九州大学 研究者情報
草場 彰(くさば あきら) データ更新日:2024.04.26

准教授 /  応用力学研究所 新エネルギー力学部門 材料情報学

1. Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Determination of Local Electron Counting Rule Satisfaction by SAT Solver, 9th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-9), 2024.06.
2. Reo Shimauchi, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Akira Kusaba, Vacancies in III-Nitrides (II): Diffusion near Hetero Interfaces, 10th International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications (LEDIA 2024), 2024.04.
3. Keitaro Tateyama, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Akira Kusaba, Takahiro Kawamura, Vacancies in III-Nitrides (I): Formation under Reconstructed Surfaces, 10th International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications (LEDIA 2024), 2024.04.
4. 草場 彰, ベイズ最適化とデータ同化による半導体気相成長モデリング, 日本学術振興会R032委員会第16回研究会, 2024.03.
5. 原太一, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 三宅秀人, スパースモデリングを用いたスパッタAlN膜の高温アニールプロセスの条件探索, 第14回半導体材料・デバイスフォーラム, 2023.12.
6. Pawel Kempisty, Karol Kawka, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Ab initio thermodynamic study of the metallic surface wetting layer during MBE (In)GaN growth and its consequences for dopants incorporation, 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14), 2023.11.
7. Akira Kusaba, Bayesian optimization and Ising model in DFT calculations of surface reconstruction, 24th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (ASIAN-24), 2023.11.
8. Yuya Nagashima, Hirotaka Watanabe, Syugo Nitta, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Shiraishi, Theoretical analysis of TMI degradation pathway in InN MOVPE growth, 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14), 2023.11.
9. Akira Kusaba, Data Assimilation in Semiconductor Crystal Growth: Chemical Reaction Network Modeling, Global Plasma Forum in Aomori, 2023.10.
10. 長嶋佑哉, 新田州吾, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 白石賢二, InN MOVPE成長におけるTMI分解経路の理論的解析, 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2023.09.
11. 杉山佳奈美, 草場彰, 反応経路自動探索によるトリメチルガリウム分解過程の理論解析, 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2023.09.
12. Shun Yamakawa, Hirofumi Akamatsu, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Theoretical exploration of widegap materials with the corundum structure for heteroepitaxy on α-Ga2O3, 20th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-20), 2023.08.
13. Karol Kawka, Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Michał Boćkowski, David Bowler, Akira Kusaba, Ising model-based analysis of the GaN(0001) surface reconstructed structures sampled from Bayesian optimization, 20th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-20), 2023.07.
14. 原太一, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 三宅秀人, スパッタAlN膜の高温アニールプロセスにおけるスパースモデリング, 第15回ナノ構造エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2023.06.
15. 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 久保山哲二, 新田州吾, 白石賢二, 押山淳, データ科学による結晶成長モデリングの高度化, 第2回スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会, 2023.03.
16. 草場 彰, ベイズ最適化による半導体表面混合状態の研究, 第2回スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会, 2023.03.
17. 長嶋佑哉, 赤石大地, 新田州吾, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 白石賢二, AlN・InN MOVPE成長におけるTMA・TMI分解経路の理論的解析, 第14回ナノ構造エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2022.11.
18. 木原楓太, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 窒化物半導体MOVPEにおける表面相図:不純物混入の寄与, 第14回ナノ構造エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2022.11.
19. Yuya Nagashima, Daichi Akaishi, Shugo Nitta, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Shiraishi, Ab Initio Studies on TMA and TMI Decomposition during MOVPE Growth, 第41回電子材料シンポジウム, 2022.10.
20. Taichi Hara, Yuichiro Maeda, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Fumitaro Ishikawa, Tetsuya Okuyama, Estimation of optimal conditions for semiconductor nanowires by MBE growth using machine learning, 第41回電子材料シンポジウム, 2022.10.
21. Masaki Sano, Yuya Nagashima, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Shiraishi, Growth Simulation of GaN MOVPE Based on Rate Equation Analysis, 第41回電子材料シンポジウム, 2022.10.
22. Koyo Miyamoto, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Modelling interlayer diffusion in III-nitride hetero interface, 第41回電子材料シンポジウム, 2022.10.
23. Akira Kusaba, Zheng Ye, Shugo Nitta, Kenji Shiraishi, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Tuning of Ab Initio Reaction Rate in GaN Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy by Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2022 (IWN 2022), 2022.10.
24. Taichi Hara, Yuichiro Maeda, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Fumitaro Ishikawa, Tetsuya Okuyama, Data-driven approach to predict growth conditions of compound semiconductor nanowires for optical devices by molecular beam epitaxy, IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022, 2022.08.
25. 長嶋佑哉, 木村友哉, 洗平昌晃, 長川健太, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 白石賢二, 熱力学的解析によるp型GaNのHVPE法におけるキャリアガスの特定, 第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2022.03.
26. 草場 彰, 結晶成長の計算科学と機械学習応用, 2022年日本結晶成長学会特別講演会『赤﨑勇先生追悼講演会~結晶成長が描く夢の継承~』, 2022.02.
27. Akira Kusaba, Application of Machine Learning Methods to More Quantitative GaN MOVPE Modeling, 2nd International Symposium on Wide Gap Semiconductor Growth, Process and Device Simulation (ISWGPDs 2022), 2022.01.
28. 宮本滉庸, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 窒化物半導体ヘテロ界面における相互拡散メカニズムの理論検討, 第13回ナノ構造エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2021.12.
29. Yoshihiro Kangawa, Akira Kusaba, Pawel Kempisty, Theoretical approach to unintentional oxygen doping during MOVPE of GaN:Mg and AlN:Mg, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021 (ICMaSS 2021), 2021.11.
30. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Zheng Ye, Shugo Nitta, Kenji Shiraishi, Tuning of Reaction Rate Constants for Trimethylgallium Decomposition by Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2021 (ICMaSS 2021), 2021.11.
31. 草場彰, 久保山哲二, 寒川義裕, 結晶成長デジタルツイン―AIと計算科学からのアプローチ, 第50回結晶成長国内会議, 2021.10.
32. Akira Kusaba, Pawel Kempisty, Yoshihiro Kangawa, First-principles study of Mg and O co-doping mechanism in the growth surface during GaN(0001) and AlN(0001) metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, 32nd IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2021), 2021.08.
33. Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Makoto Sasaki, Shigeru Inagaki, Prediction of plasma turbulence using Hankel and sparsity-promoting dynamic mode decomposition, 13th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma 2021), 2021.03.
34. Pawel Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Quantitative compatibility of ab initio thermodynamics with real growth processes of III nitrides semiconductors, 8th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-8), 2021.03.
35. Daichi Yosho, Yuriko Matsuo, Pawel Kempisty, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Ab initio-based approach to GaN HVPE and THVPE processes: p-type doping and facet stability, International Symposium on Wide Gap Semiconductor Growth, Process and Device Simulation 2021 (ISWGPDs 2021), 2021.01.
36. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, More quantitative prediction of III-nitride growth: theoretical and data-driven approaches, International Symposium on Wide Gap Semiconductor Growth, Process and Device Simulation 2021 (ISWGPDs 2021), 2021.01.
37. Soma Sakakibara, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Shiraishi, Theoretical study of the effects of H2 and NH3 on the TMG decomposition process in GaN crystal growth, International Symposium on Wide Gap Semiconductor Growth, Process and Device Simulation 2021 (ISWGPDs 2021), 2021.01.
38. 榊原聡真, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川善裕, 白石賢二, ab initio計算を用いたGaN MOVPEにおけるTMG分解過程へのH2とNH3による効果の理論的考察, 第26回電子デバイス界面テクノロジー研究会-材料・プロセス・デバイス特性の物理-, 2021.01.
39. 草場 彰, プラズマ乱流データにおけるDMD固有値の高精度推定, NIFS共同研究(研究会)「プラズマインフォマティクス研究会」, 2021.01.
40. 榊原聡真, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 白石賢二, GaN MOVPEにおけるTMG分解過程へのH2とNH3による効果の理論的考察, 第49回結晶成長国内会議, 2020.11.
41. Akira Kusaba, Kilho Shin, Dave Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Predictive Nonlinear Modeling by Koopman Mode Decomposition, 15th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM '20) In Cooperation with IEEE ICDM 2020, 2020.11.
42. Akira Kusaba, Takako Hashimoto, Kilho Shin, David Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Unsupervised Clustering based on Feature-value / Instance Transposition Selection, IEEE Region 10 Conference 2020 (TENCON 2020), 2020.11.
43. 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 則松研二, 三宅秀人, 機械学習によるスパッタAlN膜の高温アニール最適プロセス探索, 第49回結晶成長国内会議, 2020.11.
44. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Norimatsu, Hideto Miyake, Data Analysis for Sputtering and High-Temperature Annealing in AlN Templates Fabrication, 第39回電子材料シンポジウム, 2020.10.
45. Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Shigeru Inagaki, Long-Time Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Plasma Turbulence, 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC-29), 2020.10.
46. 中野崇志, 原嶋庸介, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, らせん転位とMg不純物との複合体を含むGaNの第一原理電子構造解析, 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2020.03.
47. 中野崇志, 原嶋庸介, 大河内勇斗, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, GaN薄膜におけるらせん転位およびMg不純物と電子物性の相関:第一原理計算に基づく理論解析, 第25回電子デバイス界面テクノロジー研究会-材料・プロセス・デバイス特性の物理-, 2020.02.
48. Takako Hashimoto, Akira Kusaba, Dave Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Takeaki Uno, Twitter Topic Progress Visualization using Micro-Clustering, 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), 2020.02.
49. 大河内勇斗, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 叶正, 新田州吾, 本田善央, 天野浩, 白石賢二, 気相反応の観点から見たGaN MOVPE中の炭素混入の原因の解明, 第25回電子デバイス界面テクノロジー研究会-材料・プロセス・デバイス特性の物理-, 2020.01.
50. 草場 彰, DMD法を用いたPANTAプラズマ乱流データの非定常解析, NIFS共同研究(研究会)「プラズマの複雑現象を対象としたデータマイニングの活用」, 2019.12.
51. 草場彰, 久保山哲二, 寒川義裕, 稲垣滋, スパース動的モード分解によるプラズマ乱流データの解析, 第36回プラズマ・核融合学会年会, 2019.12.
52. Souma Sakakibara, Akira Kusaba, Masaaki Araidai, Naoya Okamoto, Katsunori Yoshimatsu, H Watanabe, Shugo Nitta, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, GaN Crystal Growth Multi Physics Simulation With Gas Phase Chemical Reaction, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2019 (ICMaSS 2019), 2019.11.
53. Yuto Okawachi, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Zheng Ye, Yoshio Honda, Shugo Nitta, Hiroshi Amano, Kenji Shiraishi, Study of the Origins of Carbon Impurities on Gallium Nitride MOVPE from a Gas Phase Reaction Perspective, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2019 (ICMaSS 2019), 2019.11.
54. Takashi Nakano, Yosuke Harashima, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Kenji Shiraishi, Atsushi Oshiyama, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, The Electronic State Behavior of the Mg-Segregated Dislocation in GaN, 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS 2019), 2019.11.
55. Takashi Nakano, Kenta Chokawa, Yosuke Harashima, Masaaki Araidai, Kenji Shiraishi, Atsushi Oshiyama, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Theoretical Study about the Leakage Current due to the Dislocation of Mg Segregation in GaN, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2019 (ICMaSS 2019), 2019.11.
56. Yuto Okawachi, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Zheng Ye, Yoshio Honda, Shugo Nitta, Hiroshi Amano, Kenji Shiraishi, Theoretical Study of the Origins of Carbon Impurities on GaN MOVPE from a Gas Phase Reaction Perspective ~ Incorporation of Ga and C Related Molecules ~, 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Widegap Semiconductors (APWS 2019), 2019.11.
57. Akira Kusaba, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Takako Hashimoto, Time Series Electricity Consumption Analysis using Non-negative Matrix Factorization, 10th IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2019), 2019.10.
58. 清水紀志, 秋山亨, アブドルムィッツプラディプト, 中村浩次, 伊藤智徳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, MOVPE条件下におけるIII族窒化物半導体無極性面の熱力学解析, 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2019.09.
59. Takashi Nakano, Kenta Chokawa, Yosuke Harashima, Masaaki Araidai, Kenji Shiraishi, Atsushi Oshiyama, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Microscopic Reason for the Leakage Current due to the Mg-Attached Dislocation in GaN, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2019 (SSDM 2019), 2019.09.
60. 中野崇志, 原嶋庸介, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, らせん転位およびMg不純物を含むGaNの電子構造解析, 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2019.09.
61. 草場 彰, プラズマ乱流データの動的モード分解, NIFS共同研究(研究会)「プラズマインフォマティクス研究会」, 2019.09.
62. 草場彰, 久保山哲二, 動的モード分解におけるモード数低減手法の実験的比較, 人工知能学会第110回人工知能基本問題研究会, 2019.09.
63. 大河内勇斗, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, Zheng Ye, 本田善央, 新田州吾, 天野浩, 白石賢二, 第一原理計算と熱力学的解析によるGaN MOVPE成長中の炭素取り込みの考察, ポスト「京」プロジェクト重点課題(7)「次世代の産業を支える新機能デバイス・高性能材料の創成」第5回シンポジウム, 2019.08.
64. 中野崇志, 原嶋庸介, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, 第一原理計算によるGaNらせん転位中のMg不純物の研究, ポスト「京」プロジェクト重点課題(7)「次世代の産業を支える新機能デバイス・高性能材料の創成」第5回シンポジウム, 2019.08.
65. Takashi Nakano, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Kenji Shiraishi, Atsushi Oshiyama, Shigeyoshi Usami, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Electronic Properties of GaN Nanopipe Threading Dislocation with M-Plane Surface, 13th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-13), 2019.07.
66. Yuto Okawachi, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Sheng Yo, Yoshio Honda, Shugo Nitta, Hiroshi Amano, Kenji Shiraishi, STUDY OF THE ORIGINS OF CARBON IMPURITIES ON GAN MOVPE FROM A GAS PHASE REACTION PERSPECTIVE, 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-19), 2019.07.
67. Takashi Nakano, Kenta Chokawa, Masaaki Araidai, Kenji Shiraishi, Atsushi Oshiyama, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Atsushi Tanaka, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Electronic structure analysis of core structures of threading dislocations in GaN, Compound Semiconductor Week 2019 (CSW 2019), 2019.05.
68. 中野崇志, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 宇佐美茂佳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, GaN薄膜における貫通転位およびナノパイプm壁面の第一原理計算に基づく電子状態解析, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2019.03.
69. 川上賢人, 高村昴, 草場彰, 芳松克則, 岡本直也, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, MOVPE法のGaN結晶成長3次元マルチフィジックスシミュレーション, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2019.03.
70. 榊原聡真, 川上賢人, 高村昴, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 岡本直也, 芳松克則, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, 化学反応を含むGaN結晶成長流体シミュレーション手法の開発, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2019.03.
71. 大河内勇斗, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, 気相反応から考えるGaN MOVPEにおける炭素混入機構, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2019.03.
72. 富澤巧, 川上賢人, 櫻井照夫, 草場彰, 岡本直也, 芳松克則, 醍醐佳明, 水島一郎, 依田孝, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, 縦型結晶成長装置におけるGaN MOVPEシミュレーション, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2019.03.
73. 中野崇志, 長川健太, 大河内勇斗, 洗平昌晃, 白石賢二, 押山淳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 田中敦之, 本田善央, 天野浩, GaNにおける貫通転位およびナノパイプm壁面の電子状態解析, 第24回電子デバイス界面テクノロジー研究会-材料・プロセス・デバイス特性の物理-, 2019.01.
74. 大河内勇斗, 長川健太, 洗平昌晃, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, GaN結晶成長過程における炭素混入メカニズムの理論的解明, 第47回結晶成長国内会議, 2018.11.
75. Satoshi Yamamoto, Yuya Inatomi, Akira Kusaba, Pawel Kempisty, Kenji Shiraishi, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Monte Carlo study of influence of MOVPE growth condition on carbon concentration in GaN epi-layer, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018), 2018.11.
76. Subaru Komura, Kento Kawakami, Akira Kusaba, Katsunori Yoshimatsu, Naoya Okamoto, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, Multiphysics simulation of GaN MOVPE: Flow influence on GaN growth-orientation, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018), 2018.11.
77. Akira Kusaba, Guanchen Li, Pawel Kempisty, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Non-equilibrium analysis of CH4 adsorption on GaN(0001) and (000-1): the growth orientation dependence of the C impurity concentration, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018), 2018.11.
78. Yuki Seta, Abdul Muizz Pradipto, Toru Akiyama, Kohji Nakamura, Tomonori Ito, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Thermodynamic analysis of semipolar GaN and AlN under metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy growth condition, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2018 (IWN 2018), 2018.11.
79. 川上賢人, 高村昴, 草場彰, 芳松克則, 岡本直也, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, 表面再構成構造を考慮したGaN MOVPEのマルチフィジックス流動シミュレーション, 第47回結晶成長国内会議, 2018.11.
80. Subaru Komura, Kento Kawakami, Yoshihiro Yamamoto, Akira Kusaba, Katsunori Yoshimatsu, Naoya Okamoto, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, Flow influence on GaN MOVPE growth-orientation, 9th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth (IWMCG-9), 2018.10.
81. Kento Kawakami, Subaru Komura, Akira Kusaba, Katsunori Yoshimatu, Naoya Okamoto, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, Methodology for Multiphysics Flow Simulation in GaN MOVPE using Thermodynamic Analysis and First Principles Calculations for GaN Deposition, 9th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth (IWMCG-9), 2018.10.
82. 瀬田雄基, アブドルムィッツプラディプト, 秋山亨, 中村浩次, 伊藤智徳, 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 有機金属気相エピタキシー成長における熱力学解析:半極性面の検討, 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2018.09.
83. 草場彰, 李冠辰, パヴェウ・ケンピスティ, マイケル・フォン・スパコフスキー, 寒川義裕, 窒化ガリウム極性面におけるメタン吸着確率と炭素不純物取り込み, 日本学術振興会第162委員会第110回研究会・特別公開シンポジウム「紫外発光デバイスの最前線と将来展望」, 2018.09.
84. Satoshi Yamamoto, Yuya Inatomi, Akira Kusaba, Pawel Kempisty, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Monte Carlo simulation of carbon incorporation in GaN MOVPE, 7th International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-7), 2018.08.
85. Akira Kusaba, Guanchen Li, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Pawel Kempisty, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Relationship between the CH4 Adsorption Probability and the C Impurity Concentration in the Polar-GaN MOVPE System, 7th International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-7), 2018.08.
86. 草場彰, 李冠辰, パヴェウ・ケンピスティ, マイケル・フォン・スパコフスキー, 寒川義裕, GaN-MOVPE成長におけるCH4吸着確率とC不純物濃度の面方位依存性, 第10回ナノ構造・エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2018.07.
87. Yuya Inatomi, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kazunobu Kojima, Shigefusa Chichibu, Formation Mechanism of Singular Structure in AlInN Layer Grown on M-GaN Substrate by MOVPE, 6th International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications (LEDIA '18), 2018.04.
88. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Kenji Shiraishi, Driving force for m-plane GaN MOVPE: a new thermodynamic modeling, 10th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma 2018), 2018.03.
89. 稲富悠也, 草場彰, 柿本浩一, 寒川義裕, 小島一信, 秩父重英, MOVPE成長m面AlInN/GaNヘテロ構造における特異構造(2), 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2018.03.
90. Akira Kusaba, Guanchen Li, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Adsorption of ammonia in III-nitrides vapor phase epitaxy: theoretical approach based on steepest-entropy-ascent quantum thermodynamics, International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices 2017 (IWUMD 2017), 2017.11.
91. 高村昴, 川上賢人, 山本芳裕, 草場彰, 芳松克則, 岡本直也, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, GaN MOVPE法における基板面方位依存性を考慮した流れの影響II, 第46回結晶成長国内会議, 2017.11.
92. 川上賢人, 高村昴, 山本芳裕, 草場彰, 芳松克則, 岡本直也, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, GaN MOVPE法における基板面方位依存性を考慮した流れの影響I, 第46回結晶成長国内会議, 2017.11.
93. 草場彰, 李冠辰, マイケル・ヴォン・スパコフスキー, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, GaN(0001)におけるNH3吸着過程の非平衡量子熱力学モデリング:付着係数の理論解析, 第46回結晶成長国内会議, 2017.11.
94. Akira Kusaba, Guanchen Li, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Steepest-entropy-ascent quantum thermodynamic behavior of ammonia chemical adsorption on GaN(0001) surfaces under MOVPE, E-MRS 2017 Fall Meeting, 2017.09.
95. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Pawel Kempisty, Kenji Shiraishi, Koichi Kakimoto, Akinori Koukitu, Thermodynamic Modeling of GaN MOVPE: Contribution of Surface State, International Conference on Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2017 (ICMaSS 2017), 2017.09.
96. 草場彰, Guanchen Li, Michael R. von Spakovsky, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, NH3化学吸着の非平衡状態発展:最急エントロピー勾配量子熱力学モデリング, 第9回ナノ構造・エピタキシャル成長講演会, 2017.07.
97. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Michael R. von Spakovsky, Kenji Shiraishi, Koichi Kakimoto, Akinori Koukitu, Influence of Growth Orientation on Driving Force for InN Deposition by MOVPE, International Workshop on Ntride Semiconductors 2016 (IWN 2016), 2016.10.
98. Takuya Tamura, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Tomonori Ito, Tadeusz Suski, Koichi Kakimoto, Akinori Koukitu, Contribution of lattice constraint to indium incorporation into coherently grown InGaN, 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18), 2016.08.
99. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Koichi Kakimoto, Kenji Shiraishi, Hiroshi Amano, Akinori Koukitu, Thermodynamic analysis of InN metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy: influence of growth orientation and surface reconstruction, 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18), 2016.08.
100. 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, 白石賢二, 纐纈明伯, InおよびN極性InN有機金属気相成長の熱力学解析, 第35回電子材料シンポジウム, 2016.07.
101. 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 白石賢二, 柿本浩一, 纐纈明伯, InN(0001)面および(000-1)面MOVPE成長の熱力学解析, 第8回窒化物半導体結晶成長講演会, 2016.05.
102. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Yoshio Honda, Hiroshi Amano, Koichi Kakimoto, Ab initio-based approach to surface reconstruction on InN(0001) during induced-pressure MOVPE, 6th International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides (ISGN-6), 2015.11.
103. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanislaw Krukowski, Koishi Kakimoto, Relationship between stability of facet surfaces and incorporation of zinc-blende phase in InN during pressurized reactor MOVPE: A theoretical approach, 5th European Conference on Crystal Growth (ECCG-5), 2015.09.
104. Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanislaw Krukowski, Takeshi Kimura, Tomoyuki Tanikawa, Ryuji Katayama, Takashi Matsuoka, Koichi Kakimoto, Surface Energy and Facet Formation in InN films grown by Pressurized-Reactor MOVPE, 第34回電子材料シンポジウム, 2015.07.
105. 草場彰, 住吉央朗, 寒川義裕, 三宅秀人, 柿本浩一, AlN固体ソース溶液成長における固‐液界面形状のその場観察, 第7回窒化物半導体結晶成長講演会, 2015.05.
106. 草場彰, 寒川義裕, 柿本浩一, InN加圧MOVPE成長における成長形と異相混入:表面エネルギーの理論解析, 第7回窒化物半導体結晶成長講演会, 2015.05.
107. Yutaka Yamada, Akira Kusaba, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Koji Takahashi, Yasuyuki Takata, Wettability-Driven Water Condensation at the Micron and Submicron Scale, 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-15), 2014.08.
108. 山田寛, 草場彰, 生田竜也, 西山貴史, 高橋厚史, 高田保之, グラファイト面上におけるサブミクロンスケールの液滴核生成と成長, 第51回日本伝熱シンポジウム, 2014.05.
109. Yutaka Yamada, Akira Kusaba, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Koji Takahashi, Yasuyuki Takata, Growth and Coalescence of Condensed Microdroplets on Graphite Surface, 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale (HTFFM-V), 2014.04.
110. 山田寛, 草場彰, 生田竜也, 西山貴史, 高橋厚史, 高田保之, ESEMを用いたグラファイト面上の液滴凝縮過程に関する研究, 日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス2013, 2013.10.
111. Yutaka Yamada, Akira Kusaba, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Koji Takahashi, Yasuyuki Takata, Microscopic Mechanism of Water Condensation on HOPG, International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2013 (IMPRES 2013), 2013.09.

