九州大学 研究者情報
松坂 俊輝(まつさか としき) データ更新日:2024.06.26

助教 /  数理学研究院 代数幾何部門

1. Toshiki Matsusaka, A Hyperbolic Analogue of the Rademacher Symbol, Mathematische Annalen, 388, 2843-2886, 2024.03.
2. Rinnosuke Matsuhira, Toshiki Matsusaka, Koki Tsuchida, How long can k-Göbel sequences remain integers?, The American Mathematical Monthly, 2024.03.
3. Toshiki Matsusaka, Yuji Terashima, Modular transformations of homological blocks for Seifert fibered homology 3-spheres, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405, 48, 2024.02.
4. Toshiki Matsusaka, Genki Shibukawa, Curious congruences for cyclotomic polynomials II, Research in Number Theory, 10, 3, 2024.01.
5. Yuqi Deng, Riku Kurimaru, Toshiki Matsusaka, Arithmetic Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants for real quadratic fields, quadratic residue graphs, and density formulas, Research in Number Theory, 2023.10.
6. Toshiki Matsusaka, Hikami's observations on unified WRT invariants and false theta functions, "Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, accepted, 2023.04.
7. Beáta Bényi, Toshiki Matsusaka, Combinatorial aspects of poly-Bernoulli polynomials and poly-Euler numbers, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 2022.12.
8. Beáta Bényi, Toshiki Matsusaka, Remarkable relations between the central binomial series, Eulerian polynomials, and poly-Bernoulli numbers , Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, 2022.12.
9. Toshiki Matsusaka, Jun Ueki, Modular knots, automorphic forms, and the Rademacher symbols for triangle groups, Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2022.12.
10. Minoru Hirose, Toshiki Matsusaka, Ryutaro Sekigawa, Hyuga Yoshizaki, Bijective enumerations for symmetrized poly-Bernoulli polynomials, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 29, 3, 1-18, 2022.08.
11. Kohji Matsumoto, Toshiki Matsusaka, Ilija Tanackov, On the behavior of multiple zeta-functions with identical arguments on the real line, Journal of Number Theory, 239, 151-182, 2022.01.
12. Toshiki Matsusaka, Ramanujan’s mock theta functions and mock modular forms, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2020, accepted, 2021.07.
13. Toshiki Matsusaka, Kota Saito, Linear Diophantine equations in Piatetski-Shapiro sequences, Acta Arithmetica, 10.4064/AA200927-15-2, 200, 1, 91-110, 2021.05.
14. Beáta Bényi, Toshiki Matsusaka, On the combinatorics of symmetrized poly-Bernoulli numbers, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021.03.
15. Toshiki Matsusaka, Symmetrized poly-Bernoulli numbers and combinatorics, Journal of Integer Sequences, 23, Article 10.9.2, 2020.09.
16. 松坂 俊輝, Polyharmonic weak Maass forms of higher depth for SL_2(Z), Ramanujan Journal, 51, 1, 19-42, 2020.01.
17. 松坂 俊輝, Fourier coefficients of polyharmonic weak Maass forms, 九州大学 博士論文, 2019.02.
18. 松坂 俊輝, Traces of CM values and cycle integrals of polyharmonic Maass forms, Res. Number Theory, 5, 1, 1-25, 2019.01.
19. Toshiki Matsusaka, Real zeros of the Hurwitz zeta function, Acta Arithmetica, 10.4064/aa8647-11-2017, 183, 1, 53-62, 2018.02.
20. 松坂 俊輝, The Fourier coefficients of the McKay-Thompson series and the traces of CM values, Res. Number Theory, 3, 1-16, 2017.12.
21. Toshiki Matsusaka, Ryotaro Osanai, ARITHMETIC FORMULAS FOR THE FOURIER COEFFICIENTS OF HAUPTMODULN OF LEVEL 2, 3, AND 5, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 10.1090/proc/13333, 145, 4, 1383-1392, 2017.04, We give arithmetic formulas for the coefficients of Hauptmoduln of higher level as analogues of Kaneko's formula for the j-invariant. We also obtain their asymptotic formulas by employing Murty-Sampath's method..
22. Toshiki Matsusaka, The Fourier coefficients of the McKay-Thompson series and the traces of CM values, an announcement, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics, 2016, B77, 2016.12.

