九州大学 研究者情報
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田中 さとみ(たなか さとみ) データ更新日:2023.11.22

キーワード:身体活動量, QOL, 消化管がん、周手術期
キーワード:肝移植 身体活動量 QOL
2023.04~2026.03, 代表者:田中 さとみ, 九州大学.
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:田中 さとみ, 九州大学.
2022.04~2025.03, 代表者:藤田 君支, 九州大学.
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:潮みゆき, 福岡女学院看護大学, 日本.
1. Satomi Tanaka, Kimie Fujita, Kanako Yakushiji, Noboru Harada, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Changes in physical activity due to fear of COVID-19 and its impact on depression among post-liver transplant patients in Japan: A longitudinal survey study, Annals of Transplantation, 10.12659/AOT.938239., 2022.11.
2. 田中さとみ, 金岡麻希, 藤田君支, 肝移植後患者の日常生活における身体活動量と関連要因, 日本移植・再生医療看護学会誌, 14, 1, 30-38, 2019.06.
3. Satomi Tanaka ,Kimie Fujita, Maki Kanaoka, Kiyoko Makimoto, Kanako Yakushiji,Rumi Tanaka, Noboru Harada, Toru Ikegami, Tomoharu Yoshizumi, Prospective study of objective physical activity and quality of life in living donor liver transplant recipients, Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 10.1111/jjns.12362, 2020.10, Aim: The aims of this study were to: (a) describe the physical activity (PA) and quality of life (QOL) in living donor liver transplant (LDLT) recipients pre-operatively and at 3 months and 6 months post-operatively; (b) compare PA and QOL at 6 months post-operatively with a healthy control group; and (c) explore pre-operative factors that predict PA changes.
Methods: Patients over 20 years of age who were undergoing LDLT were recruited. PA was measured based on the number of steps/day and time spent performing moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) during 1 week using an accelerometer. QOL was assessed based on a physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) component summary of the eight-item Short-Form Health Survey. The LDLT and healthy control groups were matched for age (±3 years) and gender. Preoperative factors predicting a change in PA were calculated using a generalized linear mixed model.
Results: Twenty-four patients completed the study. By 6 months post-LDLT, the MCS and PCS were comparable to those in the control group. The number of steps (3,887 steps/day) and MVPA (29.3 min/week) showed significant improvement by 6 months post-operatively, but remained much lower compared with those in the control group. The multivariate analysis showed that younger age (p Conclusion: This study suggests the need for pre-operative interventions by healthcare professionals that focus on outcomes such as improving low SMM to facilitate post-operative PA recovery..
4. Satomi Tanaka, Kimie Fujita, Kiyoko Makimoto, Maki Kanaoka, Kanako Yakushiji, Rumi Tanaka, Noboru Harada, Tomoharu Yoshizumi , Relationships of accelerometer-determined physical activity with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, and health-related quality of life in patients after liver transplantation, Clinical Transplantation, 10.1111/ctr.14117, 34, 12, 2020.12, Abstract: The contribution of physical activity (PA) to the prevention of metabolic abnormalities following liver transplantation (LT) has not been well documented. We aimed to assess PA in post-LT patients and to quantify its relationships with the development of postoperative metabolic abnormalities and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). We recruited 111 patients who had undergone LT ≥ 6 months previously. PA was measured by accelerometry, and HRQOL was evaluated using SF-8. PA was quantified as the number of steps per day, and the time spent performing moderate-to vigorous PA and light PA per week. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia increased more than twofold following LT. The proportion of the participants with a sedentary lifestyle (analysis showed that postoperative hypertension and obesity were associated with preoperative body mass index and the number of steps taken (in 2000 steps/day increments). Preoperative diabetes was associated with obesity, and PA was associated with physical function-related HRQOL scores. Thus, increasing the number of steps taken per day has the potential to reduce hypertension and obesity, and PA could improve physical function-related HRQOL in patients following LT..
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Oulu University, Finland, 2018.09~2018.09.
保健学専攻優秀研究賞(博士課程), 九州大学, 2021.03.
第38回日本肝移植学会 優秀演題賞, 日本肝移植学会, 2020.12.
2023年度~2025年度, 若手研究, 代表, 消化器がん高齢者の座位中心ライフスタイルを予防する術前包括的プログラムの開発.
2021年度~2022年度, 研究活動スタート支援, 代表, 新型コロナウイルス流行禍における臓器移植後患者の感染予防と抑うつに関する研究.
2022年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, 頭頸部がん術後を中心としたRCTによる周術期口腔ケアの感染制御効果の検証
2021年度~2023年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 肝移植後の低活動ライフスタイルを変容する看護介入プログラムの開発.
2020年度~2021年度, 公益財団法人 臨床研究奨励基金 コメディカル 臨床研究助成, 代表, 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下における肝移植後患者の身体活動量・Quality of lifeおよび感染への恐怖に関する研究.
2016年度~2017年度, 公益財団法人 木村看護教育振興財団, 分担, 肝移植後患者の生活習慣病と日常生活における身体活動量に関する研究.

