九州大学 研究者情報
塩崎 公大(しおざき まさひろ) データ更新日:2021.06.08

学術研究員 /  応用力学研究所 地球環境力学部門

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 塩崎 公大, 高谷 康太郎, 榎本 剛, El Ninoの日本冬季気候への影響, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.59, pp.180-185, 2016.09, Influence of the ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) on East Asian winter monsoon is examined. It is widely accepted that the El Niño tends to bring warm climate in December-January-February (DJF) winter season in Japan. However, our study reveal that in the DJF-averaged fields the ENSO has little impact on the near-surface temperature anomalies there. In particular, near-surface temperature anomaly fields in the late winter show neutral signals. Simultaneously, the Pacific-Northern American (PNA) pattern is dominant in the upper troposphere while no strong signals are found near Japan. In contrast, in the early winter, the WP pattern with positive phase are dominant so that winter tends to be warm in Western Japan. The opposite is true for La Niña. Dynamical mechanisms of such seasonal evolutions in the upper-level height field from early winter to late winter are not yet clarified yet and thus remain for future work..
2. 塩崎 公大, 榎本 剛, 高谷 康太郎, ENSO時の熱帯海面水温偏差と日本の冬の天候, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.60, pp.486-490, 2017.09.
3. 塩崎 公大, 榎本 剛, 高谷 康太郎, エル・ニーニョ時の対流圏上層の大気応答と日本の冬の寒暖の関係, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No.61, pp.372-379, 2018.09, In the Far East, El Niño (La Niña) typically brings warm (cold) winter via the teleconnections excited by the anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropics. Some ENSO events, however, have the opposite tendencies. To understand the mechanisms of the disparate mid-latitude responses during ENSO, composite analysis has been conducted using long-term reanalysis dataset. Our analysis shows that about 63% (67%) of all El Niño (La Niña) events are classified as typical warm (cold) winter around Japan and about 37% (33%) as atypical events. A Western Pacific (WP)-like pattern appears in typical events. Surprisingly, the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern, which is a well-known feature during ENSO, is obscure during typical events. In fact, the PNA pattern dominates during atypical events with large amplitudes. In addition, SST distributions differ not only in the eastern Pacific Ocean but also in the western Pacific Ocean. These SST anomalies seem to cause differences divergence wind anomalies to cause different atmospheric responses in the mid-latitudes during ENSO..
4. 塩崎 公大, 榎本 剛, 高谷 康太郎, 冬季極東域における寒暖で分類したEl Nino発生時の中高緯度大気の応答, 京都大学防災研究所年報, Vol.62, No.62, pp.379-385, 2019.09, It is well-known that El Niño typically brings warm winter in the Far East and that Western Pacific (WP) and Pacific/North American (PNA) often appear. However, significant events have opposite tendencies. To understand the cause of the difference, composite analysis has been conducted using long-term reanalysis datasets. Our analysis shows that about 63% of El Niño events occurred from1948 are classified as the warm and about 37% as the cold events. Furthermore, the WP and PNA seem to be mutually exclusive and are dominant during warm and cold winters, respectively. The SST anomaly in the Philippine Sea is negative more than that during cold winter. The SST anomaly distribution is corresponding to the Walker circulation anomaly. These differences are appeared from the fall and developed to the winter. Therefore, it is suggested that the disparate mid-latitude responses are associated with SST and the Walker circulation variations in the western Pacific Ocean..
5. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 榎本剛, WP/PNAインデックスと熱帯海面水温偏差との関係, 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), No.115, p.161, 2019.10.
6. 塩崎公大, 高谷康太郎, 榎本剛, 極東域におけるEl Ninoの冬季気候への影響, 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集, No.109, p.49, 2016.04.
7. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, エルニーニョ時の日本の天候と熱帯海面水温偏差, 東アジア域における大気循環の季節内変動に関する研究集会, 2016.11.
8. 塩崎公大, 高谷康太郎, 榎本剛, El Ninoの日本冬季気候への影響, 京都大学防災研究所年報(CD-ROM), No.59, p.ROMBUNNO.59B,20, 2016.09.
9. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, ENSO時の熱帯海面水温偏差と日本の冬の天候, 京都大学防災研究所年報(CD-ROM), No.60, p.486‐490, 2017.09.
10. 塩崎公大, 高谷康太郎, 榎本剛, 榎本剛, ENSOと極東域の寒暖との関係, 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集, No.111, p.148, 2017.04.
11. 塩崎 公大, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, 2015/16年に発生したEl Ni_oの事例解析, 「様々な結合過程がもたらす異常気象の実態とそのメカニズム」に関する研究集会, 2017.11.
12. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, エル・ニーニョ時の対流圏上層の大気応答と日本の冬の寒暖の関係, 京都大学防災研究所年報(CD-ROM), No.61, p.372‐379, 2018.09.
13. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, NINO.3インデックスと日本付近における冬の寒暖との関係, 日本気象学会大会講演予稿集, No.114, p.282, 2018.09.
14. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 榎本剛, El Nino時における冬季極東域への異なる影響に対応する熱帯太平洋・インド洋SST偏差パターン, 日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集, Vol.2018, p.263, 2018.09.
15. 塩崎公大, 榎本剛, 高谷康太郎, 冬季極東域における寒暖で分類したEl Nino発生時の中高緯度大気の応答, 京都大学防災研究所年報(CD-ROM), No.62, p.379‐385, 2019.09.

