Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Tomonari Kitahara Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Department of Economic Engineering / Faculty of Economics

1. 北原 知就, A bound for the number of iterations by the simplex method with the steepest-edge rule, Workshop on Continuous Optimization and Related Topics, 2021.11.
2. Tomonari Kitahara and Shinji Mizuno, The simplex method and 0-1 polytope, SIAM conference on optimization, 2014.05.
3. Tomonari Kitahara and Shinji Mizuno, The simplex method and the diameter of a 0-1 polytope, The 9th International conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA9), 2013.12.
4. Tomonari Kitahara and Shinji Mizuno, The simplex method and the diameter of a 0-1 polytope, Informs Annual Meeting 2012, 2012.10.
5. Tomonari Kitahara and Shinji Mizuno, A proof by the simplex method for the diameter of a (0,1)-polytope, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012.08.
6. Tomonari Kitahara and Shinji Mizuno, A bound for the number of basic solutions generated by the simplex method, SIAM conference on optimization, 2011.05.
7. Tomonari Kitahara and Takashi Tsuchiya, A simple variant of the MTY-PC algorithm and its objective-unction-free polynomial-time convergence for bounded LP, SIAM conference on optimization, 2008.05.
8. Tomonari Kitahara, Shinji Mizuno and Kazuhide Nakata, Quadratic and convex minimax classification problems, Workshop on Optimization and Signal Processing, 2007.11.