Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Yamasaki Hiroshi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Division for Experimental Natural Science / Faculty of Arts and Science

1. Birger Neuhaus,Borong Lu,Hiroshi Yamasaki,Alberto González-Casarrubios, Epibiontic life on intertidal Setaphyes kielensis and S. dentatus (Kinorhyncha, Pycnophyidae) from Sylt, North Sea, Germany, with a description of a new species of Trematosoma (Ciliophora, Acinetidae) and a redescription of Cothurnia buetschlii (Ciliophora, Vaginicolidae), Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.5.2, 5343, 439-470, 2023.09, Specimens of two species of Kinorhyncha, Setaphyes dentatus and S. kielensis, were collected in 1988, 1998, and 2016 at two intertidal sites on the island of Sylt, North Sea, and investigated as preserved material by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for their epibionts. One species of Acinetidae (Suctoria), one species of Vaginicolidae (Peritrichia), and two species of bacteria were traced. The most abundant ciliate species with 705 specimens was Trematosoma husselae sp. nov. occurring with 1–46 specimens on a basibiont, mainly on the ventral side and here especially on segment 1. Cothurnia buetschlii was found as 14 specimens. Trematosoma husselae sp. nov. agreed with T. amphiasci and T. pusilla in the calyciform shape of the lorica and with most species in the general size of the body except for the much larger T. constricta and T. pusilla. The new species could be distinguished from T. amphiasci, T. complatana, T. constricta, T. falcata, T. ovata, and T. pusilla by the short length of its stalk and agreed with T. bocqueti and T. rotunda in this character. Cothurnia buetschlii was redescribed for the first time after the descriptions by Zelinka (1914, 1928)..
2. Alberto González-Casarrubios,Diego Cepeda,Fernando Pardos,Birger Neuhaus,Hiroshi Yamasaki,María Herranz,Katarzyna Grzelak,Anastassya Maiorova,Andrey Adrianov,Matteo Dal Zotto,Maikon Di Domenico,Stephen C. Landers,Nuria Sánchez, Towards a standardisation of morphological measurements in the phylum Kinorhyncha, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.11.015, 302, 217-223, 2023.01, Taxonomic studies of the phylum Kinorhyncha follow a standardised structure, which is extremely useful in many aspects, such as making it easier to read and compare the different species descriptions. Nevertheless, the morphological measurements methods, essential for formal description of species, may differ according to the authors. In the present contribution, we propose a standardised method of taking and representing the measurements, with the aim of obtaining comparable and repeatable morphometric results. Additionally, we propose an online repository to make the measurements accessible to all researchers in the same format, facilitating future comparisons and studies. Finally, a glossary that compiles and defines all the measurements that may be included in Kinorhyncha descriptions is presented..
3. Katarzyna Grzelak,Hiroshi Yamasaki,Sarah Mincks,Anna J. Phillips,Martin V. Sørensen, Revision of an Arctic kinorhynch species: Echinoderes svetlanae and E. tubilak are junior synonyms of E. remanei, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.11.001, 302, 75-89, 2023.01, A new species Polacanthoderes shiraseae sp. nov. from three Antarctic regions (off Cape Darnley, off Totten Glacier, and in Lützow-Holm Bay) is described. In addition, type species of Polacanthoderes, Polacanthoderes martinezi, is redescribed. The new species is distinguished from P. martinezi by the presence of conspicuously thick lateroventral acicular spines on segments 8 and 9 and the presence of sublateral small acicular spines on segment 7. Both P. martinezi and P. shiraseae sp. nov. occasionally show intraspecific morphological variations in the position of some small acicular spines. The K2P genetic distances based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene sequences in P. shiraseae sp. nov. are 0–1.5%, equivalent to those in other echinoderid species. Phylogenetic analyses of Polacanthoderes based on the nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA gene sequences support the inclusion of the genus in Echinorhagata/Echinoderidae and suggest that the genus represents the most basal group of this order/family..
4. Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto, HayatoTanaka, Daisuke Shimada, Masato Ito, Yuki Tokuda, Megumu Tsujimoto, Taxonomy, genetic diversity, and phylogeny of the Antarctic mud dragon, Polacanthoderes (Kinorhyncha: Echinorhagata: Echinoderidae)., Zoologischer Anzeiger, 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.09.003, 301, 42-58, 2022.09, A new species Polacanthoderes shiraseae sp. nov. from three Antarctic regions (off Cape Darnley, off Totten Glacier, and in Lützow-Holm Bay) is described. In addition, type species of Polacanthoderes, Polacanthoderes martinezi, is redescribed. The new species is distinguished from P. martinezi by the presence of conspicuously thick lateroventral acicular spines on segments 8 and 9 and the presence of sublateral small acicular spines on segment 7. Both P. martinezi and P. shiraseae sp. nov. occasionally show intraspecific morphological variations in the position of some small acicular spines. The K2P genetic distances based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene sequences in P. shiraseae sp. nov. are 0–1.5%, equivalent to those in other echinoderid species. Phylogenetic analyses of Polacanthoderes based on the nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA gene sequences support the inclusion of the genus in Echinorhagata/Echinoderidae and suggest that the genus represents the most basal group of this order/family..
5. Martin V. Sørensen,Freya E. Goetz,María Herranz,Cheon Young Chang,Tapas Chatterjee,Furkan Durucan,Ricardo C. Neves,N. Özlem Yildiz,Jon Norenburg,Hiroshi Yamasaki , Description, redescription and revision of sixteen putatively closelyrelated species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida), with theproposition of a new species group – the Echinoderes dujardinii group, European Journal of Taxonomy, 10.5852/ejt.2020.730.1197, 730, 1, 1-101, 2020.12,

Thirteen species of Echinoderes with nearly identical spine/tube patterns, and apparently similar tergal extensions were re-examined and compared. Based on this, redescriptions and/or emended species diagnoses are provided for Echinoderes aureus, E. dujardinii, E. gerardi, E. imperforatus, E. pacificus, E. pilosus, E. sensibilis, E. sublicarum and E. worthingi, and new details about cuticular structures are added for E. kozloffi and E. gizoensis. The new information derived from the redescriptions, and the subsequent comparative studies revealed that: 1) the holotype of Echinoderes lanceolatus is identical with the types of Echinoderes aureus, and E. lanceolatus is thus a junior synonym of E. aureus; other potentially synonymous species that should be addressed further in the future include: E. dujardinii + E. gerardi; E. imperforatus + E. sensibilis, and E. pacificus + E. sublicarum; 2) the paratypes of E. lanceolatus represented a different yet undescribed species, here described as E. songae Sørensen & Chang sp. nov.; 3) a comparison with literature information about E. ehlersi showed that the species is so insufficiently described that a redescription of topotype material is required before the species should be considered for taxonomic comparison; 4) specimens from the Andaman Islands, India, that previously have been reported as Echinoderes cf. ehlersi represent two different undescribed species, of which one is described as E. chandrasekharai Sørensen & Chatterjee sp. nov. and the other is left undescribed due to the limited material available; 5) out of a total of fifteen addressed species, it is proposed that eleven represent a putatively monophyletic group that is named the Echinoderes dujardinii group. The group includes following species: E. dujardinii, E. ehlersi, E. gerardi, E. imperforatus, E. kozloffi, E. sensibilis, E. pacificus, E. sublicarum, E. songae Sørensen & Chang sp. nov., E. chandrasekharai Sørensen & Chatterjee sp. nov., and Echinoderes sp. from the Andaman Islands, and is supported by a similar spine/tube pattern (except for variation regarding the presence of lateral accessory tubes on segment 8); generally short middorsal spines, especially on segments 4 to 6; glandular cell outlets type 1 always present in middorsal positions on segments 1 to 3, and in subdorsal positions on segments 4 to 9; glandular cell outlets type 2 always present in laterodorsal or midlateral positions on segment 8, and sometimes in same positions on segment 9 but never at any other segments or positions; female papillae always present on sternal plates of segments 7 and 8, and occasionally also on segment 6; tergal extensions well-spaced, triangular, gradually tapered cones, and pectinate fringes of sternal extensions are differentiated into seta-like tufts. The comparisons furthermore showed potential taxonomic significance of two echinoderid character traits that previously have been slightly neglected as diagnostic traits, namely the presence and appearance of female papillae, and the dorsal pattern of glandular cell outlets type 1. Female papillae may occur on the sternal plates of segments 6 to 8, but the positions may differ from ventrolateral to ventromedial, and the morphology of the intracuticular substructure also differ at species level. Information about position and morphology of female papillae proved helpful for species recognition, but it might also provide information of phylogenetic importance. Analyses of glandular cell outlet type 1 patterns on the dorsal sides of segments 1 to 9 in species of Echinoderidae, revealed several apparently unique or rare patterns, but also three distinct patterns that applied to larger groups of species. One pattern is the one present in all species of the E. dujardinii group, whereas the other two common patterns included 1) middorsal outlets on segments 1 to 3, and paradorsal outlets on segments 4 to 9 (found in 27 species), and 2) middorsal outlets on segments 1 to 3, 5 and 7, and paradorsal outlets on segments 4, 6 and 8 to 9 (found in 27 species)
6. Shinta Fujimoto, Hiroshi Yamasaki, Taeko Kimura, Susumu Ohtsuka, Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen, A new genus and species of Loricifera (Nanaloricida: Pliciloricidae) from the deep waters of Japan, Marine Biodiversity, 10.1007/s12526-020-01130-3, 50, 103, 2020.11, In this paper, we describe Wataloricus japonicus gen. et sp. nov. (phylum Loricifera), based on specimens collected during surveys of Japanese waters in the Northwest Pacific conducted onboard the TR/Vs TOYOSHIO MARU and SEISUI MARU. This new loriciferan is placed in the family Pliciloricidae based on the morphology of the adult lorica and Higgins larval internal armature, setae, and toes. It is readily distinguished from other pliciloricid genera by the following combination of characters: adult with a long rigid mouth tube bearing an umbrella-like membrane that extrudes from the mouth opening; a double organ consisting of two untransformed separate spinoscalids; 15 single trichoscalids; and approximately 46 longitudinal folds in the lorica and anal field; and Higgins larva with clavoscalids characterized by ventral swelling and spine-like tip; short unsegmented spinoscalids of the second scalid row; indistinct collar, heavily wrinkled thorax; two pairs of anterior setae; two pairs of posterior setae; and slender toes with sub-terminal swelling. The new genus described herein appears to be synonymous with a previously reported undescribed genus sensu Heiner and Neuhaus (2007) from the Galapagos Spreading Centre, thereby indicating that the geographical distribution of the new genus may at least span the entire Pacific region..
7. Hiroshi Yamasaki, Maria Herranz, Martin V. Sørensen, An interactive identification key to species of Echinoderidae (Kinorhyncha), Zoologischer Anzeiger, 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.05.002, 287, 14-16, 2020.07, An interactive, continuously updated identification key to species of the large kinorhynch family Echinoderidae has been made available online. The key is based on the DELTA format (DEscription Language for TAxonomy), and provides, with a multiple entry approach, an intuitive and user friendly tool to identify more than 145 echinoderid species. The present short note describes software requirements, how to access the database and keep it updated, and how to use the identification tools..
8. Hiroshi Yamasaki, Shinta Fujimoto, Hayato Tanaka, Three new meiobenthic species from a submarine cave in Japan
Echinoderes gama, E. kajiharai and E. uozumii (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 10.1017/S0025315420000429, 100, 4, 537-558, 2020.06, Three new species of echinoderid kinorhynchs are described from Daidokutsu, a submarine cave in Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Echinoderes gama sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of middorsal acicular spines on segments 4-8; lateroventral acicular spines on segments 7-9; lateroventral tubes on segment 5; sublateral tubes on segment 8; laterodorsal tubes on segment 10; and type-2 gland cell outlets in subdorsal and lateroventral position on segment 2. Echinoderes kajiharai sp. nov. is defined by the presence of middorsal acicular spines on segments 4, 6, 8; lateral accessory acicular spines on segment 9; lateroventral acicular spines on segments 6-8; lateroventral tubes on segments 2 and 5; midlateral tubes on segment 10; and type-2 gland cell outlets in laterodorsal position on segments 2 and 5, and subdorsal position on segments 8 and 9. Echinoderes uozumii sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of middorsal acicular spines on segments 4 and 6; lateroventral acicular spines on segments 6-9; lateroventral tubes on segments 2 and 5; sublateral tubes on segment 8; laterodorsal tubes on segment 10; type-2 gland cell outlets in subdorsal and lateral accessory position on segment 2; and blunt, short pectinate fringe teeth of primary pectinate fringe on segment 1. In addition, the Echinoderes multiporus species group including E. kajiharai sp. nov., and the Echinoderes bispinosus species group including E. uozumii sp. nov. are established. Furthermore, the distribution of the two species groups and the origin of Echinoderes species in Daidokutsu are discussed..
9. Dal Zotto M., Neuhaus B., Yamasaki H., Todaro M.A., The genus Condyloderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) in the Mediterranean Sea, including the description of two new species with novel characters, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2019.05.006, 282, 206-231, 2019.09.
10. Yamasaki H., Gracilideres mawatarii, a new genus and species of Franciscideridae (Allomalorhagida: Kinorhyncha) - A kinorhynch with thin body cuticle, adapted to the interstitial environment, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2019.05.010, 282, 176-188, 2019.09.
11. Yamasaki H., Dal Zotto M., Investigation of echinoderid kinorhynchs described 90 years ago: redescription of Echinoderes capitatus (Zelinka, 1928) and Echinoderes ferrugineus Zelinka, 1928, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2019.05.013, 282, 189-205, 2019.09.
12. Yamasaki H., Neuhaus B. George K.H., Echinoderid mud dragons (Cyclorhagida: Kinorhyncha) from Senghor Seamount (NE Atlantic Ocean) including general discussion of faunistic characters and distribution patterns of seamount kinorhynchs, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2019.05.018, 282, 64-87, 2019.09.
13. Kajihara H., Ikoma M., Yamasaki H., Hiruta S.F. , Diurodrilus kunii sp. nov. (Annelida: Diurodrilidae) and a Molecular Phylogeny of the Genus, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zs180197, 36, 3, 250-258, 2019.06.
14. Neuhaus B., Dal Zotto M., Yamasaki H., Higgins R.P., Revision of Condyloderes (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida) including description of Condyloderes shirleyi sp. nov., ZOOTAXA, 10.11646/zootaxa.4561.1.1, 4561, 1, 1-91, 2019.02.
15. Yamasaki H., Durucan F. , Echinoderes antalyaensis sp. nov. (Cyclorhagida: Kinorhyncha) from Antalya, Turkey, Levantine Sea, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Species Diversity, 10.12782/specdiv.23.193, 23, 2, 193-207, 2018.11.
16. Kajihara H., Tamura K., Yamasaki H., Interstitial hoplonemertean Ototyphlonemertes norenburgi (Nemertea: Monostilifera) from Okinawa, Japan., Fauna Ryukyuana, 46, 1-3, 2018.10.
17. Yamasaki H., Grzelak K., Sørensen M.V., Neuhaus B., George K.H., Echinoderes pterus sp n. showing a geographically and bathymetrically wide distribution pattern on seamounts and on the deep-sea floor in the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida), ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.771.25534, 771, 15-40, 2018.07.
18. Yamasaki H., Neuhaus B., George K.H., New species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from Mediterranean Seamounts and from the deep-sea floor in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, including notes on two undescribed species, Zootaxa, 10.11646/zootaxa.4387.3.8, 4387, 3, 541-566, 2018.02.
19. Yamasaki H., Neuhaus B., George K.H., Three new species of Echinoderidae (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from two seamounts and the adjacent deep-sea floor in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE, 10.21411/CBM.A.124081A9, 59, 1, 79-106, 2018.01.
20. Uozumi R., Yamasaki H., Hirose E., Mangrove forests may serve as stable environments for the meiobenthic Echinoderes komatsui (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida): distribution patterns and population dynamics in a subtropical estuary, MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, 10.1080/17451000.2017.1408916, 14, 3, 321-333, 2018.01.
21. Schmidt-Rhaesa A., Panpeng S., Yamasaki H., Two new species of Tubiluchus (Priapulida) from Japan, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2017.03.004, 267, 155-167, 2017.03.
22. Fujimoto S., Yamasaki H., A new genus and species of Renaudarctidae (Heterotardigrada: Arthrotardigrada) from Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, 10.1080/17451000.2016.1257809, 13, 3, 288-299, 2017.02.
23. Yamasaki H., Ryuguderes iejimaensis, a new genus and species of Campyloderidae (Xenosomata: Cyclorhagida: Kinorhyncha) from a submarine cave in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2016.02.003, 265, 69-79, 2016.11.
24. Sánchez N., Yamasaki H. , Two new Pycnophyidae species (Kinorhyncha: Allomalorhagida) from Japan lacking ventral tubes in males, ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 10.1016/j.jcz.2016.04.001, 265, 80-89, 2016.11.
25. Sánchez N., Yamasaki H., Pardos F., Sørensen M.V., Martinez A., Morphology disentangles the systematics of a ubiquitous but elusive meiofaunal group (Kinorhyncha: Pycnophyidae), CLADISTICS, 10.1111/cla.12143, 32, 5, 479-505, 2016.10.
26. Ishii D., Yamasaki H., Uozumi R., Hirose E., Does the kinorhynch have a hydrophobic body surface? Measurement of the wettability of a meiobenthic metazoan, ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE, 10.1098/rsos.160512, 3, 10, 2016.10.
27. Yamasaki H., Two New Echinoderes Species (Echinoderidae, Cyclorhagida, Kinorhyncha) from Nha Trang, Vietnam, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES, 10.6620/ZS.2016.55-32, 55, 2016.04.
28. Kajihara H., Kakui K., Yamasaki H., Hiruta S.F. , Tubulanus tamias sp nov (Nemertea: Palaeonemertea) with Two Different Types of Epidermal Eyes, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zs140250, 32, 6, 596-604, 2015.12.
29. Nakano N., Kakui K., Kajihara H., Shimomura M., Jimi N., Tomioka S., Tanaka H., Yamasaki H., Tanaka M., Izumi T., Okanishi M., Yamada Y., Shinagawa H., Sato T., Tsuchiya Y., Omori A., Sekifuji M., Kohtsuka H., JAMBIO Coastal Organism Joint Surveys reveals undiscovered biodiversity around Sagami Bay, REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, 10.1016/j.rsma.2015.05.003, 2, 77-81, 2015.11.
30. Hirose E., Yamasaki H., Fine Structure of the Integumentary Cuticles and Alimentary Tissues of Pycnophyid Kinorhynchs Pycnophyes oshoroensis and Kinorhynchus yushini (Kinorhyncha, Homalorhagida), ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zs150021, 32, 4, 389-395, 2015.08.
31. Kajihara H., Ikoma M., Yamasaki H., Hiruta S.F. , Trilobodrilus itoi sp nov., with a Re-Description of T. nipponicus (Annelida: Dinophilidae) and a MolecularPhylogeny of the Genus, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zs140251, 32, 4, 405-417, 2015.08.
32. Sørensen M.V., Dal Zotto M., Rho H.S., Herranz M., Sánchez N., Pardos F., Yamasaki H., Phylogeny of Kinorhyncha Based on Morphology and Two Molecular Loci, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0133440, 10, 7, 2015.07.
33. Yamasaki H., Two new species of Dracoderes (Kinorhyncha: Dracoderidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, with a molecular phylogeny of the genus, ZOOTAXA, 3980, 3, 359-378, 2015.06.
34. Yamasaki H., Fujimoto S., Miyazaki K., Phylogenetic position of Loricifera inferred from nearly complete 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences, ZOOLOGICAL LETTERS, 10.1186/s40851-015-0017-0, 1, 2015.06.
35. Yamasaki H., Hiruta S.F., Kajihara H., Dick M.H., Two Kinorhynch Species (Cyclorhagida, Echinoderidae, Echinoderes) Show Different Distribution Patterns Across Tsugaru Strait, Northern Japan, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zs140011, 31, 7, 421-429, 2014.07.
36. Yamasaki H., Fujimoto S. , Two new species in the Echinoderes coulli group (Echinoderidae, Cyclorhagida, Kinorhyncha) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, ZOOKEYS, 10.3897/zookeys.382.6761, 382, 27-52, 2014.02.
37. Kakui K., Yamasaki H., Nototanaids (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from Japan, with the description of a new species of Nototanoides, Species Diversity, 10.12782/sd.18.2.245, 18, 2, 245-254, 2013.11.
38. Yamasaki H., Hiruta S.F., Kajihara H., Molecular phylogeny of kinorhynchs, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.02.016, 67, 2, 303-310, 2013.05.
39. Yamasaki H., Kajihara H., Mawatari S.F., First report of kinorhynchs from Hokkaido, Japan, including a new species of Pycnophyes (Pycnophyidae: Homalorhagida), ZOOTAXA, 3425, 23-41, 2012.08.
40. Yamasaki H., Kajihara H., A New Brackish-water Species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Species Diversity, 10.12782/sd.17.1.109, 17, 1, 109-118, 2012.05.
41. Sørensen M.V., Herranz M., Rho H.S., Min W., Yamasaki H., Sánshez N., Pardos F., On the genus Dracoderes Higgins & Shirayama, 1990 (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) with a redescription of its type species, D. abei, and a description of a new species from Spain, MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH, 10.1080/17451000.2011.615328, 8, 3, 210-232, 2012.02.
42. Kajihara H., Yamasaki H., Andrade Sonia C. S., Carinoma hamanako sp. nov. (Nemertea: Palaeonemertea), the First Representative of the Genus from the Northwest Pacific, Species Diversity, 10.12782/specdiv.16.149, 16, 3-4, 149-165, 2011.11, Carinoma hamanako sp. nov., the ninth member of the genus, is described based on three specimens collected in Lake Hamana, Shizuoka Prefecture, Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the blind-ending rhynchocoelic villar vessels, the lateral rhynchocoel vessels rejoining the lateral vessels, the unbranched excretory canals, the situation of the posterior part of the mid-dorsal nerve within the longitudinal muscle layer of the body wall, and the absence of a vascular plexus in the foregut region. A phylogenetic analysis based on the nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes shows that C. hamanako sp. nov. forms a clade with two congeners, C. mutabile Griffin, 1898 and C. tremaphoros Thompson, 1900, thus supporting the generic placement of the new species..
43. Tomikawa K., Kakui K., Yamasaki H., A New Species of Psammogammarus (Amphipoda: Melitidae) from Kuchinoerabu Island, Japan, with a Noteon its Feeding Habits, ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 10.2108/zsj.27.615, 27, 7, 615-626, 2010.07.
44. Randsø P.V., Yamasaki H., Bownes S., Herranz M., Di Domenico M., Qi G.B., Sørensen M.V., Phylogeny of the Echinoderes coulli-group (Kinorhyncha:Cyclorhagida:Echinoderidae) - a cosmopolitan species group trapped in the intertidal, INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS, 10.1071/IS18069, 33, 3, 501-517.