Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Ike Yuichi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Division of Industrial and Mathematical Statistics / Institute of Mathematics for Industry

1. Yuichi Ike, Sheaf quantization for the completion of the space of Lagrangians, 超局所解析と漸近解析における諸問題, 2023.11.
2. Yuichi Ike, Persistent Homology and Machine Learning, WORKSHOP on Mathematics for Industry, 2023.09.
3. Yuichi Ike, The completion of the space of Lagrangians and sheaves, UCLA Topology Seminar, 2023.09.
4. Yuichi Ike, The completion of the space of Lagrangians and sheaves, USC Topology Seminar, 2023.09.
5. Yuichi Ike, Interleaving Distance for Sheaves and Symplectic Geometry, USTC-IGP Geometry & Topology seminar, 2023.04, [URL].
6. Persistent homology and machine learning.
7. Yuichi Ike, Convergence of stochastic subgradient descent for persistence-based loss functions, The 15th Mathematical Society of Japan-Seasonal Institute (MSJ-SI2022), Deepening and Evolution of Applied Singularity Theory, 2022.11, [URL].
8. Tamarkin圏におけるインターリービング距離の完備性とC0シンプレクティック幾何への応用.
9. Yuichi Ike, Completeness of interleaving distance on Tamarkin category and C^0-symplectic geometry, Séminaire symplectix, 2022.10, [URL].
10. Yuichi Ike, Interleaving for sheaves and quantitative problems in symplectic geometry, Séminaire de topologie, géométrie et algèbre, 2022.10, [URL].
11. Yuichi Ike, Topological loss functions and topological representation learning, The 2nd POSTECH MINDS Workshop on Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning, 2022.09, [URL].
12. Yuichi Ike, RipsNet: fast and robust estimation of persistent homology for point clouds, AATRN Applied Topology Seminar, 2022.06, [URL].
13. Yuichi Ike, Interleaving distance for sheaves and symplectic geometry, Boston-Keio-Tsinghua Workshop 2022, 2022.06, [URL].
14. Topological data analysis and its applications to machine learning.
15. Yuichi Ike, Topological loss functions and topological representation learning, Workshop on Functional Inference and Machine Intelligence 2022, 2022.03, [URL].
16. Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning.
17. Yuichi Ike, Interleaving distance for sheaves and displacement energy in symplectic geometry, PSHT Online Seminar, 2022.01, [URL].
18. Convergence theorem on stochastic subgradient method for TDA-based loss functions.
19. Microlocal sheaf theory and energy estimates in symplectic geometry.
20. Persistence-like distance on a sheaf category and displacement energy in symplectic geometry.
21. Interleaving-like distance on a sheaf category and displacement energy.
22. Applications of TDA to neural network analysis.
23. Yuichi Ike, Convergence Result of Stochastic Subgradient Descent for Persistence-based Functions, Waseda Cherry Blossom Workshop on Topological Data Science, 2021.03.
24. Yuichi Ike, Stochastic subgradient descent for persistence-based functionals and automated vectorization method for persistence diagrams, Asia Pacific Seminar on Applied Topology and Geometry, 2020.12, [URL].
25. Persistence-like distance on sheaf category and displacement energy.
26. Sheaf theory and its applications, [URL].
27. Yuichi Ike, Persistence-like distance on Tamarkin category and displacement energy, Séminaire symplectix, 2020.10, [URL].
28. Microlocal theory of sheaves and displacement energy.
29. PersLay: A Neural Network Layer for Persistence Diagrams and New Graph Topological Signatures, [URL].
30. Yuichi Ike, Topological data analysis from a practical and mathematical perspective, iTHEMS Math Seminar, 2020.07, [URL].
31. Sheaf cobordism and distance in Tamarkin category.
32. Microlocal sheaf theory and geometry.
33. Microlocal Hofer distance and displacement energy.
34. Persistence-like distance on Tamarkin's category and symplectic displacement energy, [URL].
35. Applications of microlocal sheaf theory to symplectic geometry in cotangent bundles.
36. Introduction to microlocal sheaf theory and sheaf quantization, [URL].
37. Sheaf-theoretic approaches to symplectic geometry in cotangent bundles.
38. 池 祐一, Compact exact Lagrangian intersection in cotangent bundles via sheaf quantization, 第12回 鹿児島 代数・解析・幾何学セミナー, 2017.02, [URL].
39. 池 祐一, Categorical localization for the coherent-constructible correspondence, Workshop on mirror symmetry and related topics, Kyoto 2016, 2016.12.
40. 池 祐一, Hyperbolic localization and Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets, Séminaire Analyse Algébrique, 2016.10.
41. Yuichi Ike, Categorical localization for the coherent-constructible correspondence, Séminaire symplectix, 2016.10, [URL].
42. Yuichi Ike and Tatsuki Kuwagaki, Categorical localization for the coherent-constructible correspondence, Summer school 2016 of the IMJ-PRG, Symplectic topology, sheaves and mirror symmetry, 2016.06, [URL].
43. Yuichi Ike, Hyperbolic localization and Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets, Workshop on Stratified Spaces: Perspectives from Analysis, Geometry and Topology, 2016.08, [URL].
44. Yuichi Ike, Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets, The sixth Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 2015.11, [URL].
45. Yuichi Ike, Hyperbolic localization and Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets, Microlocal Analysis and Singular Perturbation Theory, 2015.10.
46. 池 祐一, Hyperbolic localization and Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets, 埼玉大学木曜セミナー(幾何), 2015.07.
47. Hyperbolic localization and Lefschetz fixed point formulas for higher-dimensional fixed point sets.