九州大学 研究者情報
CARTER CALEB(かーたー けいれぶ) データ更新日:2023.06.05

准教授 /  人文科学研究院 哲学部門 広人文学コース

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Caleb Carter, Janine Anderson Sawada. Faith in Mount Fuji: The Rise of Independent Religion in Early Modern Japan (University of Hawai’i Press, 2021). , The Journal of Japanese Studies , doi.org/10.1353/jjs.2023.0012, 2023.02.
2. 小林奈央子, Caleb Carter (translator), Translation: “The Necessity of Gender Perspective in Folk Religious Studies: Focusing on Female Practitioners” from (Minzoku shūkyō kenkyū ni okeru jendā shiten no hitsuyōsei: Josei gyōja o chūshin ni 民俗宗教研究におけるジェンダー視点の必要性: 女性行者を中心に), by Kobayashi Naoko 小林奈央子., Religious Studies in Japan 6 , 2022.04.
3. Caleb Carter, Documentary Film Review: The Buddha Mummies of North Japan, dirs. Shayne Dahl and Satoshi Watanabe (2017)., Religion and Society: Advances in Research, 2021.12.
4. Caleb Carter, Book Review:『現代修験道の宗教社会学−山岳信仰の聖地「吉野・熊野」の観光化と文化資源化』, 天田顕徳 著者 (Tokyo: Iwata Shoin, 2019). , Journal of Religion in Japan 10:1, 89–95. , doi.org/10.1163/22118349-20200007, 2020.11.
5. Caleb Carter, Book Review: Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan: The Invisible Empire, ed. Fabio Rambelli (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019), Nova Religio 24:2, 107–109, doi.org/10.1525/nr.2020.24.2.107, 2020.10.
6. Caleb Carter, Book Review: Assembling Shinto: Buddhist Approaches to Kami Worship in Medieval Japan, Anna Andreeva (Harvard University Asia Center, 2017)., H-Japan, H-Net Reviews, 2019.04.
7. Caleb Carter, Book Review: Women in Japanese Religions, Barbara Ambros (New York University Press, 2015), Japan Review, 2016.12.
8. Caleb Carter, Book Review: Mountain Mandalas, Allan Grapard (Bloomsbury, 2016), Monumenta Nipponica, 2018.08.

