Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Satoko Fukahori Last modified date:2024.04.02

Professor / Promoting Organization for Future Creators

1. Remaining Issues and Future Directions.
2. Tentative Conclusions Drawn from Practical Research II: Utilization of the Tuning Test Item Bank for the Management of Teaching and Learning
3. Utilizing the Tuning Test Item Bank for the Management of Teaching and Learning.
4. Conditions for a Shift to Learner-centered Education:Purpose of the Study and Research Trajectories.
5. Promoting Faculty Expert Judgement and Institutional Change by Facilitating the Use of Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools: Analyses of Pioneering Efforts.
6. Utilization of the Tuning test Item Bank for the Management of Teaching and Learning.
7. Conditions for a Shift to Learner-centered Education : Overview of the Research Framework and Initiatives.
8. 深堀聰子, 「参照基準に基づく学位プログラムの学修目標-共通性と多様性の両立」, 『参照基準の利用状況を通した大学教育のカリキュラム改善に関する組織文脈的要因の考察』(研究成果報告書 第1部)』平成29-31年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)研究課題番号17H02685、研究代表者:北原和夫, 169-176, 2020.04.
9. Promoting Faculty Expert Judgement and Institutional Change by Facilitating the Use of Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools: Analysis of Pioneering Efforts.