九州大学 研究者情報
HO HSIN-NI(ほーしんにー) データ更新日:2024.06.03

准教授 /  芸術工学研究院 メディアデザイン部門 インタラクションデザイン講座

1. Brooks, J., Bahremand, A., Lopes, P., Spackman, C., Amores Fernandez, J., Ho, H.N., Inami, M. and Niedenthal, S., Sharing and Experiencing Hardware and Methods to Advance Smell, Taste, and Temperature Interfaces, 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023.04.
2. Jodai, T., Terao, M., Jones, L.A. & Ho, H.-N. , Determination of the Thermal-tactile Simultaneity Window for Multisensory Cutaneous Displays, World Haptics 2023, 2023.07.
3. Hsin-Ni Ho, Atsu Nishimura, 物体の熱特性と材質カテゴリの心的表象の関係の探索, 日本基礎心理学会第42回大会, 2023.12.
4. Hsin-Ni Ho, 温・触覚間の多感覚相互作用, 日本基礎心理学会第42回大会, 2023.12.
5. 山下 藍香, 佐藤 克成, 冬野 美晴, Hsin-Ni Ho, 遠隔ビデオ通話における振動フィードバックの共同作業感への影響, Interaction 2024 第28回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム, 2024.03.
6. 西村 惇, 三浦 飛鳥, 宮﨑 康次, 何昕霓, 材質カテゴリーの心的表象に及ぼす熱特性の影響についての探求, 第19回日本感性工学会春季大会, 2024.03.
7. 室山 理奈, 何 昕霓, オノマトペマップを用いた温度が生地の質感知覚に与える影響の評価, 第19回日本感性工学会春季大会, 2024.03.
8. 桑島理子, 渡邊淳司, Hsin-Ni Ho, 触覚による鼓動の知覚がバーチャルアバターの印象に与える影響の調査, ハプティクス研究委員会;回研究会, 2023.11.
9. Rina Muroyama, Hsin-Ni Ho, オノマトペマップを用いた温度が生地の質感知覚に与える影響の評価, ハプティクス研究委員会 第31回研究会, 2023.11.
10. 亀山直生, Hsin-Ni Ho, Verification of Thermal Property of Artificial Fingers for Recording Thermal Transients During Hand-Object Interaction, ハプティクス研究委員会 第31回研究会, 2023.11.
11. Takuya Jodai, Masahiko Terao, Lynette A. Jones, Hsin-Ni Ho, Simultaneous Perception of Warming and Tactile Stimuli in Multisensory Cutaneous Displays, ハプティクス研究委員会 第31回研究会, 2023.11.
12. Hsin-Ni Ho, Facilitating Interpersonal Communication with Mediated Social Touch, Mediated Social Touch - Interdisciplinary Exploration of Digital Touch to Connect Humans Workshop, 2023.11.
13. Jodai, T, Terao, M, Jones, L.A, Ho, H, Determination of the thermal-tactile simultaneity window for multisensory displays, 第14回多感覚研究会, 2023.11.
14. 竹之内 和樹, 何昕霓, メディア系コースにおける機構を利用したインタラクション装置試作演習の指導, ヒューマンサポートサイエンス学会 (HSS学会), 2023.07.
15. 山下 藍香, 渡邊 淳司, Hsin-Ni Ho, Assessing Emotional Sharing Using Air-Transmit Haptic Communication Device, 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 2023.09.
16. 亀山 直生, 渡邊 淳司, 何 昕霓, 最後通牒ゲームを社会的距離の測定に用いることの妥当性の検討, 第 202回 ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会., 2023.03.
17. 山下藍香, 渡邊 淳司, 何 昕霓, 動画鑑賞時における触覚デバイスを通じた感情の伝達に関する評価, 第 202回 ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会, 2023.03.
18. 西村惇, 何昕霓, 温度手がかりに基づく材質知覚の研究, ハプティクス研究委員会 第29回研究会, 2022.11.
19. Kameyama, N, Watanabe, J, Ho, H.-N, Verification of the effect of feeling heartbeat by touch on social distance, ハプティクス研究委員会 第29回研究会., 2022.11.
20. Yamashita, A, Watanabe, J, Ho, H.-N, Verification in the transmission of emotion through a haptic device, ハプティクス研究委員会 第29回研究会, 2022.11.
21. Jodai, T, Terao, M, Jones. L.A., Ho, H.-N, Determination of the thermal-tactile simultaneity window for multisensory displays, ハプティクス研究委員会 第29回研究会, 2022.11.
22. Ho, H.-N, Kuwajima, R, Ishii, T, Physiological and Psychological Effects of Body Projection Mapping, 第27回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 2022.09.
23. Jones, L.A, Ho, H.-N, Thermal and tactile sensing and the development of multisensory cutaneous displays, RoboTac 2021: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Interactive Perception, Control, and Learning, 2021.09.
24. Hsin-Ni Ho, Importance of relaying warmth in this pandemic time, Smell, Taste, and Temperature Interfaces Workshop at CHI 2021, 2021.05.
25. Terashima, H, Ho, H.-N, Wakamatsu, K, Kwon, J, Sakamoto, M, Nakauchi, S, Nishida, S, Colour-temperature relationship in natural texture images revealed by domain adaptation, 2020年度 人工知能学会全国大会Online meeting, 2020.05.
26. Ho, H.-N, Terashima, H, Wakamatsu, K, Kwon, J, Sakamoto, M, Nakauchi, S, Nishida, S, Visual inference for warm/cold perception of surfaces, European Conference on Visual Perception, 2019.08.
27. Hsin-Ni Ho, Is touching believing? Color influence in object temperature perception, 2019.07.
28. Ho, H.-N, Chow, H, Tsunokake, S, Roseboom, W, Thermal-tactile Integration in Object Temperature Perception, World haptics, 2019.07.
29. Ho, H.-N, Sato, K, Kuroki, S, Watanabe, J, Maeno, T, Nishida, S, Physical-Perceptual Correspondence for Dynamic Thermal Stimulation, IEEE Haptics symposium, 2018.05.
30. Hsin-Ni Ho, Crossmodal influence on object temperature perception, 愛媛大学知覚研究会, 2018.03.
31. Ho, H.-N, Tactile influence on temperature perception, Japan-UK bilateral meeting: New Directions in Somatosensation, 2017.09.
32. Tseng, C, Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Symposia: Visual Science and Its Outreach to General Public, APCV 2017, 2017.05.
33. Hsin-Ni Ho, Is the hand trustworthy? Multimodal influence in haptic object perception, International Workshop on Multimodal Virtual & Augmented Reality (MVAR 2016), in conjunction with ACM ICMI 2016, 2016.11.
34. Hsin-Ni Ho, Thermo-tactile interactions in object temperature perception, ERC Computational Touch workshop, 2016.09.
35. Ho, H.-N, Physical and perceptual processes underlying thermal aspect of hand-object interactions, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, 2016.07.
36. Ho, H.-N, Influence of object material properties and geometry on skin temperature responses during contact, EuroHaptics 2016, 2016.07.
37. Ho, H.-N, Chow, D, Roseboom, W, Adaptation to illusory thermal uniformity created by thermal referral, International Congress on Psychology, 2016.05.
38. Ho, H.-N, Averaging or contrast? Haptic illusions resulting from two crossmodal integration strategies, EuroHaptics, 2016.05.
39. Ho, H.-N, Sato, K, Kuroki, S, Watanabe, J, Maeno, T, Nishida, S, Perceptual Representation of Dynamic Thermal Stimulation, Workshop:Thermal Perception & Thermal Displays, EuroHaptics 2016, 2016.05.
40. Ho, H.-N, Thermal modeling for material identification, 【OS】質感と感性, 2016年度 人工知能学会全国大会, 2016.05.
41. Hsin-Ni Ho, 触覚の多感覚統合: 温度と色の知覚相互作用, 第七回多感覚研究会 触覚認知研究ワークショップ, 2015.11.
42. Ho, H.-N, Color-temperature correspondence and its impact on object temperature perception, Powerful Young Researchers' Presentations, International Symposium on Foundations of Visual Information, 2015.09.
43. Ho, H.-N, 物体の温度知覚に色情報が与える影響, 【OS】力触覚の提示と計算:触感の設計, 第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 2015.09.
44. Ho, H.-N, What do you know about human thermal perception?, National Taiwan University, 2014.05.
45. Ho, H.-N, 色と温度の相互作用:赤い物体よりも青い物体に触れたときのほうが温かく感じやすい, 日本基礎心理学会第33回大会 サテライトオーラルセッション, 2014.05.
46. Ho, H.-N, Iwai, D, Yoshikawa, Y, Watanabe, J, Nishida, S, A study on color-temperature interactions, 第五回多感覚研究会, 2013.11.
47. Ho, H.-N, Sato, K, Kuroki, S, Watanabe, J, Maeno, T, Nishida, S, Timing difference between subjective and physical temperature peaks in warm and cold senses, H25温熱生理研究会,岡崎生理研, 2013.09.
48. Ho, H.-N, Iwai, D, Yoshikawa, Y, Watanabe, J, Nishida, S, Effects of color on perceived temperature, Proceedings of European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2013), 2013.08.
49. Ho, H.-N, Sato, K, Kuroki, S, Watanabe, J, Maeno, T, Nishida, S, Dissociation of subjective peak timing between hot and cold stimuli, 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2013.06.
50. Ho, H.-N, Van Doorn, G, Kawabe, T, Watanabe, J, Spence, C, A study on thermal-colour correspondences, 第四回多感覚研究会, 2013.01.
51. Ho, H.-N, Norimichi Kitagawa, Makio Kashino, The Effects of Temperature on Impulse Control, The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2012.09.
52. Ho, H.-N, Thermal Referral- A study on cross-modal processing between thermal and tactile modalities, University College of London, London, UK, 2012.06.
53. Ho, H.-N, Penny Bergman, Ai Koizumi, Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Norimichi Kitagawa, The pleasant heat? A study of thermal-emotion associations, 13th International Multisensory Research Forum, 2012.06.
54. Hsin-Ni Ho, 温度感覚と触覚の統合メカニズム, 日本心理学会第75回大会 ワークショップ「学際的な触覚研究の最前線」, 2011.09.
55. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Somatotopic or Spatiotopic? Frame of reference for localizing thermal sensations under thermo-tactile interactions, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2010.11.
56. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Thermal referral: A filling-in phenomenon that involves cross-modal processing of thermal and tactile stimuli, 33nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2010.09.
57. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Mechanisms underlying referral of thermal sensations to sites of tactile stimulation, Tactile Research Group meeting, 2010.05.
58. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Thermal sensations redistribute within the tactile boundary, 第一回多感覚研究会, 2009.12.
59. Ho, H.-N, Craig, A.D, Feeling of cooling on a non-stimulated skin site: Effect of vascular response on thermal perception, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, 2009.09.
60. Ho, H.-N, Craig, A.D, Cooling of a non-stimulated skin site due to activation of sympathetic cutaneous vasoconstrictors, the 3rd International Symposium on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation 2009 (PPTR2009), 2009.07.
61. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Thermal intensity perception under thermo-tactile interaction, 10th International Multisensory Research Forum, 2009.06.
62. Galie, J, Ho, H.-N, Jones, L.A, Influence of contact conditions on thermal responses of the hand, World Haptics Conference 2009 (3rd Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems), 2009.03.
63. Galie, J, Ho, H.-N, Jones, L.A, Revealing invisible traces of human-object interactions with thermal vision, World Haptics Conference 2009 (3rd Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems), 2009.03.
64. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Perceptual thermal uniformity created by thermal referral, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2008.11.
65. Ho, H.-N, 温度感覚における触覚の役割, 日本心理学会第72回大会 「触」経験と多感覚統合ワークショップ, 2008.09.
66. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Role of Touch in thermal localization, 9th International Multisensory Research Forum, 2008.06.
67. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Revealing the effects of finger position on referred thermal sensation, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, 2007.11.
68. Ho, H.-N, Jones, L.A, Monitoring skin temperature during hand-object interactions, Proceedings of the 2007 InfraMation Conference, 2007.10.
69. Ho, H.-N, Amemiya, T, Ando, H, Revealing invisible traces of human-object interactions with thermal vision, Proceedings of the 2007 InfraMation Conference, 2007.10.
70. Tajadura-Jiménez, A, Väljamäe, A, Kitagawa, N, Ho, H.-N, Whole-Body Vibration Influences Sound Localization in the Median Plane, Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 2007.10.
71. Ho, H.-N, Watanabe, J, Ando, H, Kashino, M, Discrimination of Referred Thermal Sensation with Uncrossed and Crossed Fingers, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第12回大会, 2007.09.
72. Jones, L.A, d Ho, H.-N, Model-based Thermal Display for Object Discrimination, Society for Neuroscience, 2006.10.
73. Jones, L.A, d Ho, H.-N, The role of thermal cues in material discrimination, Society for Neuroscience.

