Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Azusa Shibata Last modified date:2024.06.26

Associate Professor / The International Student Center

1. Japanese Training Courses (JTCs).
2. 2023 Overview of the Japanese Language Education for those in the Undergraduate International Program in English (IUPE) at the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture.
3. 2022 Overview of the Japanese Language Education for those in the Undergraduate International Program in English (IUPE) at the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture.
4. 柴田あづさ, 農学部・工学部の学士課程国際コース生に対する日本語教育― 2021年度の実施状況 , 九州大学留学生センター紀要第30号, 2022.04.
5. 野中ちさと、柴田あづさ、五嶋佳夜, Summer in Japan (SIJ)2021 オンラインプログラム実施報告, 九州大学留学生センター紀要第30号, 2022.04.