九州大学 研究者情報
木實 新一(このみ しんいち) データ更新日:2023.11.28

教授 /  基幹教育院 自然科学理論系部門

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Streitz, N.A., Konomi, S., Preface, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol.13325 LNCS, 2022.01.
2. LU Yuhong, 谷口雄太, 木實新一, SNSにおけるテキストおよび画像として表現された潜在的興味に基づく高齢者向けの観光推薦手法の提案, 情報処理学会研究報告(Web), Vol.2020, No.HCI-190, 2020.01.
3. Li Chenhao, Taniguchi Yuta, Lu Min, Konomi Shin'ichi, 敵対的生成ネットワークを用いたスライド画像の自動生成, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集, 10.11527/jceeek.2019.0_231, Vol.2019, p.231, 2019.09, Slides have become an integral part of today’s educational activities, and the use of proper images in teaching slides can improve students’ comprehension and satisfaction. Finding proper images, however, can be a costly task for the authors of teaching slides. We present a study that explores the uses of Generative Adversarial Nets to generate appropriate images automatically, thereby reducing the costs to find proper images for different teaching materials..
4. Cui Shiman, Taniguchi Yuta, Konomi Shin'ichi, ワードクラウドに基づく学生へのデータ駆動フィードバック, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集, 10.11527/jceeek.2018.0_121, Vol.2018, p.121, 2018.09, This paper examines the impact of world cloud-based visualizations of e-portfolio journals on the learning experiences of students. Our survey results suggest that such visualizations can deepen and broaden students’ knowledge..
5. 緒方 広明, 木實 新一, How are Students Struggling in Programming? Understanding Learning Processes from Multiple Learning Logs, 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Vol.-, pp.510-513, 2018.01.
6. Yiduo Gao, Yuta Taniguchi, Shin'ichi Konomi, Kentaro Kojima, Atsushi Shimada, Hiroaki Ogata, Learning Style Based Collaborative Learning Construction : Can it Improve Group Work in a Learning Environment: 教育工学, Vol.117, No.421, pp.1-4, 2018.01.
7. Jorge Goncalves Simo Hosio Maja Vukovic Shinichi Konomi, Mobile and situated crowdsourcing, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2016.12.001, 2017.06, [URL].
8. Gordon Hunter, Stefan Poslad, Paulo Novais, Shinichi Konomi, Juan Carlos Augusto, Mehmet Karamanoglu, IE 2016 Preface, 10.1109/IE.2016.5, 2016.10, [URL].
9. Kaoru Sezaki, Shin’Ichi Konomi, Masaki Ito, User participatory sensing for disaster detection and mitigation, Journal of Disaster Research, 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0207, Vol.11, No.2, pp.207-216, 2016.01, Rapid growth in communication bandwidth has enabled novel uses of mobile wireless technologies in areas such as smartphone-based user participatory sensing for disaster detection and mitigation. In this manuscript, we discuss novel approaches to resolve fundamental problems that currently hamper the effective utilization of user participatory sensing in this critical application domain. Our approaches to address major challenges related to energy efficiency, collaboration, privacy, ease of deployment, and robustness of communication can be integrated with external systems in a complementary manner to overcome the limitations of current disaster detection and mitigation systems that rely on expensive stationary devices..
10. Shin'ichi, Konomi, Vassilis, Kostakos, Kaoru, Sezaki, Ryosuke, Shibasaki, Crowd Sensing for Disaster Response and Preparedness, 第77回全国大会講演論文集, Vol.2015, No.1, pp.449-450, 2015.03, Crowd sensing systems can open up a vast design space for mobile and wearable applications to monitor, record, and use disaster information in context. This short paper presents a succinct overview of the recent developments of crowd sensing environments in this application domain based on a work-in-progress review of relevant literature and use cases. This leads to the discussions on the ways crowd sensing should complement the existing backbone infrastructures to capture more detailed, relevant and richer data in different contexts..
11. George Roussos, Urs Hengartner, Shin'Ichi Konomi, Kay Römer, Editorial, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 10.1016/j.pmcj.2015.01.008, Vol.16, pp.185-186, 2015.01, [URL].
12. 若狭一樹, 木實新一, 持続可能なコミュニティ醸成のための参加型グリーンネットワーキング, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.24, p.ROMBUNNO.D‐6‐4, 2015.01.
13. 栗林慧介, 木實新一, 都市センシング技術を用いた公開空地評価手法の提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.24, p.ROMBUNNO.A‐1‐5, 2015.01.
14. George Roussos, Urs Hengartner, Shin'Ichi Konomi, Kay Römer, Welcome message from the technical program chairs, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2014, 10.1109/PerCom.2014.6813933, 2014.01, [URL].
15. Shin'ichi Konomi, Wataru Ohno, Tomoyo Sasao, Kenta Shoji, A context-aware approach to microtasking in a public transport environment, 2014 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), 10.1109/CCE.2014.6916754, pp.498-503, 2014.01.
16. 笹尾知世, 木實新一, 参加型センシングデータとユーザの体験に基づくアーバンアプリケーションデザイン環境, 人工知能学会全国大会論文集(CD-ROM), 10.11517/pjsai.jsai2014.0_4b14, Vol.28th, No.0, pp.ROMBUNNO.4B1-4-4B14, 2014.01,


17. 栗林慧介, 木實新一, 笹尾知世, 観光地浅草の回遊性向上アプリケーションの開発, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.23, p.ROMBUNNO.B-7-1, 2014.01.
18. 木實新一, コロケーションネットワークに基づく地図表現と位置情報サービスの可能性, 日本地図学会定期大会発表論文・資料集, 10.11212/jjca.51.42, Vol.2013, No.Supplement, pp.42-43, 2013.01.
19. 大野航, 木實新一, 笹尾知世, 少路健太, 列車の混雑情報に基づく参加型行動シナリオ推薦システムの提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.22, p.ROMBUNNO.D-3-3, 2013.01.
20. 笹尾知世, 木實新一, 大野航, 少路健太, 利用パタンと周辺環境に基づく場所推薦システムの提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.22, p.ROMBUNNO.D-2-2, 2013.01.
21. 少路健太, 木實新一, 笹尾知世, 大野航, 来店イベントの自動取得と共有による飲食店推薦システムの提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.22, p.ROMBUNNO.D-2-1, 2013.01.
22. 笹尾知世, 木實新一, 有川正俊, 藤田秀之, 質問者と回答者のインタラクションに着目したタブレットPCによる定性的情報収集支援の可能性, 日本地図学会定期大会発表論文・資料集, 10.11212/jjca.51.44, Vol.2013, No.Supplement, pp.44-45, 2013.01.
23. 笹尾知世, 木實新一, 藤田秀之, 有川正俊, タッチデバイスを用いた人手による空間情報の関連付け支援, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.D-4-2, 2012.01.
24. 木實新一, 位置情報に基づく質問回答共有プラットフォームの開発, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.E-3-4, 2012.01.
25. 大野航, 木實新一, 参加型センシングによる電車混雑推定方法の提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.D-4-3, 2012.01.
26. 少路健太, 木實新一, 時間経過による信頼性の変化を考慮した空席情報共有システムの提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.E-1-4, 2012.01.
27. 吉村大希, 有川正俊, 木實新一, 藤田秀之, 過疎地域における移動販売情報共有サービスの設計と実現, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.E-4-1, 2012.01.
28. 柴崎真理子, 藤田秀之, 木實新一, 有川正俊, 長期に渡る携帯ナビ移動履歴を用いたユーザの生活パターン推定手法検討, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.21, p.ROMBUNNO.F-3-2, 2012.01.
29. Shin'ichi Konomi, Beyond mobile collaboration—toward metropolitan-scale geocentric crowdsourcing, Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Ubiquitous crowdsouring, 10.1145/2030100.2030106, pp.17-20, 2011.01.
30. 中村敏和, 木實新一, 柴崎亮介, Bluetoothを用いたミクロな人の密集度計測の可能性に関する研究, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.20, p.ROMBUNNO.F-4-2, 2011.01.
31. 柴崎,真理子, 藤田,秀之, 木實,新一, 有川,正俊, Q&Aサイトにおけるユーザの要求・関心の時空間的な推移の可視化, 情報社会学会 知識共有コミュニティワークショップ論文集, pp.41-44, 2011.01.
32. 藤田秀之, 柴崎真理子, 木實新一, 有川正俊, Q&Aサイトを用いた地域に対する関心の推移の可視化, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.20, p.ROMBUNNO.E-6-2, 2011.01.
33. 木實新一, 笹尾知世, 有川正俊, 藤田秀之, タブレットPCを用いたインタラクティブな空間データ収集, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.20, p.ROMBUNNO.F-4-1, 2011.01.
34. 木實新一, 次世代の都市情報サービスの実現に向けたコロケーションネットワークの可視化, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.20, p.ROMBUNNO.E-6-5, 2011.01.
35. 有川正俊, 吉村大希, 木實新一, 藤田秀之, 鉄道網を対象としたモバイル・エゴセントリック・ルート・ブラウザの提案, 地理情報システム学会講演論文集(CD-ROM), Vol.20, p.ROMBUNNO.D-4-4, 2011.01.
36. Niwat Thepvilojanapong, Shin'ichi Konomi, Yoshito Tobe, Yoshikatsu Ohta, Masayuki Iwai, Kaoru Sezaki, Opportunistic collaboration in participatory sensing environments, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, 10.1145/1859983.1859994, pp.39-44, 2010.01, The proliferation of networked mobile devices that can capture and communicate various kinds of data provides an opportunity to design novel manachine sensing environments of which this paper considers participatory sensing. To achieve energy efficiency and reduce data redundancy, we propose Aquiba protocol that exploits opportunistic collaboration of pedestrians. Sensing activity is reduced according to the number of available pedestrians in nearby area. The paper investigates the benefit of opportunistic collaboration in large-scale scenarios through simulation studies. To take microscopic interaction of social crowds into consideration, we adapt the social force model and include it as one of three mobility models applied in our studies. Though the simulation results depend on mobility models, they validate the benefit of opportunistic collaboration employed by Aquiba protocol. Copyright 2010 ACM..
37. Niwat Thepvilojanapong, Shin'ichi Konomi, Jun'ichi Yura, Takeshi Iwamoto, Susanna Pirttikangas, Yasuyuki Ishida, Masayuki Iwai, Yoshito Tobe, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Jin Nakazawa, Hideyuki Tokuda, Exploring Energy-Efficient Human Probes for High-Fidelity Sensing in Urban Environments, 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SENSORS, SENSOR NETWORKS AND INFORMATION PROCESSING (ISSNIP 2009), 10.1109/ISSNIP.2009.5416747, pp.61-+, 2009.01, Portable sensory devices carried by humans-which are referred to as Human Probes-facilitate easy-to-use sensing and monitoring of urban areas. However, when each Human Probe individually senses and transmits information, the sensing activity is inefficient in terms of energy consumption. In this paper, we propose an Architecture of Quality-enhanced Urban Information Blending and Aggregation (Aquiba), in which the sensing activities carried out by the Human Probes are adjusted autonomously under different conditions. Aquiba involves cooperative sensing that helps in achieving high-fidelity sensing while minimizing overall energy consumption. To demonstrate the validity of cooperative sensing, we implemented a prototype device by using a commercial off-the-shelf mobile phone and conducted a field experiment. The experimental results show that Aquiba is capable of providing high-fidelity sensing and reducing energy consumption efficiently..
38. Ryohei Suzuki, Marcelo H. T. Martins, Yasuyuki Ishida, Yoshito Tobe, Shin'ichi Konomi, Kaoru Sezaki, An RFID-Based Human-Probe Positioning System, INSS 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKED SENSING SYSTEMS, 10.1109/INSS.2008.4610842, p.248, 2008.01, We propose an RFID-based human probe positioning system for urban sensing. We call a person who has various sensors on his/her body Human Probe (HP). Our goals are (1) to estimate a position for HP which is based on location information of RFIDs and other HPs which hold position information with estimated error and (2) to manage and visualize sensor data considering a degree of position accuracy..
39. George Roussos, Shinichi Konomi, Editorial
Ubiquitous computing in the real world
, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 10.1007/s00779-006-0113-4, 2007.10, [URL].
40. Shin'Ichi Konomi, Tonionori Saito, Chang S. Nam, Takahito Shimada, Yutaka Harada, Kaoru Sezaki, Designing for usability and safety in RFID-based intelligent commuting environments, PROCEEDINGS OF 2007 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-7, 10.1109/ICMLC.2007.4370492, Vol.4, pp.2106-+, 2007.01, Advanced communication technologies enable sophisticated safety-enhancing systems that exploit numerous computing devices embedded in our commuting environments. However, the complexity inherent in these systems, together with the contingency in their real-life use context, can create usability problems that undermine safety. In this paper, we discuss an integrated, user-centered approach to designing and evaluating RFID-enhanced commuting environments for schoolchildren. Our integrative context sensing and sensemaking infrastructure exploits embedded computing devices not only for enhancing safety but also for understanding user experiences and thereby facilitating iterative usability improvement..
41. 木實新一, ネットワーク上の仮想組織における Deputy オブジェクトの利用, 信学技報, Vol.95, pp.25-31, 1995.01.
42. 木實新一, ネットワーク社会の光と影-MUDの社会現象, Vol.27, No.3, pp.49-62, 1995.01.
43. 木實新一, 導出データを持つデータベースにおける更新処理, 信学技報, Vol.91, pp.69-78, 1991.01.

