Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Yoshihiko Furuta Last modified date:2024.02.08

Assistant Professor / Department of Medicine and Clinical Science / Department of Clinical Medicine / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. 脳卒中診療の新しい展開 治療/実地医家のための脳卒中治療のポイント チーム医療の重要性とSCUの活用メリット.
2. 肥満に起因ないし関連する疾患―成立機序・病態・管理・治療―脳卒中.
3. アンチエイジングから高齢者高血圧を考える 2.高齢者高血圧と認知機能.
4. 脳卒中 脳卒中の疫学―日本と諸外国の比較―.
5. カンファレンスから訪問リハビリテーションを創る「訪問リハビリテーション」カンファレンス~医師が考え,求めるもの~.
6. Yoshihiko Furuta, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Epidemiology of stroke in Japan and comparison with the world, Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine, 2016.04, Stroke was the leading cause of death in Japan until 1980s. The results from the Hisayama study, which is a population-based study in Japan, showed that incidence and mortality of stroke decreased with time owing to the improved management of hypertension. Although the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke decreased markedly, the proportion of hemorrhagic stroke among the incident cases of stroke in Japan is higher than in European countries. Among the incident cases of ischemic stroke, the proportion of lacunar infarction decreased significantly, whereas the proportion of atherothrombotic and cardioembolic stroke increased. These changes may be caused by elevating prevalence of metabolic disorders-namely, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Effective prevention and management of the metabolic disorder are necessary for further prevention of stroke..