Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Sadahisa Yagi Last modified date:2023.11.27

Assistant Professor / Department of Bioresource Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

1. Shinya Suzuki;Utsugi Jinbo;Chihoko Sato;Sadahisa Yagi;Toshiya Hirowatari, A new species of the genus Gynnidomorpha (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae) injurious to Gentiana scabra var. buergeri in Japan, Applied Entomology and Zoology, 10.1007/s13355-022-00811-8, 2022.12.
2. Discovery of Bembecia kaszabi(Căpuşe, 1973) (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae)from Kyushu, Japan.
3. Xylocoris afer, an Adventive Minute Pirate Bug (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) New to Japan.
4. Toshiya Hirowatari, Sadahisa Yagi, Cheng-Qing Liao, Guo-Hua Huang, Min Wang, Discovery of Nemophora chrysoprasias Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Adelidae) from China, with notes on its related species, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10.1016/j.japb.2022.04.009, 15, 3, 391-400, 2022.09.
5. Hyeong-Kyu Kim, Sadahisa Yagi, Shigeki Kobayashi, Toshiya Hirowatari, A new species of the genus Coptotriche (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) from Okinawa Island, Japan, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10.1016/j.japb.2022.04.010, 15, 3, 401-407, 2022.09.
6. Mita, T. Ohara, N. & Yagi, S., Type materials of Dryinidae described by Teiso Esaki & Shiro Hashimoto (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Bulletin of the Kyushu University Museum, 18, 75-85, 2021.03.
7. Kiyoshiro Goto, Sadahisa Yagi, Johei Oku, Shunsuke Tomura, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Toshiya Hirowatari, Surveys on detritivorous moths using bait traps in Japan, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10.1016/j.japb.2021.03.011, 14, 3, 386-398, 2021.09.

Two new species of Promalactis and one newly recorded from Japan (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae)

, Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.4970.1.7, 4970, 1, 151-160, 2021.05, Two new species of the genus Promalactis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) are described from Japan: P. inokoi Tomura & Komatsu sp. nov. and P. kogii Tomura, Yagi & Hirowatari sp. nov. Additionally, Promalactis hoenei Lvovsky, 2000, originally described from China is newly recorded from Japan. Images of the imagoes and male and female genitalia are provided..
9. 屋宜禎央, 広渡俊哉, 有田豊, A remarkable new species of the genus Teinotarsina (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Okinawa-jima, Japan, ZooKeys, 10.3897/zookeys.571.7780, 571, 143-152, 2016.03.
10. 屋宜 禎央, 広渡 俊哉, 日本産Etainia属の1新種(鱗翅目,モグリチビガ科), 蝶と蛾, 10.18984/lepid.68.2_65, 68, 2, 65-72, 2017.08,

本州および九州で,キイロモグリチビガ Etainia peterseni (Puplesis, 1985)に似た1新種を発見したので,記載するとともに,キイロモグリチビガの再記載を行った.

Etainia peterseniPuplesis, 1985) キイロモグリチビガ

開張6.9-8.9 mm.頭毛は濃黄~橙色.前翅は黄色みがかったクリーム色で,前翅中央の横条と基部前縁は暗褐色.後翅は灰褐色.♂交尾器のバルバは先端近くの腹面側に細長い突起をもつ.グナトスの中央突起は短い.ファルスにはカトレマ付近にM字型の硬化部をもつ.♀交尾器のT8後方は尖る.ベスティブルムは大きく丸く,シグナは小さい.分布:日本(北海道,本州,九州);沿海州.

Etainia parva Yagi & Hirowatari sp. nov. ヒメキイロモグリチビガ (新種,和名新称)

開張5.8-7.8 mm.頭毛は濃黄~橙色.前翅は黄色みがかったクリーム色で,前翅中央の横条と基部前縁は暗褐色.♂交尾器のバルバは基部近くの腹面側が張り出す.グナトスの中央突起は長い.♀交尾器のT8後方は尖らない.ベスティブルムは角張り,シグナは大きい.分布:日本(本州,九州).

本種の外見はキイロモグリチビガ E. peterseniに酷似しているが,小型であり,前翅の横帯も太い.しかし,個体変異が見られる.本種はキイロモグリチビガに比べ南方あるいは低所で採集されるが,ほぼ同所的に得られている地点もあるため交尾器による同定が確実である.本属はカエデの翼果に潜孔することが知られているが,日本での生態は不明である.

11. 奥 尉平, 坂巻 祥孝, 屋宜 禎央, 日本産 Nosphistica 属の1新種(鱗翅目:ヒゲナガキバガ科), 蝶と蛾, 10.18984/lepid.69.3-4_107, 69, 3, 107-112, 2018.12,

南西諸島から得られた1新種フェルマータヒゲナガキバガ (新称)(Nosphistica fermata sp. nov.)について,成虫外見,翅脈,雌雄交尾器を図示し,記載を行った.Nosphistica 属は日本から初めての記録となる.本属は現在世界で12種の記録があり,これまでの分布は東洋区のインドから台湾までであった.本属は以下の形質によって特徴づけられる.1) 前翅と後翅によく発達した腎臓型あるいは円形の斑紋がある.2) 後翅の前縁に歯状鱗片塊があり,後翅の後縁基部に特徴的な長い黒褐色の鱗片が集まる (Fig. 1). 3) 腹部4-7節背板前縁に刺状突起列がある (Fig. 2).

12. 大島 一正, 屋宜 禎央, D. Adamski, スピニエラネマルハキバガ(新称)(鱗翅目:キバガ上科:ネマルハキバガ科)の日本からの発見, 蝶と蛾, 10.18984/lepid.69.3-4_93, 69, 3, 93-98, 2018.12,

九州大学農学部附属英彦山生物学実験施設で採集されたネマルハキバガ科の標本を検討したところ,日本未記録で,かつこれまで韓国からしか記録のなかった Blastobasis spiniella Park, 2000 を確認した.本種はこれまでオス個体しか知られていなかったため,まず交尾器形態を原記載と比較し,B. spiniella のオス1個体を同定した.次にこの個体の COI バーコーディング領域の配列を他標本の配列と比較することで,B. spiniella のメス1個体を特定した.

13. Relationships between moth assemblages and vegetation studied using light traps on Mount Hikosan.
14. Symbiotic Lepidoptera within nests of the Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher.
15. 奥尉平, 坂巻祥孝, 屋宜禎央, Correction to: A new species of the genus Nosphistica Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Lecicthoceridae) from Japan, Lepidoptera Science, 70, 2, 29-31, 2019.08.
16. Cheng-Qing Liao, Sadahisa Yagi, Shigeki Kobayashi, Guo-Hua Huang, Two new species of Bucculatrix Zeller (Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae) from China, ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4624.3.2, 4624, 3, 322-336, 2019.07, Two new species of Bucculatrix are described from China: adults and male genitalia of B. yingjingensis Liao, Yagi & Huang, sp. nov., are presented; and the adult female and genitalia of B. liubaensis Liao, Kobayashi & Huang, sp. nov., are given, along with biological notes. DNA barcodes support the separation of two new species from each other and from related species..
17. Cheng-Qing Liao, Sadahisa Yagi, Toshiya Hirowatari, Guo-Hua Huang, Two new species of Antispila Hubner (Lepidoptera: Adeloidea: Heliozelidae) associated with Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae) from China, JOURNAL OF ASIA-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY, 10.1016/j.aspen.2019.07.017, 22, 3, 941-946, 2019.09, The genus Antispila Hubner, [1825] is poorly recorded from China. Two new Antispila species, A. longcangensis, sp. nov. and A. emeishanensis, sp. nov. feeding on Hydrangeaceae, are described from Sichuan, China. The adult male and female, genitalia and venation of both species are illustrated. Diagnostic characters of these species are compared with other described Antispila species from China. DNA barcodes sequences of the two new species are also provided..
18. Khine Mon Mon Kyaw, Sadahisa Yagi, Jouhei Oku, Yositaka Sakamaki, Toshiya Hirowatari, Taxonomic study of Thiotricha Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in Japan, with the description of two new species, ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.897.38529, 897, 67-99, 2019.12, A part of Japanese species of the genus Thiotricha Meyrick, 1886 are reviewed. Three species described by Omelko (1984) in the genus Cnaphostola Meyrick, 1918 are placed in combination with Thiotricha; Thiotricha biformis, T. angustella comb. nov. and T. venustalis comb. nov. These species are redescribed, and two new species, T. elaeocarpiella Kyaw, Yagi & Hirowatari, sp. nov. and T. flavitermina Kyaw, Yagi & Hirowatari, sp. nov. are described based on external morphological characters of adults and genitalia of males and females. Thiotricha chujaensis (Park, 2016), comb. nov. described in Cnaphostola from Korea, is newly recorded in Japan feeding on Mallotus japonica (Euphorbiaccae). One of the new species, T. elaeocatpiella sp. nov. has been associated with two different plants, Elaeocarpus zollingeri (Elaeocarpaceae) and Rhaphiolepis indica (Rosaceae). This paper presents the first comprehensive description of the morphology, pupal morphology and biology of species previously treated in the genus Cnaphostola and their relatives in Japan..

Review of the genus Vespina (Lepidoptera, Incurvariidae) with two new species from China and Japan

, Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.4927.2.3, 4927, 2, 209-233, 2021.02, Asian species of the genus Vespina Davis, 1972 (Lepidoptera, Incurvariidae) are mainly reviewed. Vespina meridiana Hirowatari & Yagi sp. nov. from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and Vespina sichuana Hirowatari, Huang & Wang sp. nov. from Sichuan, China, are described. The previously known Vespina species are associated with plants from the Fagaceae family on the western coast of the USA and East Asia and with Sapindaceae (Aceraceae) in eastern Europe. The two new species described here are associated with Fagaceae and Myricaceae, respectively, in warm temperate areas in Asia. Vespina nielseni Kozlov, 1987, which was only known from East Asia, is newly recorded from South China. A checklist for the genus is provided herein. Morphological information of the immature stages of the two new species is partially provided. The absence or reduction of a female frenulum and presence of approximately 20 thin pseudofrenular bristles, the dorsoventrally flattened pupa, and the minute tergal spines scattered on abdominal segments 3–8 are considered as possible autapomorphies of Vespina..
20. Sadahisa Yagi, Nagao Hirano, Toshiya Hirowatari, Taxonomic notes on the Ectoedemia suberis and angulifasciella species groups in Japan (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae), ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4706.2.1, 4706, 2, 201-230, 2019.12, Diagnoses and notes on biology and distribution of Japanese species of the suberis and angulifasciella groups of the genus Ectoedemia Busck, 1907 are given. Two species, E. chasanella Puplesis, 1984 and E. ortiva Rociene & Stonis, 2013, are reported for the first time from Japan and their morphology is redescribed. In addition, we provide molecular identification of the two species and their relatives based on COI barcode sequences and the nuclear gene (EF1-alpha) sequences. The female of E. chasanella is described for the first time. We confirm that E. chasanella utilizes Quercus species (Fagaceae) as its hostplant: Q. dentata, Q. serrata, Q. crispula, and Q. acutissima. Ectoedemia ortiva was formerly placed in the suberis group, and its host plant was unknown. We move this species to the angulifasciella group and provide evidence that it utilizes Ulmus sp. (Ulmaceae) as its host plant..