Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Kimura Shunji Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Integrated Electronics / Department of Electronics / Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering

1. Yuki Arikawa, Takeshi Sakamoto, Shunji Kimura, Satoshi Shigematsu, Throughput Enhancement with Hardware Accelerated Resource Scheduler in Low-Latency 5G Systems, 29th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2018 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2018, 10.1109/PIMRC.2018.8580974, 2018.12, This paper discusses a throughput enhancement technique for a coordinated radio-resource scheduler with a hardware accelerator in low-latency 5G mobile communications systems. In these 5G systems, the scheduler will have to search for the optimal combination of antennas and mobile terminals (MTs) from a huge number of possibilities within a sub-millisecond scheduling period. Without increasing the computational resource, it would be difficult to obtain the optimal combination when the number of accommodated MTs is large. To overcome this issue, the system throughput enhancement technique dynamically controls the search space on the basis of the number of MTs. This enables the scheduler to quickly approach the optimal combination under the computational resource constraint. Simulated results revealed that the scheduler with a hardware accelerator of 15.1 Mgates can search for the optimal combination that achieves higher system throughput within a 0.2-ms scheduling period. By dynamically controlling the search space, the scheduler performs effectively regardless of the number of MTs. The new scheduler will enable a practical future low-latency 5G system..
2. K. Taguchi, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, K-I. Suzuki, and A. Otaka., Reverse bias voltage controlled burst-mode booster SOA in λ-tunable ONU transmitter for high-split-number TWDM-PON., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 10, 4, 431-439, 2018.04.
3. Y. Arikawa, T. Sakamoto, and S. Kimura., User throughput analysis of coordinated radio-resource scheduler with hardware accelerator for 5G mobile systems., IEICE Communication Express, 7, 6, 183-188, 2018.03.
4. Y. Arikawa, T. Sakamoto and S. Kimura., Hardware Accelerator for Coordinated Radio-Resource Scheduling in 5G Ultra-High-density Distributed Antenna System., Proc. 27th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference(ITNAC), 436-441, 2017.11.
5. Yuki Arikawa, Hiroyuki Uzawa, Takeshi Sakamoto, Satoshi Shigematsu, and Shunji Kimura., High-speed radio-resource scheduler with hardware accelerator for fifth generation mobile communications systems., IEICE Communication Express, 6, 5, 236-241, 2017.03.
6. Toshiki Kishi, Munehiko Nagatani, Shigeru Kanazawa, Wataru Kobayashi, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Minoru Ida, Kenji Kurishima, Masafumi Nogawa, Shunji Kimura, and Hideyuki Nosaka., 56-Gb/s Optical Transmission Performance of an InP HBT PAM4 Driver Compensating for Nonlinearity of Extinction Curve of EAM., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 35, 1, 75-81, 2017.01.
7. K. Taguchi, K. Asaka, M. Fujiwara, S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, Y. Fujita, H. Iwamura, M. Kashima, S. Furusawa, M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, A. Suzuki, T. Mukojima, S. Kimura, K. Suzuki, and A. Otaka., Field trial of long-reach and high-splitting λ-tunable TWDM-PON., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 34, 1, 213-221, 2016.01.
8. Y. Senoo, T. Yoshida, S. Kaneko, J. Sugawa, K. Wakayama, S. Kimura, K. Suzuki, and A. Otaka., 512-ONU real-time dynamic load balancing with few wavelength reallocations in 40 Gbps λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 7, 12, B202-B211, 2015.12.
9. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, K. Suzuki, and A. Otaka., Fast OLT-protection method based on normal MPCP and backup wavelength pre-assignment on WDM/TDM-PONs., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 7, 11, B29-B37, 2015.11.
10. S. Nakano, M. Nogawa, H. Nosaka, A. Tsuchiya, H. Onodera, and S. Kimura., A 25-Gb/s 480-mW CMOS modulator driver using area-efficient 3D inductor peaking., Proc. Asian solid-state circuits conference (A-SSCC), Paper 17-5.-Paper 17-5., 2015.11.
11. T. Kishi, M. Nagatani, S. Kanazawa, W. Kobayashi, H. Yamazaki, M. Ida, K. Kurishima, M. Nogawa, S. Kimura, and H. Nosaka., A 56-Gb/s PAM4 InP HBT driver IC compensating for nonlinearity of extinction curve of EAM., IEEE CSIC Symp. Tech. Dig., 1-4, 2015.10.
12. K. Asaka, K. Taguchi, Y. Sakaue, K.-I. Suzuki, S. Kimura and N. Yoshimoto., High output power OLT/ONU transceivers for 40 Gbit/s symmetric-rate NG-PON2 systems., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), ID:0317.-ID:0317., 2015.09.
13. Shin Kaneko, Tomoaki Yoshida, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., Reliable λ-Tuning OLT-Protection Method Based on Backup-Wavelength Pre-assignment and Discovery Process for Resilient WDM/TDM-PONs., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 33, 8, 1617-1622, 2015.04.
14. Ryo Koma, Masamichi Fujiwara, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., Wide Dynamic Range Reception of TDM-Based DCO-OFDM Signals Using Optical Domain Power Equalization and Symmetrical Clipping Techniques., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 33, 8, 1623-1629, 2015.04.
15. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Furusawa, M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, A. Suzuki, T. Mukojima, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Scalability of a hitless λ-tuning sequence to upstream transmission at dynamic wavelength allocation in WDM/TDM-PON., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 7, 3, 492-497, 2015.03.
16. Shin Kaneko, Tomoaki Yoshida, Shunji Kimura, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, and Akihiro Otaka., λ-Tuning Protection Scheme Achieving Under 50-ms Protection Time Based on MPCP and Backup-Wavelength Pre-assignment on WDM/TDM-PONs., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper Tu2E.6.-Paper Tu2E.6., 2015.03.
17. Yumiko Senoo, Shin Kaneko, Tomoaki Yoshida, Jun Sugawa, Koji Wakayama, Shunji Kimura, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, and Akihiro Otaka., Demonstration of 512-ONU real-time dynamic-load-balancing with few wavelength reallocations for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper Tu3E.1.-Paper Tu3E.1., 2015.03.
18. Katsuhisa Taguchi, Kota Asaka, Shunji Kimura, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, and Akihiro Otaka., Burst-Off-Level Power Reduction in λ-Tunable Transmitter Using a Reverse Bias Voltage Controlled Burst-Mode Booster SOA for 256-Split WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper Tu3E.8.-Paper Tu3E.8., 2015.03.
19. Katsuhisa Taguchi, Kota Asaka, Masamichi Fujiwara, Shin Kaneko, Tomoaki Yoshida, Yoshikazu Fujita, Hideyuki Iwamura, Masayuki Kashima, Satoshi Furusawa, Msahiro Sarashina, Hideaki Tamai, Akiya Suzuki, Toshiaki Mukojima, Shunji Kimura, Ken-Ichi Suzuki, and Akihiro Otaka., First Field Trial of 40-km Reach and 1024-Split Symmetric-Rate 40-Gbit/s λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper PDP Th5A.6.-Paper PDP Th5A.6., 2015.03.
20. Shin Kaneko, Tomoaki Yoshida, Satoshi Furusawa, Masahiro Sarashina, Hideaki Tamai, Akiya Suzuki, Toshiaki Mukojima, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., Demonstration of Load-Balancing Operation Based on Hitless Dynamic Wavelength Allocation on Symmetric 40-Gbit/s λ-Tunable WDM/TDM-PON., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 33, 3, 645-652, 2015.02.
21. K. Taguchi, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., High output power and burst extinction ratio λ-tunable ONU transmitter using burst-mode booster SOA for WDM/TDM-PON., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 7, 1, 1-7, 2015.01.
22. Y. Senoo, S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, J. Sugawa, T. Odaka, S. Kimura, N. Yoshimoto and H. Kimura., Dynamic-load-balancing algorithm suppressing the number of wavelength reallocations for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper Tu.1.2.2.-Paper Tu.1.2.2., 2014.09.
23. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Kimura., Agile OLT-protection method based on backup wavelength and discovery process for resilient WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper Tu.1.2.4.-Paper Tu.1.2.4., 2014.09.
24. R. Koma, M. Fujiwara, S. Kimura, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Kimura., Wide dynamic range burst-mode reception of symmetrically clipped DCO-OFDM using optical domain power equalizer., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper We.1.6.3.-Paper We.1.6.3., 2014.09.
25. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Furusawa, M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, A. Suzuki, T. Mukojima, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Hitless λ-tuning demonstration using downstream buffer management in WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. and Australian Conf. on Opt. Fiber Tech. (OECC/ACOFT), 141-143, 2014.07.
26. Y. Senoo, S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Throughput fairness evaluation with dynamic-load-balancing in photonic aggregated λ-Tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. and Australian Conf. on Opt. Fiber Tech. (OECC/ACOFT), 147-149, 2014.07.
27. H.Kimura, T. Murakami, K. Ishihara, T. Kobayashi, N. Iiyama, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, M. Mizoguchi, Y. Miyamoto, and N. Yoshimoto., First demonstration of burst-mode upstream transmission for digital coherent OFDM-PON., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. and Australian Conf. on Opt. Fiber Tech. (OECC/ACOFT), 925-927, 2014.07.
28. M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, S. Furusawa, A. Suzuki, M. Kashima, T. Mukojima, S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., First demonstration of a wavelength swept discovery process for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON system., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper Tu2A.7-Paper Tu2A.7, 2014.03.
29. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Furusawa, M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, A. Suzuki, T. Mukojima, S. Kimura and N. Yoshimoto., First system demonstration of hitless λ-tuning sequence for dynamic wavelength allocation in WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper W3G.6.-Paper W3G.6., 2014.03.
30. K. Taguchi, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., High output power and burst extinction ratio ONU using a simple configuration booster SOA with gain peak detuning for WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper W3G.7.-Paper W3G.7., 2014.03.
31. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Furusawa, M. Sarashina, H. Tamai, A. Suzuki, T. Mukojima, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., First λ-tunable dynamic load-balancing operation enhanced by 3-msec bidirectional hitless tuning on symmetric 40-Gbit/s WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper PDP Th5A.4.-Paper PDP Th5A.4., 2014.03.
32. Hideaki Kimura, Kota Asaka, Hirotaka Nakamura, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., Energy efficient IM-DD OFDM-PON using dynamic SNR management and adaptive modulation., Opt. Exp., 22, 2, 1789-1795, 2014.01.
33. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura and N. Yoshimoto., Dynamic wavelength allocation method consistent with DBA grant for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., IEICE Communication Express, 2, 12, 524-529, 2013.12.
34. Y. Senoo, S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Kimura and N. Yoshimoto., Dynamic load-balancing by monitoring traffic volume for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., IEICE Communication Express, 2, 11, 501-506, 2013.11.
35. K. Taguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Long-reach λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using synchronized gain-clamping SOA technology., J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 5, 10, A144-A151, 2013.10.
36. K. Taguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Asaka, S. Nakano, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., 100-ns λ-selective Burst-Mode Transceiver for 40-km Reach Symmetric 40-Gbit/s WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper Mo.4.F.5.-Paper Mo.4.F.5., 2013.09.
37. T. Yoshida, S. Kaneko, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., An automatic load-balancing DWBA algorithm considering long-time tuning devices for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper We.2.F.5.-Paper We.2.F.5., 2013.09.
38. H. Kimura, K. Asaka, H. Nakamura, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., First Demonstration of Energy Efficient IM-DD OFDM-PON using Dynamic SNR Management and Adaptive Modulation., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper We.4.F.5.-Paper We.4.F.5., 2013.09.
39. G. Yazawa, S. Kuwano, N. Yuki, J. Terada, S. Kimura and N. Yoshimoto., Timestamp-based time and frequency synchronization over λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., IEICE Communication Express, 2, 8, 330-335, 2013.08.
40. S. Kaneko, T. Yoshida, S. Tamaki, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Ranging method for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON achieving efficient bandwidth allocation., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf.(OECC), Paper WP1-1-Paper WP1-1, 2013.07.
41. H. Kimura, H. Nakamura, K. Asaka, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., 16QAM signal transmission experiment for dynamic SNR management on IM-DD OFDM-PON., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf.(OECC), Paper WP2-2-Paper WP2-2, 2013.07.
42. S. Kimura, Elastic lambda aggregation network (ELAN)-Proposal for future optical access network., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf.(OECC), Paper WP4-4.-Paper WP4-4., 2013.07.
43. K. Taguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Asaka, T. Mizuno, Y. Hashizume, T. Yamada, M. Ito, H. Takahashi, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., 40-km reach symmetric 40-Gbit/s λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using synchronized gain-clamping SOA., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper OW4D.6.-Paper OW4D.6., 2013.03.
44. G. Yazawa, N. Yuki, J. Terada, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., High accurately synchronized λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using timestamps based time and frequency synchronization for mobile backhaul., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC),, Paper JTh2A.06.-Paper JTh2A.06., 2013.03.
45. Hirotaka Nakamura, Katsuhisa Taguchi, Shinya Tamaki, Takayuki Mizuno, Yasuaki Hashizume, Takashi Yamada, Mikitaka Ito, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., 40Gbit/s-classλ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using λ-selectable B-Tx and 4 x M cyclic AWG router for flexible photonic aggregation networks., Opt. Exp., 21, 1, 463-468, 2013.01.
46. Hideaki Kimura, Hirotaka Nakamura, Shunji Kimura, and Naoto Yoshimoto., Numerical Analysis of Dynamic SNR Management by Controlling DSP Calculation Precision for Energy-Efficient OFDM-PON., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 24, 23, 2132-2135, 2012.12.
47. Takayuki Mizuno, Yasuaki Hashizume, Takashi Yamada, Shinya Tamaki, Hirotaka Nakamura, Shunji Kimura, Mikitaka Itoh, and Hiroshi Takahashi., Integrated 1.3/1.5 μm cyclic AWG router for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Opt. Exp., 20, 26, B1-B6, 2012.12.
48. Y. Senoo, S. Kaneko, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Wavelength router for energy efficient photonic aggregation with large-scale λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. on Commun.(APCC), 350-354, 2012.10.
49. H. Nakamura, K. Taguchi, S. Tamaki, T. Mizuno, Y. Hashizume, T. Yamada, M. Ito, H. Takahashi, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., 40Gbit/s-class-λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON using tunable B-Tx and cyclic AWG router for flexible photonic aggregation networks., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC)., Paper Tu.4.B.3.-Paper Tu.4.B.3., 2012.09.
50. T. Mizuno, Y. Hashizume, T. Yamada, S. Tamaki, H. Nakamura, S. Kimura, M. Itoh, and H. Takahashi., Integrated 1.3/1.5 μm cyclic AWG router for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper We.2.B.1.-Paper We.2.B.1., 2012.09.
51. H. Kimura, T. Shimada, H. Nakamura, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Dynamic SNR management using variable precision DSP for energy efficient OFDM-PON., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. (OECC), 138-139, 2012.07.
52. N. Iiyama, Sang-Yuep Kim, T. Shimada, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Co-existent downstream scheme between OOK and QAM signals in an optical access network using software-defined technology., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper JTh2A.53-Paper JTh2A.53, 2012.03.
53. S. Kaneko, Y. Senoo, Sang-Yuep Kim, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Spectrally efficient WDM-PON employing multi-wavelength coherent detection with wavelength-swept local light., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper OTh1F.4-Paper OTh1F.4, 2012.03.
54. Y. Senoo, S. Kaneko, S-Y Kim, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Super-dense WDM detection technique with single coherent receiver employing wavelength-swept local light., Electron. Lett., 48, 2, 107-108, 2012.01.
55. Kazutaka Hara, Shunji Kimura, Hirotaka Nakamura, and Naoto Yoshimoto, and Hisaya Hadama., Ultra Fast Response AC-Coupled Burst-Mode Receiver with High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range for 10G-EPON System., IEICE Trans. on Commun., E94B, 7, 1845-1852, 2011.07.
56. K. Takahashi, G. Yazawa, N. Yuki, T. Sugawa, S. Kimura, and H. Hadama., Bandwidth-guaranteed Video Delivery System Employing New Ethernet Synchronization Method., Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting(BMSB), mm11-22, 2011.06.
57. H. Nakamura, S. Tamaki, K. Hara, S. Kimura, and H. Hadama., 40 Gbit/s λ-tunable stacked-WDM/TDM-PON using dynamic wavelength and bandwidth allocation., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), Paper OThT4-Paper OThT4, 2011.03.
58. Kazutaka Hara, Shunji Kimura, Hirotaka Nakamura, Naoto Yoshimoto, and Hisaya Hadama., New AC-Coupled Burst-Mode Optical Receiver Using Transient-Phenomena Cancellation Techniques for 10 Gbit/s-Class High-Speed TDM-PON Systems., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 28, 19, 2775-2782, 2010.10.
59. K. Hara, H. Nakamura, S. Kimura, M. Yoshino, S. Nishihara, S. Tamaki, J. Kani, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Hadama., Flexible load balancing technique using dynamic wavelength bandwidth allocation (DWBA) toward 100Gbit/s-class- WDM/TDM-PON., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper Tu.3.B.2.-Paper Tu.3.B.2., 2010.09.
60. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Hadama., Ultra fast response ac-coupled burst-mode receiver with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range for 10G-EPON systems., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf.(OECC), 434-435, 2010.07.
61. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Hadama., 1.25/10.3-Gbit/s dual-rate burst-mode receiver with automatic bit-rate discrimination circuit for coexisting PON systems, Proc. Int. Conf. on Opt. Internet(COIN), 1-3, 2010.07.
62. S. Kimura, WDM/TDM-PON technologies for future flexible optical access networks., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf.(OECC), 14-15, 2010.07.
63. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and H. Hadama., Fast response and high CID tolerance burst-mode limiting amplifier for 10 Gbit/s-class PON systems., Electron. Lett., 46, 7, 511-512, 2010.04.
64. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and K. Kumozaki., 1.25/10.3 Gbit/s burst-mode bit-rate discrimination circuit for coexisting PON systems., Electron. Lett., 45, 12, 639-640, 2009.06.
65. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and K. Kumozaki., Burst-mode bit-rate discrimination circuit for 1.25/10.3-Gbit/s dual-rate PON systems., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), Paper OWH2-Paper OWH2, 2009.03.
66. S. Kimura, 10-Gbit/s TDM-PON and over-40-Gbit/s WDM/TDM-PON systems with OPEX-effective burst-mode technologies., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), Paper OWH6.-Paper OWH6., 2009.03.
67. Hirotaka Nakamura, Shunji Kimura, Kazutaka Hara, Naoto Yoshimoto, Makoto Tsubokawa, Makoto Nakamura, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Akira Okada, and Yusuke Ohtomo., AC-Coupled Burst-Mode Transmitter Using Baseline-Wander Common-Mode-Rejection Technique for 10-Gbit/s-Class PON Systems., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 27, 1-4, 336-342, 2009.02.
68. J. Terada, Y. Ohtomo, K. Nishimura, H. Katsurai, S. Kimura, and N. Yoshimoto., Jitter-reduction and pulse-width-distortion compensation circuits for a 10 Gb/s burst-mode CDR circuit., Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC), 104-105, 105A, 2009.02.
69. Jun Terada, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Shunji Kimura, Hiroaki Katsurai, Naoto Yoshimoto, and Yusuke Ohtomo., A 10.3 Gb/s Burst-Mode CDR Using a Delta Sigma DAC., IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-43, 12, 2921-2928, 2008.12.
70. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, M. Tsubokawa, K. Nishimura, M. Nakamura, and S. Nishihara., A 1.25/10.3-Gbit/s ac-coupled dual-rate burst-mode receiver without reset signals., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper We.2.F.1-Paper We.2.F.1, 2008.09.
71. K. Hara, S. Kimura, H. Nakamura, K. Nishimura, M. Nakamura, N. Yoshimoto, and M. Tsubokawa., 1.25/10.3 Gbit/s dual-rate burst-mode receiver., Electron. Lett., 44, 14, 869-870, 2008.07.
72. S. Kimura, High-speed burst-mode transmission technologies for 10-Gbit/s-class PON systems., Proc. Opto-Electron. Commun. Conf. and Australian Conf. on Opt. Fiber Tech.(OECC/ACOFT),, 1-2, 2008.07.
73. H. Nakamura, T. Yoshida, M. Nakamura, A. Kanda, S. Kimura, N. Yoshimoto, and M. Tsubokawa., Three-level-control EDC technique using simple eye monitor for access networks., Electron. Lett., 44, 13, 813-814, 2008.06.
74. Yusuke Ohtomo, Masafumi Nogawa, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Shunji Kimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Tomoaki Kawamura, Minoru Togashi, and Kiyomi Kumozaki., A 10-Gb/s burst-mode clock-and-data recovery IC with frequency-adjusting dual gated VCOs., IEICE Trans. Electron., E91C, 6, 903-910, 2008.06.
75. Hirotaka Nakamura, Shunji Kimura, Kazutaka Hara, Naoto Yoshimoto, Makoto Tsubokawa, Makoto Nakamura, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Akira Okada, and Yusuke Ohtomo., 500-ps Response AC-Coupled Burst-Mode Transmitter Using Baseline-Wander Common-Mode-Rejection Technique for 10-Gbit/s-Class PON Systems., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC), Paper PDP26-Paper PDP26, 2008.03.
76. Susumu Nishihara, Shunji Kimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Makoto Nakamura, Jun Terada, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Keiji Kishine, Kazuyoshi Kato, Yusuke Ohtomo, Naoto Yoshimoto, Takamasa Imai, and Makoto Tsubokawa., A burst-mode 3R receiver for 10-Gbit/s PON systems with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and fast response., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 26, 1-4, 99-107, 2008.02.
77. J. Terada, K. Nishimura, S. Kimura, H. Katsurai, N. Yoshimoto, and Y. Ohtomo., A 10.3125 Gb/s burst-mode CDR circuit using a DeltaSigma DAC., Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC), 226-227, 609, 2008.02.
78. S.Nishihara, M. Nakamura, K. Nishimura, K. Kishine, S. Kimura, and K. Kato., 10.3 Gbit/s burst-mode PIN-TIA module with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and quick response., Electron. Lett., 44, 3, 222-223, 2008.01.
79. M. Nakamura, S. Nishihara, K. Nishimura, K. Kishine, S. Kimura, T. Yoshida, Y. Ohtomo, N. Yoshimoto, and K. Kato., A10G burst-mode PIN-TIA module with 10-nsec response for PON systems., Proc. Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society(LEOS), 67-68, 2007.10.
80. S. Nishihara, M. Nakamura, K. Nishimura, K. Kishine, S. Kimura, and K. Kato., A fast-response and high-sensitivity PIN-TIA module with wide dynamic range for 10 G burst-mode transmissions., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), 1-2, 2007.09.
81. J. Terada, K. Nishimura, M. Togashi, T. Kawamura, S. Kimura, and Y. Ohtomo., A 10.3125-Gbit/s SiGe BiCMOS burst-mode clock and data recovery circuit with 160-bit consecutive identical digit tolerance., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), 1-2, 2007.09.
82. T. Yamada, S. Kimura, K. Iwatsuki, and T. Imai., New high-speed optical routing architecture based on first-come-first-serve principle., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), Paper JThA63-Paper JThA63, 2007.03.
83. Susumu Nishihara, Shunji Kimura, Tomoaki Yoshida, Makoto Nakamura, Jun Terada, Kazuyoshi Nishimura, Keiji Kishine, Kazutoshi Kato, Yusuke Ohtomo, and Takamasa Imai., A 10.3125-Gbit/s SiGe BiCMOS Burst-Mode 3R Receiver for 10G-EPON Systems., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), Paper PDP8-Paper PDP8, 2007.03.
84. T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, H. Kimura, K. Kumozaki, T. Imai., A new single-fiber 10-Gb/s optical loopback method using phase modulation for WDM optical access networks., IEEE J. Lightw. Technol., 24, 2, 786-796, 2006.02.
85. M. Nogawa, Y. Ohtomo, S. Kimura, K. Nishimura, T. Kawamura, and M. Togashi., A 10Gb/s burst-mode adaptive gain select limiting amplifier in 0.13μm CMOS., Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC), 940-941, 949, 2006.02.
86. T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, K. Kumozaki, and T. Imai., First single-fibre bi-directional XFP transceiver for optical metro/access networks., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC),, 3, 543-544, 2005.09.
87. M. Nogawa, K. Nishimura, S. Kimura, T. Yoshida, T. Kawamura, M. Togashi, K. Kumozaki, and Y. Ohtomo., A 10 Gb/s burst-mode CDR IC in 0.13 μm CMOS., Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC), 228-229, 2005.02.
88. S. Kimura, M. Nogawa, K. Nishimura, T. Yoshida, K. Kumozaki, S. Nishihara, and Y. Ohtomo., A 10-Gbit/s CMOS-burst-mode clock and data recovery IC for a WDM/TDM-PON access network., Proc. Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), 1, 310-311, 2004.10.
89. T. Yoshida, S. Kimura, and K. Kumozaki., A novel backreflection suppression method using phase modulation for 10 Gbit/s single-fiber WDM loopback networks., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), 226-227, 2004.09.
90. S. Kimura, A. Okada, J. Endo, Y. Suzuki, and M. Matsuoka., A 10-Gbit/s Burst-Mode 3R Receiver Unit with a New Equalizing Amplifier for High-Speed Optical Packet Communications., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun. and Int. Conf. Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communication(ECOC-IOOC), 4, 1042-1043, 2003.09.
91. T. Kurosaki, Y. Shuto, Y. Tamura, A. Ohki, S. Kimura, and Y. Suzuki., Small low-cost MU-receptacle 10-Gbit/s plastic optical receiver module with a three dimensional circuit structure., Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf.(OFC), 681-682, 2003.03.
92. A. Kanda, A. Ohki, S. Kimura, and Y. Suzuki., A compact optical transmitter and receiver for 10-Gbit/s transceiver modules., Proc. Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), 2, 606-607, 2002.10.
93. S. Kimura, A. Okada, J. Endo, H. Tanobe, Y. Suzuki, and M. Matsuoka., 10-Gbit/s burst-mode clock and data recovery units for optical packet-based systems., Proc. Eur. Conf. on Opt. Commun.(ECOC), Paper 8.2.5-Paper 8.2.5, 2002.09.
94. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, S. Yamaguchi, K. Onodera, and H. Kikuchi., Artificial-line-division distributed ICs with 0.1-μm-gate-length GaAs MESFET and three-dimensional transmission lines., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-50, 6, 1603-1608, 2002.06.
95. T. Suemitsu, H. Fushimi, S. Kodama, S. Tsunashima, and S. Kimura., Influence of hole accumulation on source resistance, kink effect and on-state breakdown of InP-based high electron mobility transistors: Light irradiation study., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 41, 2B, 1104-1107, 2002.02.
96. H. Sugahara, S. Kimura, K. Murata, and E. Sano., Over-40-Gb/s IC module technology using 8-mm-square leadless chip carrier packages mounted on four-layer resin printed circuit boards., Tech. Dig. IEEE GaAs IC Symp., 255-259, 2001.10.
97. T. Suemitsu, H. Fushimi, S. Kodama, S. Tsunashima, and S. Kimura., Influence of hole accumulation on the source resistance, kink effect, and on-state breakdown of InP-based HEMTs: light irradiation study., Proc. Int. Conf. Indium Phosphide and Related Materials(IPRM), 456-459, 2001.05.
98. K. Murata, T. Otsuji, E. Sano, S. Kimura, and Y. Yamane., 70-Gbit/s multiplexer and 50-Gbit/s decision IC modules using InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HEMTs., IEICE Trans. Electron., E83C, 7, 1166-1169, 2000.07.
99. K. Murata, H. Kitabayashi, N. Shimizu, S. Kimura, T. Furuta, N. Watanabe, and E. Sano., A 40-Gbit/s monolithic digital OEIC module composed of uni-traveling-carrier photodiode and InP HEMT decision circuit., IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 345-348, 2000.06.
100. K. Takahata, Y. Muramoto, H. Fukano, K. Kato, A. Kozen, S. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Miyamoto, O. Nakajima, and Y. Matsuoka., Ultrafast monolithic receiver OEIC composed of multimode waveguide p-i-n photodiode and HEMT distributed amplifier., IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron., 6, 1, 31-37, 2000.02.
101. T. Otsuji, K. Kato, S. Kimura, and T. Nagatsuma., Wide-band high-efficiency optical-to-electrical conversion stimulus probe heads for testing large-signal responses of high-speed electronic devices., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-47, 5, 525-533, 1999.05.
102. S. Kimura, T. Otsuji, H. Kikuchi, K. Murata, and E. Sano., Circuit design technologies for high-speed lightwave communications beyond 40 Gbit/s., Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems(ISCAS), 488-491, 1999.05.
103. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, H. Kikuchi, and M. Tokumitsu., GaAs MESFET distributed baseband amplifier IC with all-pass filter network., Electron. Lett., 34, 22, 2124-2126, 1998.10.
104. T. Otsuji, Y. Imai, E. Sano, S. Kimura, S. Yamaguchi, M. Yoneyama, T. Enoki, and Y. Umeda., 40-Gb/s IC's for future lightwave communications systems., IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-32, 9, 1363-1370, 1997.09.
105. K. Takahata, Y. Muramoto, H. Fukano, K. Kato, A. Kozen, O. Nakajima, S. Kimura, and Y. Imai., 20Gbit/s monolithic photoreceiver consisting of a waveguide pin photodiode and HEMT distributed amplifier., Electron. Lett., 33, 18, 1576-1577, 1997.08.
106. K. Takahata, Y. Muramoto, H. Fukano, K. Kato, A. Kozen, K. Noguchi, O. Nakajima, S. Kimura, and Y. Imai., 30-Gbit/s monolithic photoreceiver consisting of a waveguide p-i-n photodiode and a distributed amplifier., Proc. Eur. Conf. Integrated Optics(ECIO), 538-541, 1997.04.
107. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, S. Yamaguchi, and K. Onodera., 0-56GHz GaAs MESFET gate-line-division distributed baseband amplifier IC with 3D transmission lines., Electron. Lett., 33, 1, 93-95, 1997.01.
108. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, and Y. Miyamoto., A 0-to-40-GHz direct-coupled distributed baseband amplifier IC with SCFL interface., IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., 6, 12, 444-446, 1996.12.
109. S. Kimura, and Y. Imai., 0-40 GHz GaAs MESFET distributed baseband amplifier IC's for high-speed optical transmission., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-44, 11, 2076-2082, 1996.11.
110. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., Loss-compensated distributed baseband amplifier IC's for optical transmission systems., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-44, 10, 1688-1693, 1996.10.
111. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, and Y. Miyamoto., Direct-coupled distributed baseband amplifier IC's for 40-Gb/s optical communication., IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-31, 10, 1374-1379, 1996.10.
112. Y. Imai, S. Kimura, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., New distributed amplifier design using transmission-gate FET's., IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., 6, 10, 357-359, 1996.10.
113. Y. Imai, and S. Kimura., 20Gbit/s GaAs distributed direct-coupled amplifier., Electron. Lett., 32, 18, 1702-1703, 1996.08.
114. S. Kimura, and Y. Imai., 0-40 GHz GaAs MESFET 1:2 distributed signal distributor IC., Electron. Lett., 32, 18, 1713-1715, 1996.08.
115. Y. Imai, S. Kimura, T. Enoki, and Y. Umeda., A DC-to-100-GHz InP HEMT 1:2 distributor IC using distributed amplification., IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., 6, 7, 444-446, 1996.07.
116. S. Yamaguchi, Y. Imai, S. Kimura, and H. Tsunetsugu., New module structure using flip-chip technology for high-speed optical communication ICs., IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., 1, 243-246, 1996.06.
117. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, and Y. Miyamoto., Novel distributed baseband amplifying techniques for 40-Gbit/s optical communication., Tech. Dig. IEEE GaAs IC Symp., 193-196, 1995.10.
118. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., O-90GHz InAlAs/InGaAs/InP HEMT distributed baseband amplifier IC., Electron. Lett., 31, 17, 1430-1431, 1995.08.
119. Y. Imai, M. Nakamura, S. Kimura, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., 40-Gb/s-class InP HEMT ICs for very-high-speed optical communications., Proc. Int. Conf. Indium Phosphide and Related Materials(IPRM), 89-92, 1995.05.
120. T. Shibata, S. Kimura, H. Kimura, Y. Imai, and Y. Akazawa., A design technique for a 60-GHz-bandwidth distributed baseband amplifier IC module., IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-29, 12, 1537-1544, 1994.12.
121. Y. Imai, S. Kimura, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., A DC to 38-GHz distributed analog multiplier using InP HEMTs., IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Lett., 4, 12, 399-401, 1994.12.
122. S. Kimura and Y. Imai., DC-to-40-GHz GaAs MESFET distributed baseband amplifier IC., Tech. Dig. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conf., 249-252, 1994.12.
123. S. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Umeda, and T. Enoki., A 16-dB DC-to-50-GHz InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT distributed baseband amplifier using a new loss compensation technique., Tech. Dig. IEEE GaAs IC Symp., 96-99, 1994.10.
124. T. Shibata, H. Kimura, S. Kimura, and Y. Akazawa., A design technique for MM-wave digital signal equalizing amplifier modules., Proc. Eur. Microwave Conf. (EuMC), 528-533, 1994.09.
125. T. Shibata, S. Kimura, H. Kimura, Y. Imai, Y. Umeda, and Y. Akazawa., 60 GHz-bandwidth distributed baseband amplifier IC in a package optimized for isolation., Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), 180-181, 1994.02.