九州大学 研究者情報
南部 恭広(なんぶ やすひろ) データ更新日:2023.09.25

助教 /  人間環境学研究院 都市・建築学部門

1. 南部恭広, 田畑裕貴, 蜷川利彦, 北原昭男, 2016年熊本地震で倒壊しなかった町家の構造性能評価 -熊本市古町にある通し柱架構を有する町家-, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 2021.06.
2. 立花拓朗, 南部恭広, 杉野未奈, 林康裕, 茅葺屋根を有する伝統木造架構の構造と振動特性に関する研究, 構造工学論文集 B, 67B, 2021.03.
3. 南部恭広, 杉野未奈, 多幾山法子, 林康裕, 伝統木造住宅の耐力要素や重量の地域性に関する研究, 構造工学論文集 B, 65B, 2019.03.
4. 遠山 光輝, 早川 小百合, 南部 恭広, 杉野 未奈, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 重要伝統的建造物群保存地区・美馬市脇町南町の木造住宅構造調査, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.24.153, 24, 56, 153-153, 2018.02, [URL], Waki-machi Minami-machi in Tokushima prefecture is designated as the important preservation district of groups of traditional buildings, which is close to the Nankai trough and the Median Tectonic Line fault zone. Our structural investigation of traditional wooden houses there shows the seismic performance of several houses is not sufficient because of heavy weight and less of wall. Some houses have tilted pillars which are considered to have been caused by the residual deformation of former ground motions. Yield base shear coefficients correlate with natural frequency, and the houses with low yield base shear coefficient have low natural frequency..
5. 南部 恭広, 守屋 友貴, 杉野 未奈, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 三重県関町における伝統木造住宅の現地調査と耐震性能評価, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.23.129, 23, 53, 129-129, 2017.02, [URL], This paper reports the results of evaluation on seismic performance of traditional wooden houses in Seki, where damage caused by future earthquakes is concerned, based on structural investigation. Our conclusions are as follows. a) There are many houses that have complex plan and structure. b) Yield base shear coefficients in ridge direction is small. Moreover, we find houses that falls below the value of 0.1 because the weights of house are heavy and there is no wall adequately in the first floor. c) We confirm termite damages at a rate of around 30 % of the target houses..
6. 菖蒲 真生人, 南部 恭広, 杉野 未奈, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 宮崎県の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区(日向市美々津)の伝統木造住宅構造調査, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.23.123, 23, 53, 123-123, 2017.02, [URL], Mimitsu in Miyazaki prefecture is selected to grasp the seismic performance of traditional wooden houses. Seismic performance of 8 houses is evaluated based on microtremor measurements and structural investigation. As results, there are 2 types of traditional houses. One is the type with rooms in a line, and the other is with rooms in 2 lines. The traditional houses have skip floor structure, and the vibration mode is complicated. Yield base shear coefficients of houses with rooms in 2 lines are lower than those of houses with rooms in a line..
7. Jian Jiao, Yasuhiro Nambu, Mina Sugino, Noriko Takiyama, Chiaki Watanabe, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Regional Structural Investigation on the Preservation Districts of Yuasa and Ine in Japan, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, 10.3130/jaabe.16.193, 16, 1, 193-200, 2017.01, [URL], The preservation district of groups of traditional buildings is an important category of cultural properties in Japan. Japan has entered an earthquake active period. However, conventional culturally and socially oriented site investigation methods hardly satisfy the requirements of risk management of district preservation. In this study, the authors introduce an investigation method from the structural and security perspectives. They explain the study procedure, methods and results. Results of the investigation of two coastal districts, namely, Ine and Yuasa, are comparatively studied, and regional disparities are highlighted. The study concludes that district vulnerability and house structural performance should be considered as important indices when making decisions regarding district preservation..
8. 大村 早紀, 南部 恭広, 澁谷 悦敬, 杉野 未奈, 林 康裕, 大垂壁を有する伝統木造軸組架構の耐震性能評価に関する実験的研究, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 10.3130/aijs.81.1479, 81, 727, 1479-1489, 2016.09, [URL],  In Japan, there are a lot of traditional timber buildings which fit the history, the culture and the environment in each area. In our investigation of traditional timber houses in the important district of groups of historic buildings, mud walls which have various specifications and crosspieces called Nuki and structures which consist of tall hanging walls and beams called Sashigamoi (called large hanging walls in this study) were found. Timber frame structures with hanging walls are very important factor to think of seismic safety of timber buildings because they can lead to collapse of the whole buildings by breakage of columns at joints of the lower end of hanging walls. Although static loading tests and shaking table tests of timber frames with hanging walls have been conducted, the failure behavior and deformation performance have not been analyzed in detail.
 As the current methods of seismic capacity evaluation, “Implementation Guidance for Basic Seismic Assessment of Important Cultural Properties (Buildings)” proposed by Agency for Cultural Affairs and “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit Methods of Wooden Houses” proposed by the Japan Building Disaster Prevention Association have been used. Although the consistency between the current methods and the test results has been examined, the hanging walls of the specimens are not tall and the analysis is not enough about shear force and deformation performance of the columns, flexural strength of the columns and limit deformation evaluation of the frame structures with hanging walls.
 Therefore, the purpose of this study is demonstrative elucidation of dynamic characteristics of timber frame structures with large hanging walls in order to construct a reasonable and practical seismic evaluation method. First, we conduct static loading tests of timber frame structures with full walls or large hanging walls. The height of the full wall specimens and the large hanging wall specimens is 2.70m and 3.87m, respectively. The span length of the specimens is 1.82m. The height of hanging walls is 1.80m. The specification of walls and the number of spans are experimental variables. Second, we analyze damage states and mechanical characteristics of the specimens and their elements such as mud wall, columns and Sashigamoi. Finally, we reveal the applicability and problems of the current methods based on the test results.
 The major findings obtained from the research are summarized as follows:
 a) Different specifications of Nuki do not make much difference of the hysteresis characteristics of the full wall specimens in spite of the different failure states of walls.
 b) The hysteresis characteristics of the large hanging walls can be calculated using the hysteresis characteristics of the full wall specimens which have the same specification of wall.
 c) Timber frames with hanging walls do not lose the restoring force immediately after breakage of columns because the broken columns have the restoring force. Within this study, rotational angle of the specimens is more than about 1/15 rad when the restoring force decreases to 80% of the maximum value.
 d) Shear force of a column is not depend on only the sum of half of the distances from the column to the adjacent columns on the both sides, because shear force is affected by the sectional performance and Young's modulus of the column, the location of the column against the loading direction and breakage of the surrounding columns. In addition, we indicated that it is need to consider rotational deformation of columns at column-Sashigamoi joints in evaluation of deformation of timber frames with hanging walls. From the above, it is revealed that there is room for improvement on the current methods in seismic performance evaluation of timber frames with large hanging walls..
9. 南部恭広, 杉野未奈, 小林素直, 多幾山法子, 渡辺千明, 林 康裕, 奈良県五條新町における伝統木造住宅の現地調査と耐震性能評価, 構造工学論文集. B, 62, 251-258, 2016.03.
10. 澁谷 悦敬, 南部 恭広, 大村 早紀, 横部 達也, 杉野 未奈, 林 康裕, 乾式パネルを用いた大垂壁を有する伝統木造軸組架構の静的加力実験, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.21.1031, 21, 49, 1031-1036, 2015.10, [URL], Static loading tests for timber frames with large hanging walls using dry-mud panels were conducted. Following results were obtained. 1) Failure mechanism of the frames is roughly classified into damage of the walls and breakage of the columns. If the columns of the frames were broken, bearing force of the frames is smaller. 2) If the columns of the frames were not broken, restoring force characteristics are varied by specification of the frames. 3) If the side of the columns in which was inserted the Sashigamoi was pulled, the columns are broken at about the half of the flexural strength..
11. 多幾山 法子, 南部 恭広, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 斜め貫接合部を有する木造軸組架構の力学特性と耐震性評価, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 10.3130/aijs.79.961, 79, 701, 961-961, 2014.07, [URL], This paper reports the results of evaluation on seismic performance for traditional wooden frame with oblique nuki of boat houses in Ine, Kyoto. Major findings from the research are as follows: (1) In the field survey, structural and vibration characteristics are clarified. (2) In the static loading test, it is found out that behavior and destruction property, shear force of the frame with oblique nuki is unique. (3) Simple analytical model is constructed and confirmed the precision. One house is took the case of, applying the restoring force calculated from the analysis, yield base shear coefficient is found..
12. 南部 恭広, 横部 達也, 多幾山 法子, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 和歌山県湯浅町における伝統木造家屋の耐震性評価, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.19.909, 19, 43, 909-909, 2013.10, [URL], The Yuasa-cho in Wakayama prefecture, which will be one of the most heavily damaged area in the next Nankai earthquake, is selected to consider how to reduce the earthquake damage of traditional wooden houses in the important district of groups of historic buildings. Seismic performance of 10 houses is evaluated based on microtremor measurements and structural characteristics investigation. As results, yield base shear coefficient of large houses with large hanging walls is about 0.2 and such houses may collapse at the maximum shear deformation angle of 1/25..
13. 南部 恭広, 焦 鍵, 多幾山 法子, 渡辺 千明, 林 康裕, 伝統木造住宅における構造的特徴の地域性, 構造工学論文集.B, 59, 59, 585-592, 2013.03.
14. 南部 恭広, 多幾山 法子, 林 康裕, 歴史的煉瓦造建築物の耐震補強前後における煉瓦壁の面外方向振動特性変化, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 10.3130/aijt.19.165, 19, 41, 165-168, 2013.02, [URL], We report the changes in out-of-plane vibration characteristics due to the seismic retrofit of historic masonry buildings based on the result of microtremor measurement. Major findings from the research are as follows; (1) Natural frequencies increase nearly 1.1 to 1.9 times by reinforcement. And, the increasing rate of natural frequency becomes smaller as it becomes high order. (2) Using steel frame for reinforcement, out-of-plane deformation of masonry wall is restrained. And, using shear wall, it is restrained greatly. (3) 1<sup>st</sup> damping factor doesn&rsquo;t change remarkable by reinforcement..
15. 林 康裕, 多幾山法子, 焦 鍵, 南部恭広, 地域特性を考慮した都市・建築物の地震対策デザイン, Designシンポジウム2012, 2012, 339-342, 2012.10.

