Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Satoko Yasuda Last modified date:2024.05.25

Professor / Department of Industrial and Business System / Faculty of Economics

1. Exploring the Uncharted Territories of the University-Industry Collaboration: A spectrum of knowledge transfer through formal and informal channels
This paper attempts to demonstrate that university-industry (U-I) linkages take multifaceted forms simultaneously spanning across the whole spectrum beyond the usual understanding of industry-funded joint research and commercialization of intellectual property rights. It unveils a variety of informal knowledge-transfer channels, most of which had rarely been investigated. The analyses are on the various records regarding multiple types of U-I collaborations between Mutoh-Umemura Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of the University of Tokyo and various companies and corporate scientists during 1941–1977. The channels analyzed include "consulting," "laboratory equipment and materials granted by companies," "accepting corporate scientists into university labs for training purposes," "employment of graduate students and their continued research in corporate labs," "recruiting university professors to industry labs," "regular research meetings," and "relationship cultivation among professors, alumni, and corporate scientists.".
2. 知識創造・普及における企業と大学の連携.
3. Literature Review on “Star Scientist”: Current trends and implications for advanced study
The paper reviews the existing literature on the subject of "Star Scientists." The review centers on a series of publications by Zucker, Darby et al., attempting to validate the "Star Scientists" concept itself, considering various academic settings. Three primary objectives of the review are 1) Categorize existing literature in line with three research agendas, including "individual characteristics of Stars," "Stars' interrelations with the research community and organizational resources," and "the impact of Stars on the economy." 2) Understand why there has been an increase of interest in Star Scientists within the context of the Industrial Revolution, General Purpose Technologies, and Innovation Systems in recent years. 3) Survey the Japanese counterparts to Star Scientist. The review concludes with a summary of facts regarding Star Scientists' contributions in a multitude of circumstances..
4. An Exploratory Study of Innovation Ecosystem of the Internet of Things (IoT) Era : The Role of Non-Market Institutions in the Third & Fourth Industrial Revolutions.
5. Global Mobility of Talents and Return Migration Policies Targeting the Highly Skilled : “Ramanujan Fellowship” in India and “Hundred Talents Program” in China.
6. 安田, 聡子, Innovation in Microelectronics Equipment and Impact on Export Competitiveness of East Asian Countries : A Study of Japan’s Sewing Machines Operating in Garment Factories during the 1990s, International Review of Business (departmental bulletin paper, Kwansei Gakuin University), 17, 27-40, 2017.03.
7. Mobility and academic entrepreneurship: An empirical analysis of Japanese scientists.
8. Two types of mobility and their effects on academic entrepreneurship: snowball type mobility and rolling stone type mobility.
9. Innovation and the Global Mobility of Talents : Exploring a Conceptual Framework for Strategic Employment of Highly Skilled Migrants.
10. Who Creates University Spinoff Firms in Japan?.
11. Commercialization of University Knowledge and Academic Entrepreneur : Is front-line theory applicable to Japan's status quo?.
12. 安田, 聡子, Exploring a Conceptual Framework for Academic Entrepreneurship : Beyond Pasteur’s Quadrant, International Review of Business (departmental bulletin paper, Kwansei Gakuin University), 11, 25-40, 2011.03.
13. A Study on Units of Analyses employed by Innovation and Entrepreneur Studies : Star Scientist, Social Entrepreneur, and Strategic Entrepreneurship.
14. Study on Management of Technology (MOT) of A Japanese Small-sized High-tech Firm : focusing on the import of Russian technology and the employment of foreign highly-skilled personnel.
15. Study on Japanese university-based startup firms and their international human resources devoted to science and technology (HRST): measuring foreign residents' contribution to knowledge creation.
16. Study on innovation managemant and linkage building of small and medium sized firms: Study on Innovation Management and Linkage Building of Small and Medium Sized Firms.
17. Study on Recent Trends in the Brain Circulation : International Mobility of Human Resources devoted to Science and Technology.
18. Survival Strategies of Japanese SMEs-How do profitable SMEs in the clothing industry determine their markets, management styles of production resources, and locations of production?-―縫製企業の事例から分析する市場・生産資源・生産地選択―
This paper explores how Japanese competitive SMEs are recovering from their recent predicaments that have been caused by an avalanche of Chinese products into the Japanese market by looking at five Japanese clothing companies. The main findings are as follows: 1) even within the Japanese garment market, the sources of value added differ in each market segment, 2) it is the sources of value added which affect the decision of firms regarding the degree of the digitalization of intra-firm information flow and processing, 3) firms that have highly digitalized information are able to determine the production location under fewer constraints than those do not, 4) among firms that prefer highly digitalized information flow and processing, those which have sophisticated HRM are likely to locate their production overseas, while others prefer reconstructing their domestic factories.
生残りに成功している中小企業5社の事例を分析し、次の4つの点を指摘した : (1) 市場により付加価値の源泉はそれぞれ違う、(2) 付加価値の源泉の違いは、各社における情報の在り方 (デジタル情報か、非デジタル情報か) に影響を及ぼしている、(3) 情報をデジタル化している企業は、非デジタルの企業に比べて、より自由に生産地を選ぶことが出来ている、(4) デジタル化情報を扱う企業の中でも、高度な人的資源管理を持つ企業は、さらに自由に生産地を選択することが出来ている。こうした分析から、労働集約的部門に属している企業であっても途上国生産が生残りの万能薬ではないこと、むしろ、市場の要求、生産資源の特徴、生産地の3つを慎重に適合させる優れた技術経営が生残りにとって重要であるという結論に至った。.
19. マイクロエレクトロニクス技術による熟練代替効果--東アジアにおけるME縫製機器の事例