Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
Search Result
84 people were found.
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No. Graduate School Position Name Field of Specialization
61 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor Michiko Furuta Preventive Dentistry
62 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor Mizokami Akiko Biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology
63 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor Mizutani Shinsuke Geriatric dentistry, Preventive dentistry
64 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor OGINO YOICHIRO Prosthodontics
65 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor Shinsuke Fujii Morphological Oral Biology, Oral pathology
66 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Associate Professor Wu Zhou Neuronimmunity, aging
67 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Chikui Toru Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
68 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Eijiro Jimi Molecular Cell Biology
69 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Fusanori NISHIMURA Dental Science (Periodontology)
70 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Hidefumi Maeda Endodontology and Opereative Dentistry
71 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor IKIRU ATSUTA Dental Prosthesis
72 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Ishikawa Kunio Biomaterials
73 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Kashiwazaki Haruhiko geriatric dentistry
74 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Kiyoshima Tamotsu Morphological Oral Biology, Oral pathology
75 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Moriyama Masafumi Oral Surgery
76 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Naohisa Wada General Dentistry (Endodontology, Operative Dentistry, Periodontology)
77 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Shigemura Noriatsu Oral Neuroscience
78 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Takahashi Ichiro Section of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
79 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Takashi Kanematsu Pharmacology Biochemistry MolecularBiology
80 Department of Dental Science
Graduate School of Dental Science
Professor Takeshita Toru Preventive Dentistry
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