九州大学 研究者情報
吉村 康広(よしむら やすひろ) データ更新日:2023.06.26

助教 /  工学研究院 航空宇宙工学部門

1. 板谷 優輝,福島 忠徳,Aditya Baraskar, 藤原 智章,長峯 健心,五十部 駿, 吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, レーザ衛星を用いたADRミッションにおける軌道設計, 第10回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2022.11.
2. 五十部 駿, 正木 翔, 吹井 柊太, 吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, 板谷 優輝, 藤原 智章, 福島 忠徳, レーザアブレーションを用いたマルチデオービットの相対軌道設計, 第10回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2022.11.
3. 清水 貴裕, 吉村 康広,河本 聡美,原田 隆佑,花田 俊也, 大気上層の長期変動を考慮した宇宙開発の持続可能性評価, 第10回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2022.11.
4. 棚橋 茉拓,陳 泓儒,吉村康広,花田 俊也, 微小デブリ観測衛星を用いた破砕起源の推定, 第10回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2022.11.
5. 藤田 浩輝,有吉 雄哉,吉村 康広,小川 泰信,花田 俊也, EISCATレーダー観測データを用いた既知デブリとの相関解析, 第10回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2022.11.
6. 藤田 浩輝,有吉 雄哉,吉村 康広,小川 泰信,花田 俊也, EISCATレーダー観測データを用いた既知物体との相関解析, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2022)講演集, 2022.11.
7. 中島 健太,吉村 康広, 陳 泓儒 , 花田 俊也, 宇宙広告衛星のフォーメーション安定化, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2022)講演集, 2022.11.
8. 五十部 駿,吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, 板谷 優輝, 藤原 智章, 福島 忠徳, 非協力物体との同時軌道離脱フォーメーションキーピング, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
9. 浦志 太勢, 坂東 麻衣, 吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, 陳 泓儒, 外本 伸治, データ駆動型解析による地球-月三体問題におけるカオス軌道の解析, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
10. 正木 翔,吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, 陳 泓儒, 高精度太陽輻射圧モデルを適用した衛星姿勢ダイナミクスの解析, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
11. 清水 貴裕, 花田 俊也, 吉村 康広, 河本 聡美, 気候変動を考慮した宇宙開発の持続可能性評価, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
12. 棚橋 茉拓,陳 泓儒, 吉村 康広, 花田 俊也, 微小デブリ観測衛星を用いた破砕起源の推定, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
13. 吹井 柊太, 吉村 康広, 陳 泓儒, 花田 俊也, デュアルクォータニオンを用いた姿勢・軌道推定, 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2022.11.
14. Midori Takezaki, Hideaki Ogawa, Suk Hyun Yeo, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Aditya Baraskar, Tadanori Fukushima, Multi-Objective Optimization for Effective Debris Detumbling Using Laser Ablation via Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms, The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2023.06.
15. Masaharu Morioka, Ryuji Nakawatase, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Ryusuke Harada, Satomi Kawamoto, Update of NEODEEM the Near-earth Orbit Debris Environmental Evolution Model, The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2023.06.
16. Tanahashi, M., Chen, H., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Estimation of orbital parameters of broken-up object using in-situ debris measurement satellite, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 2022.09.
17. Baraskar, A., Fukushima, T., Itaya, Y., Fujihara, T., Nagamine, K., Tsuno, K., Kawai, Y., Maruyama, M., Ogawa, T., Wada, S., Ebisuzaki, T., Casolino, M., Sakai, D., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Laser based Active Debris Removal Technology for ENVISAT, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 2022.09.
18. Nakajima, K., Yoshimura, Y., Chen, H., Hanada, T., Stabilization of Space-advertisement Satellite Formation, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 2022.09.
19. Masaki, K., Chen, H., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Dynamics and Stability Analysis of Spacecraft Attitude Considering High-Fidelity Solar Radiation Pressure, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 2022.09.
20. Isobe, S., Yoshimura, Y., Hanada, T., Itaya, Y., Fukushima, T., Formation keeping control for simultaneous deorbit using laser ablation, 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 2022.09.
21. Fujita Koki, Ariyoshi Yuya, Yoshimura Yasuhiro, Ogawa Yasunobu, Hanada Toshiya, A Target Object Classification of Radar Observation Data with Constrained Admissible Region Analysis, 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2022.02.
22. Takahashi Kazunobu, Yoshimura Yasuhiro, Chen Hongru, Hanada Toshiya, Analysis of Orbit Propagation Error, 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2022.02.
23. Maruyama Takahiro, Chen Hongru, Yoshimura Yasuhiro, Hanada Toshiya, Selection of Targets to Be Removed with Considering Timeliness, 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2022.02.
24. Matsushita Yuri, Yoshimura Yasuhiro, Hanada Toshiya, Attitude Estimation of Space Objects Using Glint, 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2021.02.
25. Kondo Kota, Yoshimura Yasuhiro, Hanada Toshiya, Pulse Width Modulation Method Applied to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control on an Underactuated Small Satellite, AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 2021.01.
26. Kondo, K., Yoshimura, Y., Bando, M., Nagasaki, S., & Hanada, T., Model Predictive Approach for Detumbling an Underactuated Satellite, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020.01.
27. Baraskar, A., et al., SPACE SOLAR POWER SATELLITE FOR INTERPLANETARY MISSION, IAC CyberSpace Edition 2020, 2020.10.
28. 藤田浩輝,有吉雄哉,吉村康広, 小川泰信,花田俊也, EISCAT検出データからの複数の異なる破砕由来デブリ同定手法, 第64回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2020.10.
29. 長崎秀司,丸山貴大,吉村康広,花田俊也, 低軌道大型デブリの能動的除去に向けた宇宙機のランデブー軌道の設計に関する研究, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会, 2020.11.
30. 高橋雄文,吉村康広,長崎秀司,花田俊也, テザー衛星の挙動解析に対する距離関数の適用とその有効性, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会, 2019.11.
31. 板谷優輝,福島忠徳,平田 大輔,山田淳,吉村康広,出水澤大悟,松下悠里,花田俊也, 宇宙デブリ衝突による人工衛星ミッション終了リスクの定量化, 第63回宇宙科学連合講演会, 2019.11.
32. 近藤耕太,吉村康広,坂東麻衣,長崎秀司,花田俊也, 一軸磁気トルカによる小型人工衛星の三軸デタンブリング制御, 第63回宇宙科学連合講演会, 2019.11.
33. Masahir Furumoto, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Improvement in an Estimation Method of the Debris Environment Utilizing In-situ Measurements, The 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2019.06.
34. Ryohei Arakawa, Yuri Matsushita, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Attitude Estimation of Space Objects Using Imaging Observations and Deep Learning, The 20th Annual Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference, 2019.09.
35. Kota Kondo, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Detumbling with Model Predictive Control for an Underactuated Small Satellite, Region VII Student Paper Conference, 2019.12.
36. Masaya Nitta, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Space Debris Mitigation by Passive Debris Removal in Large Constellation, The 1st Intl Orbital Debris Conference, 2019.12.
37. Yuri Matsushita, Ryohei Arakawa, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Light Curve Analysis and Attitude Estimation of Space Objects Focusing on Glint, The 1st Intl Orbital Debris Conference, 2019.12.
38. Daigo Izumizawa, Masahiro Furumoto, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Generalized Collision Flux Approximation for In-situ Measurements, The 1st Intl Orbital Debris Conference, 2019.12.
39. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Yuri Matsushita, Ryohei Arakawa, Toshiya Hanada, Combining Photometric Data Formulation with Attitude Model of a Spinning Solar Sail Spacecraft, 1st International Orbital Debris Conference, 2019.12.
40. Kota Kondo, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Mai, Bando, Shuji Nagasaki, Toshiya, Hanada, Model Predictive Approach for Detumbling an Underactuated Satellite, AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum, 2020.01.
41. Kota Sato, Makoto Hanada, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Toshiya Hanada, Taku Izumiyama, Ryu Shinohara, The optimal collision avoidance maneuver with multiple objects in Geo, 70th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2019, 2019.01, This study aims to develop a new collision avoidance strategy for geostationary spacecraft. Recently, the continuous growth of space objects is increasing the collision risk among them. In the future, it will be necessary to operate the spacecraft while avoiding much space objects. However, there is a limit of fuel loading in a spacecraft, so it will be important to save fuel consuming each collision avoidance maneuvers not to shorten spacecraft lifetime rapidly. The proposed strategy considers the following points to save fuel and extend a spacecraft lifetime as much as possible. The first point is to avoid as many objects as possible at once maneuver so that the maximum collision probability is less than 1.0 × 10%&. The second point is to minimize fuel consumed by collision avoidance maneuvers and the next orbit maintenance maneuver. The last point is to maximize the period to keep a spacecraft in the station-keeping slot. To realize this strategy, multi-objective genetic algorithm optimizes maneuver time and maneuver vector. In the simulation, to simplify, a spacecraft avoids two approaching objects. The Spacecraft conducts collision avoidance maneuver as the East-West control maneuver and the North-South control maneuver, separately. As a result, in the case of once maneuver, collision avoidance is succeeded but the station-keeping period was too short, especially in the case of an East-West control maneuver. Therefore, it needs to conduct many maneuvers before the closest approach..
42. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Magnetic Attitude Control of Satellites Using Coarse Pulse-Width-Modulation of Magnetorquers, 68th International Astronautical Congress, 2017.01, Magnetorquers enable energy efficient attitude control of microsatellites in low Earth orbits. The challenging problem for the magnetic attitude control is the limitations on their component capability, and high-frequency Pulse- Width-Modulation (PWM) actuations are difficult to implement. Moreover since the magnetorquers generate control torques into a plane orthogonal to the geomagnetic field, three-axis attitude control using only the magnetorquers is challenging. In this context, this study deals with the magnetic attitude control of satellites using only magnetorquers that are driven with coarse PWM. The coarse PWM actuations in this study mean that the magnetorquers are successively actuated by on-state and then off-state in each actuation cycle of a few seconds. The difficulties of the coarse PWM actuations stem from the followings: 1) Conventional techniques for feedback controllers are hard to be applied because the magnitude of the magnetic moment is constant. 2) The dynamics of the satellite has nonlinear terms in control torques due to coarse PWM actuations. First, the dynamics of the satellite with on-off inputs are formulated as a discrete system in order to deal with the coarse PWM actuations of the magnetorquers. Then, to tackle with the nonlinearity of the control torques, averaging method for general case is used for reducing to the problem that is dynamic quantizer is applicable. As a preliminary study, dynamic quantizer is designed for satellites in sun-synchronous orbits and is verified for the coarse input system..
43. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Takashi Matsuno, Shinji Hokamoto, Satellite position and attitude control by on-off thrusters considering mass change, 2011 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, ASTRODYNAMICS 2011, 2011.07, This paper deals with the two-dimensional position and attitude control of a satellite by on-off thrusters which are fixed to the satellite's body. Since the thrusters generate constant and unilateral forces, the equations of motion form nonholonomic constraint and cannot be integrated. Furthermore, the satellite's mass changes due to the fuel consumption. Utilizing Fresnel integrals and the partial integrals, we derive the approximate analytic solution considering the satellite's mass change to achieve a specified satellite's position and attitude. The accuracy of the proposed approximate technique is verified by applying it to a condition considered in SLIM project of JAXA..
44. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Takashi Matsuno, Shinji Hokamoto, Position and attitude control of an underactuated satellite with constant thrust, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference 2011, 2011.08, This paper discusses a position and attitude control problem of an underactuated satellite which uses on-off thruster mechanisms for control. Each thrusters has constant orientation relative to the satellite's body, and can generate only unilateral forces. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the control law for simultaneous position and attitude control for this type of satellite configuration. Considering the input constraints, we obtain the analytical solutions of the satellite's translational and rotational motion. Then the control procedure utilizing an invariant manifold is derived. Some numerical simulations are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller..
45. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Hirohisa Kojima, Optimal Fault-Tolerant Configurations of Thrusters, The 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2017.06.
46. Hirohisa Kojima, Kana Hiraiwa, Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Koki Hidaka, Experimental Study on Line-of-Sight (LOS) Attitude Control Using Control Moment Gyros under Micro-Gravity Environment, The 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2017.06.
47. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Suboptimal Formation Reconfiguration of Satellites Under Input Directional Constraints, 2014 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2014.09.
48. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Shunsuke Tsuge, Shinji Hokamoto, Relative Position and Attitude Control of a Satellite Considering Fuel Efficiency, 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2013.06.
49. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Shinji Hokamoto, Optimal Formation Reconfiguration of Satellites with Attitude Constraints Using Thrusters, 5th International Conference on Spacecraft Formation Flying Missions and Technologies, 2013.05.
50. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Shinji Hokamoto, Attitude Control of an Underactuated Satellite with Constant Torques, The Sixth KAIST-Kyushu University Joint Workshop Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2012.09.
51. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Takashi Matsuno, Shinji Hokamoto, 3-D Attitude Control of an Underactuated Satellite with Constant Inputs, The 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2010.12.
52. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Takashi Matsuno, Shinji Hokamoto, Three Dimensional Attitude Control of an Underactuated Satellite with Thrusters, 4th Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics, 2009.12.
53. Yasuhiro Yoshimura, Shinji Hokamoto, The Minimum Necessary Number of Thrusters to Control Satellite Attitude, The 4th KAIST-Kyushu Univ. Symposium on Aerospace Engineering.
54. 古本政博 出水澤大悟 吉村康広 花田俊也, 軌道上観測データを用いた微小スペースデブリの環境推定, 第8回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2018.12.
55. 松下悠里 荒川稜平 吉村康広 花田俊也, ライトカーブインバージョン技術実証衛星 Q-Li, 第8回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2018.12.
56. 荒川稜平 松下悠里 吉村康広 花田俊也, 光学観測による宇宙物体の動態推定に関する研究, 第8回スペースデブリワークショップ, 2018.12.
57. 出水澤大悟 古本政博 吉村康広 花田俊也, 楕円軌道の衛星を用いた軌道上観測における 衝突フラックスの計算方法, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2018)講演集, 2018.11.
58. 熊芳強 吉村康広 花田俊也, 低軌道デブリの軌道上光学観測, 日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2018)講演集, 2018.11.
59. 古本政博 吉村康広 花田俊也, 軌道上観測による微小デブリ環境推定手法の構築, 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2018.10.
60. 韓京達 花田俊也 吉村康広, テザー衛星の多質点モデルに関する運動解析, 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2018.10.
61. 花田充 泉山卓 吉村康広, 光学観測を用いた接近判定精度の向上, 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2018.10.
62. 大渡慶太 古本政博 吉村康広, ライトカーブインバージョン実証衛星“Q-Li”の開発, 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2018.10.
63. 吉村康広 原田直輝 小島広久 花田俊也, 非対称物体の姿勢・質量特性推定, 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2018.10.
64. 小島 広久 吉村康広 谷口 知世, CMG搭載宇宙ロボットのアームとCMGの協調制御の研究, 第61回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2017.10.
65. 原田 直輝 吉村康広 小島 広久, 軸対称物体の姿勢・質量中心位置推定, 第61回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2017.10.
66. 岸田智希 小島広久 吉村康広, 航空機吊荷の運動制御のためのSinc関数に基づくScissors-CMGs駆動法, 54回飛行機シンポジウム, 2016.10.
67. 吉村康広, 磁気トルカによるスピン軸指向制御, 第60回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2016.09.
68. 吉村康広, 最適フォールトトレラントスラスタ配置, 第59回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2015.10.
69. 吉村康広, 劣駆動を考慮したコントロールモーメントジャイロの 最適フォールトトレラント配置と適応姿勢制御, 第58回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2014.11.
70. 吉村康広 松隈洋平 柘植俊佑 外本伸治, エアベアリングを用いた3次元姿勢制御試験装置の開発, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会 2012, 2012.05.
71. 松野崇 吉村康広 外本伸治, 方向が機体に固定された3本のスラスターによる人工衛星の姿勢制御, 第55回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2011.01.
72. 吉村康広 外本伸治, 2入力による衛星の3軸姿勢制御, 第53回宇宙科学技術連合講演会, 2009.09.

