Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Ryosuke Kobayashi Last modified date:2024.06.26

Associate Professor / Department of Social Studies / Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

1. Kobayashi Ryosuke, Tibet-Japan Relations after the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905): Tibet’s Encounters with Meiji Japan, Startup Workshop:ANR Project Building Nationalism in Inner Asia: The Empowerment of the Tibetan Revolution in the Early Twentieth Century (ANR-21-CE27-0025-Natinasia) hosted by theFrench School of Asian Studies (EFEO) in partnership with the CNRS, Lyon , 2022.03.
2. Ryosuke Kobayashi, Militarization of Dargyé Monastery: Contested Borders on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier during the Early Twentieth Century, "Buddhism and Violence in Asia: The Case of the Military in Tibet during the Ganden Phodrang Period (1642–1959)", 2019.11, [URL].
3. Kobayashi Ryosuke , The Ganden Phodrang Army and the Sino-Tibetan Border Conflict in 1918, The 15th International Association for Tibetan Studies Seminar in Paris, 2019, 2019.07.
4. Ryosuke Kobayashi, Zhang Yintang’s Military Reforms in 1906-1907: The Introduction of Militarism in Tibet, MILITARY CULTURE IN TIBET DURING THE GANDEN PHODRANG PERIOD (1642-1959): THE INTERACTION BETWEEN TIBETAN AND OTHER ASIAN MILITARY TRADITIONS, 2018.06.
5. Ryosuke Kobayashi, The Emerging Concept of ‘Autonomy’ in Early 20th-Century Tibet, The effect on Inner- and East Asian relations of the advent of modern international law and the end of the Qing empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 2017.09.
6. Ryosuke Kobayashi, The Sino-Tibetan disputes for religious authority in early 20th century Kham: focusing on Dargye monastery, The Ganden Phodrang Army and Buddhism, 2017.07, [URL].
7. Ryosuke Kobayashi, Contested Borders in the Sino-Tibetan Frontier (1906-1914):Negotiations and Conflicts in Eastern Tibet, Association for Asian Studies (AAS): AAS in Korea, 2017.06, [URL].