九州大学 研究者情報
弘中 秀至(ひろなか しゆうじ) データ更新日:2023.06.11

助教 /  工学研究院 化学工学部門 工学府 化学システム工学専攻 生産システム工学講座

1. Agung Tri Wijayanta, Shuji Hironaka, Motofumi Hanaki, Jun Fukai, Heat generation in a packed bed of zeolite particles using moist air, International Journal of Refrigeration, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.04.025, 2023.04.
2. Agung Tri Wijayanta, Seishi Ooga, Shuji Hironaka, Bing Xue, Jun Fukai, Waste heat for regeneration of a packed bed of zeolite particles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123798, 203, 123798, 2023.04.
3. 弘中秀至, 花木基史, Agung Tri Wijayanta, 深井潤, 湿り空気を用いた直接熱交換式ヒートポンプの発熱性能, 日本冷凍空調学会論文集, 10.11322/tjsrae.21-35DE_OA, 39, 1, 77-85, 2022.03.
4. 篠原 幸一, 河野 大輔, 水上 正善, 川尻 達也, 弘中 秀至, 深井 潤, 産業廃棄物焼却処理における燃焼空気予熱の効果, 化学工学論文集, https://doi.org/10.1252/kakoronbunshu.47.36, 47, 2, 36-43, 2021.03, 産業廃棄物焼却プロセスで使用している水冷回転式ストーカ炉において,燃焼空気の予熱温度がクリンカ発生と燃え殻中の鉛,亜鉛,およびクロムの濃度におよぼす影響を検討した.炉内の温度とガス成分を測定した.燃焼空気温度が常温の場合,炉出口付近で急速に気相温度が上昇するのに対して,燃焼空気温度が180°Cの場合,そのような急激な温度上昇は解消されることを確認した.高温場を解消して比較的穏やかな燃焼場を形成することによって,燃焼空気温度が180°Cでのクリンカトラブルの発生間隔を,常温の場合より約2倍に延ばすことができた.次に,廃棄物中の灰分,鉛,亜鉛よびクロムについて,プロセス全体の物質収支を検討し,妥当な結果を得ることができた.さらに,燃え殻と飛灰に含まれるこれら3種類の重金属の濃度を比較した結果,燃焼空気温度が高いほど廃棄物中に含まれる重金属が飛灰へ移行することがわかった.この原因を,測定した炉内温度分布に関連付けて説明した..
5. Shuji Hironaka, Saki Manabe, Yuki Fujisawa, Gen Inoue, Yosuke Matsukuma, Masaki Minemoto, The direct numerical simulation of the rising gas bubble with the volume of fluid (VOF) method, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011
Fluids and Thermal Systems; Advances for Process Industries
, 10.1115/imece2011-63377, 845-854, 2011, [URL], A gas-liquid two phase flow is complicated and it has not been understood well thus far, in spite of extensive investigation. Numerical simulation is a potential approach to understand this phenomenon. Although a number of studies have been conducted to understand the behavior of bubbles on the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), it is difficult to completely simulate a complicated three-phase flow, including coalescence and breakup of bubbles. Although the two-fluid model based on the semi-empirical model can well estimate the actual behavior of the system in which the equations are derived, the estimation over the applicable region of equations does not always agree with the actual result. Since the 1960s, various procedures have been proposed to directly track the free surface between two phases, for example, the adaptive mesh method and the particle method. Although each of these methods has certain advantages and disadvantages, the volume of fluid (VOF) method is the most acceptable method for capturing the free surface accurately and clearly. However, a concern related to this method is the maintenance of a constant volume of the fluid. In this study, a simulation code using the VOF method is developed in order to estimate the behavior of bubbles in a vertical pipe. Further, an offset of the volume fraction is introduced to stably calculate and minimize the volume fluctuation. The effect of the surface tension is also built into the program in order to estimate the behavior of the bubbles rising through the liquid medium. The simulations of the collapsed water column and a single rising bubble are conducted with the proposed simulation code. Consequently, we confirm that these results fairly agree with the experimental ones..
6. Gu Kim, Jun Fukai, Shuji Hironaka, Numerical study of various shape aggregations of carbon black in suspension with shear flow, Polymer (Korea), 10.7317/pk.2019.43.5.741, 43, 5, 741-749, 2019.09, [URL], Aggregates of carbon black with various shapes in a suspension were investigated to understand their behavior in fluid flow. At a lower aspect ratio, the particles exhibited tumbling or rotational motion, and the fluid flow was deflected in regions where the density of particles was higher. The contact between the particles promoted partial particle grouping when the aspect ratios of the particles were low. The average transitional motion of the particles was greatest at the lowest aspect ratio case. This led to weaker rearrangement event than those when the particles were nearly spherical. The elongated particles could act as bridges to promote the formation of particle groups. We believe that our study provides insight for suspensions containing particles with various shapes, which can be used to control the suspensions Theologically..
7. G. Kim, Jun Fukai and Shuji Hironaka, Rheological modeling of nanoparticles in a suspension with shear flow, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30, 4, 445-452, 2019.06.
8. Shuji Hironaka, Gen Inoue, Jun Fukai, Yoshifumi Tsuge, Modeling of the evaporation of the polymer slurry in the porous media, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2017.11.
9. 弘中 秀至, 松隈洋介, 三輪真裕, 井上 元, 峯元雅樹, ガスリフト法の回収管下端周辺のハイドレート粒子の数値解析, 化学工学論文集, 36, 2, 149-156, 2010.03, 抄録

新たなエネルギー資源として注目を集めているメタンハイドレートを深海底から回収する方法として提案されているガスリフト方式の回収管下端近傍に注目し,回収管下端近傍の流動場および回収される粒子の挙動を実験と解析から調べた.回収管下端近傍の海水の流れとハイドレート粒子の挙動をあらわす支配方程式を連成して解析できるように,差分法と離散要素法を用いた.回収管長さ1.5 m,管径0.05 mの実験室スケールでの実験値と解析値は妥当な範囲で一致した.また,実機システムの設計および操作条件を明らかにするために,実機スケールでのシミュレーション計算を行った.管径1 mのガスリフトシステムにおける最適な回収部形状として,かさの角度45°,かさの高さ0.4–0.6 mを得た.また実機システムの操作条件の指針として,ハイドレート層を0.1 m程度まで砕けばガスリフトシステムは経済的に十分成り立つことを示した..
10. Shuji Hironaka, Yuki Fujisawa, Saki Manabe, Gen Inoue, Yosuke Matsukuma, Masaki Minemoto, Study on the Drag Force Coefficient between Gas and Liquid on the Gas-Lift System to Recover the Methane Hydrate, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 5, 3, 388-399, 2011.12.

