Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
Kondo Masatoshi Last modified date:2024.04.09

Professor / Department of Health Sciences / Faculty of Medical Sciences

1. マルチスライスヘリカルCTにおける心拍同期再構成の検討 第2報 心拍数の変化に対するX線管回転速度の変化.
2. マルチスライスヘリカルCTにおける心拍同期再構成の検討 第1報 心拍数の変化とtime sensitivity profile:TSP.
3. マンモグラフィ検診におけるコンピュータ支援診断の有用性に関する研究.
4. Automated Image Quality Evaluation Method for Specks by Density Gradient Vector Analysis
We have been developing an automated image quality evaluation method (AIQEM) for quantitative evaluations of specks on the American College of Radiology (ACR) 156 mammographic phantom images. The AIQEM consists of the following two main steps:(a) Extracting speck shadows using a density gradient vector analysis and (b) analyzing a speck signal to noise ratio (SNR) and a size of a speck shadow to detect it as visible or not. In this paper, we describe experimental results of subjective evaluations by nine Japanese experienced radiologic technologists and the AIQEM on forty-two phantom images, and the AIQEM performance and reproductively. As initial results, the AIQEM sensitivities were 98% for 1 facility database and 100% for 21 facilities database for the 3rd group of specks, and 91% for 1 facility database and 95% for 21 facilities database for the 4th group of specks. The AIQEM reproductively for the 3rd group of specks was sufficient for the image quality evaluation. It was concluded that the AIQEM was an effective method for a quantitively image quality evaluation on the ACR 156 mammographic phantom..
5. マルチスライスCTの現状から未来へ Brilliance CT 64がマルチスライスCTのメリットを最大限に引き出す.
6. Cardiac Imagingにおけるモダリティ別技術の到達点 循環器における最新技術:Beat to Beat Variable Delay Algorithm.
7. 64列マルチスライスCTの可能性を引き出す.
8. マルチモダリティによるHead & Neck Imaging 2007 【技術編】 それぞれの技術の到達点 頭頸部領域においてBrilliance CTがもたらすソリューション.
9. マルチスライスCT活用法2007 胸部領域におけるCare Cycleの視点で覗いたBrilliance CTの可能性.
10. Spectral CTの誕生.
11. CardiacCTAのためのDual Phase Cardiac AECの検討―第1報 動作原理と臨床応用のための基礎的検討―.
12. Brilliance CTのソリューションと将来展望.
13. 広範囲検出器を搭載したCT装置における,新たな線量低減機構(spiral dynamic z‐collimator)の有用性について.
14. ヘリカルスキャン時のオーバーレンジにおける線量低減機構の評価.
15. 逐次近似再構成法を用いたX線CTにおける線量と低コントラスト検出能の関係.
16. CT肺癌検診における逐次近似画像再構成法を用いた低線量撮影:他疾患の画質への影響の検討.
17. CT perfusionデータに基づく脳血管CTAにおける動静脈分離の至適撮影タイミングの検討.
18. 256‐slice心臓CTでのsplit‐bolus injectionによる右心室造影効果の向上.
19. 心臓CTを用いた大動脈弁狭窄の重症度評価.
20. 低被曝線量を用いたCT angiographyにおける逐次近似法の効果.
21. 応用型逐次近似再構成が単純CTの肝細胞がんの画像診断に与える影響.
22. テストインジェクション法を用いた冠動脈CT‐Angiographyにおける心機能と大動脈最大濃染時間の関係.
23. 超高精細CTを用いた頭部3D-CTAにおける微小血管の描出能の検討.
24. 超高精細CTにおける高精細モードと逐次近似応用再構成による画像のSNRと視認性の向上.
25. Prognostic Prediction of Glioblastomas By Using Genes and Image Features

Technologies of computer-aided diagnosis(CAD)have been applied to the detection or differential diagnosis of lesions so far. However, there are few cases where CAD technology is applied to therapy. The purpose of this study is to propose a method for the prognostic prediction of glioblastomas by using genes and image features. Our database consists of messenger RNAs(mRNAs), MR images and survival times obtained from 62 patients(41 males, 21 females).First,we selected 20 genes from 12042 mRNA, which were having small Deviance residuals in the univariate Cox regression. After the tumor regions in MR images were manually segmented, we calculated 94 image features such as size, shape, pixel value,and texture in the segmented tumor regions. Twenty image features were selected by the same manner used in the selection of genes. We estimated the survivor functions for 62 patients by using Cox regression with selected genes and image features. The outputs of Cox regression were evaluated by using the time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC)analysis. The experimental result showed that the time-specific area under the curve AUC(t)exceeded 0.82 when the survival time less than 296 days. Because our method can provide objective information about the patient's prognosis, it would be useful for assisting in the determination of suitable treatment of brain tumor patients.

26. 超高精細CTを用いた冠動脈CTにおけるHigh kVp撮影の有用性について.
27. 超高精細CTを用いた冠動脈CTにおけるHigh kVp撮影の有用性について.
28. 超高精細CTの撮影モードと焦点サイズが画質に与える影響.
29. 超高精細CTの撮影モードと焦点サイズが画質に与える影響.
30. 冠動脈ステントの内腔評価における超高精細CTの撮影モードの影響.
31. 冠動脈ステントの内腔評価における超高精細CTの撮影モードの影響.
32. 低管電圧撮影と新たなスキャンタイミング決定法による320列冠動脈CT検査:造影剤低減効果の検討.
33. 低管電圧撮影と新たなスキャンタイミング決定法による320列冠動脈CT検査:造影剤低減効果の検討.
34. 超高精細CTを用いたDual energy CT angiographyにおけるカルシウム除去精度の向上.