九州大学 研究者情報
堀尾 琢哉(ほりお たくや) データ更新日:2023.11.08

准教授 /  理学研究院 化学部門 物理化学

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 堀尾琢哉, 金属ナノ粒子の局在表面プラズモンを介した水和電子の発生, 分光研究, 2020.01.
2. 堀尾 琢哉, 鈴木 俊法, 化学反応途中の分子の電子状態変化をみる, レーザー研究, Vol.43, No.10, pp.698-702.
3. 堀尾 琢哉, 真空紫外極短パルスによる時間分解光電子イメージング, Molecular Science, Vol.12, No.1, p.A0097, 2018.08.
4. 堀尾琢哉,鈴木俊法, 化学反応途中の分子の電子状態変化をみる, 2015.10.
5. 堀尾琢哉, 真空紫外極短パルスによる時間分解光電子イメージング, Molecular Science 12(1) A0097, 2018.08, A photoexcited molecule undergoes a variety of photophysical and photochemical processes simultaneously or sequentially, and the molecule ultimately relaxes to the ground electronic state (S0) or further undergoes chemical reactions in S0. Time-resolved photoelectron imaging (TRPEI) enables full observation of these photoinduced dynamics, because photoionization can be induced from any part of the potential energy surfaces. However, photoionization from low-lying electronic excited states and S0 requires high probe photon energy in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) wavelength region, and it has been difficult to generate intense femtosecond (fs) VUV laser pulses so far. In this account, we review our effort to obtain a “global reaction map” of photoinduced dynamics of an isolated molecule by TRPEI using fs-VUV pulses. As an example, we present a full observation of cascaded radiationless transitions from the S2(pipi*) state of pyrazine (C4H4N2). Furthermore, we demonstrate that ultrafast photoionization using fs-VUV pulses is a powerful technique to explore configuration interaction of electronic wave functions of an excited electronic state of a molecule. Ultrafast photodynamics of pyrazine in the VUV region is also presented..

