Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Atsushi Suzuki Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Education / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Rezension von: Ritzi, Ch.,Wiegmann, U.(Hrsg.): Beobachten/ Messen/ Experimentieren. Beiträge zur Geschichte der empirischen Pädagogik/ Erziehungs- wissenschaft. Bad Heilbrunn 2010..
2. Rezension von: Impekoven, Holger: Die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und das Ausländerstudium in Deutschland 1925-1945, Von der „geräuschlosen Propaganda“ zur Ausbildung der „geistigen Wehr“ des „Neuen Europa“. Göttingen: Bonn University. Press bei V&R u.
3. Book Introductions : Theodor Litt, Translated by Michio Ogasawara and Shinji Nobira, Die offentliche Verantwortung der Wissenschaft.
4. How Can We Moralize the Moral Education? : On the Case of Lecture Using a Story "Tejinashi".
5. Book Review.
6. (Translation) The Legacy of 'Hiroshima' in Germany : History and Current Problems.
7. On the Possibilities of the Philosophical Study of Education Contributing to the Development of Moral Education.
8. Reflection on the Discipline `Education Studies' and its Sub-disciplines : Changes in the Names of Chairs for Education Studies at National Research Universities in Japan after World War II and the Names and Establishment Processes of Academic Societies Relating to Education Studies
This paper attempts to visualize the changes in the names of chairs for education studies at postwar Japanese national research universities and to identify academic societies relating to education studies. Through this process, we will clarify the uncertainty of the disciplines of "education studies" and "academic societies OF education studies," which many researchers consider to be self-evident premise, and create a common foundation for next discussions..