Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
UENISHI YOSHIHIRO Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics / Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics / Faculty of Agriculture

1. Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of Agricultural Corporations and their Intention to Adopt Smart Farming Technologies: A Case Study of Corporate Rice Farming.
2. Factors Affecting Utilization of Robotic and Automation Technology in Corporate Rice Farming.
3. An Analysis on the Relationship between Taste Sensitivities and Consumer Preferences.
4. Change in Consumer Behavior and Eating Habits during the Spread of COVID-19
Using a depth interview, this study analyzed the change in consumer behavior and eating habits during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that during April to May 2020, most respondents had reduced the frequency of shopping. Some of them cooked new dishes and increased the number of meals as they stayed at home for longer hours and had enough time in hand for cooking. We also noted that during March to May 2021, when the work schedule returned to pre-COVID-19 times, the frequency of shopping and meal menus returned as well..
5. わが国ワイン産業におけるバルクワインの役割と展望.
6. Diffusion Process of New Farming Operations: The Case of Kohnotori-hagukumu Nouhou (Farming Formula to Nurture Oriental Stork).
7. UENISHI Yoshihiro, SAKAMOTO Kiyohiko, Creating Farming Practices for Social Innovation: The Case of Kohnotori-hagukumu Nouhou (Farming formula nurturing oriental storks), The Natural Resource Economics Review, Special, Special Issue, 15-24, 2017.03.
8. Motivations Influencing Farmers' Adoption of a Conservation-oriented Farming Method : A Case of a Farming Formula for Nurturing Oriental Storks.
9. The Evaluation of Oversea Consumers and Actual Users Toward Long Term Storage Shine Muscat : Base on the Survey at Messe Berlin Fruit Logistica 2018.
10. Factors Affecting the Diffusion of Conservation-Oriented Farming Methods

Value-added rice products associated with ecological protection have attracted significant research attention in recent times. However, farming methods related to the production of these products are not diffusing rapidly. This study analyzes the factors affecting the diffusion of conservation-oriented farming methods, or, in other words, the farming formula to nurture oriental stork and Japanese crested ibis. We focused on three parameters that impact the shape of diffusion curves—time required to reach an acceptance of 5%; rate of acceptance; and ceiling value. The case study showed that the diffusion curve of each farming method had a different shape. Rapid diffusion of the formula at an early stage can be ensured by conducting seminars on new farming technologies. In addition, the ceiling value can be increased by purchasing rice at higher prices, promoting awareness of the factors that prevent farmers from introducing these methods, and regularly conducting seminars for farmers.

11. Factors that Encourage Farmers to Adopt Farming Methods to Conserve the Japanese Crested Ibis

Conservation-oriented farming techniques have attracted increasing attention in recent years. We focus on effective and efficient diffusion of methods to conserve the Japanese crested ibis living in certified rice farms in Sado city. We identify factors that affect farmers' decisions regarding the adoption of conservation-oriented farming methods from the perspective of both the trial and confirmation stage; we also distinguish between interrupted, introduction, and non-introduction farmers. Results show that introduction and non-introduction farmers significantly differed with regards to living settlements, rice cropping areas, management philosophies, and their relationships with the Japanese crested ibis. Analysis of introduction farmers shows that pioneer farmers were mainly motivated by the aspects of contributing to the Japanese crested ibis and rice branding. Analysis of interrupted farmers suggests that generously paying farmers to attend workshops that give information about farming methods may prove effective. Finally, analysis of non-introduction farmers suggests that holding workshops that give information about how to apply to the certification system may be the most effective.

12. Product Test Using the Preference Type Sensory Evaluation : the Evaluation of Baked Sweet Potatoes in Singapore.
13. Economic Effects of Introducing a High-Efficiency Weeder in Organic Rice Cultivation

In this study, we focused on the task of weeding that had been an issue in organic rice cultivation, and investigated the economic effects of introducing a high-efficiency weeder. We analyzed working hours and production costs, and estimated the possibility of expanding the organic rice acreage. The results were as follows: (1) The weeding time in organic rice cultivation decreased significantly; (2) although the production cost of organic rice cultivation was higher than that of conventional rice cultivation, it was more advantageous, considering the price of organic rice; and (3) estimation by linear programming revealed that using a high-efficiency weeder could increase the area under organic rice cultivation.

14. An Analysis of Foreign Consumer Preferences for Japanese Agricultural Products:Consumer Evaluation of Baked Sweet Potatoes Between Singapore and Thailand
This study analyzed the consumer preferences for Japanese baked sweet potatoes in Singapore and Thailand. We conducted tasting surveys on consumers using three different types of Japanese baked sweet potatoes. As a result, firstly, we find that both countries consumers generally prefer Japanese baked sweet potatoes. Secondly, we also find consumers in two countries have different preferences. More specifically, consumers in Singapore tend to prefer sweeter varieties, but on the other hand Thailand doesn't. Thus, it is vital to conduct this kind of tasting survey and clarify the preferences of each country to increase exports of Japanese agricultural products..