Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Atsushi Suzuki Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Education / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Teaching and Learning About 'Rights' in Moral Education from a Perspective of Social Constructivism.
2. Reconsidering the Relationship between Pedagogy as a Scientific System and Educational Practice: From the Discussion on the Process of Fragmentation of Disciplines and the Plurality of Observations in Luhmann's Theory of Science.
3. Reconsideration on the Meaning of the "Period of Integrated Studies" in School Curriculum from Perspective of the Social Systems Theory and the Educational Theory of J. Dewey.
4. Theoretical Reexamination on the Function of Moral Values and the Way of their Interpretation by Teachers in Moral Lessons at School.
5. The limits of Contrasting "Direct Experience" and "Indirect Experience" and the Process of Collaborative Composition of Ideas among Systems: A Perspective from N. Luhmann's Theory on Learning.
6. Study on the Function of the Class from the Perspective of Niklas Luhmann : The Possibilities for Replacement of Face-to-Face School Education with Non-Face-to-Face Lessons.
7. 戦後日本のアカデミズムにおける道徳教育論の歴史 (3) : 1970年代中頃から1980年代末までの出版物を手掛かりに.
8. 鈴木 篤, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(7)Biographies of the Staff Members of Tsukuba University and its Forerunner Institutions in or before 1980(3), 大分大学教育学部研究紀要, 41, 2, 149-158, 2020.03.
9. 戦後日本のアカデミズムにおける道徳教育論の歴史 (2) : 1970 年代中旬までの出版物を手掛かりに.
10. Research Note on Moral and Civic Education in Elementary and Lower Secondary Schools in France.
11. 鈴木 篤, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(6)Biographies of the Staff Members of Tsukuba University and its Forerunner Institutions in or before 1980(2), 大分大学教育学部研究紀要, 41, 1, 27-42, 2019.09.
12. Study on Moral Education in the Diversified Society from the Perspective of N. Luhmann.
13. Suzuki Atsushi, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(5)Biographies of the Staff Members of Tsukuba University and its Forerunner Institutions in or, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要, 40, 2, 241-256, 2019.03.
14. Suzuki Atsushi, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(4)Biographies of the Staff Members of Tohoku University and its Forerunner Institutions in or b, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要 = The research bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Oita University, 40, 2, 227-239, 2019.03.
15. 戦後日本のアカデミズムにおける道徳教育論の歴史(1)1950年代末までの出版物を手掛かりに.
16. 鈴木 篤, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(3)Biographies of the Staff Members of Hiroshima University and its Forerunner Institutions in o, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要, 40, 1, 43-67, 2018.09.
17. Reconstruction of Theoretical Basis of the "Shin-Oita-Standard" as Local Didactic Standards and Proposal of Their Examples in the Subject of Moral Education : An Analysis Based on the Theory "Lecture as Drama" of Hitoshi Yoshimoto.
18. Moral Education for Thinking about "Freedom and Its Responsibility" : An Examination of a Teaching Material, "The Lost Freedom".
19. Suzuki Atsushi, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(1) : Method and Process of This Study and Limits of Previous Related Studies, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要 = The research bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Oita University, 39, 2, 191-210, 2018.02.
20. Suzuki Atsushi, A Prosopographical Analysis of the History of Academic Staff Members of Educational Studies in Japanese Research Universities and Their Forerunner Institutions(2) : Biographies of the staff members of Tokyo University and its Forerunner Institution in or, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要 = The research bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Oita University, 39, 2, 211-232, 2018.02.
21. The Pedagogical Meaning of Discourse in the `Class Activity' from Perspective of `Communicative Action' of J. Habermas.
22. On the Process of Agreement in the Didactic Method for Moral Education Based on the Concept of Communicative Action of J. Habermas
本稿ではJ.ハーバーマスのコミュニケーション的行為の構想に基づく道徳授業方法に備わる限界と可能性の検討を行った。彼の理論に基づくならば,討議(Diskurs)において目指される合意が可能となるためには,前提としていくつかの条件が満たされている必要がある。しかし,これらの条件が満たされるというのはあくまでも先取りとしての想定においてに過ぎない。N.ルーマンはハーバーマスの構想を批判し,討議においては参加者間の力が対等たりえないこと,それゆえ彼らがコミュニケーション的合理性にはたどり着き得ないことを主張する。ルーマンに基づくならば(ハーバーマスの主張とは異なり),討議においては論理的優越性を備えた討議参加者こそが勝利を収めるのである。ルーマンの批判により,我々はコミュニケーション的行為の構想に基づく道徳授業方法の修正の道を見出すことが可能となるが,この修正によってこそ同授業方法はその可能性を再獲得することが可能となるのである。In this paper, the limits and possibilities of the didactic method for moral education based on the concept of communicative action of J.Habermas were examined. According to his theory, agreement presupposes some conditions; however, the fulfillment of these conditions can be only supposed in advance. N.Luhmann criticized his discourse concept and said that the power of participants cannot be equal in the discourse and therefore they cannot reach a state of communicative rationality. According to Luhmann, the participant who possesses superiority in logic can win in a discourse. His criticism of the communicative rationality leads us to a revised version of the didactic method for moral education based on the concept of communicative action. With this revision, the didactic method can reacquire the possibility for carrying out moral education..
23. Difficulties and Possibilities of the Moral Education Focusing on the "Respecting Rules" : On the Case of Lecture Using a Story "Ameno Basu Teiryujyode".
24. 鈴木 篤, A Study on 'Social Learning' in Elementary Schools in Berlin as German Citizenship Education, 大分大学教育学部研究紀要 = The research bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Oita University, 38, 1, 113-125, 2016.09, グローバル化のもと,社会のルールや規範が変化を続けている。この変化にこたえるべく,多くの国々はその国民の教育に取り組んでおり,とりわけ子どもたちを国家・社会の構成員として育て,グローバル化のプロセスから生じる変化に対応しようと試みている。本稿では,ドイツにおける市民性教育の全体像と具体的事例を提示したい。「市民性」の概念は非常に広範に及ぶものであり,それゆえ市民性教育は多様な内容を含んでいる。子どもたちに適切な能力を身につけさせるため,多くの国々は求められる能力を特定の教科ならびに(あるいは)領域横断的教科において教えるための方法を採用しているが,ドイツの選択した戦略は後者である。この領域横断的強化は「Soziales Lernen(社会的学習)」と呼ばれている。ベルリンの二つの小学校では,様々な教授法が用いられており,さらには社会的学習のための新たなアクティビティも開発されている。これらの手法を通して,子どもたちは暴力を抑止するための方法を学ぶだけでなく,他の子どもたちと協働して問題をより良いかたちで解決するための方法を学ぶのである。これらの学校において社会的学習に関して用いられているアプローチは,ドイツにおける市民性教育の多彩さと広がりを示すものであるといえよう。In the context of globalization, social rules and norms are changing, and in response, many countries have introduced education for citizens, particularly children, to develop them as members of the state and the society and to adapt them to the changes resulting from the process of globalisation. In this paper, I provide an overview and discuss the detail of German citizenship education. The concept of 'citizenship' has a very wide range, and accordingly, citizenship education has diverse contents. To teach the appropriate competencies to students, many countries have adopted the method of teaching the required skills in several separate school subjects and/or in one cross-curricular subject. Germany uses the latter method for citizenship education. The cross-curricular subject is called 'social learning' (Soziales Lernen). Two elementary schools in Berlin have adopted several didactic methods and even designed new activities for social learning. Through these methods, the students learn not only about methods of violence prevention but also ways to find better solutions to problems in cooperation with other students. The approaches to social learning at both schools demonstrate the diversity and breadth of German citizenship education..
25. Study on the Possibility of the Moral Education from the Perspective of the "Special Subject Doutoku (Tokubetsuno Kyouka Doutoku)" : Collaborative Trial of the Faculty and the Attachment School of the Oita University
近年,道徳教育における学びの深化や,児童生徒相互の活発な交流の実現を求め,道徳の授業方法の改革が求められている。このことは2015年に導入された「特別の教科 道徳」においても同様である。本研究では,道徳教育に関する学術的議論を確認した後,現在学校で広く実践されている道徳教育方法としての「価値の内面化」の修正可能性を検討するとともに, さらに「価値の明確化」や「モラルジレンマ」といった新たな方法を導入することにより,道徳教育をどのように発展させることが可能となるのか,実践を通した省察的検討を行った。Through the introduction of the "Special Subject Doutoku (Tokubetsuno Kyouka Doutoku)" in 2015, it is required to change the didactical method of the moral education, so that students can learn its content more deeply and communicate with each other livelily in the lesson. In this study, we tried to find the possibility of the method of moral education that has been conducted today in the elementary schools ("(1) the method of transmission of the value (Kachino Naimenka)" as the traditional method of the Japanese moral education) and the way to improve it with the help of following didactical approaches: (2) "the method of awareness of the value of him-/herself (Kachino Meikakuka)" and (3) "the method of moral discussion with the help of a dilemmatic story (Moral Dilemma)" known as the two rising alternatives of the Japanese conventional method..
26. On the Teacher Competencies and Teacher Education.
27. The Development of Educational Studies in Japan and their International Communications after World War II: An Analysis on Works of the Academic Staffs worked at Faculty of Education of 9 National Universities in the Field of the Philosophy of Education.
28. Japanisch-deutsche Beziehungen in der Erziehungswissenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts.
29. Die Entwicklung der philosophischen Erziehungswissenschaft in Japan nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg―Eine historisch-soziologische Untersuchung―.
30. On the international academic student exchange of the DAAD..
31. A study on the development of teacher standards for elementary school teacher training program : Identification and structuralization of "the minimum competences required as a teacher" at the time of graduation from university.
32. Die Bedeutung der Standards für die Lehrerbildung und die Aufgaben zu ihrer Anwendung in der akademischen Lehrerausbildung in Deutschland.
33. The reform of teacher education in Germany in the Bologna process and its present situation: on the pre-service courses of teacher education, their licenses and the bachelor-master system in German states and universities.
34. SUZUKI Atsushi, The Development of Educational Studies in Japan after World War II : An Analysis of Journals in Its Subfields, Educational studies in Japan : international yearbook : ESJ, 5, 21-32, 2011.03, This study is the first attempt to analyze the articles in several journals, in order to disclose the development of academic educational studies in Japan. In this paper, my examination was not limited to one journal, but covered six education journals listed below and all their issues until 2005. I chose, from a methodological viewpoint, four journals that have been most important for the philosophical, historical, sociological and comparative research on education and, from thematic viewpoints, two celebrated Japanese journals for the study of educational method and that of educational administration. The development of educational studies shown in the articles of the journals reviewed was diverse and complex. On the one hand, the home institutions of the authors were not only traditional research universities, but also other types of universities. On the other hand, the former institutions are still the center of training for (graduate) students who make up the largest number of authors of the articles today. The analyzed six journals had such heterogeneous character as to have oriented themselves to different areas (theory, school, society [public]) to a varied extent. The articles targeted several historical periods and countries/areas and their distribution of these factors was relatively balanced. Although the studies were based, methodologically, primarily on the analysis of certain kinds of text, in other words on the philosophical method, the object of the studies was mostly not the ideas of certain persons. The articles referred, topically, to a certain philosopher or education researcher/theorist less often than to secondary/higher education. Furthermore, the research methods, objects and topics of the articles in one journal were far from homogeneous..
35. Compatibility between the economic requirements and the educational logics, or a rediscovery of the possibility of W. v. Humboldt's Bildung-theory in the knowledge-based society.
36. Wissenstransfer durch staatliche Stipendiaten in Japan vor 1920. Ihre ambivalente Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Erziehungswissenschaft..
37. Wiederentdeckung der deutschen Debatte über die „Grenzen der Erziehung“ in den 1920er Jahren und Siegfried Bernfelds Beitrag.
38. Bemühung um die wissenschaftliche Pädagogik und Entdeckung ihrer Grenze am Anfang des 20 Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. Anhand des pädagogischen Denkens Siegfried Bernfelds.
39. Das pädagogische Denken Siegfried Bernfelds. Über Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in den Schriften und Aktivitäten vor „Sisyphos oder die Grenzen der Erziehung“.
40. Die Entstehung des deutschen Sozialstaats und die Veränderung der Sozialpädagogik. Anhand der Theorie von H. Nohl und S. Bernfeld über die Jugendfürsorge [in Japanese].
41. Eine historische Untersuchung zur Verwahrlosung der Jugend. Anhand eines Beispiels der deutschen Sozialpädagogik.