九州大学 研究者情報
藤原 敬大(ふじわら たかひろ) データ更新日:2024.03.29

准教授 /  農学研究院 環境農学部門 森林環境科学講座

1. Ryudai Ueno,Junna Iwano,Takahiro Fujiwara,Noriko Sato, Vegetation History Characteristics of Planted Forests in Japan:Analysis of the 1960 World Census of Agriculture and Forestry, forests, https://doi.org/10.3390/f15010059, Forests 2024, 15, 59., 2023.12.
2. 岡本尚之,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 豪雨災害が林地開発に与えた影響 : 熊本県のメガソーラー事業を事例に, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 78(2),p83-99, 2023.09, [URL].
3. Imam Budiman,Takahiro Fujiwara, Aditya Hani, The Livelihood Resilience of Traditional Agroforestry:A Study of Costomary Community in West Java , IUFRO OKINAWA 2022, 172-184, 2023.05.
4. Noriko Sato,Takahiro Fujiwara, Riu Sone,Yoshihiro Uegaki, How young generations are oriented towards small-scale forestry in Japan?
-Results of a questionnaire to the mailing list of the non-profitable organization for the promotion of self-logging forestry (ZIBATSU)-, IUFRO OKINAWA 2022, 103-107, 2023.05.
5. 岩野純奈,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 林業大学校における新規狩猟者育成の可能性, 九州森林研究, 76, 15-18, 2023.03.
6. 大西海,箕口秀夫,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 木質バイオマス発電所が森林施業に及ぼす影響 ~豪雪地帯と四国・九州地方の比較~, 九州森林研究, 76, 1-7, 2023.03.
7. 朝廣和夫,鷲見直紀,橋爪良菜,佐藤宣子,藤原敬大,作田耕太郎,三谷泰浩,, 豪雨被災中山間集落における修景デザインによる復興支援
平成29年7月九州北部豪雨で被災した福岡県朝倉市志波平榎集落における櫟山見晴台づくりを事例に(作品), 芸術工学研究, Vol.37,p17-30, 2022.11.
8. Win Min Paing,Phyu Phyu Han,Masahiko Ota,Takahiro Fujiwara, The state-private hybrid forest policy in Myanmar: The impact of neoliberalism on the forestry sector after the 1990s, Forest Policy and Economics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102900, Volume 148,, 2023.03.
9. 尾分達也,山田咲月,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 林業労働災害発生時における林業事業体の連絡および移送体制の課題―徳島県南部を事例に―, 林業経済研究, Vol.68,No.2,p17-25
, 2022.07.
10. Kazi Kamrul Islam,Takahiro Fujiwara,Kimihiko Hyakumura, Agroforestry, Livelihood and Biodiversity Nexus: The Case of Madhupur Tract, Bangladesh, Conservation 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/conservation2020022, 2(2), p305-321, 2022.05.
11. 王依侖,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 中国における木質バイオマス政策の現状と課題, 九州森林研究, 75, 105-108, 2022.03.
12. 上野竜大生,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子,藤岡悠一郎 , 拡大造林期に人々はどこに木を植えたのか?-1960年世界農林業センサスを用いた九州地方の分析-, 九州森林研究, 75, 97-100, 2022.03.
13. 森永陸,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 九州の過疎山村における森林環境譲与税の使途の特徴, 九州森林研究, 75, 23-26, 2022.03.
14. Hoang Phan Bich Ngoc,Takahiro Fujiwara,Seiji Iwanaga,Noriko Sato, Participation of Local People in the Payment for ForestEnvironmental Services Program: A Case Study in Central Vietnam, Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212731, 2021,Volume13,Issue22, 2021.11.
15. Imam Budiman, Takahiro Fujiwara, Kazuhiko Harada, Noriko Sato, Customary Forest Managements and Its Challenges in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: An Implication of Constitutional Court Decision 2012., Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, https://doi.org/10.7226/jtfm.27.2.69, 27(2), 69-79, 2021.08.
16. Hoang Phan Bich Ngoc,Takahiro Fujiwara,Seiji Iwanaga,Noriko Sato,, Challenges of the Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) program in forest conservation: a case study in Central Vietnam, Journal of Forest Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2021.1955438, Volume 26, Issue 1, 2021.08.
17. Imam Budiman, Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, Dani Pamungkas, Another Law in Indonesia: Customary Land Tenure System Coexisting with State Order in Mutis Forest., Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 10.7226/jtfm.26.3.244, 26(3), 244-253,, 2020.12.
18. 有田優紀,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 生物多様性保全にむけた森林施業の支援策と課題:対馬市伐採ガイドランを事例に, 九州森林研究, 2020.03.
19. Imam Budiman, Takahiro Fujiwara, Dani Pamungkas, Agroforestry Practice of Customary Community and Its Challenge in Indonesia, 4th World Congress on Agroforestry , Book of Abstracts:859, 2019.05.
20. 御田成顕,久保裕貴,宋閻徳嘉,須藤竜之介,杉山悠生理,田川哲,藤原敬大,太田徹志,細谷忠嗣, ジビエ食経験の有無によるジビエに対する印象の差異:福岡市西区における模擬店来場者を対象として, 九州森林研究, 72, 7-10, 2019.03.
21. 孫昕格,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 中国における集団林制度改革と木材生産の展望, 九州森林研究, 72, 1-5, 2019.03.
22. Yuki Kubo, Jounghun Lee, Takahiro Fujiwara, Ratih Madya Septiana, Yoh Iwasa, Profit sharing and agroforestry
a theoretical study of potential conflicts in managing illegal logging risk in tropical forests, Theoretical Ecology, 10.1007/s12080-018-0381-4, 11, 4, 479-488, 2018.12, [URL].
23. 河野大志,市野瀨愛,佐藤宣子,藤原敬大, 生産森林組合の解散とその後の森林管理実態:福岡県糸島市における地縁法人化の事例, 村落と環境, 14, 15-26, 2018.10.
24. 藤原敬大, インドネシアを対象とした林業経済研究の国内動向と今後の展望, 林業経済, 9-28, 2018.09.
25. Jounghun Lee, Yuki Kubo, Takahiro Fujiwara, Ratih Madya Septiana, Slamet Riyanto, Yoh Iwasa, Profit Sharing as a Management Strategy for a State-owned Teak Plantation at High Risk for Illegal Logging, Ecological Economics, 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.03.005, 149, 140-148, 2018.07, [URL].
26. 井手淳一郎、佐藤辰郎、藤原敬大、布施健吾、菊池梓、M. Alhaqurahman Isa、Faisal Rahadian、Yen Fei Tjia、島谷幸宏, インドネシア遠隔地域における小水力発電の持続的な管理・運用に関する現状と課題:チプタゲラ(Ciptagelar)集落における事例, 水文・水資源学会誌, https://doi.org/10.3178/jjshwr.31.262, 31(4)262-269, 2018.07.
27. Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Ratih Madya Septiana, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Noriko Sato, Socioeconomic Conditions Affecting Smallholder Timber Management in Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia, Small-scale Forestry, 10.1007/s11842-017-9374-1, 17, 1, 41-56, 2018.03, [URL].
28. 唐玉芬,藤原敬大,佐藤宣子, 中国における農家楽の実態と三農問題対策としての有効性
―四川省宜賓市蜀南竹海を事例に―, 九州森林研究, 71、1-5, 2018.03.
29. Kazi Kamrul Islam, Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Evolving and strengthening the cooperative approach for agroforestry farmers in Bangladesh
Lessons learned from the Shimogo cooperative in Japan, Sustainability, 10.3390/su10030617, 10, 3, 2018.02, [URL].
30. Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Mamat Rahmat, Noriko Sato, Land Grabbing of State Forest Area and Policy Implication for Application of Biodiversity Observation Network’s Achievements in Indonesia, 2016 GEO BON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting , Abstract Book:145-147, 2016.07.
31. Saykham Boutthavong, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Makoto Ehara, Takahiro Fujiwara, Historical changes of land tenure and land use rights in a local community
A case study in Lao PDR, Land, 10.3390/land5020011, 5, 2, 2016.06, [URL].
32. 藤原敬大, インドネシアのジャワにおけるチーク育成林業の実態と課題, 林業経済研究, 62, 1, 63-74, 2016.03.
33. Takahiro Fujiwara, S. A. Awang, W. T. Widayanti, R. M. Septiana, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Noriko Sato, Effects of National Community-Based Forest Certification on Forest Management and Timber Marketing
A Case Study of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International Forestry Review, 10.1505/146554815817476422, 17, 4, 448-460, 2015.12, [URL].
34. Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Mamat Rahmat, Ratih Madya Septiana,Noriko Sato , Current Situation of Land Grab in State Forest Area (Kawasan Hutan) in Indonesia, International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Research, III,p145-157, 2015.10.
35. 藤原敬大, San Afri Awang, 佐藤宣子, インドネシアの国有林地におけるランドグラブの現状 : 木材林産物利用事業許可の分析, 林業経済研究, 61, 1, 63-74, 2015.03, [URL].
36. Kazi Kamrul Islam, Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, Economic contribution of small scale forestry programs towards rural development: experiences from Bangladesh, IUFRO 3.08 & 6.08 Joint Conference Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry , Proceedings:539-545, 2014.01.
37. Ratih Madya Septiana,Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Noriko Sato, The Roles of Women in Community Collaborative Forest Management in Glandang Village, Pemalang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia., IUFRO 3.08 & 6.08 Joint Conference Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry, Proceedings:553-558., 2014.01.
38. Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Ratih Madya Septiana, Bariatul Himmah,Noriko Sato, The Impacts of Community-based Forest Certification on Small-scale Teak Forestry: A Case Study in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia., IUFRO 3.08 & 6.08 Joint Conference Future Directions of Small-scale and Community-based Forestry, Proceedings:406-415, 2014.01.
39. Kazi Kamrul Islam, Gm Mujibar Rahman, Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, People's participation in forest conservation and livelihoods improvement
Experience from a forestry project in Bangladesh, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management, 10.1080/21513732.2012.748692, 9, 1, 30-43, 2013.03, [URL].
40. 藤原 敬大, 森林認証制度の導入による小規模私有林の脆弱性の克服に向けた森林管理ユニットと協同組合の設立―インドネシア・ジョグジャカルタ特別州・グヌンキドル県の事例―, 富士ゼロックス小林節太郎記念基金2010年度研究助成論文, 2012.06.
41. Mamat Rahmat, Sofyan P. Warsito, Wahyu Andayani, Dwidjono H. Darwanto, Takahiro Fujiwara, The Economic value of forest hydrological services: a case study at bukit suligi protected forest, the upper part of Siak watershed, Riau., The International Journal of Social Forestry, 5, 1, 84-98, 2012.06.
42. TAKAHIRO FUJIWARA, Ratih Madya Septiana, San Afri Awang, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Himmah Bariatul, KIMIHIKO HYAKUMURA, NORIKO SATO, Changes in local social economy and forest management through the introduction of collaborative forest management (PHBM), and the challenges it poses on equitable partnership: a case study of KPH Pemalang, Central Java, Indonesia, Tropics, 20, 4, 115-134, 2012.03, [URL].
43. Mamat Rahmat, Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, Exploring the role of forestry sector on economic system of Gunung Kidul district in 1993-2008, Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 9, 2, 100-107, 2012.01.
44. K.K. Islam, Hyakumura Kimihiko, Fujiwara Takahiro, Noriko Sato., Confronting people-oriented forest management realities in Bangladesh: An analysis of actors’ perspective., International Journal of Social Forestry, 4, 2, 135-161, 2011.12.
45. Takahiro Fujiwara, San Afri Awang, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Ratih Madya Septiana, Himmah Bariatul, Mamat Rahmat, Agus Suyanto, Noriko Sato, Overcoming vulnerability of privately owned small-scale forest through collective management unit establishment: a case study of Gunung Kidul district, Yogyakarta in Indonesia, International Journal of Social Forestry, 4, 2, 95-120, 2011.12, [URL].
46. Fujiwara.T., Nguyen.V.Q., Sato.N., A lesson for profit sharing forest management between government and local people based on Japanese experiences, The International Forestry Review, 12, 5, 421, 2010.08.
47. Takahiro Fujiwara, Noriko Sato, アジア森林パートナーシップの持続可能な森林経営に向けての取り組み:フェーズIの実態とフェーズIIに向けての課題(Action toward sustainable forest management by Asia forest partnership: Reality on phase I and challenge for phase II), Nihon Ringakkai Shi/Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society, 92, 1, 41-44, 2010.02.
48. 藤原敬大・井口隆史・佐藤宣子, 森林オーナー制度と資源管理主体 : 「芸北高原こもれびの森林オーナー制度」を事例に, 九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌, 62, 1, 119-132, 2007.02.

