九州大学 研究者情報
高橋 達郎(たかはし たつろう) データ更新日:2024.04.19

教授 /  理学研究院 生物科学部門 統合生物学大講座

1. Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Satomi Oda, Aya Sakazume, Taisei Miyata, Tatsuro Takahashi, Regulation of the fidelity of homology-directed repair in Xenopus egg extracts, 第96回日本生化学会大会, 2023.10.
2. Eiichiro Kanatsu, Riki Terui, Yasukazu Daigaku, Tatsuro Takahashi, Mechanistic details of the chromatin remodeling reaction associated with post-replicative DNA mismatch repair, Eukaryotic DNA replication & genome maintenance, 2023.09.
3. 高橋 達郎, An interface between strand invasion and DNA synthesis during homology-directed repair, 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「染色体安定維持研究会」, 2024.07.
4. Eiichiro Kanatsu, Riki Terui, Yasukazu Daigaku, Tatsuro Takahashi,, MutSα and Smarcad1 form a mispair-activated nucleosome remodeling complex that catalyzes unidirectional nucleosome sliding, The 2nd International Symposium on REPLICATION of NON GENOME ~Cutting Edge of Epigenetics~, 2023.06.
5. 金津 瑛一郎、照井 利輝、高橋 達郎, The mechanism of a chromatin-remodeling reaction associated with replication error correction, 第45回日本分子生物学会年会, 2022.12.
6. 金津 瑛一郎、照井 利輝、高橋 達郎, The mechanism of a chromatin-remodeling reaction associated with replication error correction, Chromosome Replication in the New Era - Old and New Questions in Life Science -, 2022.11.
7. 高橋 達郎, Regulation of the fidelity of homology-directed repair in Xenopus egg extracts, 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「染色体安定維持研究会」, 2022.07.
8. Tatsuro Takahashi, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Satomi Oda, Aya Sakazume, Regulation of the fidelity of homology-directed repair in Xenopus egg extracts, The 11th quinquennial conference on DNA repair, 2022.03, [URL], The mismatch repair (MMR) system protects genetic information by handling mispairs arising from DNA replication errors and homology-directed repair between divergent sequences. Replication errors are corrected by the MMR system in a strand-specific manner to restore original genetic information. In contrast, homology-directed repair between divergent sequences is suppressed through the unwinding of intermediates. Genetic studies in yeast have shown that this process, called anti-recombination or heteroduplex rejection, depends on the Msh2-Msh6 (MutSα) mismatch recognition complex and RecQ homolog DNA helicase Sgs1. However, mechanistic details and the regulation of anti-recombination remain still ambiguous, especially in vertebrates, partly due to the insufficiency of in vitro model systems.
In this study, we set up a single-strand annealing (SSA) model system in Xenopus egg extracts and found that sequence divergence between two repeating units significantly delays the annealing reaction and reduces the efficiency of SSA. Immunodepletion experiments showed that this reduction of SSA is mediated by MutSα and the Werner helicase. MutSα and the Werner helicase were also important for the fidelity of SSA. We will discuss possible mechanisms and regulations of how these factors increase the SSA fidelity..
9. 照井 利輝、金津 瑛一郎、高橋 達郎, MutSαとSmarcad1はミスマッチ依存的ヌクレオソームリモデリング複合体を形成する, 第94回日本生化学会大会, 2021.11.
10. 照井 利輝、金津 瑛一郎、高橋 達郎, ミスマッチ修復に伴うクロマチンリモデリング反応の試験管内再構成による解析, 第93回日本遺伝学会年会, 2021.09.
11. 高橋 達郎, MMRシステムによる相同組換え正確性制御のメカニズム, 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「染色体安定維持研究会」, 2021.08.
12. 高橋 達郎, A balance between pro- and anti-recombination reactions determines the fidelity of homology-directed repair, 第38回染色体ワークショップ・第19回核ダイナミクス研究会, 2021.01.
13. Tatsuro Takahashi, The quality control mechanism of homology-directed repair in Xenopus egg extracts, 第43回日本分子生物学会年会, 2020.12.
14. 高橋達郎, ミスマッチ修復システムによるクロマチンリモデリングの試験管内再構成による解析, 日本遺伝学会第92回大会, 2020.09.
15. Tatsuro Takahashi, Riki Terui, Karin Shigenobu, ミスマッチ塩基に依存したヌクレオソームリモデリングの試験管内再構成, 第37回染色体ワークショップ・第18回核ダイナミクス研究会, 2019.12.
16. Tatsuro Takahashi, The quality control mechanism of homology-directed repair in Xenopus egg extracts, CHROMOSOME DYNAMICS, An international symposium on chromatin and chromosome stability, 2019.12.
17. Riki Terui, Tatsuro Takahashi, Reconstitution of a chromatin-remodeling reaction that facilitates post-replicative DNA mismatch repair, 第42回日本分子生物学会年会, 2019.12.
18. Tatsuro Takahashi, Riki Terui, Karin Shigenobu, ミスマッチ塩基に依存したクロマチンリモデリングの試験管内再構成, 第25回複製・組換え・修復ワークショップ, 2019.11.
19. 照井 利輝、高橋 達郎, In vitro reconstitution of a mismatch-induced nucleosome remodeling reaction, 第92回日本生化学会大会, 2019.09.
20. 高橋達郎, 真核生物 DNA ミスマッチ修復機構による遺伝情報維持反応の解析, 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「染色体安定維持研究会」, 2019.06.
21. Satomi Oda, Aya Sakazume, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, Tatsuro Takahashi, 相同性依存的修復の品質管理機構を試験管内再現系によって探る, 第3回ゲノム編集学会年会, 2018.06.
22. Satomi Oda, Aya Sakazume, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, Tatsuro Takahashi, 類似配列間の相同性依存的組換えを抑制する反応の試験管内再現, 第35回染色体ワークショップ・第16回核ダイナミクス研究会, 2017.12.
23. Satomi Oda, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Aya Sakazume, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, Tatsuro Takahashi, In vitro analysis of the mismatch-repair-dependent anti-recombination reaction, 2017年度生命科学系学会合同年次大会, 2017.12.
24. Tatsuro Takahashi, PCNAを介したDNA複製と染色体接着の機能的カップリング , 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「染色体構築と安定化を担う分子機構」, 2017.10.
25. Torahiko Higashi, Sae Hayashi, Kodai Hara, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, Tatsuro Takahashi, A PCNA-dependent reaction facilitates replication-coupled Sororin loading in Xenopus egg extracts, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting "Eukaryotic DNA replication & Genome Maintenance", 2017.09.
26. Tatsuro Takahashi, An in vitro model system for functional interaction of mismatch repair with chromatin assembly and homology-directed repair, The 6th US-Japan DNA Repair Meeting, 2017.05.
27. Satomi Oda, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, Tatsuro Takahashi, ミスマッチ修復依存的なヘテロ二重鎖解消反応の試験管内解析, 第34回染色体ワークショップ・第15回核ダイナミクス研究会, 2017.01.
28. Tatsuro Takahashi, Riki Terui, Satomi Oda, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Takuro Nakagawa, Hisao Masukata, In vitro analysis of interplay between chromatin replication, homology-directed repair, and mismatch repair, 第39回日本分子生物学会年会, 2016.12.
29. Tatsuro Takahashi, Yoshitaka Kawasoe, Riki Terui, koji Nagao, Seiji Tanaka, Takuro Nakagawa, Chikashi Obuse, Hisao Masukata, Interplay between DNA synthesis, chromatin assembly, and mismatch repair, The 10th 3R symposium, 2016.11.
30. 高橋 達郎, ミスマッチ修復による相同組み換え制御の試験管内解析, 国立遺伝学研究所・研究集会「生物ゲノム安定性の分子機構」, 2016.10.

