する (CSカレントレビュー 36): 化学的手法による機構と反応場の解明, 化学同人, 研究最前線 第16章 複合糖質の反応場を探る:代謝耐性型アナログと光親和性標識法(p145-152), 2020.04.
4. Go Hirai (Editors: Taniguchi, N., Endo, T., Hirabayashi, J., Nishihara, S., Kadomatsu, K., Akiyoshi, K., Aoki-Kinoshita, K.F.), Glycoscience: Basic Science to Applications, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 10.1007/978-981-13-5856-2, 52-53, 2020.07.
5. 平井 剛, 未来を創るグライコサイエンス-我が国のロードマップ- 3-22 ラベル化糖鎖を用いた診断とイメージング, 日本糖鎖科学コンソーシアム(JCGG)編, 2018.05.
6. 袖岡幹子、平井剛, ケミカルバイオロジー化合物集 研究展開のヒント 第4章4.2 ホスファターゼ阻害剤, オーム社, 2018.10.
7. 平井剛、袖岡幹子, 天然有機化合物の全合成:独創的なものづくりの反応と戦略 (CSJカレントレビュー)
第14章研究最前線 ケミカルバイオロジーを志向した天然物アナログの創製:部分構造アナログと代謝安定型アナログ
, 化学同人, 2018.03.
8. 平井剛, 天然有機化合物の全合成:独創的なものづくりの反応と戦略 (CSJカレントレビュー)
第4章天然物全合成の基礎 Basic Concept-5 全合成とケミカルバイオロジー
, 化学同人, 2018.03.

